1 minute read
Jimmy Ordeneaux is a Partner with Plauche Maselli Parkerson law firm. He represents Louisiana Farm Bureau in legal defense cases, and for the past several years has also represented Farm Bureau at the Louisiana Legislature. Jimmy has provided critical expertise as a practicing defense attorney to industry efforts.

Mike Scriber shared during the presentation that “Jimmy is the legislative ‘rookie of the year’ and has provided critical expertise as a practicing defense attorney to industry efforts.”
Continued from page 26
"My overall goal is to make our office so appealing to my daughter that when she comes of age, she isn’t running away from it the way I did," says young agent Kristin Swanson Scott. "That means investing in as much technology as we possibly can to streamline things."
Age: 29
Go-to drink order: French 75
Desired superpower: The ability to multiply and be everywhere at once
Favorite candy: Now and Later
L I S T E N U P : M E E T Y O U N G A G E N T K R I S T I N S W A N S O N S C O T T
How did you get started in insurance?
My grandfather started our agency back in 1985. It was a big deal because it was one of the few Black-owned agencies at the time. I've worked here since I was 11, starting at the bottom with shredding papers and answering phones.
By the time I got to college, I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted to be a veterinarian. But when I got to Louisiana State University, it was very rural veterinary medicine. I wanted dogs and cats and they wanted me to deal with cows. I switched to accounting, and it wasn't a good fit either. I called my grandpa and said, “I think I'm ready to come home and work at the agency," and he said, “Come on home. I knew you weren't going to like those cows!"