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Events and Acknowledgements
from IGU Magazine October 2016
by IGU
IGU Events and Other Major Gas-related Events 2016-17
October 18-21 IGU Coordination Committee, Executive Committee and Council Meetings Amsterdam, The Netherlands
November 2-3 CH4 Connections 2016 Washington DC, USA November 7-18 22nd Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 22) Marrakech, Morocco
2017 March 28-30 IGU Coordination Committee, Executive Committee and Council Meetings Muscat, Oman May 24-26 International Gas Union Research Conference, IGRC 2017 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil October 24-26 IGU Coordination Committee, Executive Committee and Council Meetings Tokyo, Japan
For the IGU Secretariat
Secretary General: Pål Rasmussen Deputy Secretary General: Luis Bertrán Rafecas Director: Mats Fredriksson Senior Advisors: Sjur Bøyum, Antonia Fernández Corrales, Teaksang Kwon Information Consultant and Secretary of the Coordination Committee: Anette Sørum Nordal Administration Consultant: Kristin Sande
Editor-in-Chief: Mark Blacklock Managing Editor: Lee Gale Copy & Picture Editor: Adrian Giddings Publisher: Robert Miskin Special Projects Director for IGU: Karin Hawksley Finance Director: Yvonne O’Donnell Finance Assistants: Maria Picardo, Anita d’Souza Senior Consultants: Jeffrey Fearnside, Michael Gaskell
Art and Design Director: Michael Morey Printed by: Buxton Press Ltd IGU and ISC would like to express their thanks to all those who helped in the preparation of this publication. Thanks are also due to the following companies, people and organisations for providing pictures. The credits are listed by article. Where the pictures for an article came from a variety of sources, the appropriate page numbers are given in brackets after each source.
Cover: PerEide/visitnorway.com (left: Pulpi Rock, Lysefjorden), Linde AG (upper right: Arctic Princess, Hammerfest, Norway), Eva Sleire/Statoil ASA (lower right: Welding, Polarled). Message from the President and Secretary General: IGU (10), LNG 18/Shane O’Neill/Oneill Photographics (11). IGU Organisation: GTI (David Carroll, 21), IGU (Mel Ydreos, Pål Rasmussen & Luis Bertrán Rafecas, 21), Korea Gas Union (Jae Ho Song & Munseok Baek, 21), AFG (Jérôme Ferrier, 21).
News from the Presidency and Secretariat: IGU except IEF (36 lower) . The IGU Council Meeting, Durban: IGU. G20 Natural Gas Day successfully held in Beijing: IGU. Reports from the Regional Coordinators: Bjøorn J. Stuedal (48 upper), Höegh LNG AS (48 lower), IGU (49 upper, 53 upper), Total Austral/Florian von der Fecht – Photodesign (49 lower), Petrobras (50), WGC 2015 (53 lower).
Update on the 27th World Gas Conference: Events DC (54), Architect of the Capitol (55). Natural gas as the fuel of the future: how will technology influence this transition?: Petrobras. News from organisations affiliated to IGU: EDI (58 & 59), GTI (62 & 63), PRCI (64 & 66), WLPGA (68, 70 & 71).
Committees and Task Forces: Progress: Pertamina (75). The IGU webcast series, expanding global gas advocacy: Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts. Repair of deep water pipelines by new remote welding technology: Statoil ASA. LNG approaching critical mass as a globalising force for natural gas: LNG 18/Shane O’Neill/Oneill Photographics. A brief history of the IGU: AFEGAZ (124). Greetings from Eldar Sætre, President and CEO of Statoil ASA: Ola Jørgen Bratland/Statoil ASA. Greetings from Pål Rasmussen, Secretary General of IGU: IGU.
Highlights from the Norwegian Secretariat: Norsk Hydro 136), IGU (137 upper, 137 lower, 139, 142 upper, 144 upper, 144 lower), GasNaturally (138), Marc-André Boisvert (140 upper), UNESCO/P. Chiang-Joo(140 lower), DNV GL (142 upper), G20 Chinese Presidency (142 lower), . Q&A with Pål Rasmussen and Luis Bertrán Rafecas: IGU.
Message from the incoming Secretary General: Gas Natural Fenosa.
Presenting IGU’s new Members: Anton Oilfield Services (153), Edison S.p.A. (155), Linde AG (156), Samsung Engineering (158).