All About Electronic Discovery Services Electronic discovery services or e-discovery services is how we access, modify or append electrically stored information. It is a process or a method of selection. Electronically stored information is any data that is available in a digitized form. So it can range from your Facebook post to the password of your Email account. It is all the data that is available about you on the internet or the web. The online footprint of people is increasing because they have started gaining more and more access to internet. But it is not just about what you put online voluntarily that is electronic data. It does include the details about you which HR department of your company has on you as an employee. Simply put, if your data is digitized, you are easier to get hold of, literally. Where are electronic discovery services used? litigation support, lawyers and attorneys are some of the cases where it is used. This service has made the working of each professional lot simpler and easier. Electrnoics discovery services – what does it have There are 3 parts with the help of which Electronics discovery services can be explained. 1. Data processing: videos, audios, emails, text, websites, blogs etc is the form of online data. To process this data at real – time speed is the reason why Electronic discovery services are required. It also includes scanning of documents. 2. Data collection and data preservation: The online footprint of the people that you will engage with in litigation or court, the collection of their data is done by using electronic discovery services. Storage and use of data is known as data preservation. Other part is data identification. This means sorting relevant data from the entire lot. 3. Data analysis and filtering: Similar to data identification except the fact that data which is already been segregated is also analyzed to keep in mind the end result. How do I find the best vendor for electronic discovery services? There are a few tried and tested ways to go about this. Search and google it for electronic discovery services. Then move ahead to the vendor of your choice as many companies offer these services and have a user friendly site and even the numbers of customer care are available. Next step to be followed is to ask around. Even if you haven’t had the time to Google this, ask people who you know use these services frequently. First hand review is always useful and reliable. If you visit litigation firm regularly then ask your contacts to provide you with some reference of electronic discovery service provider. After you have decided on a few that meet your requirement, take a good look at their websites. The cost as well as the services they provide, this information is easily available online. Check for the following with whichever firm you decide on. 1. Confidentiality clauses in the agreement, since this data may be of very sensitive nature. 2. What technology and technical prowess they have at their disposal. 3. Hours which as consultants they spend with you and if many hours are wasted on frills and formalities in your very first meeting that don’t forget next time you will be paying for it. Upto some extent this guide will help you to ease out your work with the help of electronic discovery.