IHC Wellington Association Newsletter

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Tim Bagnall According to his Dad nothing has changed for Tim since we ran his story in the Summer 2009 newsletter. “Tim still spends a lot of time at home, inactive, often watching tele. He now has a cat ex the SPCA give-away last week, for company. Two mornings a week he goes into Wellington for a coffee and then to the Alpha Art Studio and occasionally makes short visits to the IDEA Services day base next to his home. Tim is himself and happy in his house. He feels more empowered to ensure he receives medical advice since he joined the local Medical practice – they have been very supportive. I guess I feel Tim could be more active as he and I have been in the past. In the meantime we spend time together 2 or 3 times a week. Recently Tim walked 5km to my home for lunch and pictures in town afterwards. I take him to gym once or twice a week, occasionally having a swim before he works-out. We then do things together with lunch afterwards. As with most things Tim is reluctant to get going but does really well with support. We tried for more support hours towards the end of last year but this was declined. Even 2 to 3 hours, two mornings a week would give him more activity options. Hopefully more support will be available when his home has a full complement residents. Until then . . .”

I H C W ellin g to n a n d h u tt va lle y Ass o c i ati o ns


The IHC Telecom Art Awards were established in 2004 to recognise the creativity of New Zealanders with an intellectual disability. The event is steadily growing in popularity, with more than 400 people entering in 2009. Telecom’s Community Sponsorship Manager Alex Milne says that the Awards

Duncan Armstrong

have become a special

Remember Duncan. He’s the budding musician who did an introductory course at Whitireia and couldn’t go any further . . .

part of Telecom’s ongoing community partnership programme. “For Telecom,

Now over two years out of school, Duncan has a job for 2½ days a week that he got through Emerge Supported Employment Service. “I like my cleaning job at Whitireia Performing Arts. I want to work backstage, but so far they haven’t let me”, says Duncan. During the rest of the week Duncan works out at the gym, plays basketball with Special Olympics and goes to a Sign Language class. He’s also on the Wellington City Youth Council. “If any young people have ideas about things they would like to happen, tell me and I can take it to the Youth Council.” (contact Duncan via ihcwellington@gmail.com) Meanwhile Duncan is still keen on performing arts. He plays in a band – they’ve played a couple of gigs so far and are looking for more work. He’s taking drum lessons and looking for a drama or dance course. He was lucky enough to go to an Accessible Arts course in Sydney and while there was invited to a three-day residency with the group in Adelaide. “It was great” says Duncan.

the Awards are all about shining a light on talented New Zealanders with an intellectual disability.” Duncan’s Mum, Max is still looking for training opportunities for Duncan and getting a lot of knockbacks. “It’s hard on all of us” she says. The increasing emphasis on higher entry standards for universities and polytechnics isn’t helping, nor have cutbacks to Adult Community Education. “Education institutions and their staff are tending to be less welcoming:” says Max, But Duncan’s message is “I will keep trying. My message to young people is: Don’t give up.”

IHC thanks Telecom for supporting the Art Awards for the seventh year running. Contact us: Wellington IHC Association, Email: ihcwellington@gmail.com Facebook: ihcwellington PO Box 9266, Marion Street, Wellington

Adrian Faherty Adrian’s Mum, Helena is finding things tougher now that winter has set in. The recent inclement weather has put a strain on everybody as they try to fill Adrian’s day. One of his weekly activities is swimming, a good cardio and load bearing exercise. But the main pool in Kilbirine is too cold for Adrian and he wants to get out very quickly. So instead they use the hydrotherapy pool but unfortunately it means Adrian’s not with any of his peers. The only times they can use it is the same time it’s available to retired people. Ever positive, Helena hasn’t given up on getting a sensible arrangement. “But I do feel like we’re caught between a rock and a hard place.” Neither the Ministry of Health (MOH) or the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) seem to want to take responsibility for situations like theirs. Situations that see Adrian receive just thirteen hours of MSD-funded day services a week and Helena either doing the rest herself or juggling MOH-funded support workers to keep Adrian occupied. Despite the challenges his mother faces, as long as he’s busy, Adrian is a happy young man.

Editors: Trish Anderson and Anne Gilbert

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IHC Telecom Art Awards

Entries to the 2010 IHC Telecom Art Awards opened on June 4. This annual event is a terrific opportunity for all New Zealanders with an intellectual disability to exhibit their artwork to the communities in which they live. It provides a focus and a goal for many of the artists. They create their work in a variety of settings, from their own homes, community art studios to the IDEA Services’ art studios. Artwork in the three regional competitions are exhibited from 12 July – 27 August with that from central region on display at the Alpha Art Studio, 3-5 Alpha St (just off Cambridge Tce), Wellington - open to the public Monday to Friday, 10am – 3pm. The top 30 entries from the three regional competitions – 10 finalists from each region – will be announced in August. The finalists’ work will be exhibited at the St James Theatre Gallery, Wellington, from 14 – 21 September where the winners are announced and presented with their awards at a function in the Gallery on Awards night in September. The public can bid to take home their favourite art pieces, either online at www.ihcartawards.co.nz or at the regional exhibitions. Art works and entry forms must be submitted between 4 June and 2 July. The closing date is 4pm, 2 July 2010. The entry form and conditions of entry can be downloaded from the IHC Telecom Art Awards website www.ihcartawards.co.nz Artworks shown are from Dudley Street Art studio in Lower Hutt.

W elc o m e




There is an opportunity to discuss transition and vocational services on our Facebook page. Search for IHCWellington on Facebook and then click on the Discussion box near the top of the page.

IHC Telecom Art Awards website www.ihcartawards.co.nz

Modernising Day Opportunities IDEA Services is just one of a two providers of vocational services available to people who either live in their family home or in residential services. It provides services through several facilities in the Wellington area, and the Wellington Aftercare Association has Ace House in Wellington and Thumbs Up in Lower Hutt. All providers face a challenge with the limited funding available from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and the Ministry of Health to support people during the day. Funding from MSD purchases support for people to participate in employment or community participation and special interest programmes. But recognising that what it currently offers does not always meet the needs of people coming out of school today, IDEA have taken a hard look to see if it’s possible to provide a better service on the same budget. Its vision sees people engaging in a wider range of activities and experiences throughout the day.

Jacquie Harrison is IHC’s Wellington Hutt Volunteer Coordinator. She writes . . . Introducing two strangers and hoping they’ll hit it off can be daunting. Especially when it’s your job! Have I heard what they told me? Did I make the right decision?

They are planning to expand the activities they currently offer to include a range of art classes, photography, film, dance, singing/ karaoke, drama, drumming, guitars, cooking, gardening, education classes, computing, gaming – and more to come!

But, when they meet and connect it‘s a

Here’s what a typical day might look like for two people with very different needs

Co-ordinator for IHC. First I meet the person

wonderful feeling! And one I get to experience regularly as a Volunteer

looking for company to find out what they Tim, left, with Peter

enjoy. Then I search for the right volunteer.

Jim lives in an IDEA Services supported independent

Jane needs more support than Jim and lives at home

living service and is quite independent. He has a

with her family. Like Jim, Jane can choose what she

part time job so he might go to work one day and

does during the day, however she is more reliant on

on another he might attend an IDEA Service special

support, either funded or from natural supports. After

interest programme such as an hour-long art course

she is dropped off at the vocational service, she’ll go

at Alpha Art Studio. Or, he might do both in the same

out either on public transport with a support person

day. IDEA Services will also help Jim connect with his

or in an IDEA Services vehicle. She might start the day

local community. He uses public transport to get from

at an IDEA Services drop-in centre then mid morning

place to place so when the class is finished he might

she’ll head out to an activity she likes doing. This

go on to another activity in a different location. Jim

might be art or drama or computers. After lunch she

will also spend some time at home during the week

may head out into the community with others. Jane

doing his housework and planning and preparing

will also have some individual time with a support

introducing Scott

the meals that he is going to cook. He might go out

person from IDEA to achieve the things she wants.

Hi everyone, I am Scott Miller. I am a trained Speech-Language Therapist specialising in supporting

again to participate in activities of his choice without

When she is not attending an IDEA vocational service

support, or spend time at home. When he is not

she will spend some time at home, hopefully with

attending IDEA Services vocational service Jim will

support to achieve the things she wants to do there.

choose what he wants to do during the day.

This is not funded by MSD and Jane’s family will have

Last April Peter met Tim. Here’s how it started. Peter wanted a friend to explore Wellington with. Over a cuppa, he told me he was keen to meet someone who’s interested in trains, geology, astronomy and the weather. Tim had approached IHC via our website, www.volunteer4ihc.org.nz, a few weeks earlier and mentioned he wanted to visit the Paekakariki Train Museum. A good start I thought . . . and it wasn’t long before the two men met. Now they enjoy a different adventure every week. They’ve been getting around Wellington, looking for interesting rocks at the beach and looking up

in awe at the night sky at the Carter Observatory. They’ve visited the Mercedes dealership and gazed longingly at the fabulous cars (as blokes do!) and of course they’ve checked out the workings of train engines at Paekakariki. The world is their oyster. So you see it’s not hard. If you play pool once a week, you could invite a friend to join you. You could meet a friend for coffee after your weekend gym workout. A weekly trip to the Sunday markets? If this sounds like you or someone you know-contact me, Jacquie, on 04 463 2428. I’d love to meet you, and I’m sure I have a friend who’s just right for you.

w w w. v o l u n t e e r 4 i h c . o r g . n z people with intellectual disabilities with their communiucation and eating and drinking.

to arrange this with their needs assessment agency.

I am on the IHC Wellington Association Committee as part of my commitment to ensuring the welfare of people with intellectual disabilities are as well represented as possible. As I write this I am almost off on a mountaineering expedition to Peru. I intend on climbing several mountains over 6500m and a lot more over 6000. You can follow my adventure online at www. rovingmountaineer.blogspot.com. I look forward to rejoining the committee when I return as they are a committed bunch of people doing so much to support the IHC Wellington Association.

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