IIABL 2022 Spring Conference Program

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SPRING CONFERENCE Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana 18153 East Petroleum Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 www.IIABL.com | Info@IIABL.com | Ph: (225) 819-8007 | Fax: (225) 819-8027

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the IIABL CEO........................................................................


Conference Agenda.......................................................................................


Meet Our Speakers........................................................................................


Continuing Education Credit.........................................................................


IIABL Member Benefits..................................................................................


IIABL Board of Directors & Staff...................................................................


Save the Date - Upcoming IIABL Events!.....................................................


Introducing Catalyit........................................................................................


Thank You To Our Partners..........................................................................


MESSAGE FROM THE IIABL CEO Welcome to the IIABL Spring Conference! First, thank you to our Annual Partners & Spring Conference Exhibitors without whom events like this would not be possible. During the luncheon today, please visit our exhibitors and sponsors to thank them for their support and learn more about their company, products, and services. Second, I would like to thank our Board of Directors. Their vision and hard work allows IIABL to continue to grow and evolve for our membership and provide valuable resources for you now and into the future. As we spring back into in person events we hope that you find value in our speakers, topics, and each other at events such as these. IIABL is here to be a resource to you and to help you and your companies be successful. Sincerely, Jeff Albright, IIABL CEO

AGENDA 8:00 am

Continental Breakfast

9:00 am

Agency E&O Exposures & Defenses Jeff Albright, IIABL CEO

Approved for Mandatory Ethics & Qualifies for E&O Risk Management Credit

This interactive session looks at the risks of Error & Omission claims for an independent insurance agency. This course will serve as an update and reminder for insurance professionals about the risks of E&O claims and allegations and also the rewards an agency could earn for strong internal practices and good customer service. It is important to raise awareness of where E&O vulnerabilities exist and take the time to develop strong habits among agency personnel. This session will utilize claim statistics, case studies, storytelling, risk assessments and questionnaires to provide an engaging environment for participants to learn.

12:00 pm

Luncheon with Exhibitors

1:00 pm

Lessons Learned from Two Years of Historic Hurricanes Jeff Albright, IIABL CEO & Ben Albright, IIABL VP of Strategic Initiatives

Filed for 3 Hours of CE

4:00 pm

Hurricane Response Presentation Battle Tested Agents Panel Roundtable Discussions Cocktail Reception

MEET OUR SPEAKERS Jeff Albright serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana.

Jeff Albright IIABL CEO

Jeff represents Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers in legislative and regulatory affairs, insurance industry relations, with the consumer public, and is responsible for the overall management of IIABL. Jeff has extensive experience as an Independent Agent since 1979. In addition, he has taught a wide variety of professional continuing education insurance courses for Independent Agents and served as adjunct professor of insurance at Louisiana State University.

MEET OUR SPEAKERS Ben Albright is the Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana.

Ben Albright

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IIABL VP of Strategic Initiatives

Ben leads various projects within IIABL to accomplish the organization's strategic goals including agency technology innovation, agency market access programs, and developing training and benchmarks for successful agency management. Ben spent the first seven years of his insurance career in the marketing department of an IIABL member agency. In addition, he has experience on the company side and at an information technology Company.


The presentation, Agency E&O Exposures & Defenses, has been approved for 3 hours of ethics continuing education and qualifies for the 10% Risk Management Premium Credit for Westport & Allianz E&O products. The presentation, Lessons Learned from Two Years of Historic Hurricanes, has been filed for 3 hours of General Insurance Principles continuing education. At the end of the AM & PM sessions, there will be a QR code displayed that will lead you to an electronic form for you to complete in order to receive credit for the presentation. Scan a QR code with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: 1. Open the camera app from the Home Screen, Control Center, or Lock Screen. 2. Select the rear facing cameral. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in the viewfinder in the Camera app. 3. Tap the notification to open the link associated with the QR code. 4. Complete the form questions then click 'Submit'. *If you don't see the banner or QR icon, make sure that you have the 'Scan QR Codes' feature enabled. You can do this by going to Settings > Camera and tapping the slider next to Scan QR Codes. You will know it is turned on when it is green. Scan a QR code on an Android Phone: 1. Open the camera app on your Android phone. 2. Point your Android phone at the QR code to scan it. 3. Finally, tap the pop-up banner. 4. Complete the form questions then click 'Submit'.

Within 2 weeks of the conference, IIABL will report the hours to LDI and mail certificates of attendance to attendees who successfully completed the course.

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*If you don't see the banner appear, you can use Google Lens instead. You might see the Lens icon (which looks like a circle inside a broken box) somewhere on your screen. Or you might have to tap 'Modes' (or 'More') in the bottom-right corner of the app and select 'Lens'. The place the QR code in the white lines and tap the magnifying glass icon to scan it. If Google Lens isn't working in your camera app, you might have to enable it in your settings.

IIABL MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS IIABL offers a variety of insurance products for your agency and your customers.

Market Access


For your Customers: Personal Umbrella Policy & Home Business Insurance Big I Markets Flood Insurance Premium Finance

IIABL offers marketing and staffing resources to help your agency operate as efficiently as possible.

Agency Management

For your agency: Errors & Omissions, Excess E&O, Umbrella, and Employment Practices Cyber Liability

Agency Operations: Big I Best Practices Library Docusign E-Signatures Agency Council on Technology Real Time Agency Automation

IIABL has become a strong voice on both state and national legislative issues. As your unrelenting advocate, we work to monitor the ever-changing status of governmental regulations that affect your business and profession.

IIABL's education program consists of innovative delivery methods and a variety of content to fit your unique educational needs.

Big I Louisiana Presence: Louisiana Legislature Louisiana Department of Insurance Industry Affairs Congress

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Sales & Marketing: TrustedChoice.com Digital Marketing TrustedChoice.com Brand Tools


IIABL keeps you at the forefront of issues. Our communications provide important, timely, and relevant information that could affect your profession and business. Communication Mediums: Agent Updates News Brief (weekly) Louisiana Agent Newsletter (monthly) Legislative Updates & Alerts Website Social Media

Education & Events

Educational Opportunities: Classroom Online New Hire Training Events Annual Convention Educational Conferences Young Agents Conference

Visit our website www.IIABL.com for more information!

IIABL BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2021-2022 PRESIDENT, DONELSON P. STIEL David H. Stiel, Jr. Agency - Franklin PRESIDENT-ELECT, MIKE SCRIBER Scriber Insurance - Ruston SECRETARY-TREASURER, ARMOND K. SCHWING Schwing Insurance Agency, Inc. - New Iberia NATIONAL DIRECTOR, JOHNNY BECKMANN, III Assured Partners - Metairie PAST PRESIDENT, BRENDA CASE Lowry-Dunham, Case & Vivien - Slidell YOUNG AGENT REPRESENTATIVE, BRITTNI LAGARDE Southern Insurance Agency - New Orleans ANN BODKIN-SMITH Thomson Smith & Leach Ins - Lafayette MATTHEW DEBLANC Continental Insurance Services - Marrero ROB EPPERS Risk Services of Louisiana - Shreveport MATT GRAHAM Lincoln Agency - Ruston CHRIS S. HAIK Haik Insurance Holdings - Lafayette STUART HARRIS McClure, Bomar & Harris - Shreveport ROSS HENRY Henry Insurance Service - Baton Rouge BRET HUGHES Hughes Insurance Services - Gonzales CHUCK LEBLANC Bourg Insurance Agency - Donaldsonville LYDIA MCMORRIS Alliant Insurance Services - Baton Rouge EUGENE MONTGOMERY Community Financial Ins Center - Monroe JOE KING MONTGOMERY Thomas & Farr Agency - Monroe ROBBY MOSS, IV Hartwig Moss Insurance - New Orleans PAUL OWEN John Hendry Insurance - Zachary ROBERT PALMER, JR. Insurance Underwriters, Ltd. - Metairie MARTIN "TEENY" PERRET Quality Plus - Lafayette ROBERT RIVIERE Riviere Insurance Agency - Thibodaux


JEFF ALBRIGHT Chief Executive Officer BEN ALBRIGHT Vice President of Strategic Initiatives

JAMIE NEWCHURCH Director of Insurance Programs RHONDA MARTINEZ Director of Insurance Programs KAREN KUYLEN Director of Accounting & Finance KATHLEEN O'REGAN Director of Communications & Events LISA YOUNG CROOKS Director of Member Relations

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ROBERT STONG Stone Insurance, Inc. - Metairie






BRONZE LEVEL Accident Fund Insurance Company of America

Gulf States Insurance Company

Allied Trust Insurance Co.

Homebuilders SIF

Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies

Iroquois South, Inc.

Commercial Sector Insurance Brokers

Lane & Associates, Inc.

EMC Insurance Companies

LUBA Workers' Comp

FCCI Insurance Group

RPS/Risk Placement Services

Foremost Insurance Group

Wright Flood

Forest Insurance Facilities

Partners as of January 26, 2022

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