1 minute read


Once again may I welcome you to the delights of The Wheel magazine, the third issue in this ambitious task to keep our residents up to date with all that is going on in Radstock. For my part, I have completed nearly three years of being Mayor and am personally thankful for the opportunity to serve the town in this way. We have seen much change and the familiar landscape is gradually adjusting to the appearance of new housing and the disappearance of worn and disused buildings. We have been fortunate that the Angel of Covid has passed by without visiting many of us but the wider effects, including reduced work opportunities, have been felt by many more. Spring is here once again and the prospects for us all will be enhanced during this season of renewal. It is important for our community that local businesses, shops and trades are supported. The Wheel will serve as your guide to what is going on. I wish you good health and joy. Rupert Bevan Mayor of Radstock


There have been reports of suspicious behaviour and drug dealing around Fortescue Road in Radstock. This area and issue remain the top priority for the Somer Valley beat, and we will continue to pay it a lot of attention. Again we ask that members of the public who are witnessing any incidents to report them to us as they are happening, via 999, 101 or the Force Website.

Please be aware of an increase in thefts from vehicles, in particular, vans, in the area of Radstock and Midsomer Norton. Where possible, remove expensive equipment from your vehicle and think about how you park your van. Try to park with rear doors obstructed by walls or buildings to improve security and look at the possibility of adding additional locks to doors.

For further crime prevention advice, you can make contact with your beat team via the police website. www.avonandsomerset.police.uk Mark Graham - Neighbourhood Constable

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