1 minute read
Picnic benches at Westhill
We are lucky in Westfield to have two recreation grounds for exercise and socialising (when we’re allowed!) as well as some lovely footpaths and cycle tracks.
Westhill Recreation Ground, right in the heart of Westfield’s community, has long been a popular place for people to stop for a picnic and enjoy the open space and following the installation of the fitness track and outdoor gym equipment and the upgrade of the swings in the play area last year, the Rec has been busier than ever.

Using S106 funding, which is the money a developer commits to support the local infrastructure when planning permission is granted, the Parish Council was able to install a series of benches and picnic benches around the site. Some of the picnic benches have long over-reaches to accommodate wheelchairs, meaning accessibility for all. Thank you to B&NES for recognising the Parish Council’s vision in this respect and granting the S106 funds. We’re sure they will be well used.