Summer 2019 Issue 31
Sponsored by Midsomer Norton Town Council
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t is a great honour and responsibility to be elected by fellow councillors as the second Mayor of Midsomer Norton. Following in the footsteps of Paul Myers will be impossible; indeed very few would be capable of his quite remarkable dedication to our town, which he has served tirelessly, with vision and determination, and of course entirely voluntarily, for a full eight years. One of the Council’s most important achievements under Paul’s leadership has been the transfer from B&NES of the community assets including the Town Hall, the Somer Centre, the Orchard Hall and the Nature Reserve. This very long drawn out process is now complete, signed, sealed and delivered. While this means that these assets are now much more safely owned in charitable trust for the benefit of the community, it will be a prime responsibility of the new Town Council to support the Town Trust and also the Community Trust in making these assets, together with the new Town Park, a source of vibrancy and enrichment for the town. Half the members of the newly elected Council are fresh new faces, and as we find our feet we look forward to a packed summer of community events: Pride, the Civic Service, the Arts Festival, the Fayre and M-Fest. Personally I love to see the Town Show at the Fayre, I hope there will be many contributions. Let’s hope for good weather on 13th July; and have a wonderful summer. Michael Evans Mayor of Midsomer Norton
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The next edition of Midsomer Norton Life will be in August 2019 If you would like your group to be included in the next edition, please contact us on 01761 410141 before the deadline of 23rd July 2019. If you have difficulty reading the print please contact the Town Clerk for a large print copy. You can also view Midsomer Norton Life on the council’s website at Midsomer Norton Life is produced by Ignyte Media Ltd, Unit G5, Second Avenue, Westfield Industrial Estate, Radstock, BA3 4BH Tel 01761 410141. While every care has been taken to ensure the data contained in this publication is accurate, neither the publisher nor its editorial contributors can accept, and hereby disclaim, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. Ignyte or Midsomer Norton Town Council does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.
ince the report in the spring edition of Life, extensive work has been in hand behind the scenes to put things in place for work to commence in earnest after the Town Fayre in July. As reported in February, to avoid the risk of ongoing work disrupting the Fayre, which plans to make use of the Celebration Meadow this year, it was decided to delay the more extensive elements of improvement works until later in the summer. This timing has also allowed various other complex issue to be resolved. Meanwhile a contractor has now been appointed to improve the surface of the riverside footpath, create steps linking the Celebration Meadow and riverside path and install seating. These latter works have been delayed as they require an Environmental permit from the Environment Agency and negotiating what is permissible has proved a rather drawn out process. New combined litter / dog waste bins will also be provided. Once the dog waste bins are installed, there will be a campaign to encourage dog owners to make use of them. Dog fouling on site is currently a problem, making the site less than pleasant for other users. Meanwhile dog owners are requested to pick up and take dog waste to a suitable bin elsewhere or home, for appropriate disposal. There are currently bins in the Somer Centre car park and at either end of the Greenway. Apart from ongoing work preparing detailed designs and specifications to procure contractors to undertake the further works, there are two key factors that have been occupying time – Ecology
and potential ground contamination. Whilst an ecological survey was prepared in 2016 for the change of use planning consent, it has been necessary to update this and to seek specific ecological advice in relation to the detail of the works now proposed. This is not only required to satisfy the conditions of the planning consent, but also to ensure that the works do not adversely impact any protected species as well as seeking to preserve and enhance the ecological significance of the site in the long term. During April a reptile survey was undertaken. This has revealed low numbers of slow worms and grass snakes (both are protected species). As a result measures will be incorporated into the works to mitigate any adverse impact on these. The other key issue is the potential of ground contamination. As much of the site comprises old colliery spoil, certain precautions are necessary to ensure that the site is safe. Studies undertaken in 2014 and 2016 based on the site as-existing, showed the site to be safe, both in terms of contamination and ground stability. However work now proposed as part of the first phase of improvements, will involve some earthworks that will expose soil at deeper levels. To proceed responsibly and in accordance with the conditions of the planning consent, it was thus necessary to commission some further studies. This involved digging some trial holes and taking soil samples during April. These samples have revealed some contamination which has triggered a need for some more detailed testing which will involve some further trial holes being dug sometime in the next few weeks. The results of these tests
will enable to Town Council to ensure that any contamination present is dealt with appropriately to ensure the safety of all people both during and after the works. Whilst this has delayed some progress, it is a necessary precaution.
Once measures are in place to protect the ecology, ensure safety in terms of ground contamination and remaining necessary approvals are obtained, the main package of work possible under the currently available funding, can get underway.
This will involve stripping off the existing top layer of soil to preserve the seed bank of wild flora species, earthworks to remove the major lumps and bumps and to grade out either end of the meadow, culverting the two ditches that currently form barriers and making the soil levels flow to give better access into the site from the Somer Centre end and connecting the Celebration Meadow through to the Wild Meadow to the east. The preserved soil seed bank will then be re-spread and supplemented with additional seed based on a grass and wild flower mix advised by the ecologists.
As the extent of mitigation works to deal with contamination are yet to be defined it is not possible to say with certainty which works will be able to proceed this summer. However a package of work currently out to tender includes the following:
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Thereafter the Celebration meadow will be kept close mown through most of the year, providing the principal events space for the Park. The margins will however be kept longer providing a transition to more wildlife friendly management regimes.
AMPHITHEATRE The masterplan for the site has always included an amphitheatre built into the side of the batch (coal spoil heap). To avoid future disturbance to the improved surface of the Celebration Meadow, the ideal would be to install this as part of the current phase of work. However with the additional work required to remediate contamination, this is one element of work that may have to be postponed until further funding is secured. Designs for the amphitheatre have been developed and it is proposed to build it using large roughhewn blocks of Purbeck stone to provide the terraces, with grass in between. This will follow the slope of the batch to ensure ongoing stability. The aim is to provide a feature that can be used for summer theatrical or musical events and an attractive informal recreational feature in between, yet something that will merge into the overall layout and character of the park. Discussions are underway about potential events use of this exciting feature.
WEST ENTRANCE The presence of the flood relief tunnel which runs under the length of Gullock Tyning and South Road beyond, is proving somewhat problematic to progressing the desired improvements to the west entrance (next to the Somer Centre). The ultimate goal is to create an attractive space that really “announces� the entrance to the Park and potentially incorporates multisensory planting and seating. However the operational requirements of the Environment Agency are proving difficult to reconcile with these aims. Discussions are ongoing
but slow. Removable bollards will also be installed to prevent unauthorised vehicle access. The Town Council has also been exploring means of discouraging access by motorcycles and quad bikes which have been causing a level of nuisance and resulted in some complaints. This is difficult to achieve without prejudicing mobility scooter users and cyclists who are welcome into the park, especially along the shared riverside path.
GREENWAY LINK A small amount of scrub clearance has been underway next to the Five Arches Greenway where it intended to provide links into the Park: a) Down to the Wild Meadow. This route is now useable by the sure footed, but needs to be significantly improved. b) Access across to the level path that runs around the mid-level of the batch. It is intended to provide a route that is fully accessible to all, as even this mid-level provides good views across the town and beyond, leaving improved access to the batch top as a conundrum for a future phase. The clearance has facilitated a proper levels survey and a check that the proposed work will not affect any protected species. By the nature and complexity of issues that need to be considered and statutory permissions that need to be put place, to those not directly involved, projects such as development of the Town Park can often seem to take inexplicably long to come to fruition. However Phase 1 of the Park is now very close to becoming reality. Whilst further phases will be dependent on securing additional funding, it is hoped that the initial phase will make a real difference and greatly improve the usability of the Park, making a wide variety of events and organised uses possible. There have already been discussion about using the site for a regular organised Park Run and a wide variety of other organised events are hoped to follow, offering something for everyone.
ou might have noticed some changes to the signposts around Midsomer Norton in recent weeks as new fingerpost signs have started being installed. The signs are part of a joint project with B&NES Council which seeks to improve wayfinding and signs around the town centre. Regular readers of Midsomer Norton Life will remember when the project was first announced back in Autumn of 2018. The Town Council worked with members of the B&NES Council team and local businesses and community representatives to design the improvements to the signage and maps. The maps can be seen in the town centre on the bus stops and have already made improvements to the look of the town. It is hoped that the new finger posts, which are black with gold detailing, will help residents and visitors find the town’s facilities and will continue to make the town look more attractive.
The new fingerposts and new town maps are to be installed along the High Street with new signposted pedestrian routes which connect the town centre, Welton and Westfield. It is hoped that all the new signs will be in place within a couple of weeks. The new posts can be found in the Island, at various points around the high street and at Gullock Tyning and South Road.
YOUR NEW MAYOR AND COUNCIL TEAM At the Annual General Meeting of the Town Council on Monday 13th May 2019, Michael Evans was elected as the new Mayor of Midsomer Norton alongside the newly elected deputy Mayor Councillor Steve Plumley.
Newly elected councillors - Cllr John Baker, Cllr Lynne Clement, Cllr Sue Graham, Cllr Mike Moxham, Cllr Chris Smith.
This is an exciting time for Midsomer Norton with five new councillors being elected into our Town Council. We look forward to making more positive changes within our Town. For more information please visit our website, Re-elected councillors - Cllr Michael Evans, Cllr Brian Lawrence, Cllr Gordon Mackay, Cllr Steve Plumley, Cllr Lynda Robertson, Cllr Richard Robertson.
Mayor of Midsomer Norton Michael Evans
Deputy Mayor Steve Plumley
07528 993655
COUNCILLORS some of these maybe W hile familiar faces, we have a number of new Councillors to introduce to you. All the councillors contact information can be found at the back of the magazine.
Mayor Cllr Michael Evans
Deputy Mayor Cllr Steve Plumley
Cllr Plumley, who has been a Councillor for Midsomer Norton since its foundation in 2011, was born and educated in Midsomer Norton. He is actively involved in the sporting community. Cllr Plumley visits the local sport clubs regularly to bridge the gap with the Town Council.
Cllr Baker lives in Midsomer Norton with his wife. Since 2004 Cllr Baker has held the role of a Pastor of a church in Keynsham after being a Pastor in The Assembly of God in Harare from 1993 until 2004.
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Clement has lived in Midsomer Norton most of her life. Cllr Clement is fiercely protective of Midsomer Norton and its name and joined the Council to help preserve the Town and its individuality and continue to work for the residents of the Town. Cllr Lynne Clement
Cllr Evans has been a Councillor for Midsomer Norton since its foundation in 2011. Cllr Evans has lived in Midsomer Norton since 2006 and served on Radstock Council since 2008. An active member of the community as a school governor and B&NES Councillor.
Cllr Sue Graham
Cllr Graham moved to Midsomer Norton 2 years ago from Dorset. After falling in love with the area Cllr Graham decided she would like to do her part to bring more deserved recognition, success and vital improvement to the local community. Cllr Graham brings with her a wealth of skills and experience.
Cllr Lawrence has lived in the area for nearly 40 years being one of the first Councillors in 2011 when the council was established. Cllr Lawrence is keen to see council tax money spent wisely and has previously been the Chairperson for the Finance Committee. Cllr Brian Lawrence
Cllr Michael Moxham
Cllr Richard Robertson
Cllr Gordon Mackay lives in Midsomer Norton with his wife and 3 young children and has been a Councillor for the past 2 years. Cllr Mackay is actively involved with the S&D Railway Trust, Midsomer Norton Cricket Club and the Midsomer Norton Community Trust. Cllr Gordon Mackay
Cllr Moxham has lived in the area for all his life except 12 years when he lived in Germany. He has liaised with Curo on a number of matters from trimming of trees to parking problems. He can often be seen in the Town with his dog Nemo, not only shopping but volunteering to make our town a “great place to live.�
Cllr Robertson moved to Midsomer Norton 25 years ago when he operated a courier and taxi business. Cllr Robertson has been a Councillor since its formation in 2011 and sits on the Planning, Finance and Operations Committee. Cllr Robertson also sits on the Allotment Committee.
Cllr Lynda Robertson
Cllr Chris Smith
Cllr Robertson moved to Midsomer Norton in 1993. Cllr Robertson has been a Midsomer Norton Councillor since its formation in 2011 and is involved in a number of community groups, The Midsomer Norton Society, The Welton Village Group and the Community Trust to name a few.
Cllr Smith moved from Odd Down, Bath to Midsomer Norton in 2013. She recently led the successful campaign to keep the 173 bus running along Chilcompton Road. She is very passionate about the community and is looking forward to making a difference to the lives of the people of Midsomer Norton.
eaders might remember a feature in the previous issue of Midsomer Norton Life about work to improve access in Midsomer Norton High Street for people with mobility issues. The initiative was led by local volunteer, Michael Moxham along with Town Councillor, Steve Plumley. Together, the pair liaised with Bath and North East Somerset Council to improve the access to the bus stop on The Island. The only dropped kerb was outside Hobbs’ Gun Shop, but this is usually blocked off by parked cars and those using mobility aids reported struggling to get their mobility scooters, wheelchairs and other aids, such as pushchairs up onto the pavement. The pair were also working to address an issue in St Chad’s Avenue where there were similar problems. Since our previous issue, work has been carried out on the pavement in The Island and a new access point has been created making it much easier for those using mobility scooters, wheelchairs, pushchairs and other mobility aids to access the bus stop and the pavements on this side of The Island. A number of residents got in touch with Cllr Plumley following the previous issue of Midsomer Norton Life who had noticed other access
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problems around the town. In light of this, Cllr Plumley and Mr Moxham, who now also sits on the Town Council following the Local Elections in May, arranged a meeting with B&NES officers to highlight these problem areas for those with mobility issues. Both Cllr Plumley and Cllr Moxham are pleased to say that this meeting was successful, and an agreement has been reached to improve four other dropped kerb points, with B&NES committed to complete the work in the next few months. It is also hoped that further improvements can be made to some of the pavements in the town which are in a bad state and in certain places can be quite dangerous for residents using mobility aids and elderly people. These improvements will take some time to complete, but with the support of B&NES Council officers and their workforce it is hoped that an improvement to accessibility in the town will be seen fairly soon. Should any residents have any concerns regarding accessibility in the town, please feel free to contact Midsomer Norton Town Council by calling the council office on 01761 418701 or emailing:
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An invitation
ited to:
All residents & friends are inv
Midsomer Norton Civic Servi & Community Awards
6pm on Sunday 16th June r Norton
St John the Baptist Church,
Many thanks to all those who have submitted nominations for individuals and groups to be acknowledged for their contribution to the town for this year’s Annual Civic Service.
Each year the Community Awards are presented as part of the Civic Service. This provides a fitting opportunity for the community to come together and say thank you.
The Town Council recognise the contribution of local residents who volunteer their time. Over the years many people and groups have been honoured for everything from specific projects to a complete lifetime of achievement.
This year’s service is being held at St John’s Church, Midsomer Norton and will take place at 6pm on Sunday 16th June and to which the whole town is invited.
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t Withies Lane, Midsomer Norton Cricket Club returned to league action on Saturday 4 May, when all three Saturday sides played their first competitive fixtures of the 2019 season. With two wins and one loss for the first XI so far, the club has made a positive start to the season. The First XI consolidated their place in WEPL Prem 2 in 2018, following promotion in 2017. An active winter recruitment policy has strengthened the side. Wicket keeper/batsman John Carroll joined from Trowbridge along with Gary Filer from Chew Magna and Paul Robbins from Keynsham. Probably the most notable of the newcomers though is player coach, Jake Rowe, who played for WEPL Champions, Clevedon in 2018. Jake is a member of the MCC and coached in New Zealand over the winter. He played at Clevedon for seven years and, while playing grade cricket in Australia, he bowled at the England touring team in the nets during the 2011 Ashes series. Jake has already scored two half centuries in league fixtures this season. Jake’s brother Caleb is another new signing for the club. Nick Pang continues as skipper with support from Director of Cricket, Nick Potter. The club’s women’s team, the Mavericks, have made tremendous progress on and off the pitch since training sessions for women were first held at the club in 2017. The recent Bubbles & Bats evening at Withies Lane attracted more than 70 women cricketers. Women’s cricket training takes place on Thursday evenings (7.00pm-8.30pm) at Midsomer Norton Cricket Club’s Withies Lane ground. Youth team cricket is always a priority for the club and, in 2019, there will be training sessions and matches for age groups at under 9, under 11, under 13 and under 15 levels. Youth team coaching takes
place on Friday nights (6pm-8pm) except for the under 15s, who meet up on Thursdays (6pm-8pm). The Friday night sessions for junior players are very popular. Current and new members have an opportunity to learn more about the game from qualified coaches. Mums, dads and friends are always welcome to make it a real family evening. Bar and barbeque available! So, if you just want to come and watch (individuals or families) then please come and join us as a social member. At West Clewes, Welton Rovers had what you might call an up and down season in the Toolstation Western League Division One. From an inspiring start, which saw Welton climb to the top of table in the Autumn, the team went off the boil as the nights started to draw in. Just before the Christmas period Manager Clive Scott left the club my mutual agreement and was replaced by Welton stalwart Nick Beaverstock, ably assisted by coach Malcolm Beck. They steadied the ship and the winter and spring saw Welton consolidate their league position finishing in a respectable 9th position in the league. The two games that really stand out for Welton supporters were the victory over Bath City in the
Somerset Premier Cup and the Good Friday away win over neighbours Radstock in the Coalfield Classico. A new manager has been appointed by Welton for the coming campaign and an announcement will be made shortly. Welton Reserves and Under 18’s sides all had mid table finishes in their respective leagues. The Under 18’s had their best ever cup run in The FA Youth Cup and won the Bert West Trophy after defeating Paulton Rovers. So after the short close season break the new season will soon be with us and the Green Army, which saw Welton’s fans win the best away support award in League One, will soon be on the march again. Mendip Hockey Club have recently celebrated the end of their winter season. At a dinner and dance hosted by Farrington Park, each of the 5 senior team captains shared their end of term reports, from what proved to be a season of mixed fortunes. Highlights included the awarding of the coveted golden stick award to joint top scorers Chris Hampshire and Connie Glover, and awards to recognise the progress made by upcoming stars including Katie Riches, Eva Holliwell, Megan Carey and Ben Elkington. The biggest ovations of the evening went to Steve Smith, stepping down from a long-standing role as a junior coach, and Karen Inns, who has worked tirelessly behind the scenes as fixtures secretary. The club is currently fielding men’s and women’s teams in local Summer Leagues, before thoughts turn to preparations for the 2019-20 season, when training and matches will return to Chew Valley Sports Centre. Junior training on a Sunday morning at Downside School will recommence in September. Up at Norton Down, Midsomer Norton’s 1st team finished second in the league having had a very busy run in to the end of the season, both in the league and the Bath Combination Cup competition. Within ten days they played Chew Valley and Chipping Sodbury in the league and
Keynsham and Bath University in the Cup. Elsewhere in the club, the 2nd team were clear winners in Tribute Somerset 2 North and are looking forward to fresh challenges in the next league. The 3rd team finished 4th in Somerset 3 South and played in the Bath Merit Table. The Junior section had a good all-round season, The Colts won 12 of their 17 games and a number of players are now playing senior rugby, notably Pat Howell who turned out several times for the 1st team, won Young Player of the Year. The U16s finished a successful season playing in two cup finals but unfortunately lost both. The younger teams are thriving but would always welcome new players. The club is run by a group of dedicated volunteers and we must especially thank them and our groundsman for their hard work. If this report has wetted your sporting appetite, tune in to Somer Valley FM every Tuesday at 6pm on 97.5FM for all the latest news from Welton Rovers, Midsomer Norton Cricket Club and Midsomer Norton Rugby Club, along with a host of our other local and professional teams. Special thanks go to Charlie Matthews, Bob Allard, Carrie Tiley and Neil Denning for their contributions towards this article.
ollowing on from the article in the Spring Edition of Midsomer Norton Life, the Town Council can now confirm the purchase of a new movable speed camera. Following a number of complaints received from members of the public, the Town Council have been investigating the issues of speeding within Midsomer Norton, specifically related with the High Street.
The town’s Operations Committee commissioned Councillor Michael Rich to look into recording the speed of vehicles and how best to monitor any issues. From this research, he found that moveable speed signage would be the best course of action and on this recommendation, a smiley/angry face camera has been ordered. The camera, supplied by West Cotec, will be available for use by the end of July and will be maintained by officers from B&NES Council.
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The current proposed locations for the camera are:
Bath Office The Old Stables, Manor Farm, Stratton On The Fosse, Bath, BA3 4QF.
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The signs will be able to provide a data base system that will record the speeds (individual number plates will not be taken) of each vehicle. This information will then be collated to form a pattern of speeds and the results will be put to the Operations Committee who will decide if the cameras are making drivers aware of their speed or if a more permanent solution is required.
be published online so others can check before making the same complaint.
Whatever issue you need raised, simply go to and fill in your postcode and the problem, the site will then register this with the appropriate authority, whether that is the town council or B&NES.
Please note, this service is not for reporting urgent issues such as falling trees, fires, gas leaks or other issues that need an immediate response. In these instances, please contact the emergency services or your town council who can direct you. You’ll find these numbers in our directory at the back of this magazine.
ot got time to work out who you need to speak to to report an issue? Simply head online to Fix My Street and they will do all the hard work for you.
As soon as your report has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation and the report will
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istory was made in February when B&NES returned the Midsomer Norton Town Hall and other key assets to the town and which the Town Council immediately gifted into Charitable Trust to protect them for present and future generations. The ground breaking meeting on the 25th February, attended by over 70 local residents, the Mayor of the West of England Tim Bowles, Cllr Tim Warren, then Leader of B&NES Council, was the culmination of an eleven and a half year Asset Transfer Project and the largest B&NES has ever done. The package includes freeholds for the Town Hall, Somer Centre, Silver Street Nature Reserve and land at the entrance to the Town Park as well as a 99 year lease on the Orchard Hall. The open market value of these properties totals £760,000 plus an additional £170,000 to be spent by B&NES on the Town Hall to bring it up to standard – most significantly including the installation of a new lift. Previous Mayor Cllr Paul Myers, worked through the complex chain of legal processes to achieve the transfer. It became clear that a vast amount of hard work had been put in to make it all possible. The evening opened with a Midsomer Norton Town Council meeting where it was resolved to formally sign the deal with Cllr Tim Warren, Leader of B&NES Council and transfer the assets to the Town Council. Then Town Councillors resolved to gift the assets plus the Town Park freehold to the Midsomer Norton Town Trust. An additional commemorative ‘Declaration of Gift’ statement was then signed by all the Councillors in order to record the reasons behind taking on the assets and gifting them to ‘the people’. The intention is to frame and hang this Declaration
in the Town Hall. There then followed a formal meeting of the Town Trust where the Cllrs, in their role as Corporate Trustee, accepted the gift of the assets for an on behalf of ‘the people’. “After over 11 years of negotiations with B&NES to secure the future of the Town Hall and the other properties, this Asset Transfer deal has been well worth waiting for. In the case of the Town Hall the freehold will be returning to the Town Council after an 85 year absence. Midsomer Norton Urban District Council originally bought the building from the Beauchamp family in 1903 but then lost direct ownership when it was merged with Radstock in March 1933. The Town Hall was later given by Norton Radstock Town Council to Wansdyke District Council who in turn transferred it to B&NES when they were abolished. The transfer will ensure that in future our town’s key community assets are owned, managed and controlled ‘for the people and by the people’ in line with the objective we set out when the Town Council was first created in 2011”, said Paul Myers, previous Mayor of Midsomer Norton, who was instrumental in working to secure the future of the town’s community assets. There then followed the unveiling of a commemorative brass plaque recognising the work of the Sarah Ann Trust in managing the Town Hall for 36 years from 1983 to 2019 and without whose efforts the building could very easily have been lost to the community. The Mayor presented medals to Doug Benson – Trustee & Chair, Shirley Steel – Trustee, Patricia Flagg – Treasurer, Matthew Livsey and himself (he has served as Secretary for the last 12 years) as well as previous Trustees Julie Moorshead, Terry Reakes and David Chalk. Medals of recognition were also presented to those who
had run the Orchard Hall including Ann and Colin Robbins, Gillian Yates and Megan Bevan. The evening rounded off with a series of speeches from the floor of the meeting all thanking the Town Council and in particular Paul Myers as well as the B&NES Administration and officers for their tenacity and hard work in seeing this ground breaking project through to its conclusion.
ASSET TRANSFER SUMMARY • Town Hall – the freehold will return to the town after an 85 year absence. Midsomer Norton Urban District Council originally bought the building from the Beauchamp family in 1903 but then lost direct ownership when it was merged with Radstock in March 1933. The Town Hall was later given by Norton Radstock Town Council to Wansdyke District Council who in turn transferred it to B&NES when they were abolished. Valued at £350,000 the imposition of various restrictions on its use by B&NES as part of the deal reduces this to £175,000. As part of the transfer, a programme of works is currently being undertaken to bring the building up to
standard which have a total value of £170,000. These repairs are key to ensuring the viability of the Town Hall as a community building pending raising funds for the much bigger Town & Market Hall Transformation Project which already has planning permission. • Somer Centre – the freehold will again transfer to the town along with the Community Association tenancy under the existing B&NES terms of a lease and Service Level Agreement. Valued at £275,000 the imposition of various restrictions on its use reduces this to £125,000. • Orchard Hall – will transfer in the form of a 99 year lease, due to the fact that this is a prefabricated building and only has a finite life. Open Market value of the leasehold premium for a 99 year lease is £100,000. • Silver Street Nature Reserve – the freehold of the site will transfer to the town. This site was originally part of the Norton House estate and recently part of the Somerset & Dorset Railway Lease from B&NES. It has an open market capital value of £35,000. The asset transfer to the Town Council will help ensure the future of this much loved green space.
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The Town Council ensures that both the outside gym and play equipment have regular safety and maintenance checks and the area is also monitored by the Town Warden. Litter bins have also been installed to encourage users to keep the area tidy.
s the days get longer and the school holidays get closer, head to West Clewes Recreation Ground and enjoy the recently refurbished equipment. After securing funding from Bath and North East Somerset Council, Midsomer Norton Town Council looked into the installation of outdoor gym equipment and an all-weather running surface at the ground. This was then completed in 2016. Carrying on from the success of this project, the Town Council then sought to improve the area for the park’s visitors and, during last summer’s fayre, a consultation was launched to find suitable children’s equipment. With funding from the Town Council and the National Lottery, work on this section of the park began at the start of the year. After considering the advice from the town’s children, new climbing structures, a trampoline, a see-saw, a springer, some spinners and a roundabout have now been installed and are ready for use. Playing together is a great way for children to make friends, socialise and, most importantly, keep active. Hopefully, the new equipment will encourage this.
So, when you next hear the inevitable “I’m bored”, pop along to West Clewes Recreation Ground and make the most of this local facility.
reedom of the town is to be granted to Midsomer Norton’s first Mayor, Paul Myers, who retired recently, in recognition of his significant contribution to the local community over the last eight years. It was in 2013 that the Town Council agreed to establish a policy for appointing Freemen and Freewomen Civic Honours in order to recognise the exceptional contribution of individuals over and above the town’s existing annual Midsomer Awards. The reasoning was also that when people who have been community leaders retire having fulfilled key roles, it would be good not only to acknowledge this but also retain a connection with them after they retire in order to draw on their knowledge and experience and continue to involve them in civic life. There were two nominations for Paul Myers to receive the Award which were considered against the criteria of i) exceptional public service to the benefit of the town/community of Midsomer Norton over a number of years and ii) outstanding achievement and/or for bringing honour on Midsomer Norton through that achievement. At the town’s Annual General Meeting on the 13th May 2019, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the nomination taking the view that both criteria were more than satisfied. Paul first moved to the area in 1998, looking to
settle with his artisan weaving business, Fern Bank Weavers, considering locations such as Catherine Hill, Frome, before choosing Midsomer Norton. “Whilst some people joke about how many times Paul Myers has appeared in the paper, few could argue with his tireless work for the community and his passion for all things Midsomer Norton – he lives and breathes the town”, said Michael Evans, Mayor of Midsomer Norton. Paul came to Midsomer Norton quite by chance in the Spring of 1998 as a new base for his artisan textile business – he is a Master Handloom Weaver. Involvement in civic life came unexpectedly when B&NES tried to put yellow lines down both sides of Redfield Road where he lives, preventing any resident parking. Incensed, in characteristic style he not only took up the fight but founded the Redfield Residents Association with a team of others within days and over three years the resulting team secured marked parking bays as a long term solution. It was through the yellow lines campaign that he met the late, well-known and loved artist, David Fisher and this led to the founding of the Midsomer Norton Society in 2007. The Society, which still meets today holding local history talks, raised the profile of the town and brought back the Midsomer Norton Knight and Midsomer Norton Fayre. Having heard in June 2007 that
B&NES planned to turn the Town Hall into luxury flats, Paul joined the Sarah Ann Trust and led a campaign to save this iconic building for the community.
£300,000 of cash from contributions, lease of the Wellow Brook Walk from the Duchy, lease of the Garden of Friendship from Downside Abbey and the purchase and restoration of St Chad’s Well.
Growing concern about the town losing its identity and heritage led to Paul approaching Cllr Chris Watt and in January 2009 together they raised a petition for a Community Governance Review. This eventually resulted in the break-up of the 77 year old Norton Radstock Town Council and the creation of three separate Town and Parish Councils formed for Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield.
Shortly before his retirement from Midsomer Norton Town Council Paul secured £1 million of funding from the West of England Combined Authority to regenerate the town.
Adamant that the new Town Council should move on from the political infighting of the past, Paul worked tirelessly to see 11 new Councillors elected in 2011. Despite inheriting very little, within weeks the new Councillors were installed in the Town Hall with an office and computers and began work in earnest. Over the coming years West Clewes/Welton Rovers was transformed with a newly tarmacked car park, utility block, outside gym and new play equipment. Everything possible was done to increase pride in the town including the installation of new town gateway signs, transforming public flowerbeds and planting in the High Street. Antisocial behaviour was tackled with the Street Marshals and drinking restriction zone. Having laid the groundwork for the Midsomer Norton Community Trust, Paul went on to be the vision and driving force behind the teams which saw Midsomer Norton Fayre reinstated, the Mardi-Gras transformed into M-Fest and Carnival returned to its rightful home in the High Street. With his experience in broadcasting, he also initiated and drove plans to create a Community Cinema and comprehensive arts programme, buying out of his own pocket and lending a Bechstein Grand Piano for both the Town Hall and Orchard Hall so as to attract the best musicians. Passionate about securing more green spaces he pushed for the purchase and creation of the new Town Park which is currently being funded with
History was made when B&NES returned Midsomer Norton Town Hall and other key assets to the town earlier this year. Working with Cllr Steve Plumley and the Town Clerk, Donna Ford, the Town Hall, Somer Centre, Orchard Hall and the Silver Street Nature Reserve were finally transferred to Midsomer Norton Town Council in February this year. Paul worked hard to work through the complex chain of legal processes to achieve the transfer – never giving up hope in the 11 year process. To protect these assets in the future the Town Trust was formed, and the Assets transferred to the Charity. The Trust has a management committee which will protect, develop and secure the Assets for future generations of all ages to enjoy. “What few people see and which isn’t in the paper are the tens of thousands of hours of work Paul has put in, working night and day, seven days a week for almost a decade for the benefit of the town. Paul Myers brought vision and leadership at a crucial time in the rebirth of Midsomer Norton Town Council. He literally devoted his life to the town for the eight years he was the Town Mayor and the results speak for themselves”’ said Cllr Steve Plumley, Deputy Mayor. What is probably more remarkable is that Paul throughout has variously been a B&NES Councillor, Cabinet Member, played an active role in the West of England Combined Authority as well as serving on numerous charities and community Groups. He was awarded a British Empire Medal in the 2016 Queens New Year’s Honours. The Freedom of the Town will be granted at the Civic Awards Ceremony on Sunday 16th June.
Saturday 13th July 12.30pm - 9.30pm This year’s M-Fest is the fourth event in the centre of Midsomer Norton – celebrating local talent as part of the town’s traditional July celebrations! Once again we have two outdoor stages, the Main Stage in the lower Higher Street and a DJ Stage in the Hollies Garden, and both are packed with a range of fantastic local talent. There are some fantastic acts on offer across a range of genres from veterans of Norton’s music scene to some new acts ready to make their own impact.
Lower High Street, Midsomer Norton We also encourage you to support our local pubs and traders in the High Street, some of whom have programmed complementary activities and live music in the evening after the outdoor stages have finished. Thank you to our supporters and sponsors, whose logos you will see around the event throughout the afternoon, especially to Midsomer Norton Town Council whose core grant funding makes M-Fest possible.
We were overwhelmed with the support for this event in the last few years, with revellers celebrating the town’s musical talent in glorious sunshine. Everyone involved hopes that the weather will be just as generous with us this year!
All details were correct at time of going to print. For the latest line-up details please check or the M-Fest Facebook Page!
Returning to M-Fest this year are the undisputed kings of Somerset’s psych rock scene. Praised in major publications from The Guardian to Shindig! and Classic Rock Magazine, Bath’s rock upstarts deliver quirky pop delights and to-die-for big riffs with what is fast becoming their own distinct sound – a nether land between psych, glam and rock, guitar stroking and pop sheen.
Joe Probert
Performing for the first ever time in Midsomer Norton, singingdrummer extraordinaire Joe Probert has been riding a wave of hype for some time now in the Bristol music scene and nationwide. The young groover is already a seasoned veteran on the live circuit, and his appearance at M-Fest promises to be one not to miss.
Cupcake Diaz & The Felt Pens
Psychic Junk
While these Midsomer Norton newcomers may be the youngest band in town, what they lack in experience they more than make up for in passion. Describing themselves as “unwashed, unkept and unhinged”, this fourpiece grunge outfit are keeping the torch burning for a new generation.
Ghost of the Avalanche
Making their M-Fest debut, Frome’s premier punk rock two-piece will be blowing the cobwebs away with their heavy, yet often poppy antianthems. Having gained coverage from BBC6, and with support slots including The Dickies, Pulled Apart by Horses and Stiff Little Fingers under their belts, GOTA have been your favourite local punk band’s favourite punk band for some time now, and show no signs of slowing down.
Stack Up Sound System
Hailing from Brixton South London Stack Up Sound System’s Ali Sykes & Flaxman bring there hand built speakers down to The Hollies MSN. Spinning vinyl all day in a true carnival style alongside a host of Midsomer Norton’s finest DJ’s & Selectors.
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Established in 1939, we have provided eye care for nearly 80 years 2 Mansbrook House, 15 High Street Midsomer Norton 01761 413212
Midsomer Norton Town Park & Leisure Park, Gullock Tyning
PROGRAMME OF EVENTS St Chad’s Doctors Surgery
Fayre opened by Bath Rugby Duck race on the river in the High Street Children’s Maypole Festival
← to High St & South Rd car park
12 4.30PM
Bouncy Castles & Inflatables Community Market Stalls Performances in the arena Arts Festival Stage Punch & Judy shows Street Organ Victoriana Tea Rooms Balloon Modelling Drumming Workshops Town Show opens for viewing (12.30pm) 4.15 5PM
Grand Presentation inside Marquee 1 Town Show Prize Giving Timings are estimates and correct at time of going to print. Check noticeboards around site on the day for updates.
KEY - and highlights Arena
Classic Car display, Maypole Festival, and a range of performances
Somer Centre
Victoriana Tearooms and toilets
Marquee 1
Town Show & Grand Presentation
Marquee 2
Punch & Judy, Balloon Modelling, Family Crafts, Lost Children & Vulnerable adults point
Activities including Goat Rides, Bees and Bouncy Castles
Face Painting, Graffiti Artists and more
Arts Festival Stage
Surrounded by a display of classic cars, the arena will host a varied programme of live entertainment. As well as two performances by the Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver Band there is the Maypole Festival, Zumba, dance performances and the CAM Valley Morris Men. Pop inside the Victoriana Tea Rooms for some refreshments where you can also catch Westfield Choir.
The Lions Club will once again be organising their annual Duck Race in the High Street to raise money for local charities. Ducks can be purchased before the race to give entrants the chance to win prizes.
Midsomer Norton’s schools and groups will once again kick off the Fayre with the Midsomer Maypole Festival. For months local children have been preparing for this colourful display of community.
New for 2019, the Arts Festival brings its main celebration to the heart of the Fayre. Enjoy live music, poetry, puppet shows, drama and more from the best local creative minds.
There are range of fantastic activities across the Town Park. From music workshops and bouncy castles, from rides on goat drawn carriages to art displays and balloon modelling there is fun for all the family. Also make sure you visit the wide range of community stalls showcasing local community groups, businesses and independent traders and crafters.
WELCOME to the sixth Midsomer
Norton Fayre. This event is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all that is great about our community. We hope you have a great time exploring all that is on offer. Families can enjoy activities from music workshops and brass bands, bouncy castles and inflatable slides to rides from goat drawn carriages and displays from birds of prey to classic cars as well as much, much more.
Hundreds of local schoolchildren will also take part in a Maypole Festival competition and local creativity will be celebrated in the annual Town Show. There will also be a range of fantastic live music performances as part of the Arts Festival and why not enjoy some refreshments in the Victoriana Tea Rooms? For more information phone 01761 419133 or go to
MIDSOMER NORTON TOWN SHOW 2019 This year’s Fayre will host the sixth Midsomer Norton annual Town Show, celebrating the creativity of the people of our town and the surrounding area. Entries are invited across a range of categories from all ages and abilities. As always there will be a number of trophies and medals to be won, but above all we hope everyone will feel a winner through the enjoyment of participating.
Sections include Vegetables, Cookery, Flowers, Handicrafts, Art and Photography – with special categories for Children to enter as well. Bring a completed entry form alongside your entry to the Town Show Marquee at the Fayre between 6pm and 8pm on Friday 12th July or between 8am and 10am on Saturday 13th July 2019.
ENTRY FORMS - complete with the full entry guidelines, cake recipes, as well as helpful hints and tips - are available from the Town Hall or online at
TO OUR SPONSORS Barons Property Centre Centurion Hotel Cottles Docky’s Delicatessen Feet 1st 4U Fireshield Firenza Ltd
High Street DIY
Norton Sports & Camping
Sweet Pea Floral Design
Norton Green Garden Centre
Silva House Veterinary Centre
Michael Gould
Past & Present Upholstery
SDS Garage Doors
Midsomer Norton Town Council
Radstock Window Warehouse
Norton Garden Machinery
Rose Crafts
Headlines Hair Jacarandas Lions Club
Tom’s Taxis The White Hart Thatcher & Hallam Tibbs Tree Surgery
he town council held their latest organised Litter Pick on 14th April, which coincided with the Great British Spring Clean, a national initiative that encourages people to get out and about in their local community and help tidy public areas. The latest litter pick had one of the best volunteer turnouts ever and everyone in the town is thankful for the hard work they put in. The weather that weekend was a bit cold and windy, but those who took part were undaunted and just short of thirty big bags of litter were collected from around the town. Volunteers from the Midsomer Norton and Radstock Lions Club have also been out and about recently picking up litter and collected another twenty bags from the Skate Park and Leisure Centre area. They hope to make these litter picks a regular event too, so if you would like to join in with either or both, you would be most welcome. The new look town council will be making litter its focus and one of their tasks will be to decide whether to increase the frequency of the litter
picks, though this will depend on the number of volunteers who are available to help. Our latest group of volunteers were a range of ages and abilities and some of our volunteers use mobility aids, so if you were concerned about your mobility, but still want to volunteer, you are more than welcome to join in. Many volunteers tend to work on litter in their home area, but we were very grateful to have volunteers from as far afield as Weston-super-Mare on our latest pick! Litter hot spots in the town tend to be around the Leisure Centre, the pit path from Norton Hill and the footpath alongside St John’s School, so keep an eye out on these areas when you are making your way around the town. Please do dispose of your litter and report any other problem areas to the town council. Anyone who would like to join in on the next litter pick, will be welcomed with open arms at the town hall and will be supplied with bags, advice and equipment if they need it.
he Midsomer Arts Festival returns for a fifth year, celebrating the wealth and variety of Art taking place within the Midsomer Norton and Somer Valley area.
school pupils and members of art groups. The Festival begins with the prefestival Photo Marathon, which offers an opportunity to look at the town centre differently and have your photographs exhibited. There are several live performances, including Bath Opera and the open mic/ performance event that closes the Festival on Sunday 14th July.
This year the Festival is joining with the Town Fayre to create a single large community event and market day in the Town Park, on Saturday 13 July. Organised by the Community Trust, the festival provides a platform for local people to create, exhibit and perform, as well as welcoming artists and performers from the wider South West area. There will be exhibitions and displays of art and craft around the town, including work by
Check the local press and Facebook page for details of these and any additional events. You can also find details at www. or by phoning 01761 419133.
Saturday 22nd June
10am - 1pm
Photo Marathon, Meet at Town Hall
Friday 5th July
Live Music: Bath Opera - Così fan Tutte
Saturday 13th July
12 noon - 5pm
Arts Festival Market & Performance Stage, part of Midsomer Norton Fayre, Town Park, Gullock Tyning
Sunday 14th July
Open mic, Midsomer Norton Town Hall
5th - 14th July
All day
School Arts Trail, Midsomer Norton (see Facebook and website for details)
5th - 14th July
All day
Site-specific Art, Midsomer Norton (see Facebook and website for details)
Tickets are just £10 and can be purchased online at or by phoning 01761 419133
Arts Festival Market Day Saturday 13th July 12 noon - 5pm Part of Midsomer Norton Fayre Town Park, Gullock Tyning
SOME FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS Photo Marathon 2019 Saturday 22nd June, 10am Picture your town in a new way. Meet at Midsomer Norton Town Hall where you will be given a set of themes at the start of the day. Return to the Town Hall to download your photographs at 1pm. They will then be displayed at the Arts Festival throughout July. Ticket money covers cost of printing. Adults £3, Under 16s £2, Groups £4
Live Music: Bath Opera - Così fan Tutte Friday 5th July, 7.30pm Mozart’s engaging and hilarious tale involving two engaged sisters is given a new twist in Bath Opera’s 2019 summer touring production. Director Tom Magnone takes one of the 18th century’s greatest ensemble operas on an emotional 1960s roller-coaster ride of love, trust, loyalty, disguise, betrayal, deception, bewilderment, and self-realisation.
New for 2019, the Arts Festival brings its main celebration to the heart of the Fayre. Alongside a range of market stalls enjoy a stage full of live music, poetry, graffiti artists, puppet shows, drama and more from the best local creative minds. Performers lined-up to perform include spoken word artists the Barn Poets and JC Wood as well as live music performances from Simon Field, James Harriman, Rob Winder, Jiggedy and the Old Barn Finds. There’s drama from Merriman Theatre Group and something altogether different from Planet Puppets. Completely free! For more information head to
n today’s society it is vitally important to protect, secure and invest in our children’s future. With more and more open spaces being utilised for new housing, we at Midsomer Norton Cricket Club Club felt it only correct to look to provide a future for the children, who are wanting to play cricket in the community. The current club welcomes players of all levels of cricket from our youth, starting from 4 years old, up to our first team. However, the club facilities require major investment to ensure sustainability. Born from these core values is the Outfield Festival, an opportunity to re-introduce the music day that had finished 10 years ago. The Outfield Festival is taking place on Sunday 25th August at the Midsomer Norton Cricket
Fresh and local pork, beef, lamb and chicken cut to your specification.
Club. The day’s proceedings will be opened by Glastonbury Festival Forefather, Michael Eavis CBE, followed by a day of music celebrating talented bands from the local area, climaxing with two legendary 90’s bands which have had 13 UK Top 10 hits between them.
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We are excited to announce an impressive lineup of acts which will cater for all music genres; KEITH HORLER a very talented local solo artist. PATWAWA this disco trio have earned support from the likes of Tom Robinson and Lauren Laverne on BBC 6 Music & plays on Radio 1 with Huw Stephens. We think you’re going to love them, Bath based CENTREFOLDS. Described by BBC 6 Music as “A creative multi-genre breakfast of champions, combining the best bits from punk, electronica, French house, trance and rock”. We are pleased to announce VERDISA is one of our support acts. A local band who have toured the UK and Europe. Their music has been played on Radio 2 and BBC Bristol. Our main support band is AVALON BROTHERS. This local band has just signed a record deal and we are very excited to have them in our lineup. One day you will be able to say ‘remember when we saw them play Norton’. The 90’s mega boy band famed for 11 UK top 10 hits such as Stay Another Day, Its Alright
and If You Ever, EAST 17 are the sub headliner, performing their back catalogues of 90’s hits which are sure to get the festival jumping. We are extremely privileged to announce festival royalty TOPLOADER will be headlining the Outfield Festival playing hits from their past and current albums featuring songs such as Dancing in the Moonlight. Achilles Heel and Time of my life. This iconic band is guaranteed to deliver a set not to be missed. Under pinning the whole day is the local DJ legend himself JAMES BRIDGES. Tickets are available both online at www. or at Midsomer Norton Cricket Club, Riverside Recruitment or Ian McDonald Insurance Services in Midsomer Norton. There will be various food outlets and a licensed bar at the Outfield Festival, so come along and support a great day of entertainment while helping secure the longevity of a local community sports club.
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ural Outer Space launched on May 20th and is a new service that has been developed to serve the Somer Valley area. Off the Record have been funded for a further three years by the Big Lottery and part of this work is to develop provision in the rural areas of Bath and North East Somerset. The service has been set up as a pilot in response to young people, parents, schools, the local authority, mental health professionals and national organisations to support LGBT+ young people in rural areas. It is a safe space where young people can meet others, take part in creative activities, cooking, trips, film nights, gain LGBT+ specific
information and take an active part in planning and shaping the service. It’s for people aged 13-21 who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans or who are questioning their sexual or gender identity (LGBT+). Rural Outer Space will take place at an accessible Somer Valley location, which will be confirmed on contacting Off The Record. Sessions take place fortnightly on Monday evenings, 6-8pm. If you would like to attend a session, please do contact 01225 312481 or
SOMERSET FARMERS MARKETS CELEBRATE 20TH ANNIVERSARY! On Saturday August 3rd Somerset Farmers Market is holding a large celebratory event from 9am- 2pm at Hollies Gardens to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. As well as lots of local food stalls there will be childrens activities, demonstrations, Midsomer Norton & Radstock Silver Band, plenty of hot food on the day as well as strawberry Cream Teas and of course cider! It is also important that we reflect on the purpose of farmers markets - reconnecting farmers and artisan food producers to their customers and communities and the environmental benefits this brings. Somerset Farmers Markets Ltd was ‘created’ from Agenda 21 money as a direct result of the 1st Climate change summit when the United Nations member states developed an action plan that each local government area should draw up its own plan to ‘act locally’ to prevent climate change by
promoting local initiatives. They began pioneering within the county of Somerset and Bath & North East Somerset, a network of Farmers markets supporting local food production, aiming to reverse the demise of small family farms and re-introducing the concept of buying local food directly. They enforced strict low mileage criteria and asked that non farmers use local ingredients in their produce wherever possible or fairly traded otherwise. The spotlight is now ‘urgently’ on reducing single use, non- renewable plastics, so members are being urged to evaluate their packaging used to ensure that it can be re-cycled, re-used, compostable or biodegradable depending on their produce. We hope you can come and help celebrate on August 3rd and continue to support local farmers and food producers over the next 20 years!
o you want to make new friends? Join the Norton Radstock Ladies’ Circle!
backgrounds from young, single professionals to working/stay at home mums.
Do you want to make new friends? Try different activities? Would you like some ‘me’ time socialising with other like-minded women? Would you like to make a difference to local and national charities? If yes, then why not join the Norton Radstock Ladies’ Circle?
Celebrating 20 years of
If you would like to know more, please email: or you can find the group on Facebook/Instagram at NR Ladies Circle.
Being part of Norton Radstock Ladies’ Circle (NRLC) brings you friendship and fun. The group supports the local area and encourages a sense of community. Members come from a variety of
The NRLC meet twice a month as well as arranging a variety of activities to suit all members’ interests in Bath and the surroundings areas, such as dinners, cocktail making, cheese tasting, ghost tours, facial yoga… The list is limitless!
at Midsomer Norton Farmers Market
on Saturday August 3rd 9am-2pm
Food stalls, hot food on the day, cider, demonstrations. MSN & Radstock Silver Band, birthday cake competition, strawberry cream teas, childrens activities and more.
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n oak tree has been planted in the Town Park to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Midsomer Norton Townswomen’s Guild and the Centenary of some women receiving the vote in 2018. The project called TGoak2018 by the Townswomen’s Guild purchased an English oak sapling which was planted on the 13th April 2019 by the then Mayor Paul Myers. Present at the ceremony were the Guild Chairman, Joan Norman assisted by Founder Member and former President Elsie Kite, Joan Martindale and Glen Hepworth. It is hoped that this is the first of many tree donations for the new Midsomer Norton Town Park. Any individuals or organisations interested in donating a tree can contact Paul Myers, Acting Secretary of the Midsomer Norton Town Trust on 07530 042627.
We have moved!
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WALLOW, the local charity supporting teenagers and adults with learning disabilities, has been having fun fundraising over the past few weeks. Team SWALLOW Charity raised more than £5,000 in the Bath Half Marathon in March.
events. We rely on donations and fundraising and this money will make a huge difference. We would love to hear from anyone who would be willing to help raise additional funds for SWALLOW, it makes such a big difference to our work and to our members.”
In addition there have been several community minded individuals who have held fundraising events for the charity including a Zumbathon, afternoon teas and coffee mornings
If you would like more information about the charity, or how you could support the charity,
Nicky Tew, Fundraising and Finance Manager for SWALLOW says: “Thank you to everyone who has helped us raise such a lot of money with these
Would you like to be included in the autumn issue of Midsomer Norton Life? Call Zoe now on
01761 409831
please contact Nicky Tew on nickyt@ or call 01761 414034. You can find out more about the charity on their website and on the Facebook page:
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WHAT’S ON JUNE 6th - First Thursday Social at Welton Rovers Bennie Vee, 2pm - 5pm. 7th - Paradis Palm Court Trio: The Flower Garden at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 12:30pm, free entry. Donations welcome.
11th - Finance Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 5.30pm - 7pm. 11th - Operations Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 9pm. 13th - NT Live: All My Sons at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7:00pm. £12 adults and £10 children. 15th to 16th - Midsummer at Midsomer. Trains running, long lazy days means afternoon and evening trains, with cream teas and a buffet. The best of summer! Somerset and Dorset Railway, Silver St. 21st - Cinema: Rocketman at Midsomer Norton Town Hall Community Cinema. 7.30pm £5 for adults.
7th - Cinema: Fisherman’s Friends at Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 7.30pm, £5 for adults, £3 for children, £12 for families (2 adults, 1 or 2 children)
22nd - Welton Colour Run. Welton Primary School PTFA summer event. All are welcome, even if not running. Bar, BBQ, ice cream, music, bouncy castle, glitter tattoos, crafts and more. Welton Primary School, Radstock Road.
8th - Cinema: Detective Pickachu at Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 2.30pm, £5 for adults, £3 for children, £12 for families (2 adults, 1 or 2 children)
22nd - Cinema: Aladdin at Midsomer Norton Town Hall Community Cinema. 2.30pm £5 for adults and £3 children, £12 families (2 adults, 1 or 2 children).
8th - Cinema: Tolkien at Midsomer Norton Town Hall. 7.30pm, £5 for adults, £3 for children, £12 for families (2 adults, 1 or 2 children)
22nd - Cinema: Rocketman at Midsomer Norton Town Hall Community Cinema. 7.30pm £5 for adults.
10th - Planning Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 8pm.
27th - NT Live: Small Island at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7:00pm. £12 adults and £10 children.
The best venue for live bands every Saturday! Non-members welcome
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3rd - Somerset Farmer Market. Celebrating 20 years. The Hollies Garden, High St. 9am - 1pm.
4th - First Thursday Social at Welton Rovers -The Sneakers, 2pm - 5pm.
11th - Family Fun Day. Experience the seaside without actually going there. We’ll have sandcastles, ice creams and face painting fun! Somerset and Dorset Railway, Silver St.
4th - Midsomer Norton Society AGM. Year’s Highlights. Town Hall, 7.30pm. 5th - Paradis Palm Court Trio: Stage & Screen at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 12:30 pm, free entry. Donations welcome. 5th - St John’s School Summer Fair from 3pm – 8pm. Inflatables, stalls, bar, hot food, live music and more. St John’s School, Redfield Rd. 6th - Somerset Farmer Market. The Hollies Garden, High St. 9am -1pm. 8th - Planning Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 8pm. 9th - Finance Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 5.30pm - 7pm. 9th - Operations Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 9pm. 13th - Midsomer Norton Summer Fayre. 12pm - 5pm, Town Park, Gullock Tyning, Midsomer Norton.
12th - Planning Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 8pm. 13th - Finance Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 5.30pm - 7pm. 13th - Operations Committee at Beauchamp Room, Town Hall, 7pm - 9pm. 14th - Family Blessing Fun Day with Midsomer Norton Methodist Church, BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Games and much more. Free Event, 12pm-4pm, Longvernal Primary School. 24th - Family Fun Day in aid of Dorothy House. Stalls, live music, demonstrations, food, bar and much more. From 1pm, MSN Rugby Club. 25th - Outfield Festival. Midsomer Norton Cricket Club. 1.30pm till late. Tickets are available both online at or Midsomer Norton Cricket Club, Riverside Recruitment or Ian McDonald Insurance Services
13th - M-Fest. Celebrating local live music 1pm 9pm. High St. 25th - NT Live: The Lehman Trilogy at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7:00pm. £12 adults and £10 children.
AUGUST 1st - First Thursday Social at Welton Rovers - Jason Lee, 2pm - 5pm. 2nd - Paradis Palm Court Trio: Travel Notes at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 12:30 pm, free entry. Donations welcome.
Tell us about your event Contact us on
01761 410141
c i s u M r e m o s d i M .....Nights out in Norton
June 7th 8th 8th 15th 15th 15th 15th 15th 22nd 22nd 22nd 29th 29th
Get on your Feet at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Indiecision at The Riverside Bar from 8pm ELVIS at The Greyhound from 8pm Camo Night at Crossways Tavern from 7.30pm. Dress up in your best camo or army gear Vox Terrae Band at The Riverside Bar from 8pm One Tones at The Greyhound from 8pm Bath Race Day - see the Dolphin Facebook page for more information Stuart Saye at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Neil Sartain at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Rock solid Band at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Badger 'Double J 'n' the rock and roll swindle at The Greyhound from 8pm Worried men at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Eddie Martin - European award winner of 2018 blues solo artist at The Greyhound from 8pm
July 6th 6th 6th 13th 13th 20th 20th 20th 27th 27th 27th
The Raskals at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Double Barrell at The Greyhound from 8pm Band TBC at The Dolphin, Welton. See the Dolphin Facebook page for more information NoMeanFeat at The Riverside Bar from 8pm The Maitree Express followed by Danno on the decks, The Greyhound from 5pm AFK at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Parfanon at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Far Cue at The Greyhound from 8pm Crossways Mardi Gras at Crossways Tavern from 3pm Live music, BBQ and face painting Stealth Legion at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Mighty Miss Blues at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm
August 3rd 3rd 3rd 10th 10th 17th 17th 24th 24th 31st
The Ray Jones Band at The Greyhound from 8pm Rectrochic at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Excel Duo at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Dirty Harry at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Martin Cox at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Trash casino at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Best Before Midnight at The Greyhound from 8pm Indicision at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm Avalon brothers at The Riverside Bar from 8pm Stuart Saye at The Dolphin, Welton from 8.30pm
YOU TOO CAN MAKE YOUR FUTURE BRIGHT IN 2019 More and more people are taking the step to kick-start their career with Future Bright and get personal career coaching and support. Future Bright is a free service offering career advice, training and support to residents in Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire, aged 19 and over who receive in-work benefits or tax credits. It can help people develop new skills, improve their career and boost their income through:
and positive. My coach has given me the courage to push myself. I’m feeling so much more hopeful about my future and can’t thank Future Bright enough.” To find out more about Future Bright and how it could help you, visit or contact your local council’s Future Bright team: Bath & North East Somerset / 01225 395555
• Tailored support from a dedicated career coach • Practical help to take control of your work and pay • Training and development designed for you. Angela Madison, a self-employed dog-boarder from Midsomer Norton, wanted to increase her income and grow her business. She said: “The help I have been given has been unbelievable – honest
Midsomer Norton’s friendly, independent health food shop and cafe. We have an extensive range of healthy products for house and home - whole foods, loose herbs and spices, laundry and shampoo refils, toiletries and natural toothpastes and deodorants, supplements, vitamins and homeopathy, pet products and household cleaning products. New in: CBD oils, capsules and brownies. CBD coffee coming soon! 10 South Road Midsomer Norton Opposite the free car park
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School Uniforms Norton Hill • Somervale Welton Primary Shoscombe Primary St Benedicts Primary Fosse Way School • Westfield Primary Mells Primary • Midsomer Norton Primary St John’s Primary High Littleton Primary St Nicholas Primary Leigh On Mendip Primary St Julians Church School BUY NOW AND SPREAD YOUR PAYMENTS 77 High Street Midsomer Norton BA3 2DE Tel/Fax: 01761 418972
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Keep Dis cover i ng
USEFUL CONTACTS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Ambulance, fire, police – 999 NHS Direct – 111 Police non-emergency – 101
There are 2 difibrillators in the high street, these can be found at Welton Rovers Football Ground and the junction of Silver Street and the High Street, opposite the town hall
The council are based at the Town Hall, on the Island. Opening times: Mon - Thur 9.30am - 4.30pm and Fridays 9.30am 3.30pm
B&NES Council Connect 01225 394041
CITIZENS ADVICE 03448 487919
The Citizens Advice drop in can be found at the One Stop Shop in the Hollies, High Street Midsomer Norton. Open on Tuesdays from 9.30 - 2pm
AGE UK B&NES 01225 466135 FOOD BANK
Somer Valley Food Bank, The Salvation Army, Radstock Road Midsomer Norton BA3 2AJ. Open Mondays, 12pm - 2pm. 07729 523986
Somer Valley Children’s Centre and Family Support Team Greystone Building, Church Street Radstock BA3 3QQ 01225 396660
St Chad’s, Gullock Tyning - 01761 413334 Somerton House Surgery, 79A North Road - 01761 412141
Lloyds High Street - 01761 413231 Lloyds St Chad’s, Gullock Tyning - 01761 412249 Midsomer Pharmacy, 98 High Street 01761 568202
Midsomer Dental Care, 1 North Road BA3 2QB - 01761 412366 North Way Dental Practice, North Way, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2DY - 01761 413663
Paulton Hospital, Salisbury Road, Paulton, BS39 7SB - 01761 412315 RUH Bath, Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG 01225 428331 St Martin’s Hospital, Midford Road, Bath, BA2 5RP - 01225 831500
Silva House Veterinary Centre, 3 Silver Street - 01761 412223 Midsomer Veterinary Centre, 53 North Road - 01761 412132
Midsomer Norton Methodist Centre, High Street, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2DR - 01761 410450 St John the Baptist, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2HX - 01761 411216 Welton Baptist Church, Sunday morning meetings at Somervale School, Redfield Road Midsomer Norton BA3 2JD and evening meetings at Welton Baptist Chapel, West Road Midsomer Norton BA3 2TP - 01761 410274 Salvation Army, Radstock Road, Midsomer Norton BA3 2AJ - 01761 420170 Holy Ghost Catholic Church, High Street, Midsomer Norton BA3 2DR - 01761 235111
Midsomer Norton and Radstock Dial-aride - 01761 417504 Midsomer Norton and Radstock Community Service Vehicle Trust - 01761 452585 SWAN Transport -01761 439548 First Bus - 0345 64460707
Town Hall, The Island, Midsomer Norton BA3 2HQ - 01761 419133 Orchard Hall, Orchard Vale, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2RB - 07790 892281 Somer Centre, Gullock Tyning, Midsomer Norton. 01761 419703
DHI 01761 419086
High Street, Midsomer Norton BA3 2DP
SCHOOLS Longvernal Primary School, 2 Longvernal Midsomer Norton BA3 2LP - 01761 412777 Midsomer Norton Primary School, High Street Midsomer Norton BA3 2DR - 01761 412289 St John’s C of E Primary School, Redfield Road, Midsomer Norton BA3 2JN - 01761 412019 Welton Primary School, Radstock Road, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2AG - 01761 413131 Norton Hill School, Charlton Road, Midsomer Norton BA3 4AD - 01761 412557 Somervale School, Redfield Road, Midsomer Norton BA3 2JW - 01761 414276
OFF THE RECORD 01761 414100
113 High Street, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2DA
Midsomer Norton Town Hall Midsomer Norton Library Midsomer Norton Sports Centre, Gullock Tyning
REGULAR EVENTS IN MIDSOMER NORTON MONDAY Carer’s Centre Coffee Mornings, first Monday of the month 10am - 12pm. Join Carer Support Officer, Lorraine for one to one support and to meet other like minded people in a similar situation. Mardons’ Social Club, Midsomer Norton. For more information call 0800 0388 885. Knit and Natter, 1.30pm at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. U3A Coffee Mornings, last Monday of every month (3rd Monday on bank holidays) 10.30am - 12pm at the Somer Centre, Midsomer Norton. Midsomer Norton Lunch Brunch, first Monday of every month in and around Midsomer Norton, contact AgeUK for next venue, active@ or 01225 484510. Tai Chi, 11am - 12pm at the Town Hall. U3A speaker meetings, second Monday of every month, 2pm at the Somer Centre, Midsomer Norton. Town Council Meetings, first Monday of the month, Midsomer Norton Town Hall, 7 - 9pm public welcome.
TUESDAY Men’s Shed Meetings, 9.30am 2.30pm, Farrington Farm.
Stop off for tea, 11am - 1pm at Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Cook and Eat Sessions, first and third Tuesday of the month, 11.30am - 2pm at Orchard Hall. Contact AgeUK B&NES for more details, active@ or 01225 484510.
Police Beat Surgeries every third Wednesday of the month between 10 - 11am at Costa Coffee, The Hollies. Come and meet a member of the team to discuss local policing issues.
First Tuesday Women’s Group, 2.30pm Midsomer Norton Methodist Church.
Walking Football, 10 - 11am Midsomer Norton Leisure Centre.
AgeUK Book Group, third Tuesday of the month 10 - 11.30am Midsomer Norton Library.
First Thursday Social, first Thursday of every month at Welton Rovers Football Club, 2pm - 5pm.
Singing for Fun, last Tuesday of the month, 2.30 - 4pm at Orchard Hall. For more information, contact AgeUK B&NES, or 01225 484510.
WEDNESDAY Roots Baby and Toddler Group, 1 2.30pm Midsomer Norton Methodist Church. Tai Chi, 2 - 3pm at Orchard Hall. Midsomer Norton Walking Group, first and third Wednesday of the month, meet at Midsomer Norton Town Hall at 10am, for more information, contact AgeUK B&NES, or 01225 484510.
FRIDAY Cinema at the Midsomer Norton Town Hall, every 2nd & 4th weekend of the month. Men’s Shed meetings 9am – 1pm, Farrington Farm.
SATURDAY Somerset Farmers’ Market, first Saturday of the month, outside the Hollies Gardens, Midsomer Norton High Street. Cinema at Midsomer Norton Town Hall, every 2nd & 4th weekend of the month.
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HAVE YOU GOT A DISCOVERY CARD? If you’re a resident of Bath and North East Somerset, you are entitled to free or discounted entry to a number of museums and attractions across the area. All you need to do is show your Discovery Card to receive these discounts. The Discovery Card is free of charge to adults age 17+ and children aged 14+ (under 14s go free with an adult card holder) and is valid for three years. You can either download an application form from www. or collect one from any of the following locations: • Midsomer Norton Library and Information Service, The Hollies, High Street Midsomer Norton BA3 2DP • Bath’s One Stop Shop, 3-4 Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JQ • The Fashion museum, Bennett Street, Bath, BA1 2QH • The Roman Baths, Abbey Churchyard, Bath, BA1 1LZ • Victoria Art Gallery, Bridge Street, Bath, BA2 4AT • Keynsham Library and Information Service, Civic Centre, Keynsham, BS31 1FS
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You must apply for a Discovery Card in person as your photograph will be taken for the card, this only takes a few minutes. Please take proof of residence, this can be a recent Council Tax or Utility Bill, bank statement or travel card. A photocard driving licence can’t be accepted as proof of residence. You will also need a proof of ID this can be a passport or photocard driving licence. To renew your Discovery Card, please go to one of the above locations and bring proof that you are still living in B&NES. Your card will then be renewed for another three years. Renewals can be done by post by sending copies of your proof of residence and a stamped self addressed envelope to Discovery Card, Pump Room, Stall Street, Bath BA1 1LZ. For more information, including a full list of available discounts, visit the Library and Information Service or call B&NES Heritage Services on 01225 477785 or by email:
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A MESSAGE FROM THE CLERK I would like to offer a warm welcome to all our new councillors and returning members on behalf of the council’s office staff, we look forward to working with you. We’d like to say thank you to all outgoing members for all the work they have put in and a special thank you to Paul Myers for the hours and dedication spent on the Town Council. He has worked extremely hard to establish the Town Council and get it to where it is today. Thank you, Paul. Following a successful recruitment, we welcomed Amanda Hazell as Deputy Clerk to the team on the 4th March. Amanda has settled into the role well and is now getting to grips with the vital aspects of the role. She has been joined by two new Administrative Assistants, Caroline Brown and Esther Dodd, who took up their posts on Tuesday, 7th May. Both are part time and will be working 5 days per week, Esther in the mornings and Caroline in the afternoon. All of us in the office are happy to help you with any questions you might have. As most of you are aware, the acceptance of the assets to the Town Council and then transfer to the Town Trust has taken a huge amount of effort and time to complete and with the drive from Paul Myers and Steve Plumley, I am pleased to report that this has now taken place and is in hand. Following the successful application to the lottery and funding from the Town Council, the new improved play area at West Clewes is now open for the public to enjoy. We have received some great feedback from members of the public on how the area has transformed and now provides a great space for children to play. You can read more about these in this issue. In regards to West Clewes, following some recent incidents of vandalism, Councillor Plumley and I have met
with Apollo to discuss the current arrangements we have for CCTV, with plans going forward to upgrade the current system to cover a wider area. Following complaints of the current lighting in the car park, the managing committee agreed to fund further lighting and this order has now been placed and should be installed over the coming weeks. As for the Town Park, work is underway and following a successful tender process, we have now instructed a contractor for Phase 1. Work is due to start on the 3rd June, with a break for the Town Fayre. The signage project is nearing its final stages. The order has been placed and the contractors have tested the areas for the finger posts. These are due to be installed over the next couple of weeks. The bus stop maps have already been installed and look good. Comments have been received about the maps, all of which are positive. Read more in this issue. Donna Ford PSLCC Town Clerk
Midsomer Norton Town Council Town Hall, The Island, Midsomer Norton Bath BA3 2HQ - 01761 418701
Cllr John Baker
Cllr Michael Evans (Mayor) 01761 235996
Cllr Steve Plumley (Deputy Mayor) 07913 952901
Cllr Sue Graham 07896 411 840
Cllr Brian Lawrence 07701 007 277
Cllr Gordon Mackay 07806 604 302
Cllr Lynne Clement 07855 037905 01761 414003
Cllr Michael Moxham 01761 419960 07593 185850
Cllr Lynda Robertson 01761 415629
Cllr Richard Robertson 01761 415629
Cllr Chris Smith 07969 181 166
Truespeed is simple: enough people in your community sign up and… ta-dah! Ultrafast broadband, direct to every door. So, however you spend time online, it’s bye bye buffering. Register your interest at If you want to have a chat in more detail, Neil Rogers your town rep will be at Midsomer Norton Town Hall every Monday from 9am - 12pm
Free broadband for local schools Sign up at