2 minute read



Insurance Services Office (ISO) has released to the Big I Virtual University the upcoming Homeowners' multistate filing tentatively effective March 2022. Yes, 2022. Eleven years have passed since ISO's last major multi-state filing.

Within this filing, ISO:

Introduced 13 new forms and endorsements; Revised 120 forms and endorsement; and Withdrew 11 forms and endorsements.

A noticeable change is not coverage-based but rather is design-based. ISO has replaced the familiar doublecolumn format and moved to a single-column format. This appears to make it easier to read the forms on a computer screen (no more scrolling up and down).

Many of the changes in this filing can be traced back to the work of Big I's Technical Affairs Committee (TAC). Most Big I members are unaware of the contribution of the TAC team. Over the years, many changes have resulted from the persistence of the TAC team and the willingness of ISO to hear our thoughts. It is a small team consisting of five members, but the results are amazing. The 12 changes contained in this filing originating from TAC are noted as “TAC Item. "

Here is what you need to know about the key changes.

The "business" definition will address mineral rights and update the dollar limit threshold included within this definition. The annual maximum dollar business revenue threshold is raised from $2,000 to $5,000.

Most of the personal property special limits are increasing; for example, the money limit is raised from $200 to $300, and the theft of jewelry limit is raised from $1,500 to $2,000.

A new special limit of liability ($2,000) is being prescribed for hobby or model aircraft.

Digital or virtual currency is now listed as property not covered. Many of the maximum dollar limits in the additional coverages property section are raised to recognize inflation; for example, the per tree coverage limit is increased from $500 to $1,500.

The loss settlement provision increases the loss threshold (from $2,500 to $5,000) for obtaining replacement cost loss settlement whether or not the repair or replacement of the property is completed.

The "motor vehicle liability" exclusion is amended to now cover a loss while a riding lawn mower is being operated.

A new "cannabis" definition is introduced, along with listing it as property not covered.

Home-sharing host activities coverage restrictions are now built into the base homeowners form, eliminating the need for such endorsements. The broadened homesharing activities coverage endorsements remain in place.


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A new coverage form, Homeowners 14— Contents Comprehensive (HO 00 14), offers broader coverage than the HO 4 contents form and is geared to millennials' specific needs and lifestyles. For example, it offers broader homesharing coverage and additional coverage for hard drive data recovery.

For comprehensive analysis of the new ISO Homeowner’s filing please see the Big I Virtual University article found HERE.

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