Fibromyalgia - Causes, Symptoms, and Non-surgical Treatment Modalities

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Fibromyalgia - Causes, Symptoms, and Non-surgical Treatment Modalities Fibromyalgia pain management involves the development of a personalized treatment plan to reduce pain, improve function and mobility, and enhance quality of life.

Multispecialty healthcare centers providing pain management services in Brooklyn offer effective treatments to manage acute and chronic pain, helping patients optimize health and physical function. Fibromyalgia is one of the common ailments that may benefit from musculoskeletal rehabilitation. A long-term condition that causes aches and pain all over the body, fibromyalgia is believed to have a number of contributing factors. These include abnormally low levels of the hormones serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine in the brain, changes in the way the central nervous system such as the brain, spinal cord and nerves process pain messages carried around the body, disturbed sleep patterns, physical or psychological stress, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, repetitive injuries, viral infections, genetics, and obesity. Fibromyalgia can affect people of all ages, including children. However, it usually tends to hit people as they get older, especially during middle age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), women are twice as likely to develop fibromyalgia as men. Symptoms The common signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia are: Aches and stiffness all over the body Tingling or numbness in hands and feet Pain in the face or jaw, including disorders of the jaw

Digestive problems including abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and even irritable bowel syndrome Tiredness and fatigue Anxiety and depression Sleep problems Cognitive and memory problems Headaches, including migraines

Nonsurgical Options to Manage Fibromyalgia Pain In leading multispecialty health care centers in Brooklyn, NYC, experienced healthcare professionals work as a team to diagnose and treat various musculoskeletal conditions. Several diagnostic tests may be ordered to determine the severity of the condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the patient. These include a combination of medications and therapies to provide quick relief from pain.

Physical Therapy (PT) – PT exercises can improve flexibility and reduce muscle tightness. Other PT modalities used with fibromyalgia patients including deep tissue massage, applying ice or heat packs to eliminate muscle spasm and inflammation, and ultrasound therapy to treat soft tissue injuries and traction.

Chiropractic care – Chiropractors use applied pressure, massage, and hands-on manipulation (adjustment). These gentle adjustments to the spine are aimed at removing misalignment of the vertebrae of the spine, which can improve symptoms, flexibility, balance, coordination and endurance.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) – TENS involves utilizing low-voltage electrical current to reduce muscle stiffness and pain.

Pain management doctors also prescribe medications such as analgesics, antidepressants, SSRIs, NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), etc., to reduce pain and fatigue. To control the effects of fibromyalgia, patients need follow the instructions of their pain management doctor. In a reliable multispecialty healthcare center, physicians work closely with patients to develop customized treatment plans to address their specific symptoms, minimize pain, enhance physical function and mobility, and improve quality of life.

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