Catalog UAMT recommends 2020_en

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Introductory message from Chairman of UAMT

Dear friends and colleaques! Дорогі друзі та колеги! Дорогие друзья и коллеги!

For the seventh year in a row, the honorary tle «UAMT Recommends» has helped prominent clinics and companies to make themselves known to pa ents and doctors all over the world. Medical ins tu ons of the «UAMT Recommends» category automa cally receive confidence of foreign pa ents from all over the world and assurance of safety and quality of medical services. The dis nc on «UAMT recommends» is awarded to medical organiza ons that develop inbound and outbound medical tourism in their countries, which have confirmed their high professionalism and compliance with all necessary standards. The «UAMT Recommends» status is updated annually, and leading medical ins tu ons strive to confirm their right to retain this tle every year. 2020 goes down in the history of the development of medical tourism as a year of great trials, transforma ons and transi on to an en rely new level - the level of ability to get treatment and travel during a pandemic. Thus, our 7th edi on of the «UAMT Recommends 2020» Catalog can be considered as truly historical, unique and especially valuable. Because in it we have collected those representa ves of medical tourism of the era of coronavirus who, with their high professionalism, a great desire to always help people in any condi ons, have proved that true masters of their professions do not have obstacles for growth, development and improvement. We are glad that with the ac ve support of the Ukrainian Associa on of Medical Tourism, the majority of the members of the Associa on, contrary to all the forecasts of pessimists of 2020, not only steadfastly and courageously survived the quaran ne, but together with the UAMT grew stronger, more powerful and even more famous at the world market of medical tourism... Stay with UAMT, so you shall always be ahead. Our mo o remains unchanged: «Let`s develop together»! Ukrainian Medical Tourism Associa on recommends!

Viole a Yanyshevska, MD, MBA, President of the Ukrainian Associa on of Medical Tourism - UAMT, President of the Global Healthcare Travel Council – GHTC



Institute of Cell Therapy Ins tute of Cell Therapy is a unique research and development, manufacturing and clinical complex, due to the level of laboratory and technical equipment, has no analogues in Ukraine and neighboring countries. A special pride of the Ins tute of Cell Therapy is own Cryobank of stem cells and human ssues, equipped due to the latest technologies. The structure of Cryobank also includes biotechnological laboratory that develops and manufactures unique cell prepara ons, cell culture laboratories, diagnos c laboratories, including own PCR laboratory. Uniqueness of elabora ons of the Ins tute of Cell Therapy scien sts is confirmed by more than 30 patents and cer ficates in the field of cell therapy and cryobiology. Ins tute of Cell Therapy has a license of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and technological equipment of cryobank and clinic comply with GLP standards and ISO 9001:2015. All employees of the Ins tute of Cell Therapy were trained in Europe, USA and Japan. Our partners include leading medical research and educa onal ins tu ons of Ukraine, Europe and North America. Ins tute of Cell Therapy includes modern mul profile clinic that provides all kinds of medical services, including treatment of diseases using the latest achievement of cell technologies, unique beauty services and individual programs of an -age therapy.

The main activities of Institute of Cell Therapy are: Stem cell therapy for diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cri cal limb ischemia, liver cirrhosis, hepa

s, diseases of the joints, cardiovascular diseases, etc.;

An -age therapy and rejuvena on of the body; Therapeu c and beauty programs using placenta extract. To date, the Ins tute of Cell Therapy has successfully treated more than 6,000 pa ents, including not only the ci zens of Ukraine, but also pa ents from the European Union, USA, Middle East and China.

+ 38 044 207 92 07

Ukraine,Kiev, st. Kudryashova,9


Today, we offer our pa ents a full examina on of the body using the most modern equipment, effec ve treatment of a number of serious diseases using cell technologies in a comfortable clinic, individual programs of an -age therapy and unigue services of detox clinic.



MEDICAL CENTER OF STEM CELL TECHNOLOGIES, PLASTIC SURGERY AND BIOREVITALIZATION Medical center Deva-Clinique with its clinic, cer fied laboratory and Deva Cryobank with the cryogenic storage, that allows to preserve stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord, teeth and also placental extract, is located in Kiev. Our medical center also offers isola on, cul va on, cryopreserva on of pa ents own adult stem cells and applying it in treatment of different diseases. Deva Clinique provides effec ve stem cell therapy for treatment of such diseases: cardiovascular, endocrine, reproduc ve systems. Its very good as well as for an aging, cosmetology, plas c surgery, neurology, immunology, traumatology and orthopedics. Our stem cell treatment methods for Crohn's disease and diabetes mellitus, as well as their use in plas c surgery were recognized by leading stem cell professionals at Stem Cell Summit at Global technology congress in 2017 and th 2018 in Boston (USA) and 48 World Congress of Surgery at Krakow, Poland in 2019. As well Stem cell therapy is used for the treatment of autoimmune diseases which are caused by disfunc on of the cell program of the body's immune system – instead of neutralizing foreign par cles, they begin to destroy body's own healthy ssue. During treatment, the pa ent's immune system «reboots» – as a result, «sick» cells are destroyed, and stem cells transform into «healthy» immune cells.

The Deva Clinique cell therapy provides the comprehensive effect as follows: Intensive immunocorrec ve effect on the body's immune system; Improving potency and libido, hormonal balance, stabiliza on of blood pressure; Regenera on of the anatomical structure and normaliza on of the func oning of internal organs; Improving performance and prolonging an ac ve lifestyle, elimina on of chronic fa gue syndrome; Increased muscle strength; Sleep formula normaliza on, improving psychomotor reac ons, memory capacity and cogni ve (thinking) proceses; Preven on of age-related diseases, reduc on of biological age and significant an -age effect. Deva Clinique uses unique methods of treatment using placental cryoextract, aimed at increasing of male and female sexual fer lity and ac vity. Using placental cryoextract is highly effec ve in the complex treatment of tubal infer lity and miscarriage syndrome. At Deva Clinique, body plas c surgeries and bariatric surgeries are performed by the high-class surgeons who also operate in Europe and the U.S. Also, Deva Clinique has developed an effec ve program for the treatment of emo onal burnout with cellular prepara ons, which are patented by our clinic.

+38 044 351 25 25 +38 098 160 01 00 4,Pochainynska St., Kyiv,Ukraine

We use a customized approach and develop an individual treatment plan for every pa ent. In this way, we are figh ng the causes of diseases, it improves the well-being and lead to complete recovery of our pa ents. This is extremely important and necessary because it allows our pa ents in many cases to avoid surgical interven on and save valuable life resources for a healthy and happy life.



The LISOD Hospital of Israeli Oncology The LISOD Clinic – is a progressive medical facility, where the latest methods of diagnos cs and treatment of oncological diseases are applied. The hospital has been ac ve in Ukraine since 2007. VARIAN linear accelerators were installed here for the first me in Ukraine, as the Western standards of radiotherapy were implemented. Chemotherapy is provided according to the recommenda ons enlisted in the interna onal medical protocols (NCCN, ESMO, and others), which are renowned by oncologists from all around the world, and approved as the standards of treatment with confirmed efficacy. As of today, LISOD is the leader in the use of targeted drugs and immunotherapy, applying them in a wider range of situa ons, than any other oncological hospital in Ukraine.

Expert oncological care The Hospital is an ac ng member is of the European Organiza on for Research and Treatment of Cancer. Its doctors are members of such interna onal organiza ons as ESMO, ASCO, ESGO, ESTRO, ECCA, ASTRO. The Advisory board at the LISOD is comprised of world-class specialists from major oncological centers of the world, who directly oversee every clinical case.

LISOD Advantages

+38 044 520 94 00 0 800 500 110 27 Malyshko Str., Pliuty village,Obuhovskiy district,Ukraine,Kiev region

More than 30 types of cancer, including oncohematological disorders, are treated at LISOD. Every pa ent at the LISOD Hospital can undergo accurate diagnos cs and effec ve treatment. Everything necessary is available here. The consulta ve, diagnos c, surgical departments, as well as departments of chemotherapy, hematological oncology and radia on therapy, Center of Modern Mammology, clinical, pathomorphological, and chemotherapeu c laboratories. Personalized approach: the treatment is prescribed individually for every pa ent based on specific proper es of the tumor, comorbidi es, general health condi on of the admi ed person. All decisions regarding the treatment plan are made exclusively by an interdisciplinary concilium, which includes clinical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, oncohematologists, surgeons, chemo- and radiotherapists, as well as other specialists. The modern VARIAN linear accelerators are installed at the LISOD, including Halcyon – the latest genera on accelerator. Brachytherapy, a crucial part of cervical cancer treatment, is applied here. In surgery, the minimally invasive and organ-saving approach is emphasized. Laparoscopic and endoscopic interven ons are performed, as well as oncoplas c surgeries, to not only cure the pa ents but also provide a high quality of life. The exact proper es of the tumor and its spread are learned with help of the «golden standard» of diagnos cs – PET-CT. The 3D-mammograph with a tomosynthesis op on, unique for Ukraine, allows crosscut examina on of the mammary gland and precise detec on of the slightest suspicious changes in the breast ssue. The results of histologic and immunohistochemical analyses are always verified in the leading laboratory in Germany. Every pa ent can be certain in the accuracy of established diagnosis and correctness of their further treatment recommenda on. Refer to LISOD to get qualified help at the level of the leading oncological centers in the world.


Spizhenko Clinic


SPIZHENKO CLINIC - 11 YEARS OF INNOVATION IN MEDICINE The Spizhenko Clinic was founded in year 2009 by an academician, a prac cing surgeon and the first minister of health of independent Ukraine, Yu.P. Spizhenko. The only medical center in Ukraine and the first in Eastern Europe, where the treatment of tumors was started using a unique technology - the CyberKnife radiosurgical system. Without contact with biological ssues, without incisions, without blood and pain, radiosurgery opened access to treatment where it was impossible to apply surgery.

World first operations

We were one of the first in the history of world medicine to perform a unique radiosurgery for an eye tumor. As a result, the pa ent is able to save not only the affected organ, but also the vision. Un l then, the only treatment for uveal melanoma was to remove the eyeball. A similar treatment was carried out for cancer of the only kidney, where we showed best results on a par with the best medical centers in the USA and Europe. Since then, for more than 11 years, the Spizhenko Clinic has been a leader among innova ons and high technologies in medicine. During this me, we have become the largest base for clinical trials, a center for training specialists to work on Elekta linear accelerators, and the CyberKnife radiosurgical system. Introduced the most innova ve systems for diagnosing diseases with ar ficial intelligence technology.

Full cycle medical center The arsenal of specialists of our medical center includes the whole range of methods for effec ve fight against oncology: laparoscopic and open surgery, neurosurgery, robo c radiosurgery, high-precision IMRT radia on therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy of tumors. All these methods are effec ve in their own way, therefore, for each pa ent, we apply an individual combina on of them that meets the world's leading standards.

100 thousand patients from 32 countries of the world During the opera on of the Spizhenko Clinic, qualified oncological care has been provided to more than 100 thousand pa ents from 32 countries of the world. The fact that such global insurance companies as BUPA Global, the American Sigma and the German Allianz trust us with their pa ents, tes fies to the fact that the clinic has long earned a global reputa on among oncology centers around the world.

Prevention is the key to health

From the first days of the work of the medical center to today, we consider our main mission to bring a careful a tude to health into the culture of Ukrainians. All our resources are aimed at ensuring that cancer preven on and early diagnosis programs are as effec ve as possible, and the number of requests for oncological care in the late stages of the disease in our country becomes minimal.

0 800 211 333 (all calls are free) 08112,Kapitanovka, Soborna str.21 Ukraine,Kiev region, Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district

A er all, cancer is not a sentence. And we at the Spizhenko Clinic prove it every day!



«INNOVATION» CANCER CENTER Clinic of European Oncology «INNOVATION» oncology clinic was opened in October 2009. The pa ents from many countries use the services of the our clinic. «INNOVATION» is an oncological clinic, providing a modern, European approach to the diagnosis and treatment different types of cancer. The clinic has all necessary equipment, qualified specialists, medicines and technologies to provide specialized care for pa ents with malignant and benign diseases. In its work, the clinic uses the most modern standards of treatment of cancer, which are based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Doctors of clinic received training and internship in best clinics of France, Israel, Germany. Since 2018, the clinic has received next official interna onal recogni on, acknowledgment of which were cer fied ISO 9001:2018, and the Ukrainian cer ficate of State Standard ISO 9001:2018. Cer fica on was carried out by the German auditors TUV SUD.

Medical services of the clinic: Oncology Gynecology / oncogynecology Breast cancer Hematology / oncohematology Surgery / Oncology Surgery Plas c and Reconstruc ve Surgery In clinic «INNOVATION» full cycle of diagnos c and cancer treatment, which is extremely important for quick decisions and providing highest level of service.

The clinic «INNOVATION» uses advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment: Radia on diagnos cs Nuclear diagnos cs Endoscopic diagnos cs Clinical diagnos cs Pathological diagnosis and immunnohistochemical diagnos cs The molecular and gene c diagnos cs Radiotherapy (Linear accelerator Varian) Chemotherapy (hormone therapy, targeted therapy) Surgery (minimally invasive, plas c, reconstruc ve) Rehabilita on + 38 (044) 331 21 00 + 38 (044) 331 23 00 07352,Kyiv region, Vyshgorodsky district, S. Lyutezh, st. Vitryanogo,69a


The subject of special a en on in the clinical breast center of «INNOVATION» is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of benign diseases. Since 2013 the breast center clinics is part of a worldwide network of breast centers Breast Centres Network. It shows that the center uses the most advanced technology in the leading clinics of the world. Despite the sta s cs of cancer, our professional approach makes it possible to treat the disease with the most modern techniques to improve the quality of life and give hope to cancer pa ents.

«DAHNO» institute for reproductive medicine


Institute «DAHNO» - international center for the Diagnosis and treatment of infertility We have been the first in the field of assisted reproduc ve technologies in Ukraine - and remain the leader today. More than 27 years of experience allows us not only to maintain our leading posi on, but also to share our experience with colleagues and to train young specialists from Ukraine and other countries. Our team of professionals offers pa ents the highest level of medical care for all forms of infer lity. Our mo o is «A woman coming to us with problem should take baby home». Ultra-modern equipment and long-term experience allow us to perform successfully the following procedures: Diagnosis and treatment of all forms of infer lity A full range of state-of-the-art techniques of the Assisted Reproduc ve Technologies (ART) in natural or s mulated menstrual cycle Egg, sperm, and embryo dona on programs, including transport scheme with the beginning of pa ent prepara on at the place of residence. Fer liza on via ICSI, IMSI, PICSI PGD (pre-implanta on gene c diagnosis) Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery Wide spectrum of gynecological, andrological, urologic opera ons Male factor – microsurgical sperm retrieval from the tes s and epididymis (micro-TESA, TESE, PESA, MESA) The work of our team aims at achieving one of life's most noble goals - the birth of a healthy baby, while maintaining the health of the mother.


+38 067 603 07 59 (Viber,Telegram,WhatsApp) 1,Baggovutivska Street, Kyiv,04107,Ukraine



ISIDA clinic ISIDA is the largest medical center in Ukraine specializing in women's health and family planning. The clinic was one of the first among all private medical centers in the country to begin developing the direc on of infer lity treatment. 28 years ago, the clinic began to work with pa ents who faced problems with natural concep on of a child. The main priority in the work of the clinic is focus on the pa ent. Working according to European protocols, con nuous professional development of our specialists, introduc on of new global prac ces and exchange of experience with foreign partners allows us to have an individual approach to each pa ent. Therefore we take into account not only characteris cs of his medical indica ons but also personal preferences. 16 years ago, ISIDA became the first private maternity hospital in Ukraine in response to the pa ents' needs to receive quality services with an individual approach. Today the clinic consists of a maternity hospital and three outpa ent centers specializing in infer lity treatment, planning and monitoring of pregnancy, birth, gynecology, mammology and pediatric care. For interna onal pa ents the clinic has an Interna onal Department, its staff accompanies pa ents at all stages of service. That is from applying to the clinic online or by phone un l all procedures are completed and the pa ent returns home. Their responsibili es include not only preliminary consul ng on services and arrangements necessary for arrival but also prepara on of a plan regarding your stay in an unfamiliar country. These are recommenda ons for living, cultural pas me, assistance in moving around the city, for instance, ordering a taxi, arranging mee ngs at the airport etc. Pa ents also have the opportunity, if necessary, to get an online consulta on with a doctor to clarify medical issues. Pa ents of ISIDA clinic have become foreign ci zens from more than 85 countries. Examples of effec ve treatment, an extensive database of donors and affordable prices have always a racted pa ents from different countries to our clinic. Helping pa ents to achieve the long-desired maternity, we use our many years of exper se in:

0 800 60 80 80 +38 044 455 88 11 ISIDA Medical City: Kyiv,65 Vatslava Havela Blvd ISIDA Obolon: Kyiv,22 Heroes of Stalingrad Ave ISIDA Livoberezhna: Kyiv,8B Raisy Oki pnoi Str. ISIDA Pechersk: Kyiv,13À Kruhlouniversytetska Str.


Surrogacy In vitro fer liza on Vitrifica on Intrauterine insemina on Ovula on Induc on Hysterosalpingography / echosalpingography Preimplanta on gene c diagnosis / screening: PGD / PGS, NGS In 2006, ISIDA was the first private medical ins tu on to receive ISO 9001-2000 cer fica on (LGA - InterCert, Germany), and in 2016 QHA Trent accredita on. Both accredita ons were prolonged, according to the results of the inspec on of commissions, which visited the clinic for cer fica on of compliance of the quality of services with interna onal standard. We believe that pa ent sa sfac on with the quality of our services indicates the success of our work. Therefore, we always strive to adapt new trends of our pa ents' needs and desires. The greatest value is to understand that we are a part of the family stories that arise from our hard and inspired work.

Center for modern surgery SPINEX


SPINEX Center for modern surgery is a new private full-cycle medical center built in the city of Vinnytsia in 2018. The Center was created on the basis of a long-term experience of leading Ukrainian specialists in the field of neurosurgery, orthopedics, rhinosurgery and plas c surgery. Considering the years of work in public medicine and relying on successful world prac ce, a modern Center with state-of-the-art medical equipment, high level of service and highly qualified personnel was created.

Work directions of the center: Neurosurgery: spine surgery; brain surgery; nerve surgery; vascular surgery. Orthopedics and traumatology: endoprosthe cs; arthroscopic opera ons; sports medicine; regenera ve medicine. Rhinosurgery: Opera ons on the sinuses; opera ons on the nasal septum; removal of foreign objects and neoplasms. Plas c surgery: face and neck plas c surgery; breast plas c surgery; abdominal plas c surgery; in mate plas c surgery. Rehabilita on: post-surgery rehabilita on; medical fitness, physical therapy; psychological support center. Diagnos cs: digital radiography; ultrasound examina ons; clinical and diagnos c laboratory.

Basic principles of the center: - The best specialists in the field. The Center employs doctors whose authority is recognized by the world medical community. Among them: honored doctors of Ukraine, professors, MD and PhD, specialists with many years of experience. - Advanced technical equipment. The Center has two modern opera ng rooms built according to the European design and equipped with equipment from leading companies that have established themselves as the most accurate and highly technical manufacturers in the world. - Sterility and safety for pa ents. Opera ng rooms are equipped with a laminar flow ven la on system, which creates a "sterile zone" and guarantees dynamic sterility support in the surgical area throughout the opera on. - The fastest recovery possible. Much a en on is paid to the early rehabilita on of pa ents a er surgery. Rehabilita on is performed before the surgery and on the day a er the surgery, or on the next day, which helps to achieve the maximum effect of treatment in the shortest possible me. - Comfort and high level of service. For all pa ents, the all-inclusive system is available, where the cost of the surgery includes: surgical interven on, full provision of medicines and medical materials, 24/7 support, bandages, stay in a comfortable hospital, 3 meals a day and rehabilita on. For foreign pa ents, there is an interna onal department that provides a c omprehensive treatment package: Free online consulta on before arrival Kyiv-Vinnytsia-Kyiv transfer Accommoda on, meals and tourist program during the stay in Vinnytsia Diagnos cs before surgery and consulta ons with related specialists Surgical interven on with full provision of medicinal products Hospital stay with 3 meals a day Preopera ve and postopera ve rehabilita on. Constant support of the interna onal department

+38 (0432) 50 70 90 +38 (068) 150 90 90 +38 (066) 150 90 90 Facebook: Instagram: spinex_vn Ukraine,Vinnytsia, Kniaziv Koryatovychiv St., 209-A (A.I. Yushchenko Memorial PscychoNeurological Hospital, Vinnytsia)



«Floris» Medical Center «Floris» Medical Center is a mul -profile state-of-art and high-tech medical center in the city of Sumy, known for high-quality diagnos cs and use of innova ve methods of treatment.

Our advantages: Over 20 years on the medical service market Fully-equipped departments of expert diagnos cs Up-to-date laboratory of European level Consultancies of 53 doctors of 32 special es High level of service and comfort for the pa ents

Offered investigations 1. USI equipment of expert class from the best world manufacturers makes it possible to detect diseases at the earliest stages. We have our own-patented methods of inves ga on. 2. Fully-equipped department of X-ray diagnos cs: - Modern mul slice computed tomography. This method allows to see changes in the abdominal and small pelvis organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.), chest organs, brain, including small pathology (up to 2-3 mm). - Unique dual-power X-ray densitometer Discovery C allows for accurate assessment of the state of bone ssue. This study is the 'gold standard' of osteoporosis diagnos cs. - Mammography. Highly effec ve method for diagnosing breast diseases in women. Thanks to modern equipment, masses can be detected at the earliest stages. - Philips digital X-ray system delivers the highest-resolu on images while minimizing the pa ent exposure. 3. Our laboratory of the European level, which is the best in the region, provides a full range of laboratory tests, using only original reagents. It has undergone interna onal cer fica on and is constantly subject to the quality control. 4. Olympus video endoscopy system provides unparalleled imaging accuracy and quality allowing to maximize diagnos c performance and receive the most precise result.

Offer for the foreign patients. When it comes to health care, there should be no geographic boundaries, and we are commi ed to provide proficient medical services to the pa ents from any place of the world! +38 (0542) 77-57-57 +38 (066) 532-78-09 (Viber) +38 (097) 947-57-57 Ukraine, Chekhova Str. 2,Sumy, I. Sirka Str. 3,Sumy

We take care about the emo onal background of our visitors; therefore, we created comfortable condi ons for the pa ents staying in our center.

«Floris» Medical Center offers: development of an individual diagnos c and treatment plan for each pa ent; execu on of an invita on for treatment to facilitate crossing the state border; a dedicated manager who will accompany the pa ent to the medical center; communica on in English; transla on, interpre ng and analysis of anamnesis, previous inves ga ons; transfer, accommoda on, accompanying the pa ent to other medical ins tu ons in the country, if necessary.




Into-Sana is a leader among private medical companies in Ukraine. Our leading posi on has been achieved thanks to the professionalism of our doctors, medical quality control, the complexity of the services provided, as well as work experience since 1995. Into-Sana is a mul disciplinary clinic, with ambulance and health insurance services, a wide range of services for the diagnosis, a private clinical laboratory, modern ambulatory medical centers with a wide range of experts, round the clock surgical care, as well as the largest private hospital in Ukraine. One of our main advantages is the holis c approach we provide. The pa ent has beneďŹ ts from the en re package of medical services, when he turning to us for help. The package includes medical services from consultancy to diagnos c, includes implementa on of surgery if it is necessary. These services are performed with the highest level of exper se among our specialists, complemented by fair and transparent pricing.

The clinic Recep on and Diagnos c Department; Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care; Department of vascular pathologies; Department of Urology and Gynecology; Department of Surgery, Coloproctology, trauma and ENT diseases; Department of Pediatrics. All departments of the clinic are equipped with modern medical equipment, pa ents are fully provided with nursing care, while the admission and hospitaliza on is carried out by specialist doctors. All chambers are equipped with shower cabins, refrigerator, TV, bathroom, special medical furniture.

The polyclinic Medical Center embodies our ideal of the medical service, which is completely modern and customer-oriented for pa ents of all ages. We have selected doctors of all special es and created a diversiďŹ ed medical complex, which includes: 1. The possibility of outpa ent recep on for both children and adults; 2. Comfortable pa ent experience (preregistra on, no queues, physician support system); 3. Fully equipped ambulatory services;

4. A bright play area for our youngest pa ents, which change related to medical procedures.

Here at Into-Sana we con nue to develop a network of medical centers in Odessa and Kiev, increasing the access to quality of medicine in across Ukraine's regions.



Medical center «MedicoMente» European Level Addiction Treatment Center Medical center of modern addictology «MedicoMente» is the only specialized clinic in Ukraine, where all types of medical care are provided in one center. Having your own intensive care unit allows us to stop acute lifethreatening condi ons that o en occur in pa ents with overdoses or against the background of withdrawal from psychoac ve substances and alcohol. In the clinic, the pa ent is under the constant supervision of qualified medical personnel (24/7). In our medical center specialists working in the following areas: anesthesiology, intensive and emergency medicine, narcology, psychiatry, neurology, psychotherapy, medical psychology. We use exclusively original cer fied medica ons with proven efficacy to detoxify, stabilize and restore impaired body func ons. The clinic is licensed and equipped with a full list of modern medical equipment in accordance with the criteria of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Unique protocols and treatment programs have been developed, implemented and are ac vely used in prac ce, which allows in a short me (from 7 to 21 days) to solve any problem of addic on, remove depression, and stabilize mental health. Not only pa ents from Ukraine, but also from countries of near and far abroad ac vely seek help from the clinic – they receive high-quality treatment.

BASIC SERVICES OF THE MEDICAL CENTER FOR TREATMENT OF ADDICTIONS – «MedicoMente»: Removal from Hard Drinking in a Hospital, all Types of Detoxifica on of the Body, Relief of Acute Condi ons in Psychoses, Delirium, Acute Withdrawal Symptoms; detoxifica on of the Body From Psychoac ve Substances, Metabolites and Toxins; ultrafast Rapid Opioid Detoxifica on (UROD), Plasmapheresis and Hemadsorp on; clinical Hypnotherapy, Pharmacological Hypno c Effects; Personality-Oriented Psychotherapy; Neurometabolic and Regenera ve-Restora ve Therapy and Programs; implanta on of Extended Forms of Prepara ons: Naltrexon – An -Opioid; Disulfiram – An -Alcohol Blockade, Specific Blockers From S mulants; physiotherapy Procedures, Pressotherapy, Laser Blood Irradia on, Massage.


+38 (095) 550 85 25 +1 (754) 209 92 22;

Medovaya street 10, ss. Gnedinskiy,Borispolsky district,Kiev region,Ukraine, 08340.


Alcohol and Drug Addic on; dependence on S mulants, Benzodiazepines, Tranquilizers; gaming and Gambling Addic on; mental Dependence and Craving for Psychoac ve Substances; anxiety-Depressive Disorders, Mental Disorders and Condi ons; complex Ibogaine Therapy in the Clinic – the Only Licensed Center in Eastern Europe; outpa ent Psychotherapy and An -Relapse Programs.

«MedicoMente» is: Licensed Medical Ins tu on of the European Level; 24 Hours Qualified Medical Care and Control; a Team of Professionals With Interna onal Experience; only Cer fied Medicines with Proven Effec veness; modern Methods of Treatment and Comprehensive Programs in Narcology, Psychiatry, Neurology and Rehabilita on; impeccable Cleanliness, Truly Comfortable Stay; individual Gourmet Balanced Meals at Restaurant Level; confiden ality of Stay and Safety.

ASSA Dental Clinic


ASSA Dental Clinic has been pu ng smiles on people's face since 2012 and hit top 10 dental clinics in Kyiv. We offer our pa ents a full range of European-level dental services, from hygiene to total rehabilita on. Our doctors use digital modern diagnos c equipment and materials from the best world manufacturers in their work. Doctors at ASSA Dental Clinic speak English, Italian, and German, which makes the stay of foreign pa ents more comfortable and accessible. The leading specialists of the clinic are interna onal-class lecturers, who competently use modern and author's developments in their work to provide treatment that guarantees results. The clinic uses the latest innova ve technologies and equipment: 3Shape intraoral scanner, CERECDENTSPLYSERONA scanner, piezotome, physio dispenser, Teethan digital tool for measuring the parameters of dental occlusion, microscope and others. Thanks to the introduc on of 3D digital technology into our prac ce, we have the ability and special knowledge to help pa ents even in the most difficult cases. Digital scanning and modeling of teeth make it possible for the pa ent to see the result before star ng treatment. Digital implanta on planning makes surgical interven on successful. EasyAlign is a unique digital technology for crea ng aligners allowing us to safely move and place teeth in the desired posi on. One of the exclusive areas of the clinic is Gnathology. Our pa ents do not experience fear, pain and inconvenience, because we give an excellent result without pain and nervousness. ASSA Dental Center offers a full range of services with the par cipa on of specialists of any profile. Our team includes Orthopaedic Den st, Dental Therapist, Endodon st, Orthodon st, Gnathologist-Orthodon st, Periodon st, Implantologist, Maxillofacial Surgeon, and Children's Den st. Full staffing helps us to solve urgent and planned tasks quickly. All our doctors are cer fied. They ac vely apply the latest developments, which helps us remain compe ve in the dental services market and provide highly qualified care to people who need it. We strive to do everything and even more to make every visitor of our center feel at home. We hope that the pa ents of ASSA Dental Centre will appreciate the quality of services provided as well as the friendliness and responsiveness of our staff.

Choosing ASSA Clinic, you will get:

Reliable and effec ve treatment. Our pa ents recommend us to their colleagues, friends, and family. Highly qualified doctors. Availability of cer ficates, higher specialized educa on, and experience is a pre-condi on for working at our center. Medical services meet the highest criteria. Our dental laboratory, modern equipment, and the use of new dental techniques have a posi ve effect on our image. A long list of services offered. You do not need to apply to several clinics at once. Affordability. Our prices are affordable to any category of ci zens.

+38 (044) 223 30 55 +38 (044) 223 30 05 +38 (063) 377 78 82 Anna Akhmatova street,5, Poznyaki,Kiev,Ukraine



Medical center Oftalmika Medical center O almika is a modern ophthalmological center that opened in the year 2005 in Kharkiv on the base of the City Clinical Hospital № 14 named a er Professor Leopold Girshman – one of the oldest and most known ophthalmological clinics of Ukraine. Medical center O almika has been found as a clinic of a new type interna onally standardized, with innova ve approaches to ac vity management, service level and quality of assistance provided. Honesty, openness and responsibility towards the pa ents are the main principles of Medical center O almika. Over 15 years of ac vity in the ophthalmic services market, O almika MC has gained a reputa on of a leader of the given healthcare industry in Ukraine. Today it is a modern medical ins tu on employing the leading ophthalmologists of the region and the best ophthalmological surgeons of Ukraine who are members of the European and American Socie es of Cataracts and Refrac ve Surgeons (ESCRS, ASCRS). O almika MC has a large and con nuously updated modern equipment stock. The latest genera on laser WaveLight EX500recognized as the fastest laser in the world which approved by the FDA is installed on the premises, while the modern surgeon suite is designed in full compliance with the clean room world quality standards (GMP). Annually, more than 45 thousand pa ents from Ukraine and other countries (Spain, Australia, Canada, Poland, Germany, France) are treated at O almika MC. Laser vision correc on is one of the core ac vi es of the medical center for over 10 years, and at present more than 19 thousand opera ons have been successfully performed at the center. The highly qualified specialists of O almika MC provide quick and painless cataract extrac on including placing of mul focal lenses, refrac ve lens exchange, re nal diseases and diabe c re nopathy treatment, help the visually impaired people. Medical center O almika also comprises the children's unit and the op cal store. O almika MC performed blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) as a new trend in 2020. This kind of aesthe c surgery is located at the intersec on of ophthalmology and plas c surgery. Therefore, this challenge should be rather addressed to an ophthalmological surgeon specialized in ophthalmology and aware of great. A blepharoplasty procedure is done in the medical center by the well-trained ophthalmic surgeon with interna onal work experience in the clinics of Italy and Spain. The innova ve methods applied in the center are developed in compliance with European methods. This advanced microsurgical technique is performed with minimally invasive surgery procedures and extremely effec ve rehabilita on methods.

+38 (057) 700 27 17 +38 (066) 700 27 17 +38 (068) 720 27 17 fb. - oftalmology inst. - oftalmika_kharkov, oftalmika_blefaroplastika 16-G,OtakarYarosh Str. 5,OlesGonchar Str. Kharkiv


Most of the pa ents of O almika MC emphasize that this medical center is up to the quality and service of European clinics. You are welcome to see it for yourself exploring O almika MC using 3D-tour available at O almika MC site o where you can also refer to feedbacks of the non-resident pa ents.

Wellness resort «Derenivska Kupil»


«Derenivska Kupil» is a world of relaxation, wellness and absolute comfort The luxurious thermal wellness resort «Derenivska Kupil» is located among the Carpathian forests, near the ancient city of Uzhhorod. The complex is famous for its cura ve silicon water and a variety of op ons for relaxa on and wellness. What is more, it is a unique area including an arboretum park with more than 5,000 plants from all over the world, reservoirs with fountains and a sculptural park with works of famous masters. The Sanatorium Complex «Derenivska Kupil» features a modern hotel Iris with spacious rooms and a comfortable apartment a hotel for a family holiday. Here you will also find Wellness and SPA centres with a wide range of health, massage and beauty treatments, restaurants that offer organic cuisine among its key priori es, entertainment, recrea on and sports areas. Silicon water is one of the main treasures of «Derenivska Kupil». It is the basis of the en re healing process. The healing proper es of Derenivska water have been known since the 16th century. Supplemen ng the quality of the unique water with modern equipment, the Sanatorium Complex «Derenivska Kupil» effec vely uses its features in wellness and cosmetology. Water extracted from artesian wells contains silicon and boron, which heal the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine, reproduc ve systems, as well as slow down the ageing process, rejuvenate the skin and all internal systems. Combine relaxa on and recovery in stylish wellness areas: the Silver Baths SPA complex and the Iris Wellness Centre. To make your holiday here the beginning of your new life that will bring you maximum benefits, our experts have developed programs to improve health, prevent diseases, ensure body cleansing and comprehensive recovery. «Derenivska Kupil» is also a thermal resort. The SPA-complex Silver Thermes combines a semi-open thermal pool with thermal, medicinal, mineral water Zakarpatska 2 (32 to 34 °C), opera ng throughout the year as well as an outdoor pool with fresh water, perfect for summer relaxa on. This is a place where you can relax and have a great me while improving your health. Here you will find everything for wellness: a Roman bath, a Russian bath, a Finnish sauna, balneological and massage rooms, a contras ng foot bath, an ice fountain, a rain shower and a relaxa on area with the picturesque views of the botanical garden. Everything contributes to wellness and recovery in the Sanatorium Complex «Derenivska Kupil», including the hands of professionals and the nature itself. +38 (050) 400 01 88

Inspira on, rejuvena on and a boost of energy are what our guests take with them when they leave. You will want to return to «Derenivska Kupil» again and again. instagram - derenivskakupil facebook - derenivska.kupil Nyzhnie Solotvyno 150, Uzhhorod district, Zakarpattia region



Grand Marine Medical Centre, Grand Marine Hotel & SPA Grand Marine is a recrea onal complex with the mul faceted medical center and premium class Hotel & SPA****. Grand Marine, Medical center is a perfect combina on of the health and spa resort that uses the latest medical technologies. We guarantee the best quality, security and efficiency in pa ents’ rehabilita on and recovery for broad age groups. Minimally invasive methods of treatment, vascular surgery, endoscopic gynecology, otorhino-laryngology, plas c surgery and efferent therapy of different soma c diseases as well as the personal approach and the professional team will ensure your comfort and safety in our medical centre with the pleasant surroundings.

Key areas of our work:

Diagnos cs and treatment of gastroenterological, gynecological, neurological, cardiological diseases, lower limb arterial pathologies. Laboratory assessment Ultrasonic diagnosis Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), Narrow Band Imaging (NBI-mode) to observe early warning signs of cancer Urea breath test (UBT) for Helicobacter pylori Colposcopy Hysteroscopy Cardioscopy Doppler ultrasonography of the lower extremity arteries

+38 048 757 90 99 +38 097 066 30 10 +38 097 191 60 50 65037 Ukraine,Odessa 5,Yuzhnosanatorniy lane residential estate «Sovinyon»» »


Disease preven on of breathing organs, musculoskeletal system, vegeta vevascular dystonia, viola on of metabolic process. Rehabilita on and recovery for pa ents with the diseases of cardio vascular system, gastrointes nal tract, musculoskeletal system, respiratory system, peripheral nervous system. Soma c diseases efferent therapy (plasmapheresis, ozone therapy) – atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, chronic venous insufficiency, bronchial asthma, cholecys s, pancrea s, diabetes, allergic manifesta ons, nephro c syndrome. Otorhinolaryngology – endoscopic tes ng and surgical treatment of the following diseases as snoring, nose inflammatory condi ons, nasal polyposis, deviated septum, vasomotor rhini s, neoplasms of ENT organs, chronic o s. Aesthe c medicine – plas c surgery – mammoplasty, rhinoplasty, face correc on of age-related changes, lipomodelling, body shape correc on. Vascular surgery – Vascular surgery treatments, varicose veins, phlebi s, vascular «stars», thrombosis, thrombophlebi s, trophic ulcers on the lower limbs, caro d artery atherosclerosis.

Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilitation System


The Kozyavkin Method The Intensive Neurophysiological Rehabilita on System (INRS) is a highly effec ve treatment for pa ents with different neurological disorders, including cerebral palsy, motor developmental delay in children, scoliosis, sequelae of cerebrovascular disease and craniocerebral trauma, au sm spectrum disorders, disturbance of ac vity and a en on, etc. The Professor Kozyavkin Method (INRS) was developed over 30 years ago. It is officially recognized by the Government of Ukraine and, thanks to its effec veness, has won wide interna onal recogni on. More than 70,000 pa ents, including 17,000 from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, the United States and many other countries, have undergone rehabilita on under this method. Today, the Professor Kozyavkin Method is applied in 5 accredited clinics, two of which are in Ukraine, one on Cyprus and 2 in United Arab Emirates. The Professor Kozyavkin Method is a mul modal rehabilita on system in which the influence of one component is complemented and intensified by the others. Its main component is a biomechanical correc on of the spine and large joints in combina on with a set of treatment modali es: reflexotherapy, physical therapy, special massage system, rhythmical group exercises, mechanotherapy, apitherapy. By s mula ng the body's compensatory abili es and ac va ng brain plas city, the system creates a new func onal state in children’s bodies, thus helping them to develop motor and mental capaci es much more quickly. In 2014 – 2016 in Interna onal Clinic of Rehabilita on was carried out a thorough analysis of a group of pa ents who underwent rehabilita on by INRS. The group consisted of 4,309 pa ents who underwent 12,785 treatment courses. The chart clearly shows that, among the pa ents who previously lacked respec ve skills, 27.2% began to control their head movements, 15.5% – to crawl, 48.6% – to sit, and more than 67% began ge ng up and walking, while gait improved in 62.7% pa ents. In addi on to improving specific motor skills, pa ents experience posi ve changes such as: improvement of speech and psycho-emo onal condi on, acquisi on of new self-care skills, and enhancement of concentra on and a en on.

Indications for INRS rehabilitation: Cerebral palsy (spas c tetraplegia, diplegia, hemiplegia, dyskine c, ataxic and mixed forms) Delayed milestone, Congenital malforma ons of the nervous system, other disorders of the brain (in term and preterm babies) Birth injury to the peripheral nervous system Sequelae of intracranial injury Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system Sequelae of cerebrovascular disease (hemorrhagic, ischemic stroke, cerebral infarc on) Systemic atrophies primarily affec ng the central nervous system Transient cerebral ischaemic a acks and related syndromes Migraine, headaches syndromes (cluster headaches, vascular and tension-type headache) Scoliosis (mild and moderate degree) Dorsalgia (Radiculopathy, Cervicalgia, Scia ca, Lumbago with scia ca, Low back pain, Pain in thoracic spine), Spondylosis Childhood au sm, Au sm Spectrum Disorders Disturbance of ac vity and a en on (ADHD) Rehabilita on courses, conducted at our branch on Cyprus, are supplemented by hydrokinesiotherapy. These procedures and the island’s favourable weather condi ons are important addi ons to the intensive neurorehabilita on system.

Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Clinic +380 68 22 44 000 Ukraine,82200,Truskavets, Lviv Region,37 Pomiretska Street Kozyavkin International Rehabilitation Center +380 68 22 88 000 45a V. Chornovola Ave.,2nd Building,Lviv,Ukraine 79019

ICMR (International Clinic of Medical Rehabilitation) +357 253 133 38 +357 99 80 51 51 38,Ammochostou Avenue, Tersefanou,Larnaca,Cyprus

Cambridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center +971 2 510 41 04 (Abu Dhabi) +971 3 702 75 00 (Al Ain) Clinics in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain,UAE



«MODRYCHI» rehabilitation center We are one of the leading centers of rehabilita on medicine in Ukraine. Our pa ents undergo rehabilita on a er strokes, trauma c brain and spinal trauma, endoprosthe cs, oncology, etc. The Center offers a full range of rehabilita on and care services, including training of social and everyday life skills, recrea on, and exercise.

Our mission

Our mission is to create condi ons for maximum rehabilita on, recovery, adapta on, and integra on into society for people with disabili es. We have a goal of becoming the most powerful rehabilita on center in Eastern Europe.

Professional team

Effec ve rehabilita on and recovery treatment are only possible with the coordinated work of the mul disciplinary team of rehabilitators and doctors. Coordina on and mul disciplinarity are the greatest strengths of MODRYCHI Center.

Advanced technical facilities

We offer advanced tools for quality rehabilita on: four modern gyms, a spacious pool with Guldmann li for effec ve hydrokine c therapy, advanced exercise equipment, Ver calizer, Balance trainer, Tyrosta on System, SaeboFlex, SonyVR helmet, and many other technical innova ons.

Early rehabilitation The Center admits pa ents in the most difficult condi ons immediately a er treatment at the inpa ent facili es. Pa ents can start early rehabilita on from the first day to maximize their chances for speedy and complete recovery. Our department of intensive therapy has rescue equipment for non-stop around the clock monitoring of pa ents with tracheostomy, enteral feeding diet, PEG tube or suprapubic urinary catheter. The Center also provides services of pa ent transporta on across Ukraine.


The Center is located in the picturesque and beau ful forest near Truskavets resort in Lviv Oblast. Our buildings, facili es, and territory are wheelchair accessible. All suites are equipped with specialized mobile beds and bathrooms.

Comfort The recovery and rehabilita on in our Center meet high standards, just like in hospitals. However, our accommoda on, food, care, and atmosphere resemble a comfortable 3-star hotel. While pa ents undergo rehabilita on according to personalized programs, their rela ves can stay with us and forget about their chores (washing, cleaning, cooking). They can par cipate in rehabilita on by offering their emo onal support. +38 032 295 19 25 Modrychi, Drohobych region, Lviv oblast,Ukraine


Our patients' feedback Each pa ent has a different goal and poten al for rehabilita on. Some want to become independent; others manage to restore most of their body func ons and return to normal life. Read our pa ents' feedback about MODRYCHI on our website

Medical center «Mother and child»


«Mother and child» are medical centers for reproduc ve health. We specialize in infer lity treatment, pregnancy care, prenatal diagnos cs, gynecology and gene cs. Every year the specialists of the «Mother and child» Medical Center help hundreds of married couples to become happy parents. During the period from 2008 to the first half of 2019 due to the efforts of our doctors 10 609 babies were born. We care about the psychological comfort of each pa ent and, surely, s ck to the terms of confiden ality.

Professionalism and striving for perfection Each of our doctors is a professional with many years of experience in using ART (assisted reproduc ve technologies). These are doctors of the highest qualifica on category, candidates of medical sciences and doctors of sciences. Most of them are members of the European Society for Human Reproduc on and Embryology (ESHE), as well as the Ukrainian Associa on for Reproduc ve Medicine (UARM). During the period from 2018 to 2019, we held over 50 medical conferences within the framework of IFRM. We confirmed compliance with ISO 9001:2015 standards, and also became laureates of the «Choice of the year» and «Ukrainian People's Prize» awards.

Our specialization: Infer lity treatment, ART, Pregnancy care, prenatal diagnos cs, preven on and treatment of gynecological diseases, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, treatment of urological diseases, laboratory research, gene c research, psychological support.

Friendliness and responsiveness Examina on and treatment in our centers is not only medical procedures, but also the most comfortable, good-natured atmosphere that will surround you by the professional team. We will protect you from the moment we meet you. We will support you during treatment, together we will rejoice at the successful results, we will share the happiness of the birth of a long-awaited baby. Our doctors will take care of your comfort and peace, Give their a en on and warmth at each visit to the medical center. Posi ve a tude and confidence in success are extremely important on the way to happy motherhood!

Our statistics: More than 3000 embryo transfers in ART programs per year. Pregnancy rate in ART programs is 69-80%. 15% of foreign pa ents. Our measure of efficiency of our ac vity are growing steadily. If in 2017, the results of 400 «fresh cycles» were 218 pregnancies, and 1612 cryocycles (Cryo ET) were 1091 pregnancies. Then in 2019 this figure increased to 301 (Fresh ET) and 1177 (Cryo ET) pregnancies. MC «Mother and child» operate in Kyiv on the right and le banks of the Dnieper, Zhytomyr and Lviv. The center on Makiivska 8 (right bank) specializes in ART, including surrogacy programs, oocyte dona on, surgical treatment, and preimplanta on diagnosis in gene c tests. In the medical center on Yuri Lytvynskii Street 54/15 (le bank), besides ART programs, surgical treatment is carried out in modern safe opera ng rooms - hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. Department on Geroiv Stalingradu 8 (right bank, Obolon) specializes in planning and monitoring pregnancies, including those with increased risks, treatment of gynecological diseases, cervical pathologies, menstrual irregulari es, menopause, pelvic inflammatory diseases. Ukraine Kyiv,Makiivska 8 Kyiv,Yurii Lytvynskii 54/15 Kyiv,Klovskii spusk 12à Kyiv,avenue Geroiv Stalingradu 8,building 4 Zhytomyr,Velyka Berdichevskaya 43 Lviv,Zamarstinovska 85a



Dnipro Medical Cluster Dnipro Medical Cluster is a team of like-minded people who implement a set of important, interrelated ac ons necessary to ensure the effec ve development of regional, interregional, interna onal medical tourism and related industries in the Dnipro region.

Our goal and objectives:

+38 050 363 34 49 +38 098 551 23 50

iden fying the prospects for the ac ve development of the cluster model of medical tourism, which we see in the collegial work of government bodies, tourism enterprises, public and private hospitals, insurance companies, higher educa onal ins tu ons that could train specialists in the tourism profile. organiza on of systemic pa ent exchange between regions, depending on the strengths and weaknesses of various areas of the medical industry. unifica on of public and private sectors of medical and related industries to a ract domes c and foreign pa ents to the Dnipro region. promo ng the development of medical tourism as one of the most promising areas of health care. organiza on of events to popularize and disseminate informa on regarding the ac vi es of the cluster. Having at its disposal the innova ve and technical equipment of regional medical ins tu ons, highly qualified specialists, the Dnipro region should fully use its capabili es to a ract a medical tourist for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilita on.


Diagnostic laboratory center "VitaLab" “Laboratory for the whole family” - this concept is embedded in the logo of our diagnos c center “VitaLab” not by chance: individual approach to each pa ent, Responsibility and maximum openness reliability and complete trust in each other. Thanks to a wide range of laboratory tests, the availability of modern cer fied European equipment, the systema c par cipa on in interna onal quality control programs, and the professional team of VitaLab employees, we guarantee high accuracy of research results in the shortest possible me.

Our uniqueness:

+ 38 068 500 75 75 + 38 050 360 75 75 + 38 067 310 85 80 + 38 067 310 47 71 (Viber) e-mail: Ukraine,Dni pro, Khersonskaya street,10a


prompt feedback from the a ending physician (integra on of research results into electronic cards of pa ents at clinics, in personal accounts of trea ng medical consultants and the pa ents themselves a few minutes a er receiving the results). The pa ent has the opportunity to objec vely assess the state of his health, and the a ending physician in a short me to get the maximum informa on to make the right decision. providing pa ents with complex / rare diseases with the possibility of highquality laboratory diagnos cs in Germany without leaving Ukraine, because we are regional representa ves of the laboratory concern Limbach Group in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Let us take care of your health together with the VitaLab laboratory!



GREEK GROUP has an ambi ous goal – to make ci zens of Ukraine and other countries aware of Greece as not only the best travel des na on, but also as an ideal site for all types of medical and treatment interven ons. GREEK GROUP is an innova ve company that has been established as an assistant agent for pa ents willing to undergo treatment and rehabilita on in Greece. With high scien fic qualifica ons and excellent technical experience, we offer complete solu ons including medical services, transporta on, accommoda on, and safety, always guaranteeing high quality service. We work with clinics that have passed all the necessary cer fica ons and use the state of the art medical equipment. Greek private clinics ranked among the world top ones. The advantage of Greece in the medical tourism is reasonable cost of services provided. So, for example, the cost of treatment in Israel is 10-20% higher than in Greece, in Germany it is 1520% higher, and in the USA such treatment will cost almost 50% more. Reasonable cost of treatment is based on the Greek philosophy - highly qualified treatment should not be an impossible dream for people, because health is the most important thing, and a medical ins tu on should care about it. There are a few countries in the world where a high level of medicine is matched by a harmonious combina on of beau ful nature and quality food. GREEK GROUP will provide you and your loved ones with the highest quality medical services in Greece, using advanced diagnos c and treatment technologies, in the most modern clinics and rehabilita on centers.

GREEK GROUP offers highly professional services: Transla on of medical documents into Greek and vice versa; prepara on and execu on of medical documents for submission to a selected clinic; selec on of a clinic for diagnosis, treatment and rehabilita on; visa support for pa ents and accompanying persons; extension of a visa if required to con nue treatment; booking air ckets (op onal), train ckets or a car for a trip to Greece; selec on and booking of a hotel, op onally - selec on and rental of a private house / apartment near the clinic; booking the date of admission and a hospital bed, both for a pa ent and an accompanying person; mee ng at the airport, transfer; registra on in the clinic and in the hotel; transporta on services during the stay related to treatment; services of qualified translators during your stay at the clinic; purchasing the necessary medicines to con nue treatment in your country; legal support; medical support for a pa ent a er the end of treatment; organiza on of a sightseeing program (op onal). The God of Hospitality, Zeus Xenios, welcomes you to the homeland of medicine. To a country where medicine was iden fied with the ancient God Asclepius, and the medical science had been reflected in the image of Hippocrates.

+380 50 454 28 79 +380 93 693 87 35 facebook - n.koretskiy 10 Universitetska Str., Irpin,Kyiv region



Forsa Global Healthcare Agency FORSA GLOBAL is a medical tourism agency that brings together top specialists in medicine, law, management, and for the first me in Ukraine provides premium accompanying services, confiden ality, and safety of fer lity treatment. The health of a future child and adult pa ents depend on every single ny detail, thus we have thought through all the details of a client's pleasant stay in Ukraine and par cipa on in the program on all its stages, minimized the risks with future pregnancy complica ons, birth of a baby, medical treatment or follow-up therapy. We do not want a customer to embrace new hopes for success or get another stage of treatment. We want our client to get the long-awaited baby or competent medical care. We create a new market of medical tourism in Ukraine, providing a contemporary model of effec ve work combined with innova ve products.

Our core capabilities

Our clients possess all the possibili es of modern medicine in Ukraine. But we have chosen only the best op ons: top doctors, top clinics, reliable gene c laboratories, proven medicines, private maternity care hospitals, presentable and healthy donors, responsible and healthy surrogate mothers. These core capabili es of Forsa Global allow our customers to meet with success even in the most intractable cases.

Our benefits Confiden ality – we protect the personal data of our clients, donors, and surrogate mothers. Security – we are responsible for the security of client's personal data, the physical safety of the clients, surrogate mothers, and future kids. High efficiency – we have selected high efficiency doctors and clinics. Full cycle services – we accompany the client for the en re me of par cipa on in the program. Caring for donors and surrogate mothers – we cooperate with the network of independent laboratories to bring blood work and lab tes ng by surrogate mothers and donors close to them, provide life insurance for surrogate mothers and childbirth in the private maternity hospitals. Respect for clients – our customers are fully informed in a mely manner about par cipa on in the program, we deal promptly with con ngencies. Focus on results – our goal is not to gain the high number of pa ents, but to provide the high quality of services. Flexibility – we offer the possibility to sign a contract remotely, provide biomaterial transporta on services, and online consulta ons with doctors. High requirements – we work due to high standards, because we are demanding to ourselves and to all the par cipants of programs.

WhatsApp,Viber: +38 (098) 488 44 88 +38 (097) 644 88 88 01021,Ukraine,Kyiv, Klovsky descent,7,office 208


We are crea ng a new market that is to remove exis ng problems and make high standards compulsory for working with foreign pa ents in Ukraine. Forsa Global implements control over all processes within the fulfillment of the program and acts in the interests of the client.

Dolphinarium «Oscar»


Dolphin therapy is a method of psycho-emo onal rehabilita on and correc on, aimed at correc ng psychological development disorders, both in children and adults.

Indications for Dolphin therapy include:

delays in mental and psychoverbal development infan le cerebral paralysis (ICP) early infan le au sm (EIA) and au sm spectrum disorders emo onal and behavioural disorders post-trauma c stress disorder general mental and soma c disorders

Family Dolphin therapy joint experience of moments of joy when communica ng with dolphins improvement of rela ons between family members family building establishing trust between parents and children

During the process of psychological relaxation the following events occur: psychological and physical relaxa on recovery of the ability to experience the joy in living improving physical and mental performance reduc on of mental reac ons to a trauma c event harmoniza on of the emo onal sphere improving overall health

Medifrance Solution

+38 093 63 17 700 +38 068 85 74 567 Lviv Region the city of Truskavets street Horodishche 18


Medifrance Solu on - official representa ve of French clinics. More than 120 clinics and hospitals in France. Fast treatment organiza on Assistance with transla ons and documents Favorable prices and individual approach Innova ve technologies

Among medical areas, the following are especially popular: Oncology treatment according to the latest protocols, widespread use of targeted and immune therapy Robo c Surgery by the Quantum Robot and the Latest Genera on of DaVinci with Ar ficial Intelligence Non-surgical removal of metastases using radiosurgery with Monaco dosimetry Plas c surgery with rehab at the Château La Groirie with the leading plas c surgeon in France, Dr. Durand Innova ve ABС-faceli technique, recovery in just 24 hours a er surgery Leading experts in oncology Dr. Guillaume Klausner from the Marie Curie Oncology Center and Dr. Idriss Troussier. Treat yourself to health in France

WhatsApp,Viber: +33 6 33 16 80 40



International Center of Hearing and Speech «Medincus» About the Center The Center of Hearing and Speech «Medincus» is the largest network of highly specialized medical facili es in Eastern Europe, which for 17 years provides services for pa ents of all ages within the scope of oto-rhino-laryngology (ORL), audiology, phoniatrics, surdology and speech therapy, psychology, physiotherapy, balance disorders, hearing and speech rehabilita on, biomedical engineering. The Center specializes in hearing implanta on, including cochlear implanta on, diagnos cs, treatment and rehabilita on of hearing, speech, voice and balance disorders, hearing prosthe cs and hearing aid retail.

About the Clinic The Clinic Interna onal Center of Hearing and Speech «Medincus» has one of the most modern opera ng theatres in Poland. We guarantee comprehensive care for our pa ents 24 hours a day. A highly qualified team of medical specialists guarantees excellent quality of medical services provided throughout the en re treatment process.

The following medical services are provided in the Clinic:

Chernomorski Center of Hearing and Speech "Medincus"» Ukraine,65009,Odessa, 1/92 Bulvar Zooparkovaya +38 (048) 784 24 86 Center of Hearing and Speech "Medincus" in Lutsk » Prezydenta Hrushevskoho 21 St.,Luck 43000,Ukraine +38 0332 29 51 73 The Clinic International Center of Hearing and Speech "Medincus"» Poland,05-830,Kajetany,7 Mokra str. + 48 22 463 53 00 + 48 22 463 53 14


Hearing implanta on (Cochlear, middle ear and bone conduc on implanta ons); Throat and Larynx Surgeries; Ear Surgeries (e.g. Myringo-Ossiculoplasty, Canal Wall Down/Up Mastoidectomy, Ossiculoplasty, External Ear Canal Surgery, Stapedectomy, Cholesteatoma Removal from the Middle Ear); Nose and Sinus Surgeries (e.g. Septorhinoplasty, Sphenoetmoidectomy, Extended FESS). The Clinic Interna onal Center for Hearing and Speech «Medincus» is situated in Kajetany, 20 km to the south-west of Warsaw. To ensure a comfortable stay of pa ents there is a recrea onal complex: a hotel, a restaurant, a park, a gym, a mini zoo, a shop and pharmacy in the territory of our center. Comfortable pa ents' stay and pleasant atmosphere are provided by medical staff, who speak several languages, which facilitates communica on with pa ents. The network of medical facili es «Medincus» (13 centers in Poland and 8 abroad) provides about 140,000 medical consulta ons annually, while the Clinic, the Interna onal Center for Hearing and Speech «Medincus», realizes about 2,500 opera ons every year.

DeutschMedic GmbH


Treatment in Germany DeutschMedic GmbH Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the medical capital of Germany. My name is Dr. Anna Weegen, I am the director of the company DeutschMedic GmbH (Essen) and for 22 years specializing in the organiza on of examina on, treatment and rehabilita on in Germany for pa ents from the countries of the former USSR (adults and children). The federal Land of North Rhine-Westphalia in the west of the country is the most populated and economically developed area of Germany. There are clinics of eight universi es and numerous other medical ins tu ons of all profiles. We are located in the heart of Europe. You can reach us through the interna onal airports Dusseldorf, Dortmund, Cologne-Bonn, Amsterdam, Frankfurt am Main, Bruxelles. We provide a full range of services: - discussion of the pa ent's primary data with specialists in Germany, selec on of clinic and doctor, - prepara on of es mates for medical treatment (paid directly to the clinic) and addi onal services, op mal planning of outpa ent recep ons, hospitaliza on, rehabilita on measures, childbirth in Germany, - support by qualified translator, - transfers, transla ng of medical documents from German language, - independent "second opinion" of German specialists, - solu on of everyday issues during your stay at the examina on and treatment, the organiza on of leisure me. Most o en we welcome pa ents with severe diseases, which it is impossible to get a modern therapy at the place of residence. We can ensure con nuity at all stages of treatment. Impeccable reputa on of DeutschMedic and competent approach to work with interna onal pa ents for many years gained the trust of specialists and administra on of clinics in Germany. In turn, our pa ents appreciate DeutschMedic as an independent provider of medical services, oriented exclusively on the profile of the pa ent to select a doctor and medical ins tu on, for our individual service, transparency of our work, mely implementa on of the obliga ons assumed. Our team of translators formed for years, it is a me-tested staff who regularly improve their skills. As an expert on German medicine, I also work with medical managers, doctors, medical tourism agencies - including seminars and "work-shops", abroad or in Essen or in other ci es of Germany. For corporate clients we offer a system of preven ve surveys of employees and execu ves in comfortable condi ons and in the shortest terms. Trust us to organize for you medical services in Germany. We were at the origins of the development of medical tourism and know how to use the best that is in German medicine, for the benefit of our pa ents.

+49 201 650 56 9500 +49 163 272 82 80 Fax: +49 201 862 84 022 Huttropstr. 60,45138 Essen,Germany Äèðåêòîð: Dr. med. Anna Weegen


PremiQaMed Group


PremiQaMed Group has been successfully working in the Austrian market for more than 29 years. PremiQaMed puts its main focus on co-opera on with leading specialists of all medical disciplines – mainly University professors and Heads of department of University clinics – as well as on highly modern medical infrastructure and comfort for the pa ent. The mul lingual professionals of the interna onal department support pa ents with all their concerns and organize diagnos cs and treatment procedures, almost without wai ng me. Specialists of various disciplines are working in close co-opera on at various levels providing diagnos cs, inpa ent treatment, post-opera ve care and rehabilita on – all from one source – with the aim of achieving a maximum recovery of the pa ents. ×àñòíàÿ êëèíèêà «Äåáëèíã»

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The main disciplines of PremiQaMed hospitals in Vienna include: Women's health: gynecology and gynecological surgery, childbirth, fer lity treatment (IVF), Breast health center, Center for endometriosis treatment Muscoskeletal system: joint surgery and sports traumatology, Center for osteomyeli s treatment, spine surgery, hand surgery, rehabilita on Oncology:diagnos cs, minimally invasive surgery, therapy (new chemotherapy and immunotherapy) for adult pa ents, second opinion Surgery: general and vessel surgery, tumor surgery, surgery of the gastrointes onal tract, thyroid gland, ENT, thoracic surgery, urologic and gynecologic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, reconstruc ve, plas c and aesthe c surgery Cardiology: conserva ve and interven onal cardiology – stents and treatments of heart rhythm disturbances with heart catheter Gastroenterology: endoscopy and Center for reflux treatment Urology: minimally invasive surgery, andrology Treatment of metabolic diseases: diabetes, endocrinology Preven ve care programs – «Check-up»

Top quality in all aspects PremiQaMed implemented the Interna onal Pa ents Safety Goals (ISPG – according to the JCI standard) in all its hospitals. The hospitals take part in various medical registers. An interna onally acknowledged risk management system has been implemented in all hospitals for the avoidance or minimiza on of medical risks. Infec on rates are constantly being monitored. Here are some key figures for frequently realized opera ons in comparison to interna onal nominal values: Type of surgery

Nominal value

Average value PremiQaMed in 2018

PremiQaMed Privatkliniken Vienna

Hip endoprosthe cs

< 0,98%

< 0,52%

+43 136 066 –77 55 +43 664 454 25 54 (WhatsApp)

Kneeendoprosthe cs

< 0,49%

< 0,73%

Cesariansec on

< 0,68%

< 0,06%

Gallbladderresec on

< 1,59%

< 0,00%


High-class medicine in combina on with competent individual care, top comfort and professional service – these are the main factors determining the success of PremiQaMed hospitals – for almost 30 years.

Rulacom Consult GmbH


Trust is a subtle ma er. It does not spring out of nowhere. To earn trust you need many years of painstaking and daily work, prac cally round-the-clock. You need to be professional and wise, fast at decision-making and ready to help in the most difficult situa on. Feeling secure, feeling that you won't be let down and that in the crucial moment someone will be there for you – this is the basis to build the trust. Rulacom Consult GmbH is a German company that has been engaged in organiza on of health services in leading German clinics since 2000. Rulacom is a team of people who care and share a common goal with all their hearts. A longstanding successful coopera on with Asklepios, the largest private clinic group in Germany and Europe, allowed Rulacom to become the only accredited provider of health services of Asklepios hospital group (Hamburg Department) for ci zens of Russia and CIS countries. A whole range of medical services: from a complex examina on within three days to the most difficult surgeries requiring acute transporta on of pa ents to Germany by air ambulance. Our clients undergo examina on and treatment in both highly specialized and mul disciplinary hospitals of the following medical specializa ons: Obstetrics and neonatology



General and visceral surgery


Orthopaedics and trauma surgery

Cardiology and cardiac surgery


Neurology and neurological

Vascular surgery

early rehabilita on Neurosurgery

Urology And other specializa ons

Otorhinolaryngology We are happy that since its founda on Rulacom was able to help thousands of clients in their search for an op mal decision for a variety of health problems.

Rulacom – We are trusted! Central Office: 20099,Hamburg,Germany, Lohmuhlenstraße, 5 WH building Tel: +49 404 192 49 48 Mob: +49 172 453 69 56 Fax: +49 404 192 49 50 Representative offices in Russian Federation: Saint Petersburg, Ekaterinburg,Kazan,Sochi Toll-free number (for Russian Federation) 8 800 707 39 95



New Life Assistance New Life Assistance facilitates medical care for overseas pa ents in various Israeli hospitals and clinics. New Life Assistance is your chance to significantly lower billing costs of medical care in Israel without the necessity of money deposits for your care. New Life Assistance is quality 24/7 reliable service available to any pa ent. New Life Assistance takes individual approach of emo onal support of our pa ents and their family members. New Life Assistance is a licensed medical tourism facilitator in the state of Israel and an official partner of Hadassah Hospital in Israel. Our company deals interna onally trea ng pa ents from FSU countries in the following fields: Oncology. Trea ng mammary cancer, basalioma, melanoma, neurological endocrine cancer, bladder cancer, appendix cancer, duodenal cancer, bronchial cancer, lung cancer, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, hepa c cancer, blood cancers, eye lymphoma, brain tumors, gastric cancer. Transplantology. Fecal transplants, bone marrow transplantology for children and adults. Neurosurgery. Treatment of brain tumors and CNS tumors, children spinal cord, pituitary tumours, spinal cancers, trauma c brain injuries, epilepsy and orphan diseases. Children Orthopaedics. Clubfoot treatment with the Ponse method, pes planus (flat feet) and other inherited deformi es, dysplasia of hips and pelvis, inherited and acquired limb deforma ons, treatment of child CP and other neuromuscular disorders, various limb leghtenings. Urology. Treatment of bladder cancer, ureteral cancer, prostate cancer, tes cular cancer, ureteral stricture, bladder exstrophy, nephron-sparing surgery, Thulium laser vaporesec on of the prostate, PET-CT using Ga-68-PSMA.

New Life Assistance is providing worldwide medical services in the fields of:

+97 254 425 64 08 (Viber,WhatsApp) Menahem Barash Roee st. 8, Jerusalem,Israel

Medical history analysis – prepara on of a medical plan by a team of interna onal doctors. Organiza on and coordina on of the en re treatment process. Scheduling doctor consulta ons, radiological and lab. Tests in relevant clinic. Real- me transla on during doctor's advisory and during procedures. Assistance in solving household and organiza onal issues, in the purchase of medicines and rental of medical equipment. Coordina on of the diagnos c and treatment processes in the case of changes of the treatment plan whilst receiving treatment in clinic or hospital.

Representative in Ukraine: Tymoshenko street,29 B, office. 406, Kiev,Ukraine, +38 044 353 90 65 +38 068 437 00 06 (Viber,WhatsApp)


Our main guideline principles are - relevance, reliability, calmness and confidence. Our grateful clients have received an opportunity to begin a New, healthy and happy Life! Take you first step and open a window to New Life! We welcome new contacts and mutually beneficial coopera on.

The World Hearing Center of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing


The World Hearing Center is a modern specialized hospital providing medical care at the highest quality level in the fields of otolaryngology, audiology, phoniatrics, rehabilita on and biomedical engineering. It is superbly equipped for research and educa on, and includes modern conference facili es. The Center conducts a wide range of research and educa onal ac vi es addressed to specialists from Poland and other countries. The World Hearing Center is one of the leading medical ins tu ons in the field of hearing disorders treatment, running, among others, one of the largest hearing implant programs in the world and performing 15,000 to 21,000 surgical procedures yearly. The Center provides its pa ents with comprehensive diagnos cs, conserva ve treatments, and surgery for the rehabilita on of: congenital and acquired malforma ons of the external, middle and inner ear; hearing, speech and balance disorders of different e ologies; disorders of the mouth cavity, throat and larynx; disorders of the nose and paranasal sinuses; sleep disorders. World Hearing Center is a global leader in terms of the number of performed otorhinolaryngological surgeries and the number of outpa ent consulta ons. It is the place where unique and highly specialized medical procedures are performed, including reconstruc on surgeries of congenital defects of the outer ear, treatment of profound and par al deafness with various hearing implants, phonosurgeries, endoscopic sinus surgeries under image guidance, and many others. The Center employs a team of highly qualified and experienced specialists, has state-of-the-art medical equipment and instrumenta on, offers comfortable condi ons for hospital stays, uses the most modern telemedical solu ons providing remote consulta ons via the world-first Na onal Network of Teleaudiology.

International activities of the World Hearing Center: scien fic coopera on with about 40 centers around the world par cipa on in interna onal research grants organiza on of unique surgical courses in otorhinolaryngology - Window Approach Workshop (surgical techniques in cochlear implanta on) and Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Course (FESS) organiza on of scien fic congresses and conferences with the par cipa on of interna onal experts organiza on of pilot hearing screening programs of school-age children in different countries publica on of Journal of Hearing Science in English (www.journalo 17 Mokra str.,Kajetany, 05-830 Nadarzyn,Poland

The staff of the Ins tute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing have received a large number of interna onal and na onal awards and dis nc ons for their work and achievements.


IX Exhibition

& Conference medical tourism

МТЕС.KYIV 6-8 October 2021


The legal support

Consulting and trainings

Internships abroad

Exhibitions and conference

Accreditation clinics

Info-tours for doctors

+38 050 330 10 08

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