IIABL 2024 Wild West Convention Guide

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S u n d a y , J u n e 1 6

10:00 am - 12:30 pm

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Exhibit Set Up

Welcome & Registration

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Exhibit Exposition & Welcome Refreshments

Exhibit Exposition & Welcome Reception

Exhibit Tear Down

M o n d a y , J u n e 1 7

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

8:30 am - 11:30 am


Opening Business Session

Navigating the Insurance Landscape: Reviving the Insurance Industry in Louisiana

Commissioner Tim Temple, Louisiana Department of Insurance

Keynote Presentation: Modernize & Transform Your Agency

Marit Peters, IIAT President & Executive Director

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Lunch On Your Own

Cultivating Success: Building a Thriving Workplace Culture for Organizational Growth

Marit Peters, IIAT President & Executive Director

Frozen Drink Treats Reception

T u e s d a y , J u n e 1 8

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Continuing Education (3 hours total; 1 hour each)

Cyber Threats, Loss Prevention & Claims, James Oertling, Travelers

Experience Rating Overview, Jamie Bourg & Kyle Rickards, LWCC

The Reinsurance Market: What Agents Need to Know, Noel Bunol, Gulf States

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

IIABL Beach Tailgate

Ice Cream & Beer Party

Wild West Casino Night

W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 1 9

8:00 am - 10:00 am

8:30 am - 10:30 am

Breakfast Buffet

Closing Business Session

National Insurance Industry Update

Todd Jackson, IIABA Incoming Chairman

2024 IIABL Legislative Update

Ben Albright, IIABL President & CEO and Jeff Albright, IIABL Consultant

This agenda was accurate at the time of printing. We make every effort to present the topics, speakers, and events at the stated time. Due to unforeseen circumstances, and as the agenda continues to develop and evolve, there may be changes that are out of our control.

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S t a f f

Schedule of Events

General Information


IIABL Officers & Board of Directors


Program - Sunday, June 16


Program - Monday, June 17

Program - Tuesday, June 18

Program - Wednesday, June 19

Lou Daniel Award Recipients

IIABL Past Presidents IIABL

IIABL Registration Center

The IIABL staff is ready, willing and able to assist you. Convention registration and program information is available at the IIABL Registration Center. If you have questions, need information or assistance, contact the IIABL staff at the registration center.

Convention Registration, Badges, Tickets & Wristbands

Each and every person attending the Convention must be registered. Convention attendees are issued badges which are to be worn in order to be admitted to all convention activities. Lost or damaged badges can be replaced at the IIABL Registration Center. The purple wristbands can be worn for outdoor activities in lieu of the convention badge.

Individual registrations for separate convention functions are not available.

Some convention functions require tickets for drinks or door prizes Tickets are included in your registration packet Please make sure to bring your tickets to each function Lost or damaged tickets can be replaced at the IIABL Registration Center

Ben Albright, President & CEO

Jeff Albright, Consultant

Karen Kuylen, Director of Accounting & Finance

Jamie Newchurch, Director of Insurance Programs

*Kathleen O'Regan, Director of Communications & Events

Karson Roberts, Communications & Events Administrator

Lyra Roberts, E&O Administrator

*If you need immediate assistance, please call (225) 733-8317.

Continuing Education

Convention business sessions and CE seminars are approved for Continuing Education credit. Attendance is required for the complete program to qualify for CE credit. Please be sure to scan the QR code at the end of each session you attend and complete the electronic form to qualify for CE credit. Convention CE certificates will be posted to your IIABL Community Hub account within 2-4 weeks after the conclusion of the conference and you will be notified by email when this occurs. CE credit will not be provided to attendees who do not attend the entire seminar and/or fail to complete the electronic CE form at the end of each individual CE session.

Convention Attire

Casual attire will be appropriate for all Convention activities.

Attendance Prizes

Door prize drawings will be held at all business sessions and seminars using the electronic CE form You must be present to win!

T a b l e o f C o n t
e n t s
Convention Sponsors 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 14 14 16
T a b l
o f C o n t e
n t s
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Dear Attendees,


Armond Schwing Schwing Insurance Agency New Iberia, LA

Welcome to the 120th Wild West Annual Convention of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana (IIABL)! We are thrilled to gather at the beautiful Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa in Florida. This year’s convention promises to be an unforgettable experience, filled with valuable networking opportunities, informative sessions, and exciting social events.

As we celebrate over a century of excellence and camaraderie, I encourage you to take full advantage of everything this convention has to offer. From insightful presentations by industry leaders to our vibrant exhibit hall, there is something for everyone. Let’s use this time to share knowledge, foster relationships, and discuss the future of our industry.

A heartfelt thank you goes to our sponsors, exhibitors, and dedicated staff who have worked tirelessly to make this event possible. Your support and participation are vital to our success.

Enjoy the convention, and let’s make the 120th Wild West Annual Convention our best one yet!


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Armond K. Schwing Schwing Insurance Agency


Bret Hughes Hughes Insurance Services


Ross Henry Henry Insurance Service


Johnny Beckmann, III AssuredPartners


Michael Scriber Scriber Insurance Services


Joey O’Connor O’Connor Insurance Group


Kristin Swanson Scott Swanson & Associates

Dominique DiCarlo Crouch Riverlands Insurance Agency

Ann Bodkin-Smith Thomson Smith & Leach Insurance

Matthew deBlanc Continental Insurance Services

Christy Desoto 1st Insurance Marksville

Rob W. Eppers Risk Services of Louisiana

Matt Graham Lincoln Agency, Inc.

Christopher Haik Higginbotham Insurance Agency

Stuart Harris McClure, Bomar & Harris, LLC

Beau Hearod Jeff Davis Insurance

Charles "Chuck" Leblanc Bourg Insurance Agency, Inc.

Craig Martel Insurance Unlimited of LA, LLC

Lydia McMorris Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.

Eugene Montgomery Community Financial Insurance Center

Joe King Montgomery McGriff Insurance Services

Hartwig "Robby" Moss Hartwig Moss Insurance Agency

Robert Palmer, Jr Insurance Underwriters, Ltd.

Randy Perise Blumberg & Associates, Inc.

Robert Stone Stone Insurance, Inc.

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Commissioner Tim Temple, LA Department of Insurance

Tim Temple was elected Commissioner of Insurance in 2023 Tim worked in the insurance sector for over two decades and is dedicated to leveraging his extensive industry experience to shape a regulatory and statutory environment that not only ensures competitiveness, but also enhances the attractiveness of Louisiana’s insurance market As the state’s top insurance official, Tim is committed to protecting the interests of policyholders while promoting a flourishing insurance market that benefits all residents and businesses in the great state of Louisiana

Marit Peters, IIAT President & Executive Director

Marit Peters has been the President & Executive Director of the Independent Insurance Agents of Texas (IIAT) since January 2015. She has been working with agencies for years as an executive coach helping leaders untap human potential and create winning cultures. Marit has worked in a variety of industries over her career including healthcare, technology, insurance, associations, and aviation manufacturing. Her core management modeling is developed from LEAN methodology. She is certified with both the WHY INSTITUTE and KOLBE for leadership and talent management. Marit is a passionate, innovative, success-oriented leader whose specialty lies in using strong relationship and business skills complimented with organizational design and strategic planning to create and sustain organizational growth and productivity

Todd Jackson, IIABA Incoming Chairman

Todd Jackson, CIC, is the owner and partner at McGowan Insurance Group in Indianapolis, with multiple Indiana locations. He has been a key figure in the insurance industry since 1989, serving as Big "I" vice chair in 2022 and leading Big I Indiana as president in 2013. Todd's contributions extend to the national stage, with four years on the Big "I" Board of Directors and participation in the Trusted Choice® board. He's also been involved with the Society of Certified Insurance Counselors and served as the president of the Brownsburg Education Foundation.

James Oertling, Travelers

James has worked in the insurance industry the past 22 years. He has been with Travelers since 2011 as a management liability underwriter. He also serves on the board of governors at Magnolia Community Services which provides services to adults with developmental disabilities. He currently lives in New Orleans with this wife and three daughters.

Kyle Rickards & Jamie Bourg, LWCC

Kyle is the VP of Policyholder Services and Underwriting at LWCC Kyle has 13 years of experience at LWCC ranging from underwriting to premium audits to management and policyholder services He has worked closely with agents for many years and has a deep expertise in pricing, underwriting, and administering workers compensation insurance in Louisiana

Jamie is the SVP of Policyholder Services at LWCC She has 23 years of experience at LWCC, and she is an expert in both workers compensation, generally, and the Louisiana workers comp claims environment, specifically. From her start in claims, Jamie also brings a different view of E-mods and Workers Comp claims to the table than what agents might be used to seeing.

Noel Bunol, Gulf States Insurance Company

Noel is the executive Vice President at Gulf States Insurance Company. With over 25 years of experience in Louisiana insurance, Noel is well versed in navigating the unique challenges of writing insurance on the coast. At Gulf States, Noel is involved in managing the company’s overall risk portfolio and in procuring sufficient reinsurance to cover their growing exposure in our state.

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Welcome Refreshments

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Bring Your Drink Ticket for a Welcome Cocktail!

Convention Registrants ONLY!

After the trip from home, stop and quench your thirst and enjoy a box of popcorn with our Welcome Refreshments

Registration Center

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom - Pre-Function Area

Exhibit Exposition

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests ONLY!

Children are NOT eligible to participate in the exhibits, exhibit games, or to win prizes!

Visit our awesome exhibitors and don't forget to fill in your IIABL Convention door prize tickets that each exhibitor has waiting for you. Door Prizes will be drawn every hour!


Welcome Reception & Exhibit Exposition

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Bring Your Drink Tickets!

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests ONLY!

Children are NOT eligible to participate in the exhibits, exhibit games, or to win prizes!

Enjoy food & drinks while visiting with our exhibitors at the Opening Reception. A great way to start off a great convention! This is also another opportunity to check out the exhibitors and get your IIABL Door Prize Tickets from the exhibitors you visit! Door Prizes will be drawn every hour!

HawkSoft, Inc.



IIABL Young Agents Committee


Johnson & Johnson

Lane & Associates

LCI Workers’ Comp

AFCO Credit Corporation | BankDirect Capital Agile Premium Finance Allied Trust Insurance Co. Amerisafe AmTrust North America
Access Insurance Services Applied Systems
Specialty Property Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies Burns &
Commercial Sector Insurance Brokers CRC Group Dealer Plus Insurance ePayPolicy First Insurance Funding Corporation
Property Restoration
First Onsite
Foremost Insurance Group
SIF Honor Capital
Jencap Insurance Services
National General, an Allstate company NBIS Construction & Transportation Insurance Services, Inc Pennsylvania Lumbermen’s Mutual Insurance Company Prime Insurance Company Progressive Property Insurance Association of Louisiana RISCOM SageSure South & Western SteadPoint Insurance Group Stonetrust Commercial Insurance Co. TAPCO Underwriters The Gray Insurance Company USI Insurance Services Vintage Underwriters List as of May 30, 2024 Page 8 Page 8
LHBA GL Trust Louisiana Restaurant Association (WC) LUBA Workers’ Comp LWCC

Monday, June 17, 2024

Registration Center

8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom - Pre-Function Area

Opening Business Session (3 CE)

8:30 am - 11:30 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests!

Navigating the Insurance Landscape: Reviving the Insurance Industry in Louisiana

Commissioner Tim Temple will address the insurance crisis in Louisiana and legislative actions taken in the 2024 session to tackle it. He will outline the Department of Insurance initiatives supporting agents, customers, and companies to revive the insurance industry Attendees will gain insights into challenges faced, legislative measures enacted, and departmental efforts fostering a future focused on a vibrant insurance marketplace in Louisiana

Installation of IIABL Officers & Directors

IIABL Awards Presentation

Outgoing Board Member

Mike Scriber, Scriber Insurance

Lou Daniel Award

David Tatman, IIABL Lobbyist, The Tatman Group

Modernize and Transform Your Agency

Marit Peters, IIAT President & Executive Director, has been working with agencies for years as an executive coach helping leaders untap human potential and create winning cultures. During her keynote presentation, she will discuss how you should invest now in your agency’s culture, talent, tech, and tools She will also discuss how you should focus on building a forward thinking environment to attract and inspire top talent. This program offers tools to tackle challenges and create a sustainable, thriving agency Get actionable steps to strengthen your team and prepare for the future workforce.

CE Seminar (3 CE)

1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Coral Ballroom A

Cultivating Success: Building a Thriving Workplace Culture for Organizational Growth

Join Marit Peters, IIAT President & Executive Director, for an afternoon that will provide actionable insights on creating a culture of trust, communication, and collaboration that leads to higher levels of employee satisfaction, productivity, and organizational success. It will highlight the business problem of declining employee engagement affecting customer retention and draw a direct correlation between engaged employees and organizational growth.

Frozen Drink Treats

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Veranda

Wear your purple wristbands!

Convention Registrants, Spouses/Guests & Children! Enjoy these frozen concoctions poolside with adult & kid-friendly varieties.

Jeff Albright‘s Retirement Celebration

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Bring your Drink Tickets!

Convention Registrants, Spouses & Guests!

Please join us for cocktails & light hors d’oerves as we celebrate the outstanding 45 year career of Jeff Albright, an esteemed independent insurance agent at his retirement celebration

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

CE Seminars (3 CE)

9:00 am - 10:00 am

Coral Ballroom A

Cyber Threats, Loss Prevention & Claims

Join us for an informative session led by James Oertling from Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance. This program will cover the most pressing cyber threats and effective strategies for loss prevention. This session is essential for professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge of cyber threats and the measures needed to protect their organization and customers.

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Coral Ballroom A

Experience Rating Overview

Enhance your understanding of experience rating with this comprehensive session hosted by LWCC This program will cover the fundamental aspects of experience rating and its practical applications. This session is ideal for professionals looking to deepen their expertise in experience rating and its impact on insurance premiums and risk management.

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Coral Ballroom A

The Reinsurance Market: What Do Agents Need to Know

Join Noel Bunol for an insightful session that will cover the fundamentals of reinsurance, the process of purchasing reinsurance, and the various reinsurance models. Noel will delve into the key factors influencing reinsurance pricing, its impact on the pricing and capacity of primary insurance, and its effects on underwriting practices. Attendees will also gain an understanding of the current state of the property reinsurance market, equipping agents with essential knowledge to navigate this critical aspect of the insurance industry

Beach Tailgate

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Center Beach

Wear your purple wristbands!

Convention Registrants, Spouses/Guests & Children! Enjoy a day at the beach with IIABL which includes:

Beach set-ups

Bocce Ball

Corn Hole

Ladder Ball



Ice Cream & Beer

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sunrise Deck

Wear your purple wristbands!

Convention Registrants, Spouses/Guests & Children! Ice Cream and Beer will be served poolside to enhance your pool activities. In case of rain, relocate to lounge.

Casino Night

8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Bring your Drink Tickets!

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests!

IIABL is rolling out the red carpet again for our fan favorite “Casino Night”! Attendees will receive "funny money" that you can use to play casino games that will be set up in the ballroom. We will have evening snacks, a DJ to play all of your favorite music and a photobooth sponsored by RISCOM to capture your favorite party pics throughout the night. As Casino night comes to a close, winnings will be turned in for raffle tickets to win exciting prizes!

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Breakfast Buffet

8:00 am - 10:00 am

Emerald Ballroom - Pre-Function Area

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests!

Closing Business Session (2 CE)

8:30 am - 10:30 pm

Emerald Ballroom

Convention Registrants & Spouses/Guests!

Outgoing President's Address

Armond K. Schwing, Schwing Insurance Agency, Inc.

Incoming President's Address

Bret Hughes, Hughes Insurance Services

National Insurance Industry Update

The work in the insurance industry doesn't stop in our state. IIABA is hard at work for our agents with new and ongoing initiatives that can impact your agency. Todd Jackson, IIABA Incoming Chairman, will give an overview of what IIABA has been working on including critical legislative and market concerns facing the insurance industry that they have been advocating for at Congress.

IIABL 2024 Legislative Update

Our association has been hard at work to bring Louisiana out of the insurance crisis 2024 has been a pivotal year for insurance reform. With a new Commissioner of Insurance, Governor, and many new legislators, we have embraced the opportunity to be a resource and provide education to the new leadership and bring about the chance to improve the insurance industry. After an intense legislative session, we all want to know what happened and how it affects us. Jeff & Ben Albright will review the legislation that IIABL tracked during the 2024 Regular Legislative Session and break it down for you.

Personal Notes

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Lou Daniel Award Recipients

Harold Boling

Lou W. Daniel

Herman Katten

Charles E. McKenzie, Jr.

H. Leslie McKenzie

Philip H. Jacobs

Richard L. Katten

Dick Dethloff

Gus Englehardt

William M. Marks, Jr.

John Guice

Lou W. Daniel

Thomas D. Oglesby

J. David Daniel

Henry C. Mullin

William M Marks, Jr

Ronald S. Paulin

Joseph A. O'Connor, Jr.

Donald E. Beery

Steve Cavanaugh

Past Presidents

J. W. Alexander*

W J O'Pry*

M. J. Hartson*

J. H. Percy*

George A Petrie*

Frank G. McElroy*

Matt G. Smith*

William D H Rodriguez*

Capt. Emmett L. Kidd*

James E. Hassinger*

Alphonse Davis*

Terrell Woosley*

Thomas G. Grace*

Albert M. Dreyfuss*

O Wharton Brown*

Charles P. Gould*

Alvin S. Hahn

















Leonard M Wise*

Edward J. Seymour*

Lancaster W. Collens*

W Eugene Bingham*

A. Heath Petrie*

Harold A. Boling*

Cecil R Middleton*

B Horace Talbot, Jr *

Emmett A. Herring*

Roscoe A Bolton*

Gibson Stevenson*

E. A. Veillon*

Harold A. Mouk, Sr.*

I T Hart*

A. L. Schlesinger, Jr.*

Philip A. Jacobs*






























1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-1993

Felix L. Aucoin, Jr.*

Thomas Q Winkler*

H. Leslie McKenzie*

Hartwell A. Lewis*

Jules H Dreyfuss*

Lou W. Daniel*

Charles E. McKenzie, Jr.*

Herman Katten*

David D. Dupuy*

Robert A. Bogan, Jr.

Warren Graham*

William A Baker, Jr *

A. G. Howard*

H. A. Mouk Jr.*

William T Lowry*

Arthur G. Randol, Jr.*

Richard M. Wise*

Jack E Duke*

David J. Dessauer, Jr.*

Arthur M. Beveridge*

C R Dethloff*

L. Brian Duke*

John McCants

John B Tyner*

Gus Englehardt*

Gerald M. LeBlanc*

Charles Shaver

M J Hartson, III*

M. B. Kornegay, Jr.*

Philip H. Jacobs*

Lee Schilling

Jeff Albright

Randy Lanoix

Marc Eagan

Barry O. Blumberg

Jeff Mohr

Parke Ellis

Mike Edwards

Rep. Mike Huval

Ben Talbot*

Henry Mullin*

Brian Couvillion

1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1996 1996-1997 1997-1998 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023

Ronald S. Paulin

Richard L Katten*

John Guice

William M. Marks, Jr.*

J David Daniel

L. Brian Duke, Jr.

Donald E. Beery

Randy Lanoix

Jeffrey Fields

Joseph A. O'Connor, Jr.

Wayne Cunningham

Craig Thomas

H. Lee Schilling

John Smestad*

Jeff Mohr

Clay Mullin

Cindy Alexander

Bernard McKenzie*

Brad Bourg

Marc Eagan

Barry Blumberg

Parke Ellis

Mickey Bennett

David Dethloff

Richard Jenkins

Neil Record

Johnny Beckman, III

Joseph A O'Connor, III

Brenda Case

Mike Scriber 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2004 2006

Donelson Stiel

1965 1966 1970 1971 1972 1985 1989 1992 1993
2008 2010 2013 2014 2015 2016 2019 2023
1921-1922 1924-1925 1925-1927 1927-1929 1929-1931 1931-1932 1932-1933 1933-1934 1934-1935 1935-1937 1937-1938
1902-1903 1920-1920
1938-1939 1939-1940 1940-1941 1941-1942
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WILD WEST CONVENTION T H A N K Y O U B i g G u n s S p o n s o r T O O U R S P O N S O R S S h a r p S h o o t e r S p o n s o r S i l v e r S p u r s S p o n s o r B r o n z e B u c k l e S p o n s o r Accentus Insurance Group AFCO Credit Corporation | BankDirect Capital AF Group Allied Trust Insurance Co. AmTrust North America National General, an Allstate company Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies Commercial Sector Insurance Brokers Lane & Associates, Inc RPS/Risk Placement Services SafeCo Liberty Mutual Swiss Re Summit Consulting, Inc. United Midwest Savings Bank Vintage Underwriters Wright Flood EMC Insurance Companies FCCI Insurance Group Foremost Insurance Group Forest Insurance Facilities Hartford Financial Services Group Homebuilders SIF Iroquois South, Inc Jencap Insurance Services L i s t a s o f M a y 2 9 , 2 0 2 4

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