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Mayor's Message

Haydon BatcH – Consultation Results and Update

Since the consultation exhibition in the Community Hub in the spring, the consultation was left open to give everyone sufficient opportunity to comment on the proposals. In all, 61 people completed questionnaires. The majority of whom were in the 50 plus age bracket. Under 25s were particularly under represented, but it is hoped we can undertake further consultation with this age group with the help of Youth Connect South West.

In general the feedback was positive, with 57% of respondents saying that the proposals would likely result in them using the site more and a massive 81% saying that they felt that the balance of the masterplan was about right.

In relation to the proposed features, improved accessibility, improved paths, provision of seating and picnic benches, and improvements to the entrances were the most popular features.

There were quite a few negative comments about the proposed football pitch and facilities. However, this feature does not form part of the Haydon Batch project itself as it is not on the Town Council's Land and is being promoted by the Haydon Village Hall Trust rather than the Town Council. The proposals were simply shown on the masterplan for context. The outcome of the current planning application will need to feed into detailed proposals and the exact location for the Haydon entrance to the batch site.

Some people were concerned that the proposed shelter is not appropriate, however others had expressed desire for a shelter from wind and rain. Additionally, some of the groups (Arts and Health and Wellbeing groups) who will potentially make use of the site have expressed that a shelter would be an important feature for them. The shelter will remain as an option on the masterplan, but probably not one of the first items to be progressed. In due course, its design would need careful consideration to help ensure vandal resistance and that it did not form a focus for antisocial activity.

Another recurring concern is use by motorcycles. It is not possible to physically prevent access to motorcycles without prejudicing other users (mobility buggies / push chairs). With increased positive use, the site should become less attractive to motorcycle users. This will be combined with an active campaign to make contact with the few motorcyclists concerned and discourage this use of the site.

The Town Council are currently looking at funding options to progress a first phase of improvement works on site and are working in partnership with the B&NES Somer Valley Rediscovered project to seek a green spaces grant from the West of England Combined Authority.

Meanwhile, this summer two species of wild orchid have been recorded at Haydon Batch for the first time, a single Green Winged orchid and a group of about 20 Bee Orchids. This is testament to the high ecological value of the grassland, the preservation of which forms one of the core objectives of the project, embodied in the Masterplan.

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