4 minute read

Tip #4 By Steve Anderson
Because clients’ expectations for how information should be delivered are changing, a simple PDF document may not cut it anymore. You need to be exploring new options for presenting information (in proposals, coverage summaries, or newsletters) in an online multimedia environment.
Sway is an app that is part of the Microsoft 365 suite. It lets you create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, newsletters, vacation memories, school and work projects, and more. Microsoft Sway is a digital storytelling app that makes it quick and easy to create an engaging presentation. Add your content, and Sway does the rest. It is super easy to share and collaborate on a Sway. Others can see your creation on the Web without signing up or downloading additional software. Sharing editing rights with others is also a snap. And you can change privacy settings for more control.
Tell Your Story with Interactive Content
Bring your story to life with interactive multimedia content. It is easy to add text to your images or snap a picture and pull it right into Sway with your built-in camera. You can also add videos, maps, tweets, vines, interactive charts, graphs, and GIFs.
Sway-suggested searches help you find relevant images, videos, tweets, and other content that you can drag and drop right into your creation — no need to juggle apps and web pages to find what you want.
You do not need to worry about formatting because Sway ’s built-in design engine takes care of it. If the first design is not suitable for you, click the Remix! button to see other options or customize it to make it your own. You can use your Microsoft account to get started. Your Sways are synced through the cloud, making it easy to view and edit across your devices.
Microsoft Sway Ideas
Following are some suggestions on Sways you might want to create:
To create a Microsoft Sway account, you can go to your Microsoft 365 account and select Sway.
Agency capabilities brochure Niche marketing information How to file a claim Convert any articles you have written to a Sway Coverage explanations Proposals


B y J e f f A l b r i g h t I I A B L C E O
Not all insurance companies are created equal.
We all know insurance companies who have a sterling reputation for outstanding claims service and treating their customers right. We also know companies who have a very different reputation.
Which category does your agency E&O insurer fall into?
In recent years, a bunch of surplus lines insurers have expanded into the agency E&O market. Some have stripped down coverage forms, others are fairly good. Some are price competitive, others not so much. But none of them have substantial market share or deep experience writing agency E&O coverage.
C o n t i n u e d f r o m p a g e 1 6
IIABL provides agents professional liability insurance (agency E&O coverage) for the vast majority of our member agencies. Depending upon the nature of the agency, we have access to 15-20 markets. Most of our members are insured by the two leading agency E&O insurers, Swiss Re and Allianz. We also have access to numerous alternative markets including surplus lines insurers.
We had an agency insured with a surplus lines insurer that jumped into the E&O business in the last few years. The agency had multiple E&O claims arising out of Hurricane Laura. We were shocked and dismayed when the insurer denied all the claims, which we believe were clearly covered by their policy. We were unable to get the insurer to collaborate with us and the broker was unable to help us reason with the insurer. Our member agency is now litigating against his former E&O insurer.
We learned a hard lesson from this case.
It matters which company insures your agency professional liability.
The Big I has had a national agency E&O program with Swiss Re for over 40-years. The program develops over $100 million in premium. We have had the E&O program with Allianz for almost 20 years. These are the two dominant players in the agency E&O market. The Big I negotiates coverage forms and pricing for the benefit of our members in these national programs. We have direct access to underwriters and claims managers at the highest levels of the companies. We have had outstanding claims experience over all these years.
Your agency E&O coverage protects your agency from liability, protects your customers from errors and omissions, and protects the reputation of your agency.
Does Your E&O Insurer Have Your Back?