February 2016
Still Growing
Photo by Julie Clegg /
The Development Update Issue
W H AT ’ S I N S I D E ? 4 Feature: Development Update The Old Microsoft Property Central Park Bellevue College 10 IHCA 11 Real Estate in IH 14 Highlands Council 15 Volunteers of the Month 16 What’s Happening
20 22 22 23 23 25 26 28 28 29
Living Green Photo Treasure Hunt Highlands Fiber Network Doing Business Life in the USA School Spotlight Dean Arts and Culture Fitness & Health Ask Kari Issaquah City News
29 Emergency Preparedness 30 Culture through Cuisine 31 Directory
ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON 2550 NE Park Drive Issaquah, WA 98029
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Still Growing
To Lakeside Apartments
By Nina Milligan, Highlands Council, Crofton Springs Resident
A popular pastime in Issaquah Highlands is to follow new growth and building. Issaquah Highlands was designed to be a dense, urban-style community. There has been quite a lot of development in recent years; there is still more to come. Besides bringing you the details of what’s expected in the near future, we are also bringing you useful information on the public process of land development.
NE High St.
Now owned by Polygon Homes (approx. 60 acres)
ive Dr NE
Temporary Parking Lot 320 Spaces Approved 12/2015
9th and Discovery Drive (21.5 acres): This commercially zoned parcel will likely proceed with a Site Development Permit (SDP) application. This parcel has “inherited” all the 1.2M square feet of commercial space from the previously Microsoft property. “Shelter Holdings is beginning discussions with the City regarding future mixed use plans for our property in Issaquah Highlands.” Tia Heim, Shelter Holdings, LLC (An affiliate of Polygon Homes.)
8th Ave NE
Even before applications are submitted, we are represented by our homeowner’s association, the IHCA. “The IHCA must approve all aspects of a development, guided by the Development Agreement.” Sarah Hoey, IHCA Executive Director.
7th Ave NE
This has been divided into three parcels. Westridge South (11.6 acres): Polygon submitted a preliminary plat application in December 2014 for 72 single family homes with parks and trails. They hosted an open house for the community in August 2015, discussing plans and concerns. UVDC will review the application this month, conducting at least one Public Hearing. The UVDC makes a recommendation to the City Council, who renders the final decision. Construction could begin in 2016.
y ver sco
Originally planned as only a commercial development, a new, additional development agreement in 2011 added 500 residential units to our town center, most of which ended up in the old Microsoft, now Polygon property.
Westridge North (26.8 acres): In a preliminary planning phase for many months, “The Pre-App part of the land use permit process is a collaborative and multi-departmental review that precedes the formal application. We want the application to be as close as possible to something that can be approved before the formal application process begins.” Lucy Sloman, Designated Official for the Urban Villages, City of Issaquah. The city just received a preliminary application for one of three sections, which might be ready for the UVDC to review this summer, when they would conduct a public hearing.
NE Ellis Dr.
The “Old” Microsoft Property
NE Park Dr.
But before you chime in, get the facts. In this story you will find details about all the undeveloped parcels in Issaquah Highlands. You will also learn from several public representatives, civic leaders who live or work in Issaquah Highlands. If you’d like to know more, go to the City of Issaquah’s website. It’s packed with useful information.
Highlands Drive NE
But what about you? Everyone else can join in throughout the process. See our PUBLIC INPUT markers showing where you can plug in. Public Hearings provide a formal setting for public comment. Town Halls are less formal. But all along the way, every City Council meeting starts with an open opportunity to provide public comment. The City also welcomes direct email and social media as a means to provide input.
But when does the “public process” begin? It already has! First, the City negotiated the development agreements (DAs). City decision-makers are residents like you and me, elected officials and appointed, most of them volunteers. From the City Council to the Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) the public’s interests are represented by these officials.
9th Ave NE
Start with this: Most of the undeveloped land in Issaquah Highlands is owned by private developers. Where it is very American do what you will with your own property, this is no longer the Wild West. All land is governed by zoning and the land in Issaquah Highlands is also governed by development agreements. These are contracts between the City of Issaquah and developers, such as Port Blakely and Swedish Hospital.
NE Blakely Dr.
To I-90 and Downtown Issaquah
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
NE Park Dr.
15 th
Av e
NE High St.
See page 6.
10th Ave NE
Central Park Pad #1
Bellevue College East Campus When development was in early planning, College Drive was built (2013) and Bellevue College submitted their Site Development Permit (SDP) application for the East Campus, approved in 2014. Plans described a multi-story college campus of six academic buildings and a parking garage, approximately 425,000 square feet total.
Bellevue College made no more progress towards creating a new east campus until 2015. Late last year the college began scouting for a different location for their East Campus. At press time, all we know is that the college no longer wishes to build a new campus on the Issaquah Highlands property. We can still hope they will find a location in Issaquah.
BLOCKS 19 & 20
Block 19 – (2.16 acres) 135 residential apartments and/ or condos approved in 2007 (<3 acre parcel. Was approved administratively, by Designated Official for the Urban Villages.) Block 20 (1.24 acres) Entitlement 90,000 sf commercial (<3 acre parcel. Will be approved administratively, by Designated Official for the Urban Villages.)
See on page 7 a chart simplifying possible futures for the Bellevue College Property. Regardless of the path this property takes, development details (# homes, design standards, etc.) are governed by a Development Agreement. et Stre n o ris Har To
Harrison Street & Grand Ridge Drive Custom Homes Harrison Street is Sold Out. There remain nine lots for sale on Grand Ridge Drive.
Definitions Commercial Uses Include: Office, Hotel, Restaurants, Fitness, Entertainment, Warehousing/Storage, Light Manufacturing, etc.
Entitlement: Amount of residential, commercial or institutional development allowed by a contract such as a Development Agreement.
Retail Uses Include: Stores and Shops, Grocery Stores, Banks, Winery/Brewery, etc.
Public Hearing: An opportunity to speak publicly, addressing a body such as the Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) regarding a specific topic or permit application. Public notice of a hearing will be provided at least 10 days in advance. Sign up on the City’s website, “Notify Me” to receive email notices of Public Hearings.
Development Agreement (DA): An agreement (contract) between a land owner and a jurisdiction such as a city that determines how a property will be developed. The agreement has a term (i.e. 20 years) and “runs” with the land, if sold. Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC): A commission serving by appointment of the Mayor to review and approve (or recommend approval) applications to develop land in the city’s Urban Villages. Site Development Permit (SDP): When a development is large or complicated the Site Development Permit application process is used.
Audience Comments: An opportunity to speak publicly, addressing a body such as the City Council, on a topic that is not scheduled for a public hearing at that meeting. City Council provides this opportunity at the beginning of each meeting. The UVDC welcomes comments when the commission is preparing to deliberate a meeting’s subject. (See specific agendas on the City website.)
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Central Park (Pad / Field #1)
DRAFT Central Park Master Plan for improvements to Pad/Field #1 as presented for discussion at the Public Input Meeting at Blakely Hall on October 27, 2015. Watch for updates in the amendment application, described below.
On October 27, 2015 staff from the City of Issaquah Parks and Recreation held a Public Input Meeting at Blakely Hall on the project. It provides for increased capacity with field design, synthetic turf, lighting and additional parking. Many neighbors were excited about the project; many were dismayed.
In 2013 the voters in Issaquah approved a $10M parks bond package that included $1.55M to “Install all-weather/artificial turf and lighting at Central Park”. An additional $825,000 in grants have been awarded to Issaquah to go towards the cost of the project.
The Parks Department SDP ammendment application is expected this month (February 2016).
In 2015 the Parks department assembled a Citizen’s Advisory Committee, as per City administration’s direction, to aid in the field design. This committee is comprised of city staff, their consultant, and volunteers from several youth sports organizations.
= Public Input
Review of application and approval by the Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) is expected to begin in April 2016. There will be a public hearing scheduled.
Late in 2015 the Department of Development Services deemed the improvements complicated enough to require the Parks Department to submit a major amendment to the original Site Development Permit (SDP).
For more information see The amendment application will be part of the “Active Projects List” on the City’s website.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
Bellevue College Property on College Drive 20 acres
This chart simplifies possible futures for the Bellevue College Property. Regardless of the path this property takes, development details (# homes, design standards, etc.) are governed by a Development Agreement, overseen by the IHCA.
BC Holds property indefinitely
BC Leases or Acquires 2 a different property for its East Campus
OR Former Plans for Issaquah Highlands campus.
BC Builds its Approved Campus (372,000 sq. ft. of institutional use plus 55,0000 sq. ft. of uses accessory to the institutional use.)
Bellevue College Property
“[Bellevue College will be] leasing a storefront to firm up our commitment to the eastside and Issaquah.” - Carl Ellis, Bellevue College.
Owned by State of Washington
OR WA State Sells Property 3 A very public process called “disposal of surplus property”
OR Residential Developer buys the property
Institutional & Residential developer buys the property for a mix of uses.
Institutional Developer 1 buys the property.
If an SDP is applied for the UVDC reviews and makes final approval.
City Council reviews UVDC recommendation, makes final approval.
Builders may build a mix equivalent to 425,000 sqft Institutional.
Builders may build 425,000 sqft Institutional.
Builders may build up to 310 Residential Units.
Builders may build up to 310 Residential Units.
If an SDP is applied for the UVDC reviews and makes final approval.
An SDP would be reviewed by the UVDC for final approval.
If developer makes a plat application, the UVDC reviews and makes recommendation.
“The Issaquah Highlands land is not listed for sale, though our office has received many inquiries from parties interested in buying it. If the college sold that property, because it is stateowned, there is a very specific public process to follow. It is referred to as “disposal of surplus property*.”” - Keith Niven, Director, Department of Development Services, City of Issaquah
Institutional Uses include: Schools, Community Center, Public and Quasi Public Services, Cultural Facilities, Social Services and Non-Profit Organizations, Private Community Organizations, Religious facilities, Government facilities
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
While We Grow Our Representatives are working for us Growth and Kids It’s natural to think about growth when you think about kids. Some grow like weeds! But in this context I mean to consider population growth, especially kids, and how it impacts our schools. Growth in Issaquah and the surrounding areas has parents worried there is not enough space in our schools to accommodate all the new students. I asked Lisa Callan to educate us on how schools adapt to growth. Start here: The Issaquah School District grew by 2,000 students in just the past four years. It is projected to grow another 1,500 to 2,000 in the next five years. “Student growth is the reason the District is placing a bond issue on the ballot in April,” Lisa explains. And who pays for this growth? The district’s webpage says, “The State of Washington does not fund the regular building or maintenance of public schools. Instead, local voters must approve school bonds for this purpose. If no bond funds are available, classroom operations dollars must be used instead.” As a member of the school board, Lisa explains, “It is not possible to cover the cost of building a new school with the General Fund without causing a tremendous impact on the District’s ability to operate its existing schools. Money pulled from the General Fund takes money directly away from the classroom (teachers, books, etc.)” Immediate growth in the Highlands is being supported by the new, bigger Issaquah Middle School (opening fall 2016)
and a new, three-story Clark Elementary School, scheduled to open in the fall of 2017. Both were funded by the 2012 voter approved bond package. Grand Ridge Elementary will continue with kindergarten at neighboring schools and the use of portables. For the 2016 bond, the District does not know yet where the new schools would be sited. “A majority of growth resides in downtown Issaquah, the Highlands, and the Plateau. If the 2016 bond package passes,” Lisa says, “the District will aim to build schools where the growth is. Land availability and use restrictions may cause challenges to achieving that goal.” Some of the cost of growth is borne by builders. Whenever a residential project is built in Issaquah, the builders pay what’s called an “impact fee”. Computing impact fees for schools is very complicated. The fees provide an important, but very small part of the funds needed to support growth. The amount is far short of what is needed to build new schools, requiring the District to go to the voters for funding. Also top-of-mind for Issaquah Highlands’ parents is school boundaries and when they change. Local boundary changes, such as the Grand Ridge Elementary / PCMS and Clark Elementary / IMS boundary adjustment made in 2013, are operational and made by the District Administration. District-wide boundary changes would be done by a committee of community volunteers and district
Lisa Callan, Issaquah School District Board Member, Issaquah Highlands Resident
staff. They make a recommendation and the Superintendent makes the final decision. Lisa reports that, “At present, there is not a boundary review scheduled. Every year the district analyzes the capacity of each school taking into account current and future enrollment. With the growth we are experiencing, boundary changes are likely in the future. The timing and extent will be dependent on if the 2016 Bond moves forward and when and where land is acquired.” A boundary committee, now there’s an opportunity for public involvement!
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
It’ s an URBAN Village Geoff Walker has volunteered on the City of Issaquah’s Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) since 2000 and as its Chairman since 2005. The commission reviews land use applications to assure “conformance with policies, goals and objectives” in governing documents, such as the Grand Ridge Development Agreement, Issaquah Highlands’ governing document. Their purview is limited, but includes such things as how buildings orient to streets and paths, and to one another; building height; configuration of alleys and driveways; circulation by cars, bikes and pedestrians; common areas, parks and pathways; and parking. For this story, I sat down with Geoff and asked him to explain the role of the UVDC. Geoff Walker, Chairman, Urban Village Development Commission, Ashland Park neighborhood resident
When and why did you move into IH and what was here then? In October 1998. There were fewer than ten homes. That’s it. We believed in the vision of a walkable, mixed-use and vibrant community. Since then, four other family members have also purchased homes here. Why did you volunteer for the UVDC and why do you continue to serve? I saw it as an opportunity to get involved and help shape the community my family and I were to live and invest in over time. I’ve stayed on the Commission all these years because I feel an obligation to see it through and to continue providing a resident’s perspective. I imagined it would have been completed long before now…. What impact has the UVDC had on development in the Highlands? The UVDC provides checks and balances. When a developer presents their application to the
City, the staff helps them submit a compliant application. Then we make sure it fits in with the character of Issaquah Highlands, from a long-term perspective. What do you look for in an application? First I look to see if the application relates to the spirit of the development agreement and the spirit of Issaquah Highlands. Then I look at the technical details for compliance, though City staff does a good job of this before it gets to us. Finally, I look to see how the project will impact the broader community, its neighbors. Elements such as character, parking, traffic and accessibility cannot be reviewed in isolation. Is there one accomplishment of the UVDC in IH that you are most proud of? Well, not just one thing you can simply point to. Rather, I am most proud of something we have accomplished over a long period of time: the consistency of elements throughout IH, including a great pedestrian network and all the open spaces and parks. Sometimes we had to fight for these. What would you like to see in the yet to be developed lands in IH? I’d like the balance of the future development to be more commercial, entertainment and retail, and less residential. Up until now, residential development has far outweighed commercial. I would also like to see a transportation network that helps Highlands residents get around the community comfortably and safely. The UVDC meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm at Council Chambers. (Check the city website calendar) Attendance is encouraged. Some meetings are specific Public Hearings, but audience comments are welcome at all meetings. Meetings can be viewed online live or recorded. (See City channel on Youtube)
Issaquah Highlands Community Association, our HOA by Sarah Hoey, Executive Director, IHCA
2015 Review As the Executive Director of the IHCA it is my responsibility to oversee the architectural control of the entire development including the commercial sections of Issaquah Highlands. All builder and commercial changes must obtain architectural approval through IHCA Architectural Control committee (builder ARC) prior to construction or changes. I worked with two architects to review multiple building projects in 2015 and there’s more still planned for 2016. The Highlands Commercial area, referred to as High Streets welcomed two new businesses in 2015: Prime Numbers and Home Street Bank. In addition, the IHCA builder ARC approved Sarah Hoey, IHCA Executive Director the construction of the Home Street Bank, Proliance building addition, and Discovery West Apartments. This ARC approved 15 exterior signage change applications and oversaw the installation of way-finding kiosks located throughout the community. The IHCA builder ARC also established a working relationship with the Issaquah Terraces Apartments. Although they are not in the Issaquah Highlands boundaries, they are our neighbors. The ARC and Board of Directors worked closely with the builder to discuss building integrity and architectural styles as well as easement rights on adjacent land parcels. All of these projects where strictly managed by IHCA builder ARC and reviewed and approved to ensure the community standards were followed.
There are currently three builders (excluding custom homes) active in the Highlands. Ichijo is completing the Sunset Ridge neighborhood. Toll Brothers is finishing the Pinecrest neighborhood and Polygon Homes is wrapping up the Brownstones Condominiums. Looking into the future There are several parcels currently vacant within the IHCA development boundaries. All are in Issaquah Highlands and come under IHCA builder ARC review. See the feature story for details. The IHCA owns a small parcel of land which currently houses the temporary maintenance shop for the IHCA maintenance staff and landscapers. The state of the current facility is subpar with no utilities and its functionality no longer adequately serves the maintenance needs of this thriving community. In 2016 the Board of Directors will approve the building of a new maintenance shop facility which is guaranteed to be an asset for the community and those who help maintain it. I will work with the Board of Directors to ensure that this is not a financial risk to the association or cause undo increases in owner assessments. Looking even further into the future The IHCA office space located on 1011 NE High Street is actually a leased space and expensive for the IHCA. I and the Board of Directors are exploring the possibility of building a permanent structure to house a new office space. Typically a large master planned development includes an office building and maintenance shop as part of the initial infrastructure; in our case it was not. Additional information will be made public as we review the options to potentially build a permanent home for the communities’ administration. Our 1st neighborhood was built almost 20 years ago. It’s wonderful how this community is still evolving.
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
ISSAQUAH HIGHLANDS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Being a Neighborly Neighbor by Collene Cordova, IHCA Owner Service Coordinator-Compliance
One of the most rewarding aspects of being a resident in a planned community such as ours is getting to know your neighbors and looking out for each other. This not only benefits you and your family, but the entire community. There are many ways you can be a kind and supportive neighbor. Sometimes it’s too easy to pass judgment as to why your neighbor’s lawn doesn’t look as good as yours, or their fence needs some attention, or someone forgets to bring in their trash cans well after the pickup time. Maybe there is a good explanation and you can offer assistance or at the very least, be understanding. Our Use Restrictions and Rules state that all trash cans are to be brought indoors within 12 hours after pickup. This is a rule for a number of reasons. We live in a very densely populated community and navigating between cars parked on the street and garbage cans left out overnight can be hazardous. Plus with our proximity to wildlife and the bear’s acute sense of smell, we wouldn’t want a resident or a child walking to meet the school bus to surprise a bear. Get to know your neighbors and offer to assist them with this task when they are out of town, something they can do for you when you are unable. With the recent increase in package thefts from front porches, we all need to be on the lookout for suspicious activity. We drive the community on a weekly basis and are always looking for anything that is out of place. While doing inspections and driving slowly through the alley, we actually looked suspicious, a homeowner saw us, was not aware that we were with the IHCA and called to report the incident. If you see a white Ford CMax Hybrid with the number 7 on the back and an Issaquah Highlands sticker, it’s the IHCA. We are not just looking for violations, but are also checking on the overall condition of the community and items that need to be addressed. Let’s all work together and help each out. It is what community is all about.
Homeowners, mark your calendars, election season is here again! Below is an outline of important dates on how the election process will unfold this year for the IHCA Board of Directors elections for districts 2, 4 and 6. Homeowner participation is a key part of the community’s success. • Week of February 1, 2016 – You’ve Got Mail: Election notices are sent to all owners with a call for candidates’ statements of interest. If you are interested in serving on the Board simply complete and return the statement of interest form by the deadline. • Week of March 21, 2016 – Board reviews returned statements of interest and holds interviews, if necessary. Ballots are created. • Week of May 2, 2016 – Ballots and proxies for quorum requirements are mailed to all owners with a return date prior to May 25th. • June 29, 2016 – The Results are In: The Annual Meeting will take place at 6 pm at Blakely Hall at which time the election results will be announced. Quorum is crucial. Please help the IHCA continue to be a champion community in the country and a wonderful place to live by attending the Annual Meeting or sending in your ballots and proxies on time. 67% of homeowners are required to meet quorum – let’s make 2016 the great year!
ARC Tip of the Month: Did you know… Any outdoor structures such as sheds, playhouses, trash can enclosures, pet houses, play equipment, etc., are subject to ARC approval? Rubber and/or plastic structures are not allowed in Issaquah Highlands.
Issaquah Highlands Community Wide Standards: Yard Standards: Yard waste (leaves, twigs and branches) and other debris should be appropriately disposed of and not stored within the front or side yards or dumped in open space areas. (Appropriate disposal incudes composting through Cleanscapes/ Recology (green bins are free). Please remember to dispose of newspapers left in your driveway before they become a soggy mess. Thank you for doing your part.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
Maintaining Architectural Quality
Building design is carefully managed in Issaquah Highlands and integral to strong real estate values here. There are three different Architectural Review Committees (ARCs) that oversee and ultimately approve or deny plans or changes to property. All work with the IHCA, especially the Residential ARC. They are: Custom ARC This group, made up of developer representatives, deals exclusively with the homeowners in the Harrison Street (HS) and Grand Ridge Drive (GRD) neighborhoods for the custom homes that are being built in these areas. All plans for homes and landscapes must be approved by this group. The Custom ARC oversees the projects until the homes have been given Certificates of Occupancy by the City of Issaquah and the owners actually move in.
High Streets (Commercial) and Builder ARC Sarah Hoey, IHCA Executive Director, heads up the High Streets (Commercial) and Builder ARC. Their purview includes all new neighborhoods being built (excluding HS and GRD) as well as any new or existing commercial spaces. Prior to the transition of any of these neighborhoods or buildings to the Issaquah Highlands Community Association (IHCA) or High Streets Association (HAS), this group maintains oversight on all architectural or landscape designs.
Residential ARC The Residential ARC approves or denies applications submitted for changes to homes or yards after they are occupied, including HS and GRD neighborhoods. It is made up of seven regular members and two alternate members who own homes in Issaquah Highlands. They meet monthly to review applications for changes. Visit IssaquahHighlands. com/learn/IHCAapplications-forms to download the appropriate application for proposed changes to your property.
Introducing: The Neighborhoods of Issaquah Highlands by Aimee Holy, Erik Mehr & Associates and Dahlia Park Resident
We can probably all agree that the Highlands is a special place to live, loaded with cultural diversity and unique neighborhoods. Did you know that the Issaquah Highlands has over 20 neighborhoods, each with its own look and feel? About to enter the final phase of buildout, the Issaquah Highlands remains to be one of the most desirable communities to live in on the Eastside. Issaquah Highlands accommodates the vast housing needs for our growing community. We have housing large enough for extended families, the empty nester and everything in between. This new monthly column will be devoted to exploring the unique neighborhoods in the Highlands as well as market trends and typical price points for the individual neighborhoods. Every month I will showcase one of these individual neighborhoods and highlight its unique traits. I will explore the type of housing the neighborhood provides, whether it is single family homes, condos, town homes, apartments or mixed use. Our individual neighborhoods demand distinctive pricing. I will discuss typical price points for that neighborhood, and amenities that is has to offer and the schools that service it.
Additionally, monthly tips pertaining to buying or selling in the Highlands will be provided. For example preparing your home for a sale, staging, home maintenance, and the best time to sell or buy in the Highlands and how to determine a price. I welcome feedback from residents. Look for me on the (unofficial) Issaquah Highlands Facebook page where I will be asking residents what they love about their neighborhood for use in my article. I will also gladly answer reader questions about the local real estate market or individual neighborhoods and include the answers the next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s article. Aimee Holy has lived and worked in the Issaquah Highlands for the past eight years. Aimee has two sons 7 & 14 and has been married for 22 years.
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Living Safe, Living Green
by Christy Garrard, Executive Director, Highlands Council and Dahlia Park Resident Our programming this month is focused on improving community safety and embracing our Living Green mantra through education and programming. Living Safely TRAFFIC SAFETY TOWN HALL: Highlands Council and the City of Issaquah will host a Town Hall Meeting at Blakely Hall on Wednesday, February 10th at 7pm to hear your concerns about improving the safety of our streets and crosswalks. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: When an earthquake happens will you know what to do? Do you know your neighbors? Who is home alone (kids, elderly)? Who has special medical needs? Who will help turn off the gas lines? Who has tools and ladders? Who will watch the children while we assist each other with cleanup? Highlands Council will host Map Your Neighborhood Seminars on February 22nd at 7pm and February 23rd at noon at Blakely Hall. The Map Your Neighborhood program provides guidance and resources to assist you and your neighbors in organizing yourselves for disaster. YOU decide who to partner with (i.e. your block, street, immediate neighbors) and we provide the resources to guide your planning conversations. Living Green COMMUNITY GARDEN PROGRAM: February 1st begins the New Year for our P-patch program in Issaquah Highlands. Gardeners participating in the program will attend the Annual
Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner on February 4th at 6pm at Blakely Hall to share gardening tips and discuss the growing season ahead. Considering farming a P-patch this year? Learn more at: GREEN GENIUS PROGRAM: Did you know that all homes in Issaquah Highlands are Built Green? Do you know what that means? Highlands Council, Built Green, Green Genius, and others have joined forces to deliver a day-long, thoughtfully curated seminar for real estate and development professionals and interested residents on February 11th at Blakely Hall beginning at 1:30pm. Schedule of Events include: CEU Accredited Class for Real Estate Brokers and Appraisers, a Happy Hour Class for attendees and the community and ending with an interesting Panel Discussion regarding the past and future of sustainability in Issaquah Highlands. Homeowners can pick up their Built Green home certifications at this event. URBANIZED: The more you understand and embrace that you live in an urban village the more you will love calling Issaquah Highlands home. This documentary film will be shown at Blakely Hall on February 24th at 6:30pm and highlights innovations and some of the world’s most notable urban planning successes from big cities around the world. Issaquah may only be a small city, but it still deals with issues such as traffic, affordable housing, parks and the need for more multi-modal transportation options. The movie serves as an engaging springboard for the panel discussion to follow. Learn more by visiting the community calendar at
Map Your Neighborhood Seminars At Blakely Hall Monday, February 22nd from 7pm-8pm Tuesday, February 23rd from noon – 1pm
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
Lindsey Pinkston & Jennifer Kodosky I love bringing people together and planning community events, so when I saw the opportunity to work with Highlands Council to put on a Shop Small Saturday event, I jumped at the chance. Jen and I met shortly after she moved to IH in the community book club and have been friends ever since. I knew we’d be able to plan a great event together. We really wanted to create an opportunity for the community to come together around the holidays, offer fun for the whole family, raise money for the Issaquah Food Bank, and also help support all of our residents with home-based businesses. Thanks to everyone involved (especially Highlands Youth for staffing the event). The day was a huge success! With Elsa, crafts, and cookie decorating, the kids had a blast. As a home-based business owner myself, I not only got to shop and enjoy the festivities, I was also able to share my business and help others get their holiday shopping done. Through sales of Zeeks pizza, raffle tickets (there were amazing prizes offered!), and vendor donations, we were able to raise over $500 for the Issaquah Food Bank, plus about 50 books for their Holiday Gift Barn. I am already excited for the 2016 Shop Small Saturday event, and hope to have some fantastic new ideas for the community to enjoy. Volunteering in Issaquah Highlands is such a rewarding experience on so many levels – I encourage everyone to get involved!
In August of 2014, my husband and I moved here with our two boys from Cleveland, Ohio when he took a new job. It was a tough move for me initially. Being so involved with the community where we lived, I wasn’t sure what sort of opportunities would come my way living in a new city. I was pleasantly surprised by all of the ways I could be involved here in Issaquah. Volunteering has become an important part of my life, especially since having kids. As a parent, I think it’s important to volunteer my time in the schools. I believe it shows my children that I value their education and how important it is to take it seriously. I joined the Grand Ridge PTSA and was excited to help plan the Fall-o-Ween and Summerfest events last year, and also serve as an art docent for my oldest son’s class. I also volunteer in my sons’ sports. When Christy asked for help from residents to plan a community event for small business owners, I was excited to get involved. Lindsey and I decided to team up to plan the details for the Shop Local Bazaar. It was an amazing chance to help local residents like myself showcase their homebased businesses and be supported by the community we live in. We were so pleased with the overwhelming turnout the day of event. It goes to show this community has spirit. Getting involved has been a phenomenal way for me to meet and interact with new people. I’ve been able to meet so many great people in the short amount of time I’ve lived here in Issaquah. I encourage anyone, especially those that are new to Issaquah, to volunteer their time. Whether it be with the schools, sports, church or a community event. There are so many ways to get involved.
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Art in Blakely Hall
“Call of the Clouds” Through March 15th Open 8:00am – 5:00pm Monday - Friday Blakely Hall Free and open to the public
Curators Megan Somerville and Ted Loomis, artEAST bring the splendor of clouds and the joy of watching them to an interactive and participatory art exhibition and program. The program includes traditional and unexpected elements.
Book Club
Location & Dates vary
The book club is a great place to meet neighbors and explore a variety of books. We meet at Big Fish Grill. Dates sometimes change, so be sure to email to be added to the Facebook group.
Chinese Heritage Club
Sunday, February 21st, 2:00pm - 5:00pm Chinese New Year Blakely Hall
Celebrate the coming of the Year of the Monkey, presented by IH Chinese Heritage Club. Chinese lion dance, traditional dress fashion show, musical performances, fun games and a raffle draw make up the fun for everyone. $3/adult, $1/child and children under 3 years old are free. Contact: or
Cub Scout Issaquah Highlands Pack 680
A year round values-based program for boys grades 1-5. Scouting is learning by discovery and discovery by doing. For more information, please contact
Concert: Snythesia
Friday, March 4th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Blakely Hall
A live music event produced by The Rivers Edge Church (which meets in Blakely Hall on Sundays), Join us for a night of energizing music from local artists. Lights and Sounds…Fun for the whole family. Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be available for purchase. Admission: $10/pp and $20/family. All tickets and concession proceeds go to fund the Issaquah Highlands Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 26, 2016 in Village Green Park.
English Class for the Workplace Wednesdays and Fridays Through March 25th 9:30am – 12:00pm YWCA Family Village
Presented by Hopelink and free to attend, these classes teach English to assist adults in the workplace. Learn how to speak about your skills and experience, how to search for a job, develop a resume, a cover letter, practice interview skills and much more! Register by contacting Marci Williams at 425-250-3007 or
Flex Worker Brown Bag
India Culture Club
Formerly the Telecommuter Brown Bag group. The theme for this meeting is Mentoring: What does it mean to you, your company, and your future? Dawn Noland will lead the discussion. You are welcome to join us! We meet every other month to discuss topics that interest our group. Anyone can lead a discussion. The last meeting is April 1st (no fooling). Contact (subject line: Flex Worker Brown Bag) if you have questions or would like to be added to the meeting notes distribution.
Come learn about beautiful India! This club will highlight arts, culture, and festivals and is open to all who want to explore and learn about India. Topics for our meetings may include preparing for a trip to India, basic overview of languages, places to visit, arts and cultural landmarks to visit etc. Let’s celebrate and share cultural riches of India in our Community together. Contact: Anita Ayela (
Friday, February 5th, 1:00pm – 2:00 pm Blakely Hall
Family History Night
Tuesday, February 16th, 8:00pm - 9:00pm Blakely Hall - FREE! Genealogy Made Easy! Contact: Steve Balkman, 425-260-4451.
Gardening Seminar
Designing Your Own Northwest Paradise Thursday, March 3rd, 7:00pm - 8:30 pm Blakely Hall
With Jessi Bloom, best-selling author, owner and lead designer of NW Bloom EcoLogical Landscapes. Landscapes and gardens offer a wealth of benefits if designed and managed well. Learn how to look at your garden as an ecosystem and explore the possibilities to make your space more sustainable, how to build healthy soils, good design, as well as proper maintenance strategies will be covered. You will see examples of beautiful gardens for inspiration. Free, but registration is required: event/2342174
Green Genius: The Future of Sustainability
A Community UnConference in Issaquah Highlands Thursday, February 11th Blakely Hall 1:30pm – 4:30pm: CEU Class for RE Brokers, Appraisers, Enthusiasts 4:30pm – 5:00pm: Happy Hour Class Attendees and IH Community 5:00pm – 6:30pm: Panel Discussion: The Past and Future of Sustainability in IH As the Issaquah Highlands looks back on 20 years of development, Highlands Council, Built Green, Green Genius and others have joined forces to deliver an event series celebrating 20 Years of Sustainability in this Built Green Community. Thoughtfully curated for real estate and development professionals and enthusiasts, all events are free and open to the public. All homes in Issaquah Highlands are Built Green; Homeowners can pick up their Built Green home certifications at this event. See Page 20 for more details. www.pnwgreengenius. com.
Monday, February 29th, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Blakely Hall
Knit for Life®
Mondays from 1:00pm to 3:00pm Swedish Medical Center, Main Lobby
A network of volunteer knitters in area hospitals, providing physical and mental support in a non-traditional therapeutic environment to cancer survivors, patients and caregivers through knitting. We teach anyone with any skill level. You don’t have to bring anything but yourself. We have all the supplies you will need. Contact:
Little Mandarin Group
February 8th and 22nd, 10:30am - Noon Blakely Hall
Young children are uniquely suited to learning a second language. “Little Mandarin” will give young children the opportunity to learn mandarin through telling stories, singing songs and playing games. Witnessing your children learn another language is exciting! Welcome parents and their kids (newborns to 4 years) to join the group. Dates sometimes change, so email to get the details.
Map Your Neighborhood Seminars February 22nd, 7:00pm - 8:00pm February 23rd, Noon - 1:00pm Blakely Hall
Learn how to organize your family and your neighbors in advance of a natural disaster or crisis at one of these FREE seminars hosted at Blakely Hall. See page 29 for more details.
Meaningful Movies
Wednesday, February 24th, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Blakely Hall Film: URBANIZED
Meaningful Movies of Issaquah and Highlands Council present: Urbanized. Urbanized documents innovations and urban planning successes from big cities around the world. Issaquah may only be a small city, but it still deals with the same issues. The movie serves as a springboard for the panel discussion to follow. Panelists are: Stacy Goodman – City Council, Council President Geoff Walker – Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC), Chairman Chantal Stevens – Planning Policy Commission Karl Leigh – Economic Vitality Commission, Chairman
*All Events are FREE unless otherwise noted.
COMMUNITY MEETINGS IHCA Architectural Review Committee Tuesday, 2/2, 6:00 pm IHCA Office Highlands Council Board of Trustees Tuesday, 2/9, Noon, Blakely Hall IHCA Finance Committee Tuesday, 2/9, 5:30 pm IHCA Office Highlands Fiber Network Advisory Group Monday, 2/11, 5:00pm, Blakely Hall
IHCA Board of Directors Wednesday, 2/24, 5:30 pm IHCA Office Meetings are subject to change. See Calendar at for more information or date changes. For City of Issaquah governance meetings, see
Holiday Closures IHCA Office, Highlands Council Offices & Blakely Hall Closed Monday, February 15th President’s Day
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE HIGHLANDS Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) February 1st & 15th, 9:30am - 11:30am Blakely Hall
Sponsored by Timberlake Church PROGRAM COST: $150 for the 2015-16 school year We meet twice monthly on Monday mornings through June. Enjoy quality, positive programming just for moms. We make sure your little ones have an amazing time as well. To register, visit
Minecraft Mania
Tuesday, February 9th, 5:00pm - 6:30pm Blakely Hall
Join fellow elementary and middle school Minecraft enthusiasts from novice to expert as we share our knowledge of the Minecraft world including Redstone, building, surviving the night and more. You’ll need a laptop with licensed Minecraft loaded on it. Club leader is Quinn Ryan at and parent leader is Tim Ryan at
New Resident Reception & Orientation Thursday, March 10th, 7:00pm-8:30pm Blakely Hall
Join your fellow new neighbors for a welcome reception in your honor and a brief presentation regarding the IHCA, Highlands Council and HFN. Refreshments provided. Please RSVP to so we can plan appropriately. Even if you have lived here for quite some time but have never attended a resident orientation, you are very welcome as well!
Photography Club
Saturday, February 20th, 10:30am - Noon Blakely Hall
Enjoy monthly meetings with guest speakers, share and discuss your work with others, and participate in an online community throughout the month. Contact
Rovin’ Fiddlers
Every Tuesday, 7:00pm-9:00pm Either at the Issaquah Highlands Fire Station 73 or Issaquah Senior Center
Looking for a place to play your instrument? Drop in our jam sessions. We need more fiddles (!) but welcome guitars, flutes, whistles, banjos, mandolins, autoharps, dulcimers, stand up bass, and percussion. All abilities are welcome. We play a variety of genres from traditional old-time to Celtic selections. We play the occasional performance if you care to join us, but that is optional. For more information and to learn where we’re rehearsing each week contact Sue at
Running Club
Saturdays 8:00am Central Park Tennis Courts
Moms, dads, caregivers and their children are invited for fun, friendship, support and socializing. Contact and see
Whether you are a novice or a salty vet looking for some steep competition, you will love our monthly group for $40 buy-in, No-Limit Texas Hold ’em tournament! Don’t forget to join us on Facebook for all the latest info and results at our “Issaquah Poker” group page. Contact Henry at
February presenters will be discussing an international destination, China, and a domestic destination, a driving tour of the Atlantic Provinces. Come and experience first-hand China’s great man-made attractions with its’ many natural wonders and the beautiful landscape of the Northeastern Atlantic coast from Maine to Nova Scotia to Newfoundland. Hear and see the art/souvenirs and personal anecdotes of two very unique trips. Join your like-minded neighbors for a fun evening, the bulk of the evening will be unstructured, get acquainted time to share and learn about travel! Light snacks provided. Contact HighlandsTravelClub/
Russian Highlanders
Come out and meet your fellow wine lovers in the Highlands! Are you a wine enthusiast, connoisseur, or just a fan? We usually get together the second Friday of each month to discuss and enjoy wine. If interested please send an email to Dianne at for details. Please RSVP the Tuesday prior to the event.
Meet other Russian-speakers in your community for friendship! Join Russian Highlanders Facebook page to see what activities are planned.
Sea Scout Teen/Parent Information Night
Wednesday, March 2nd, 7:00pm-8:30pm Blakely Hall
This youth program combines fun with the adventure of boating and the intrigue of maritime tradition. Sea Scouts is a coed program offered by the Boy Scouts of America to young adults 14 years old through the age of 21. Sea Scouts love boats and the water, learn sailor’s skills, work together as a team, set and achieve personal goals – and they have fun doing it. Come meet the dedicated skippers and the scouts themselves and learn more about this exciting group! Contact Jennifer Molloy at
Wednesdays, 7:00am - 8:00am Swedish Medical Center 2nd Floor Conference Center
Join us to improve your communication skills. To find out more, visit the club website at or drop in any Wednesday as a guest.
Poker Night
Thursday, February 25th, 7:00pm Blakely Hall
Wednesday, February 3rd, 7:00pm - 9:00pm Blakely Hall
Wine Club
See Facebook for monthly event information
Town Hall Topic: TRAFFIC
Friday, February 19th, 7:00pm - 10:00pm Blakely Hall
Yarns & Threads Group Fridays at 9:00am Blakely Hall
All knitters, crocheters, and stitchers are welcome. For more details of questions, please contact Cathie Coulter at
Yoga Club
Saturdays at 10:30am Cancelled February 27th Blakely Hall
Join us every Saturday for free Yoga! Hatha Yoga Classes are for anyone interested, including neophytes wanting to try yoga for the first time, the experienced looking to improve, and anyone in-between. Yoga class will be led by Melanie and her mother, Deyin. For more information:
Zumba Fitness Class
Tuesdays (7:00pm) & Saturdays (9:00am)
Get Ready - Get Fit - Go! Ditch the workout and join the fitness party at Blakely Hall! Zumba Fitness is the Latin and world rhythm and dance based fitness party that will change the way you think about working out. Grab your workout clothes, your water bottle, and join the party! Free class but please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the food bank! For additional information, email (Cindy) at
City of Issaquah Wednesday, February 10th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm See Page 14.
Groundhog Day Tuesday, February 2nd Groundhog Day Tuesday, February 2nd Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th
Chinese New Year Monday, February 8th Valentine’s Day Sunday, February 14th
SAVE THE DATE Bear Smart Seminar Monday, March 14th
Issaquah School District Town Hall Wednesday, March 16th artEAST Reception Thursday, March 17th HY Egg Hunt Friday, March 18th
Travel Club Night See where it takes you!
Please contact Joey at, so he can add you to the distribution list. See Facebook - Issaquah Highlands Running and Multi-sport
Toastmasters Club
Every Wednesday at 10:00am Cancelled February 17th Newborn to Age 4 Blakely Hall
India Culture Club, Holi Saturday, March 19th Purim Thursday, March 24th Egg Hunt Saturday, March 26th Easter Services Sunday, March 27th
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
As Our Community Grows, So do I by Sarah Lally Brown, Community Gardener, Resident Two Slides Park Neighborhood
by Nina Milligan, Highlands Council, Crofton Springs Neighborhood In 2016 Issaquah Highlands begins to celebrate 20 years of development. Join us for these special events. All are free and open to Issaquah Highlands community members. THE FUTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY: A Community UnConference in Issaquah Highlands (a CLASS AND SPEAKING EVENT) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11th Blakely Hall Highlands Council, Built Green, Green Genius and others have joined forces to deliver an event series celebrating 20 Years of Sustainability in this Built Green Community. This series has been thoughtfully curated for real estate and development professionals and enthusiasts. REGISTRATION at 1:30-4:30PM How Millennials are Changing Real Estate Instructor: Fiona Douglas-Hamilton CEU Accredited Class for Real Estate Brokers and Appraisers FREE to Homeowners 4:30-5:00PM – Happy Hour & Networking Homeowners can sign up to receive a copy of their Built Green Certificate 5:00 – 6:30PM– The Past and Future of Sustainability in Issaquah Highlands Keynote: The Vision Milenko Matanovic, Pomegranate Center: Milenko Matanovic is the founder and Executive Director of the Pomegranate Center. The Center is internationally acclaimed for its work in designing and building lasting, sustainable communities. Milenko is the engine and creative force behind what the center does, inspiring his audiences and clients while equipping them with tools for successful collaboration and place-making strategies. Milenko’s work in Issaquah Highlands provides a lasting legacy for the community and places it among the most highly regarded communities in the country. Panel: The Future This Panel will discuss the future of sustainability in Issaquah including what homeowners can do to take their behavior to the next level, what the City of Issaquah is doing, and what new development may look like. David Fujimoto – Director, Issaquah Office of Sustainability Nina Milligan – 2006-2013 Urban Village Development Commission, 2013-15 City of Issaquah Councilmember Jim Reinhardsen – Principal, Heartland LLC Urbanized – A documentary movie and panel discussion WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24TH, 6:30PM Blakely Hall Highlands Council and Meaningful Movies of Issaquah have teamed to bring you a special screening of the movie Urbanized. This film is half travelogue, half interviews, exploring the most innovative solutions to big city problems. As Issaquah urbanizes, we can stay ahead of these problems by coming together at this formative stage. Traffic, bike/pedestrian infrastructure, housing and parks are current topics at our City. Join the conversation! Sun Ridge HOME TOUR MARCH 2nd, 10:00am - Noon SunRidge Neighborhood THE FUTURE OF BUILT GREEN IN THE ISSAQUAH HIGHLANDS: Built Green welcomes you to an Open House – New Construction. Save the date!
Gardening in the quiet of my own backyard would be very convenient. I could stroll out and pick carrots at 7 a.m. in my pajamas. I could set up drip irrigation to avoid filling up my complicated network of slow-watering soda bottles. Bean towers could sprawl ungroomed, pumpkin vines invade anywhere they wished. But then I would miss what was going on. Having to walk (or drive) to my garden is a pretty awesome way to watch how my neighborhood is growing. A house goes up for sale and then I see open house signs and then it is sold. I’ve gotten to know the cars that park along the sides of Northeast Park Drive. I have learned to bring a bag of beach toys to the garden. My children ask if they can have pizza for dinner from Zeeks every single time we pass by, or so it seems. I keep an eye out on the sandwich board in front of Blakely Hall to see what art is showing and what clubs are meeting. I moved to the Highlands almost three years ago. From my comfy chair at Caffe Ladro I could look out the window at peaceful fields of grass. There were so many vacant lots to explore that it was as if we had an extra Central Park that didn’t ever get mowed. Little ponds were full of peeping frogs in the spring and crackling ice in the winter. Frisbees got chased with no fear of falling into someone’s yard. Down at the garden, crops have evolved a few times over. My plot neighbors have shifted. I can predict some of the more permanent pvc pipe fixtures that will hold beans in the spring or hills that are meant for potatoes, but there are open spots that could sprout just about anything. People-watching is great down in the garden. When school lets out for the day, streams of kids flow by on their way home by way of the playground. I have met many new residents to the neighborhood who wonder how the garden works and if my kids are having fun in the enormous sand pile next to it. On the way back up the hill, many of the vacant lots we used to play in now have houses, with new neighbors and new friends. But like every year in the garden, there are still things to watch and new places to explore. I don’t think we have gone to every single playground yet. There is still a healthy handful of vacant lots that you can sled down when there’s a bit of snow. As much as I enjoyed the peace of those empty fields, I really like not having to drive down into Issaquah proper to get gas and groceries. And besides, if I had a garden in my backyard I would also have to spend 23 hours of my day shouting at deer to get out of my plants.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Photo Treasure Hunt Welcome to the Issaquah Highlands Photo Treasure Hunt! Every month we will publish a photo of something (or somewhere!) in the Highlands. While some months may be easier than others, all photos will be of something accessible to the public. It is up to you to guess where the photo was taken! Last month’s photo was of the metal artwork on the side of the parking garage on High Street and 10th Ave NE. The garage provides parking to several business including the Issaquah Highlands Community Association (the HOA).
Issaquah Highlands Connections
HIGHLANDS FIBER NETWORK FTTH - Community Owned! by Frank Pineau, General Manager, Highlands Fiber Network
As the Issaquah Highlands continues to grow, and with our increased churn rates in ownership, we felt it was appropriate to revisit and explain to our new residences our charter here at HFN. As you may be aware, the fiber optic constructed Internet system we have here in the Highlands is pretty unique in the industry. There are perhaps a few hundred similar systems throughout the country, with many cities investigating and costing out ways to build a like product. As you can imagine, trying to retro-fit or build a new network in an existing community is almost prohibitive in cost. (Think $25- $50 per foot of cable) In the Issaquah Highlands, the HFN network is unique in many ways. First, it’s 100% fiber. That means no choke-points in delivering the fastest speeds. In addition, fiber cable is not susceptible to the same issues copper-based cables are in terms of water, interference and corrosion. Second, the fiber from our data centers to the home is not shared, so no speed reductions occur from your neighbors. (In shared networks, one “data-intensive” customer streaming will reduce the overall speed to others). Third, our fiber network is wholly owned by Highlands Council, and therefore not subject to rate increases for investment purposes. When rates do increase, it’s for good reasons, like extending cable to new homes, maintenance, equipment upgrades or system enhancements. In 2015, we restructured our plans and rates, and rolled out our new GigE speeds at amazingly low prices. ($70/month) We are now installing this faster service with a “phased-in” approach, as we have several hundred interested subscribers. We have a few network challenges to overcome in some neighborhoods, but we are actively working through them.
Correct guesses were submitted by: Heather Krabbe Kay Hager Tara Villing Sengamalay Virginia Menting This month’s photo is below. If you think you have the answer, please email it to along with your full name. Please be as specific as possible when emailing your response (just the name of the building, park, street, etc. is not enough). Responses will be accepted until February 8th. Those with the correct answer will see their name published in next month’s issue of Connections, as well as have their name entered into a drawing for a $25 gift certificate to Café Ladro. The drawing will happen once a year in December. Everyone who responds with a correct guess will be entered to win. Every correct guess is another entry – so you can enter 12 times a year. You may also see hints or clues online on our Twitter (@IssHighlands) or Instagram (issaquahhighlands) accounts, so check there as well. Enjoy, and good luck! Entry Deadline: Monday, February 8th Photo Treasure Hunt Coordinator: Chelsea Musick, Central Park
We connected over 130 new homes to the network in 2015, with 230 (or more) estimated to be built in 2016. HFN currently has over 3,000 subscribers. Lastly, we at HFN are very aware of the value of services. Keeping our subscription rates as low as practical drives all of our decisions. Our goal is to provide cutting edge broadband speeds and reliability at near cost. (We are currently applying for Non-Profit status, to further enhance our cost position to the community.) Whether you are new to Issaquah Highlands or you’ve been here since the beginning, you can be proud of our communityowned, fiber-to-the-home network. It works for you!
y p p Ha ntines e l a ! y V a D
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Living Legend in our Midst
You may have driven past Outsource Marketing on your way to dropping your child off at school or while walking your dog around Ashland Park. But, bet you didn’t know that behind the doors you’d find a marketing legend. Recently, the Puget Sound American Marketing Association awarded the “Pulse Marketing Legend Award” to Issaquah Highlands resident, and founder of Outsource Marketing, Patrick Byers. Patrick has been an active member of the community for many years. Patrick currently serves on the Highlands Council Board of Trustees as its Secretary.
Highlands resident and Highlands Council Secretary, Patrick Byers was awarded the PSAMA “Marketing Legend Award” in December 2015.
The Pulse Marketing Legend Award honors a marketing leader who has contributed significantly to the advancement of the marketing profession in the Northwest and serves as a role model for others to follow and emulate.
“The PSAMA was proud to add Patrick Byers to the ranks of Marketing Legends for the Puget Sound at the 2015 Pulse Awards. He is, ‘one of the most upstanding and respected marketers that I know.’” – Sloan Newman, President PSAMA Congratulations, Patrick!
February 2016
Valentine’s Day by Anita Ayela, The Cottages
The origins of Valentine’s Day are not clear, but many sources believe that it stems from the story of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was martyred on or around February 14 in the year 270 CE. The day became associated with romantic love in the Middle Ages in England. Valentine’s Day was not known to us in my growing years in India, at least not in the place where I grew up. It was only when I was at the university that it started to dawn on everyone about this day and also when we saw the greeting cards in the shops. It would have been just another day for me had it not been for my beau back then, now my husband. I received beautiful cards from him, and I sent out equally beautiful ones, thus celebrating our togetherness, though far away from each other. So glad that I’m after all married to ‘My Valentine,’ whom I met 24 years back. One Valentine’s Day that I’ll always remember is the one that happened to be two days before my wedding day. All of us, my family, his family, all of us were in the same wedding venue, though put up in different rooms. I had long been wishing to celebrate that last one as a ‘valentine’ valentine, before forever becoming a ‘wifey’ valentine. I thought that since we all were in the same place, I would get to have a quiet moment with him, but it never happened. So, I thought of sending him a card at least, which I had bought lovingly to hand to him personally. One of my cousins was the ‘cat with the bell,’ and she went to give it to him. But she delivered the Valentine card to my would-be mother-in-law as she couldn’t get to him! I just kept my fingers crossed that since the envelope said ‘From Anita’, she would give it to him. A day after my marriage we found the open envelope and the card in it, obvious that someone had opened it. And, we found it in my mother-in-law’s handbag. After coming to the U.S., I was so smitten by the big deal Valentine’s Day is for everyone. Pink and red flowers, pink and red dresses, beautiful Valentine cards, yummy heart-shaped cakes, everything so very romantic. This is just the beginning of February, and I already feel ‘love in the air’ in the Issaquah Highlands, in every shop here, and it feels amazing. Even in schools, kids share valentine cards and candy shaped like a heart. Kids wear either red or pink to school and give out cards to their friends and teachers. The meaning of this day has taken a new shape in the hands of these little kids, as ‘love for anyone and everyone’ day. Sweet, indeed.
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
by Tracie Jones, Wisteria Park
Issaquah School District
Issaquah School Foundation
2/10 2/15 - 2/19
School Board Meeting @ 7:00 P.M Second Winter Break – No School
Challenger Elementary
Clark Elementary
2/10 Dads@Recess 2/10 General Membership PTA Meeting
Endeavour Elementary
Dining Out for Kids – Flat Iron Grill and Black Duck Restaurants
Grand Ridge Elementary 2/3 2/5 2/9 - 2/10 2/22 - 2/26
Parent Ed @ 7:00 P.M - Library Popcorn Friday Science Fair and Expo Read Across America Challenge
Pacific Cascade Middle School 2/12 2/25
All School Social PTSA General Membership Meeting
Issaquah High School
**Be sure to check individual web sites for details and updates
Grand Ridge Science Fair and Expo
The GR Science fair is wonderful opportunity for students to showcase science projects, along with many unique hands-on learning experiences, from animal organs to Lego Robotics. Mark your calendars to support budding scientists at the Grand Ridge Science Fair & Expo, February 9th & 10th, 2016. If your child is interested in participating, download registration forms under the “Activities” tab at, and submit your registration before February 5th, 2016, at 4:00 P.M. Volunteers are still needed. For questions or additional information, contact Anh Leith, at For volunteer opportunities, please sign up at http://vols. pt/5r4m9x.
Grand Ridge Elementary Auction Last day to buy tickets is February 29th, 2016 Please TEAM UP with us at the Grand Ridge Auction, on March 11, 2016, at the Meydenbauer Center. Don’t miss out on this wonderful fundraiser supporting Grand Ridge Elementary students. The PTSA has planned a fun and enriching evening for you. Auction items include: family travel getaways, ready-made wine cellars, and “Principal for a Day,” with Mrs. Otley. See you there! For more information, visit
Special Education Services Offers Peer Model Preschool Program The Issaquah School District provides Special Education Services and Peer Model Tuition Programs for children ages 3-5. Staff members are highly trained, certificated, who use evidence-based practices to deliver playful and quality instruction to our young learners. The Issaquah School District believes inclusion is an essential component of high quality, early childhood programs. A Peer Model Student in ISD is defined as a child who is following a typical pattern of development, has age-appropriate verbal skills in English, and an ability to participate in group and play situations using age-appropriate independence and social behavior. Peer Models also have the fine and gross motor skills necessary to independently interact with materials in the classroom and on the playground. Ideally, children should turn three years old by April 30th, 2016. Exceptions for younger children may be made on an individual basis. Preschool is offered in Half-Day Sessions 4-days per week during the ISD School Year: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Morning or afternoon openings are available. Peer Model Tuition is $245.00 per month. For more information,
PTSA General Membership Meeting
Become a Mentor at Gibson Ek High School
September 1, 2016, with 108 students.
Gibson Ek is looking for professionals who love the work they do to host interns. We are also looking for industry experts to advise us on our technology and maker spaces. If you would like to mentor a student who is passionate about the work that you do, please register at www.GibsonEk. org. Gibson Ek High School plans to open
Are you ready to Stand up, Speak up and Show up?
Join PTA members in Olympia for the 2016 Focus Day on Wednesday, February 3rd. We have reserved the Columbia Room, 1st floor of the Legislative Building, as a place to gather, share information and prepare for the day’s events. Bring your family and friends to meet with legislators and to rally in the main capitol building’s Rotunda at noon. Registration information and Leadership News can be found: www.
AP Exam Registration Information
Advanced Placement Exams are an important part of all AP courses. Scoring well on AP exams often earns students college credit for high school classes, saving a significant amount on college tuition. This year, Issaquah High School 2016 AP Exam registration will take place online, at Regular online exam registration ends March 4th, 2016, at 4:00 P.M. Late registration, incurring a $25 late fee/ per examination, ends March 14th, 2016, at 4:00 P.M. Please contact Ms. Danielle Zelinski, for questions, registration, and financial assistance information.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
Love is in the Air: Date Night in the Highlands
by Kathryn Dean, Vista Park
When my husband and I first moved to the neighborhood in 2006, our date options were limited. In fact, a coffee date at Ladro was about the only option. Soon Sip and Agave were completed, and eventually Zeeks pizza moved in. Then with the completion of Grand Ridge Plaza, date night was changed forever. This planned urban village now has plenty of shops and restaurants within walking distance. And we do take advantage of them. On the occasional afternoon that Paul is working from home, we’ll take a walking date down to the Ram for happy hour. Or if we would rather have a movie night, we’ll stop for dinner at Big Fish or Agave before the movie. For anniversaries and other special occasions, we often find ourselves at Sip. But for ladies night out or trivia, it’s almost always Zeeks. As we head into the most definitive of date nights, Valentine’s Day, here’s a Highlands date night guide: Fine Dining: Sip restaurant and wine bar is a wine-lover’s destination. With a fireplace, multiple seating styles and a full bar, Sip has the perfect ambiance for a romantic night out. From Feb. 12-14, the restaurant offers a special fivecourse set menu with optional wine pairings. On Valentine’s Day, the five-course menu will be the main attraction. (Reservations strongly recommended. Regular dinner menus will not be available Feb. 14.) Casual Fine Dining: Big Fish Grill offers the best of surf and turf in a slightly more casual ambiance. Big Fish is your seafood destination, but with a full bar and a variety of options on the menu, it will appeal to many tastes. For Valentine’s dining, look for a new steak option and special surf and turf plate on the menu. Zack Mautz and Carolyn Dean on a date to see Star Wars at our Regal Cinema.
Bai Tong (a family favorite) offers authentic Thai cuisine in a colorful, comfortable atmosphere. For a real treat, mimic the traditional floor dining by sitting in one of the sunken booths supported by colorful pillows. Or sit in the chic bar area with an amazing three dimensional map of Bangkok on the back wall.
Casual Dining: We have so many wonderful options, this category requires sub-categories. Sushi: Chinoise Sushi Bar & Asian Grill offers Pan Asian cuisine in a light, contemporary décor with a sushi bar and full bar offering Asian inspired specialty drinks. Oysters on the half shell will be a Valentine’s delicacy. Aji Sushi and Grill offers fine Japanese Cuisine. This restaurant appears to be casual, but the dining experience feels like anything but. From the table settings to the attention of the chef, who brought us off-menu options to try, this restaurant earns date-night approval. Mexican: Agave has been a neighborhood staple since 2006, originally opened under the name, Marcela’s. Winner of 2015 best of Issaquah and Sammamish, Agave boasts an extensive tequila menu and fine Mexican cuisine. They do have limited first come, first served seating, so you might have a wait on busy nights. Sports Bar: The Ram is a popular Highlands destination for the casual date, the burger and beer lover, and those who don’t want to miss the big game. Often full on weekend nights, but they offer call-ahead seating. Pizza: Zeeks offers a full bar and casual atmosphere plus amazing pizzas with creative names such as Tree hugger, Texas Leaguer and Lemon Meringue and Blueberry Lemon Drop at Zeeks. Jimmi the Greek. Zeeks feels like the “Cheers” of the Highlands, possibly because the frequently-present owner, Mark Mullet, lives in the Highlands, and the bartender, Jeremy, has been there as long as I can remember. You will nearly always find somebody there who knows your name. We have other great casual options for dining such as MOD, Jimmy Johns, or Subway popular with teenagers and those looking for something quick and casual. You can enjoy a complete romantic date night, including a movie, right here in our own backyard.
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Injury Free Snow Days by Becky Pelton, DPT Highlands Physical Therapy
It keeps snowing in the mountains, so it’s time to hit the slopes! Whether you are a skier, snowboarder, or just enjoy outdoor activities, February is a good time to
explore a winter wonderland. When you start your snow day and head into the elements, your body needs time to adjust to the cold weather. If you are not properly
1. Mini Squats: To warm up the lower body, squat down by bending both your knees at the same time making sure your knees do not go past your toes.
2. Lumbar Rotations: To warm up the back, stand with your knees slightly bent and rotate your hips and spine right to left.
warmed up, you are putting yourself at risk for injury. Here are three exercises to warm up your major muscle groups before you head down the mountain: 3. Shoulder Angels: To warm up the upper body, stand with your knees slightly bent and arms at your side. Reach your arms up over your head and return to the starting position as if you are creating a snow angel in standing.
Perform each exercise for 2-3 minutes. If you have any questions or sustain any injuries this winter, contact your local physical therapist. Enjoy these winter months on the mountain and stay classy Issaquah Highlands.
Dear Kari, My husband and I are about to celebrate our 15th anniversary, but instead of going away together to celebrate, he told me that he needs some time alone. I asked him what that meant and he said, “He needs to think about things”. What should I do? I am devastated. - Broken Hearted Dear Broken Hearted, I am sorry that you were planning a nice future anniversary celebration with your husband and he expressed different feelings to you. I recommend that you have a very crucial conversation with you husband, beginning with how you both feel about each other and your marriage overall (e.g. do you enjoy each others company, are you both attracted to each other, is there a desire to be intimate with your partner, do you want to remain married in the future). I know that this may seem like a hard conversation to have and it may even seem scary for you to even start, but it is a needed one. Hopefully the two of you can discuss how you both feel about each other and your marriage and come to some agreements and hopes for the future. If the conversation struggles, I recommended that you seek out marital counseling for additional support. - Kari Dear Kari, My teenage child has been telling me recently that her teacher at her high school over-shares her personal information (who she went out on a date with and what happened on the date, what she fights about with her family, and what she talks about in her weekly therapy sessions with her counselor). My daughter told me at first it was interesting, even shocking, but now she feels uncomfortable. What do you think I should do, confront her? - Concerned Mama
Dear Concerned Mama, I would email the teacher and gently ask her if what your daughter is telling you is the complete story. If true, I would also mention that her over-sharing could possibly make some of her students uncomfortable, as they hold her in a leadership role. I am guessing that the teacher is potentially lonely and does not realize the scope of sharing that she is doing with her students. Hopefully your gentle email will resolve the issue and the teacher will respond appropriately, meaning thank you for your input and everyone can move on. Good luck.! - Kari
Do you have a question for Kari? Please email her at All questions will be answered in upcoming columns. Kari O’Neill, MSW, LICSW, is a licensed independent clinical social worker and a resident of Issaquah Highlands. This column is for entertainment purposes only. If you are in crisis and in need of support please contact the Crisis Clinic at 866-427-4747.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
2016 Budget: City Council Adopts Balanced Budget After careful consideration, the Issaquah City Council has adopted a balanced budget that funds important priorities in the year ahead. The financial roadmap invests in transportation and park projects, continues our commitment to sustainability, upgrades our technology and focuses on public safety. The adopted budget includes funding for: • Two additional police officers • Two additional corrections officers • T wo additional public works maintenance workers. • One additional parks maintenance worker. • Construction of a new skate park at Tibbetts Valley Park. • Support for local nonprofit partners.
To help maintain long-term needs, the budget includes a 1 percent increase in the property tax rate. With the increase, the cost to the owner of a $470,000 home is about $4.50 per year. The council approved our 2016 spending plan Dec. 7, 2015, after conducting five workshops to discuss Mayor Fred Butler’s proposed budget. In addition, council members held two public hearings to collect community input. To learn more, go to Use #issbudget to join the conversation.
Learn More: Issaquah’s Water Quality
The City of Issaquah has received several questions lately concerning water quality. Like every other water utility in the United States, the City of Issaquah looks to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine water quality standards. And Issaquah meets all standards set for safe drinking water. Where does Issaquah Highlands water come from? It’s blended from two sources: Issaquah’s groundwater wells, as well as the City of Seattle’s water system, which originates from the Tolt and Cedar river watersheds. For more information, go to
Tips for Those with Special Needs If you or a loved one has special medical needs there are extra concerns to consider when preparing for a disaster. The Washington State Emergency Management Division offers the following suggestions. Mobility Disabilities • Keep mobility aids (canes, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs) close to you in a consistent and convenient location. Keep extra aids in several locations if possible. • Ensure furniture is secured so that it does not block the pathways normally traveled around the home if the ground shakes. • There may be a time when wheelchair users will have to leave the chair behind in order to safely evacuate; discuss lifting and carrying techniques that will work for you and your medical conditions. • If a motorized wheelchair or scooter is used have an extra battery or charging method planned in the event of an extended power outage. Medications • Keep a three-day supply of all necessary medications (including syringes, ostomy bags, tubing, solutions, and bandages), stored in one location, in the original containers.
• Have an up-to-date list of all medications: name of medication, doses, frequency, and the prescribing doctor. Also essential are vital medical documents such as insurance cards and power of attorney. Equipment • Have a back-up power plan for medical equipment such as beds, breathing equipment, and infusion pumps. • Have a 3-day oxygen tank supply and make sure oxygen tanks are securely braced so they do not fall over. • Ask your home care provider about manual infusion techniques in case of a power outage. • Keep written operating instructions attached to all equipment. People Who Can Help An important part of being prepared for a disaster is planning with family, friends, and neighbors. • Know who can walk to your home to assist you if no other means of transportation is available. • Discuss your disaster plans with your home healthcare provider. • Keep a phone list handy of people who can help. For more information visit
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
Culture Through Cuisine – Peru by Kimberly Collette, Central Park
Picarones and Syrup
Amiel Cook and his wife Melynda have lived in the Highlands for 13 years. Three homes and four kids later they gather in their kitchen on a Sunday afternoon to prepare dishes passed down from Amiel’s mother, Dora.
Yams Butternut Squash Water Egg Flour Yeast Canola Oil
Grandma Dora, as the Cook’s children call her, left her home in Lima, Peru as a young woman in search of the “American Dream”. She worked as a maid in a hotel and a hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah. She pursued her education at a local community college and met Amiel’s father. She was learning English; He was studying Spanish. They fell in love and married in Idaho.
Instructions Cut yams and butternut squash into small cubes and mix together into a cooking pot. Submerge in water and boil over a stove until soft.
Amiel’s family moved around. His father pursued his education at the University of Georgia. They lived in Utah, all over the East Coast and then landed back in Provo, Utah where the Cook’s raised their six children. Dora was a staple in her children’s school, says Amiel. “She was always volunteering. Eventually they just gave her a job in the library.” Amiel learned the value of an education from his mom. All six of Dora’s children are college graduates. Now, as a grandma in her 70’s she is still working in education. She and her husband moved back to Georgia as empty nesters. Dora works with new immigrants helping to get their children in the school system. “She works hard and is always moving,” says Amiel. That is something else Amiel gets from his mother. He says he’s always picking up the house, always moving. Often following behind Melynda in the kitchen as she cooks. Picking up as his goes, even if Melynda isn’t quite done with the ingredient. Each night Dora would serve a big dinner for her family which would always include some Peruvian favorites. Peruvian food is not very spicy. Picarones were a staple. Picarones are a yeast bread, and a bit like a scone. They are sweet and served at dinner, not dessert. Dessert is usually melons or fruit. Aubrey, the Cook’s 11 year old daughter, loves her grandma’s Picarones. She learned to make them and served them at her school for a Thanksgiving celebration. Today she helps by mashing the cooked squash and yams. Cooking in the kitchen this afternoon is a family affair. Ella, 8, mashes the russet potatoes that will be used in another family favorite, Papas Rellenas. Papas Rellenas are a fried mashed potato ball that has been filled with ground meat, egg and olives. Even Ben, the two year old, helps as best he can by peeling potatoes. Lauren, 6, helps stir the meats cooking on the stove with Amiel. Melynda watches over the Picarones coming together in the mixer. This Peruvian Sunday feast comes together with the help of each one of the Cooks. It is a credit to their Grandma Dora. Although she is not there, her legacy of hard work, warm food and family permeate through the Cook’s kitchen.
3/4 Cup 3/4 Cup 1/2 Cup 1 3 Cups 1 Package 1-2 Cups
Place yams and squash in a mixing bowl along with ½ cup of water from the cooking pot and mash (or blend in a blender). Let it cool to at least 110 degrees, then add the egg, yeast, and flour. Mix together into a dough and then let it rise. Place canola oil in a frying pan and heat on the stove until warm. Take a small ball of dough, make a doughnut hole, and place in the frying pan. Cook on one side until brown, then flip. Serve hot.
Syrup Ingredients Water Brown Sugar Maple Extract
1/2 Cup 1 Cup 1 Tsp
Instructions Mix water, brown sugar, and maple extract in a cooking pot and boil over a stove. Pour syrup on picarones and enjoy.
Issaquah Highlands Connections
February 2016
MAIN PHONE: 425-427-9257 | AFTER HOURS: 425-223-8882
Responsible for:
Governing Body
Community Events Board of Trustees Responsible for: Governing Body Blakely Hall Community Center Facility Rentals Larry Norton, President Property Management Board of Directors Community Garden Philip Nored, Secretary Enforcement of CCRs, Rules, Regs Facebook Patrick Byers, Member Architectural Review Jim Young, President Common Area Landscape Dan Vradenburg, Vice President E-Letter Ray Besharati, Treasurer Connections Newspaper Jody Turner, Member Funded by: Walt Bailey, Secretary Fred Nystrom, Member David Ngai, Treasurer Annual IHCA Assessments Ellina Charipova, Director Neighborhood Assessments Rob Knight, Director Funded by: Sponsorships/Grants Advertising Sarah Hoey, Executive Director Community Enhancement Fees (1/4 of 1% on sale of home), 425-507-1120 12¢ per sq. ft. retail/commercial Erika North, Senior Community Manager, 425-507-1121 Russ Ayers, Landscape Manager, 425-507-1130 Collene Cordova, Owner Services Coordinator, 425-507-1134 Barbara Uribe, Senior Accountant and Benefits Coordinator, 425-507-1123 Joon Chang, Accounting Manager, 425-507-1117 Katherine Olson, Accounts Receivable Specialist, 425-507-1119 Melissa Schneider, Community Manager/Project Manager, 425-507-1113 Chelsea Johnson, Administrative Support, 425-507-1135 Homeowner Account Inquiries, 425-507-1119 Escrow Payoffs |, 425-507-1119
Christy Garrard, Executive Director, 425-507-1110
Frank Pineau General Manager Support: 425-427-0999
Governing Body
Board of Directors Larry Norton Allen Enebo Tim Underwood Charlie Herb Emergency: 9-1-1 Issaquah Police (non-emergency) 425-837-3200 WA Dept of Fish & Wildlife 425-775-1311
Nina Milligan, Communications Manager, 425-507-1111 Brianna Eigner, Blakely Hall Marketing Manager & Special Event Consultant, 425-507-1107 Michele McFarland, Finance Manager & Office Administrator, 425-507-1108 Julie Clegg, Creative Coordinator Vyvian Luu, Graphic Designer and Communications Assistant
Notary Service by Appointment • Per signature fee applies • Fax Sending & Receiving • Fax sending, local $.50 per page • Fax sending, long distance $1.00 per page • Fax receiving, $.50 per page • Limited B/W Photocopying, $.05 per page • Lost & Found
Emergency Contact Number For after-hours emergencies not involving police and fire response or gas or water main breaks, contact IHCA at 425-223-8887
Weekly E-Letter: Sign up at
Blakely Hall
Award-winning Blakely Hall has a feeling and comfort of a lodge. It is a wonderful place for parties with 70 or more guests, fund raisers, galas, and any type of reception. Blakely Hall can accommodate up to 200 guests. In addition to the atmosphere Blakely Hall will give you, there is a patio with outdoor seating and BBQ grill that is available for rent.
Blakely Hall Meeting Room
The Conference room is perfect for your meeting or seminar. It is private. It can accommodate up to 46 guests. A screen is provided as well as comfortable conference chairs and tables that can be configured to your liking. There is a wash station, and a countertop to place your refreshments. To inquire about booking facilities at Blakely Hall, please contact Brianna at 425.507.1107 or email
Fire Station Meeting Room
The Fire Station 73 meeting room is great for community or group meetings. It comes with tables and chairs. It can accommodate up to 85 guests in a meeting setting or comfortably 30 guests. There are two whiteboards for writing down your ideas and agenda. There is also a television with a DVD player for your instructional videos. Because this is a city building they do not allow religious, partisan, or for-profit meetings to take place in this facility. To inquire about booking the Fire Station Meeting Room, please contact Fire Station #73 at 425.313.3373.
Connections is published by the Highlands Council. Our mission is to foster the development of a vibrant and caring community committed to service, diversity, and well-being. Connections is printed and mailed every month to every Issaquah Highlands residence as well as local Issaquah residents and businesses. For article submissions and advertising sales, contact Nina Milligan at or 425-507-1111 Size Mini (text only): 3” x 3”
Rectangle Vert: 3” x 4.625”
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Quarter Page: 4.625” x 6.25”
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We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit to content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the standards of the newspaper. Opinions or expressed either by paid advertisement or editorial content do not necessarily reflect the views of Highlands Council or this newspaper. Ads are due by the first Friday of the month for the following month’s publication. For best results with newspaper printing: • Please avoid small text in color or reversed out of color. • Do not use a built black of CMYK combined. Instead, please setup all black as “K” only. • Convert all RGB files to CMYK before creating PDF. • 85 line screen and 300 dpi for photos. • All process color ads should be converted to CMYK. • Acceptable art for use by our production department includes TIFF or JPEG files. • Convert all Photoshop files to JPEG or TIFF before sending. • DO NOT send Quark, Illustrator, Publisher or other native files. Content and advertising in Connections does not necessarily reflect the opinions/views of the Highlands Council or staff.
On-line advertising available
Blakely Hall 2550 NE Park Drive Monday–Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
1011 NE High Street Suite 210 Monday–Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
February 2016
Issaquah Highlands Connections
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