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An Interview with Greensward Sports Consultancy- Looking after Westhill and Norton Hill Playing Fields
Interview with Damien, Director at Greensward Sports Consultancy
Westfield Parish Council maintains two recreation grounds. We asked our grounds maintenance contractors about the work that goes into doing this.
Damien Baudhuin is the Director of Greensward Sports Consultancy. Being quite new to the role he has been on a steep learning curve!
Damien, please could you tell us a bit Greensward and your role there?
I’ve been the new director of Greensward since June last year. My role is mostly based around running the company, from organising the daily operations to growing the business. The part I enjoy the most would be meeting customers and providing the best service we can.
What areas do you maintain within Westfield and what does this entail?
We have been managing both Westhill and Norton Hill playing fields for a few years now. That includes the maintenance of the field and pitches all year round, but also the equipment from the play area, the tennis courts, the hedges, cleaning the pavilion and probably everything you can think of on both sites.
What are some of the common issues that arise whilst carrying out your work?
In general, the community at Westfield has been very welcoming and it great to see the local community using the playing field to their full potential. On the other hand, there have been a few individuals damaging some equipment such as benches being dug out and signs thrown in trees (yes you have read that right). Apart from that, it would be the general public littering or not picking up dog faeces.
What is your favourite thing about working in Westfield?
The great thing about working in Westfield is the wide variety of services required. Furthermore, providing our services to the local community is incredibly rewarding and the contact that we have with the Parish Council is fantastic and they’re a pleasure to work with.