What’s On at The Gulbenkian Centre’s Donald Roy Theatre, The University of Hull
Productions performed by students of The University of Hull Department of Drama and Music
January – June 2013 Box Office (01482) 466607 gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk
Details on:
Graceland A devised piece directed by Campbell Edinborough How much of our history can be seen in the way we walk? What can you learn by watching someone brush their hair from their forehead? Graceland is a devised piece of physical theatre exploring the relationship between the body and memory. Dates
Wednesday 13 – Saturday 16 February 2013
7.30 pm prompt (latecomers not admitted)
The Donald Roy Theatre, the Gulbenkian Centre
£5 full price, £3 concessions
Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.30 pm Mon 11 – Fri 15 Feb 2013 Telephone bookings (01482) 466607/466141 gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk
Making Performance To celebrate Drama at Hull’s 50th Anniversary, this year’s Making Performance festival focuses on different aspects of Britain throughout the last 50 years as well as bringing to life modern stories from the 20th and 21st century. Taking place over three weeks, the festival will present the work of our final year students on the BA Hons Degree in Drama and Theatre Practice. Incorporating different styles, genres, spaces and skills, and focusing on contemporary issues, this new and exciting work is a must-see! Making Performance is a chance for our graduating students to show you what they can do. Tickets are free but performances in the Minghella Studio are only available to an invited audience and Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre. If you would like to join the Friends, please e-mail: gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk.
Me and Mrs Jones “When you’re middle class, you’re EVERY class!” A Group of Hampstead locals meet for a night of food and frivolity. Throughout the proceedings, as drinks and opinions are shared, the 21st century middle class (in all their finest) is revealed. 7.30 pm Monday 25, Wednesday 27, Thursday 28 February 2013
But Danny Alexander Romanov hasn’t left his house in 74 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, 34 minutes and 43 seconds. Why? Ask Danny... 7.30 pm Monday 25, Wednesday 27, Thursday 28 February 2013
Br-archives: underwiring the truth Delving into women’s history and unearthing untold stories in the comfort of Cath’s Cafe. 7.30 pm Tuesday 26 February and Friday 1 March, 2.00 pm Wednesday 27 February 2013
Club 56.60 Why pay to write essays when you could be paid to sign on? Set in a nightclub, Club 56.60 is a political, promenade performance exploring the recent changes in the benefit system through students’ eyes. 7.30 pm Tuesday 26 February and Friday 1 March, 2.00 pm Wednesday 27 February 2013
Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.00 pm Mon 25 February – Fri 1 March 2013
All performances above in the Donald Roy Theatre, The Gulbenkian Centre
100 Pennies 100 pennies is a devised piece of storytelling that follows a pound coin, focusing on the 100 stories leading up to the point where you find it in your pocket. 7.30 pm Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 March, 2.00 pm Wednesday 13 March 2013
#Optic They greet you on the street. Stories unfold through the lens of society. What is the beauty of life... the promise of tomorrow? As we escape into a technically unknown world, will our identity stay behind or stand in front of us? Do you care to explore? 7.30 pm Monday 11 and Tuesday 12 March, 2.00 pm Wednesday 13 March 2013
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas A play based on the celebrated novel, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, by John Boyne. An ensemble of actors come together to create an imaginative production which will lead us on a gripping journey through history. Suitable for an audience of 9+. 7.30 pm Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 March 2013
The Devil’s Pursuit Shutting herself in a concealed attic away from the realities of an oppressive life, a young girl encounters the enchanting tales of the Brothers Grimm. Will her journey of escapism lead to liberation? 7.30 pm Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 March 2013 Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.00 pm Mon 11 – Fri 15 March
All performances above in the Minghella Studio, The Gulbenkian Centre
Painting by Pamela Howard The Excursion of Mr Brouèek to the Moon (Leo Janáèek) National Theatre Janáèek Opera BRNO 2010
Distinguished Drama Lecture 2013 Professor Pamela Howard, OBE
The Mystery of Space: Mapping the Scenographic Landscape in Production and Performance Well known as a theatre designer for major theatres in the UK, Europe and the United States of America, Professor Pamela Howard was awarded an OBE in 2008 for services to drama. She has worked as a stage designer in the UK, Europe and the USA since 1960. Working at all the major national and regional theatres, she has realised over 200 productions, including the creation of several large-scale site-specific works in Glasgow with the late John McGrath. Since 2000, Professor Howard has been developing in particular her work as a director and scenographer for twentieth century opera and music theatre – and has staged numerous major works at the Czech National Theatre (Prague and Brno), the Reduta and La Fabrika Theatres (Prague), the Opera of Thessaloniki, the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and Tricycle Theatre (London). Date
Thursday 14 March 2013
2.15 pm – 4.05 pm
The Donald Roy Theatre, the Gulbenkian Centre
Dr Christian M. Billing, Department of Drama and Music (Drama) Telephone (01482) 466210, e-mail c.m.billing@hull.ac.uk
The Wedding Story Written by Bryony Lavery Directed by Rachael Gawley Family, friends, holidays, birthdays, Christmases, first day of school, graduations, first dates, first kisses and weddings. We cherish these memories, document them and speak of them fondly when we get together. These shared experiences and memories, some would argue, is what makes us human. So what happens when you start to struggle to remember what happened this morning, or your nearest and dearest become unrecognisable? When the devil that is Alzheimer’s visits Evelyn Swan, her family are left devastated. The slightly less than normal family cope day to day the only way they know how – love, laughter and Casablanca. Dates
Wednesday 17 – Saturday 20 April 2013
7.30 pm prompt (latecomers not admitted)
The Donald Roy Theatre, the Gulbenkian Centre
£5 full price, £3 concessions
Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.30 pm Mon 15 – Fri 19 April 2013 Telephone bookings (01482) 466607/466141 gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk
The Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre Support your university theatre in a practical way.
Annual Membership £10 Life Membership £100 Benefits • 3 complimentary tickets per production season for any staff or student directed show • Regular updates with information on the theatre, student and graduate activities • Invitations to any guest lectures and receptions which may take place in the Department of Drama
Schools and Educational Groups Membership £40 Benefits • This entitles you to one free group booking for up to 20 people per season • You will also be entitled to free teachers’ tickets every time a group is brought to a production, and the Department will provide information on the production in advance for class discussion • After-show discussions and workshops can also be arranged on request
Booking information All performances are performed by students of the Department of Drama and Music unless otherwise stated. Please ask about party discounts. There is access for people with disabilities but, due to the variety of staging used, advance booking is necessary.
Advance bookings, application forms for Friends, or general theatre information, call (01482) 466141 or E-mail gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk. The information in this leaflet is subject to change and review. Every effort is made to ensure details are accurate at time of publication but The University of Hull cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Please note: There is a no smoking and eating policy within the Donald Roy Theatre and Anthony Minghella Studio and we would ask all patrons to switch off and refrain from using their mobile phones and other electronic devices when entering.
Latecomers not admitted
Who are the Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre? The Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre are theatre enthusiasts who contribute to university theatre in a practical way. Friends support the theatre’s work by paying an annual membership fee. There are special benefits for members, and all the money raised supports the ongoing education of the students in the Drama Department through the Friends of Donald Roy Fund.
How do I join? There are different levels of membership to suit different people (see reverse). Simply fill in the form below and send it to: The Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre The Gulbenkian Centre University of Hull Cottingham Road Hull HU6 7RX Please enclose a cheque covering your membership fee, made payable to the University of Hull. If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Emma Wales on (01482) 466141. Title: ......................................................................................................................... Name/Address: (block capitals please)..................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. Post Code: ................................................................................................................ Tel. No: ..................................................................................................................... E-mail: ...................................................................................................................... Type of Membership (please tick box) Individual (£10) Life (£100) Schools and Educational Groups (£40)
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Ample free car parking is available on campus after 6pm Monday to Friday and all day at weekends. Please use the Wilberforce Car Park.
Please use the Inglemire Lane entrance (marked North Entrance) Postcode for SatNav: HU6 7TQ
The Grand Inquisitor From The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky Adapted by Marie Hélène Estienne Directed by Peter Brook With Bruce Myers Directed by one of Britain’s most celebrated theatre makers, this performance stages the passage from Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov that imagines Jesus returning during the Spanish Inquisition. “Brook’s production and Bruce Myers’s performance have an austere grandeur.” The Guardian “Myers, a veteran of Brook’s international company, combines the verbal dexterity of a John Gielgud with the humanistic depth of someone who has performed in (and been transformed by) such Brook landmarks as the The Mahabharata, The Man Who and The Conference of the Birds.” LA Times Date
Tuesday 23 April 2013
The Donald Roy Theatre, the Gulbenkian Centre
£7 full price, £5 concessions
Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.30 pm Mon 22 – Tues 23 April 2013 Telephone bookings (01482) 466607/466141 gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk
Theatre Practice As part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations, our second year single honours students present a variety of theatre which has been popular throughout our 50 years. Tickets are available from the Box Office. Please call (01482) 466607/466141 or e-mail gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk.
The American Method Outcome (Invited audience only – for Friends of the Donald Roy Theatre only) This performance will explore the contemporary relevance of the American Method for theatre makers. Students will stage scenes created in response to their study of Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg, Stella Adler and Uta Hagen. Dates/Time 7.30 pm Thursday 25 and 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm Friday 26 April 2013 Venue
The Minghella Studio, The Gulbenkian Centre
Greek Comedy The comedies of Aristophanes are the subject of this performance outcome. Investigating complex topics such as race, gender, violence, sexual desire and social class, this work will consider the challenges and opportunities presented in a comic text written over 2,400 years ago. Is the world really so different? Dates/Time 7.30 pm Thursday 2 and 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm Friday 3 May 2013 Venue
The Donald Roy Theatre, The Gulbenkian Centre
Musical Rehab Featuring a musical currently not in vogue, this performance will aim to make something that is outdated and kitsch a culturally relevant and thought-provoking piece of new theatre. Drama and Music staff engage with the students to present a thoroughly modern re-working of an old classic Dates/Time 7.30 pm Thursday 16 and 4.00 pm and 7.30 pm Friday 17 May 2013 Venue
The Donald Roy Theatre, The Gulbenkian Centre
Commedia dell’arte Touring to local and national venues over a two-week period, this performance sets out to re-envision and reclaim Commedia Dell’arte as comedy which lampoons contemporary society. For details, please see individual flyers. Dates
Between Monday 20 May and Monday 3 June
The Light in the Piazza Opera and Music Theatre Group and University Orchestra Music direction by Chris Rodway and Tim Shaw Theatre direction by Amy Skinner When 21-year-old Clara Johnson arrives in Florence for her summer vacation, she and her mother enter a world of art, music and beauty. An accident on a windy day leads Clara to local boy, Fabrizio Narccelli, who is captivated by the American visitor. But this is a love story with a difference. There is something unusual about Clara, and Clara’s mother will do anything to keep her daughter’s secrets hidden. Combining the light of the Italian summer with the dark struggles of mental illness, Craig Lucas and Adam Guettel’s The Light in the Piazza is one of the stand-out musicals of the new millennium. In this production, music, dance and puppetry welcome you to Florence in 1953. Explore the streets, linger in the squares and look at the world through Clara’s eyes, as she tries to discover what it means to fall in love when everything about you is not quite as it seems. At 1.15 pm on Friday 3 May there will be an open rehearsal for schools only. Dates Time Venue
Friday 3 and Saturday 4 May 2013 7.30 pm prompt (latecomers not admitted) The Middleton Hall
£8 full price, £7 concessions, £4 students
Box Office
Open 12.30 – 1.30 pm Mon 29 April – Fri 3 May 2013 Telephone bookings (01482) 466607/466141 gulbenkian@hull.ac.uk