2 minute read
Massage in schools programme at Welton Primary School
Kingfisher Class (Y3) at Welton Primary School have been fortunate enough to have Cally Herbert from Boys in Mind (local wellbeing charity) and the Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) joining them every Monday afternoon this term.
The vision of the Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) is that every child experiences positive and nurturing touch in their daily life. The programme consists of a basic routine of age-appropriate movements. Children are gradually taught a set routine carried out in the same order, over clothes on each other’s backs, shoulders, arms, hands and heads.
The benefits of massage have proven that it:
• strengthens the immune system
• lowers stress levels
• increases the production of hormones associated with relaxation
Children gain:
• the opportunity to learn and experience saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to touch,
• improved concentration levels,
• Develop respect for peers and increased selfesteem.
Teachers note:
• that there is more harmony and calm collaboration within the classroom,
• the benefits of an activity which is not targetorientated
• there are innovative ways for bringing the curriculum alive
Head teachers see:
• a sense of unity in the entire school
• it as a practical tool for use against bullying and less poor behaviour in the playground
• more respect for school materials, property and buildings
Parents experience:
• having a positive action that helps to calm their child, as well as their child sleeping better at night
• an activity they can share with their child
• an improvement in sibling relationships
Following the recent coronavirus pandemic, many children have not been able to experience the basic human need for touch with family members and friends. They are often under intense pressure due to the increasing demands put on them to succeed. The MISP offers children a breathing space in their busy lives, reducing their stress levels and encouraging more cooperation.
The children are also excited to be part of a film being made for the Boys In Mind charity who are funding the sessions! They are now looking forward to watching the video at a premier shared with the whole school community in March and are hoping it will be available for others to watch on the Boys in Mind website very soon.