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Presenting IGU’s new Members

v  PwC offers post-degree

programmes on energy finance.

In the following pages we provide a brief overview of the activities of IGU’s two new Associate Members who were welcomed at the Council meeting in Amsterdam last October: PwC (Global) Energy Group, based in the Netherlands, and the Natural Gas Society of India.

PwC (Global) Energy Group

PwC (Global) Energy Group is a strategic consultant, tax advisor and/or auditor for many companies in the gas sector. Their dedicated industry network plays an active role in the ecosystem around gas players, with prime knowledge of stakeholders and c-suite staff. The Group’s purpose is to contribute to solving the important problems the industry is facing.

The energy sector is in constant motion and will continue to be for some time. It is an exciting but highly demanding sector, where everything is happening all at once in almost every segment; in energy transition and sustainability, ageing infrastructure, increasing dependence on oil and gas imports and security of supply. In addition, we also have the advent of smart meters, the lack of qualified young people and European and global policy – or lack of – in areas of incentives and regulation, which cuts across all of these issues.

Investment needs are daunting and – in a financial crisis and a volatile climate –

also difficult to meet. Internationalisation requires international solutions but these are not always forthcoming. Meanwhile, increasingly articulate consumers are demanding cheap and reliable energy. All of this amounts to a great deal of uncertainty regarding the future and demands the utmost from the players in and around the energy sector. Succeeding in a capital-intensive sector with a long-term horizon is not easy.

PwC believes that these challenges call for a collective, international approach, with clear regulatory frameworks and oversight, including for subsidies. This is why they work in an international team, to provide the best possible service, locally and internationally.

PwC’s team of specialists are happy to share their extensive knowledge and expertise in all energy segments. But it doesn’t stop at sharing. The Group also harnesses its position and knowledge in order to advance the sector by acting in the areas of its strengths: people; networking and relations; and knowledge.

Via their network initiatives, thought leadership and round tables on topics such as energy transformation, PwC shares its independent views with the industry. PwC offers post-degree education programmes on energy finance in order to share knowledge and build relevant industry networks, working with the University of Groningen and the Energy Delta Institute to create an international postdoctoral programme entitled Finance and Control in Energy, which is offered in Groningen, Houston, Moscow and Qatar.

Due to their advising role, they have a good insight into the sector and its developments, and have contacts with market players in the gas sector at a global level. PwC also puts the sector in touch with politicians through the EnergyPoort conference in The Hague and build on the international network through participation in the World Energy Council. PwC is the impetus behind the Dutch Women in Energy network, a successful and diverse knowledge platform that organises popular events every year, for and by the sector. PwC also supports institutes and initiatives such as Energy Valley and its objectives in the Hanseatic Energy Corridor.

PwC will participate in IGU’s activities and provide their knowledge of the industry, as well as access to their network, where appropriate. PwC’s relationship with international governments and regulators can serve IGU to make its case. The group’s independent view on the important role of gas as part of the world’s energy transformation, as reflected in their thought leadership, can support the industry in its positioning and their L&D programmes will contribute to knowledge sharing.

PwC want to be relevant to society and help solve important problems in the gas industry. As such, it seeks to be more than a consulting organisation. The Group contributes to shaping the industry’s future by using their core knowledge, industry network and competency for that purpose.

For further information visit www.pwc.nl/en/ energie-utilities/olie-en-gas.html

Natural Gas Society

The mission of the Natural Gas Society (NGS) is to promote and facilitate sustainable growth of the natural gas industry in India. It fosters the safe and healthy growth of the sector through information exchange, sharing of good practices and collaborating with similar organisations around the world.

NGS looks forward to knowledge sharing in the development of the gas industry in India while participating in the research programmes of IGU. This will enable NGS and IGU to exchange and share the experience of skilled professionals on a regular basis. NGS is the only

v  Natural Gas Society

member Petronet LNG’s Kochi regasification terminal.

body in India which seeks to represent the natural gas sector with the primary mission of facilitating further sustainable growth.

NGS has been associated with various national and international gas events, including the Asian Gas Partnership Summit, which is held in India and supported by IGU, and the Asian Gas Market Forum in China. We can play a vital role in the gas sector in partnership with IGU.

The following are the ways that NGS would like to contribute to the development of the gas industry through active participation with IGU. ◆

Sharing information and research in the natural gas sector in India.

Participating in research programmes initiated by IGU in the field of natural gas, LNG and city gas distribution, enhancing the development of gas infrastructure and industry in India and also worldwide.

◆ The regular exchange of experience among skilled professionals of IGU and NGS.

NGS provides, free of charge, news and information on the natural gas sector through a fortnightly SNAPSHOT on its website. The Society also carries out research for the Asian Gas Market Forum in China, producing a quarterly publication of gas statistics and reports highlighting periodical gas data, including production and consumption, imports, CNG, PNG, LNG and international and domestic price data.

NGS has three task forces covering: gas cylinder safety; regulation and bidding criteria for city gas distribution projects; and operation and maintenance.

The current members of NGS are GAIL (India) Ltd, Indraprastha Gas Ltd, Mahanagar Gas Ltd, Petronet LNG Ltd, Adani Gas Ltd and Cairn India Ltd.

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