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Update on IGU’s current work programme
Update on IGU’s curr work progr amme ent
IGU’s committees and task forces are continuing their work under the Korean Presidency.
By Jeongwook Khang
IGU’s 2018-2021 work programme is being carried out under the theme “A Sustainable Future – Powered by Gas” and the Union’s 11 committees and three task forces are now nearly two-thirds of the way through the triennium.
There has been one leadership change since the last update with Roger Serrat taking over from Carlos Serrano Tarafa as Chair of the Utilisation Committee.
The committees and task forces normally meet twice a year with members taking turns to host the gatherings. Throughout this triennium, the Exploration and Production, Gas Markets and Sustainability committees have been holding joint meetings and for the first meeting of 2020, which at press time was being planned in Cartagena, Columbia, but was likely to be postponed, they will be joined by the Marketing and Communications and Utilisation committees.
The committees and task forces are responsible for organising the technical sessions at the next World Gas Conference (WGC), which will be held in Daegu, Korea, June 21-25, 2021, and the call for papers will be launched on May 11. There will be 38 Industry Insight sessions and 22 Technology and Innovation sessions, which will look at com
z Roger Serrat is the new Chair of the Utilisation Committee.
v The Exploration and Production, Gas Markets and Sustainability committees are holding joint meetings throughout the Korean triennium. Pictured are delegates to the last meeting in Madrid, Spain in September 2019.
mercial, strategic and technical issues across the global gas industry and cover the full gas value chain.
For the Plenaries, Current Debate sessions and Luncheon Addresses, the Coordination Committee working with the Presidency has selected the topics and is inviting high-level speakers.
Further details can be found in the article on pages 20-21 by the Chairman of the National Organising Committee, Mr Bong Kyu Park.
As well as preparing for WGC 2021, the committees and task forces are working on deliverables throughout the triennium to help raise the global voice of gas.
IGU will release the 2020 World LNG Report coordinated by the LNG Committee in late April/early May,

IGU committees and task forces 2018-2021 and chairs
Exploration and Production Storage Transmission Distribution Utilisation Sustainability Strategy Gas Markets LNG Marketing and Communications R&D and Innovation Task Force 1: Strategic Communications and Outreach Task Force 2: Energy for All Task Force 3: Energy Policy Ekaterina Litvinova, Russian Federation John Heer, USA Patrick Pelle, France José Carlos Broisler Oliver, Brazil Roger Serrat, Spain M. Azhar A. Satar, Malaysia Dr Gerald Linke, Germany Christina, Zhaoyan Liu, China Farid Berrahou, Algeria Pierre Bartholomeus, The Netherlands Dr Hisataka Yakabe, Japan Mark McCrory, United Kingdom
Barbara Jinks, Australia Hedayat Omidvar, Iran
and then the Strategy Committee will release the 2020 edition of the Wholesale Gas Price Survey. The Strategy Committee is also working on a report looking at how natural gas can deliver high efficiency, while the Sustainability Committee is preparing a report on the development of green gases and the Utilisation Committee one on the use of gas to fuel heavy transport vehicles. There is also an IGU report coming up on the contribution of gas to energy access and economic development for which the Energy for All Task Force is producing seven case studies and preparing the narrative.
Membership of the committees and task forces has reached 897 from 49 countries and it is not too late to join. IGU members can nominate delegates by contacting the Deputy Manager of the Korea Presidency Team, Ms Seyoung Ha (syha@wgc2021.kr) or me directly (jwkhang@wgc2021.kr).
Jeongwook Khang is the Chair of IGU’s Coordination Committee.

Featur es
This issue’s features section starts with a report on preparations for WGC 2021 in Daegu, Korea, followed by one on the European Green Deal. Then we have two articles from IGU’s R&D and Innovation Committee, the first looking at robotic inspections and the second at transforming waste heat into renewable heat. Next up are reports on the Latin America and Caribbean Gas Conference, the evolution of natural gas in Colombia and Latin America, the LNG outlook for 2020 and from IGU affiliated organisation NGVA Europe on the latest developments in the use of gas as vehicle fuel.
A better world

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Perpetual sustainable investments in the society ofOman

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development the Sultanate. plans

implemented in
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