IIABL Virtual Spring Conference - Part 3 - Program

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June 16, 2021 Presentation 9:30 - 10:30 am Virtual Expo 10:30 am

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CONFERENCE Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana 18153 East Petroleum Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70810 www.IIABL.com | Info@IIABL.com | Ph: (225) 819-8007 | Fax: (225) 819-8027

Message from the IIABL Director of Communications & Events..............


Conference Agenda.......................................................................................


Meet Our Speaker..........................................................................................


How to Participate..........................................................................................


Continuing Education Credit.........................................................................


Virtual Expo Access........................................................................................


IIABL Member Benefits..................................................................................


IIABL Board of Directors................................................................................


IIABL Staff........................................................................................................


Thank You To Our Partners..........................................................................


Thank you for registering for our third and final part of our 2021 IIABL Virtual Spring Conference series! The Virtual Spring Conference series was developed with our agents in mind. IIABL has an array of online programs to help meet your continuing education needs. We wanted this conference to be different and, therefore, it was created to provide opportunity to participate in sessions that were unique and time Kathleen sensitive in our state and allow you to interact with the O'Regan speakers in this unique digital format. We are glad you have found value in our topic(s) and speaker(s) and hope you enjoy all that IIABL has offered during this series. Jeff Albright’s presentation this week will summarize the 2021 Legislative Session that adjourned last week. As he will share, it was one of the most difficult sessions in memory, but the results were better than expected. Just as Brenda Case relayed during the first virtual conference, Jeff has a way of taking the complicated and making it easy to understand. This session is certainly no different. We hope you enjoy the presentation and find the information not only informative, but useful for your agency. Last, but certainly not least, thank you to all of our Industry Partners whose dedication and support to IIABL allows us to host events like this. We encourage you to visit the virtual expo this week and learn more about all of our partners companies, products and services they offer. IIABL and our leadership and staff are here to support you and your agency. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need any assistance.

June 16, 2021 9:30 am - 10:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am IIABL 2021 Legislative Session Update Jeff Albright, IIABL CEO

Approved for 1 Hr CE

10:30 am

IIABL Top Priority Bills Defense: Bad Bills that were Amended or Killed Post-Hurricane Property Insurance Bills Other Insurance Bills

Virtual Expo

Jeff Albright has been an independent insurance agent for over 40 years and is the Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana (IIABL), where he has served Louisiana Big I members for over 30 years.

Jeff Albright IIABL Chief Executive Officer

Jeff started as an independent insurance agent and additionally taught as an Associate Professor of Insurance at Louisiana State University. He joined IIABL as Education Director in 1988 where he developed extensive education programs to improve the professionalism of agency staff. He became Chief Executive Officer in 1996. Jeff is best known for his extensive government affairs work with the Louisiana Department of Insurance and the Louisiana Legislature. He led IIABL’s efforts to protect policyholders and agents and helped pass landmark legislation regulating banks in insurance, Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs), certificates of insurance, producer compensation, and establishing the first in the nation statutory ownership of expirations for independent agents in Louisiana. Jeff plays an extensive role in Louisiana insurance regulatory affairs, serving on the Louisiana Citizens Property Insurance Corporation Board of Directors, the Louisiana Property & Casualty Insurance Commission, and the Louisiana Health Care Commission. The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America recognized IIABL twice under Jeff’s leadership with the Maurice G. Herndon National Legislative Award in 1999 and 2006. In recognition of his service to IIABL and the independent insurance agents in Louisiana, in 2007 IIABL awarded Jeff Albright the IIABL Lou Daniel Award for lifetime achievement, the highest honor bestowed by the association. Albright was recognized nationally as a 2019 inductee into the Insurance Business America Hall of Fame.

Navigating the IIABL Virtual Spring Conference 1) The week of the event, you will receive an email from Jeff Albright titled "IIABL Virtual Spring Conference - Part 3 Confirmation." 2) You can add the details to your calendar by clicking on the appropriate link next to "Add to Calendar." 3) On the date and time of the event, click on the green "Join Webinar" button. 4) The link that is emailed to you is unique to you. DO NOT share this link with others. 5) Before joining, be sure to check system requirements to avoid any connection issues. 6) If you need to cancel your registration, please contact Kathleen O'Regan, IIABL Director of Communications & Events, at (225) 236-1360 or KORegan@IIABL.com.

Obtaining Credit, Reporting to LDI 1) The presentation, "IIABL 2021 Legislative Session Update" has been approved by the Louisiana Department of Insurance for 1 hour of CE credit. 2) As mentioned on page 12, the link emailed to you is unique and should not be shared with others. We will be tracking attendance and will award 1 hour of credit to those that attend for the duration of the "IIABL 2021 Legislative Session Presentation" presentation. 3) Within 2 weeks of the conference, IIABL will report the hours to LDI and mail certificates of attendance to attendees who successfully complete the course.

Accessing the Virtual Expo The IIABL Virtual Spring Conference would not be possible without the support of our Partners! We encourage you to visit the Virtual Expo to thank them for their support and learn more about their company, products, and services! 1) From the Spring Conference home page, click HERE or on the button. 2) This will bring you to our Virtual Expo landing page. 3) Click on the company Logo/company name to get a brief description of the company. 4) Click [more] to visit their individual page that will include primary contact's personal information. Additional information or other available links may also be included including videos, handouts, etc.

IIABL offers a variety of insurance products for your agency and your customers.

Market Access


For your Customers: Personal Umbrella Policy & Home Business Insurance Big I Markets Flood Insurance Premium Finance

IIABL offers marketing and staffing resources to help your agency operate as efficiently as possible.

Agency Management

Sales & Marketing: TrustedChoice.com Digital Marketing TrustedChoice.com Brand Tools

For your agency: Errors & Omissions, Excess E&O, Umbrella, and Employment Practices Cyber Liability

Agency Operations: Big I Best Practices Library Docusign E-Signatures Agency Council on Technology Real Time Agency Automation

IIABL has become a strong voice on both state and national legislative issues. As your unrelenting advocate, we work to monitor the ever-changing status of governmental regulations that affect your business and profession.

IIABL's education program consists of innovative delivery methods and a variety of content to fit your unique educational needs.

Big I Louisiana Presence: Louisiana Legislature Louisiana Department of Insurance Industry Affairs Congress


IIABL keeps you at the forefront of issues. Our communications provide important, timely, and relevant information that could affect your profession and business. Communication Mediums: Agent Updates News Brief (weekly) Louisiana Agent Newsletter (monthly) Legislative Updates & Alerts Website Social Media

Education & Events

Educational Opportunities: Classroom Online New Hire Training Events Annual Convention Educational Conferences Young Agents Conference

Visit our website www.IIABL.com for more information!

2020-2021 PRESIDENT, BRENDA CASE Lowry-Dunham, Case & Vivien - Slidell PRESIDENT-ELECT, DONELSON P. STIEL David H. Stiel, Jr. Agency - Franklin SECRETARY-TREASURER, MIKE SCRIBER Scriber Insurance - Ruston NATIONAL DIRECTOR, JOHNNY BECKMANN, III Assured Partners - Metairie PAST PRESIDENT, JOEY O'CONNOR, III The O'Connor Insurance Group - Metairie YOUNG AGENT REPRESENTATIVE, BRITTNI LAGARDE Southern Insurance Agency - New Orleans ANN BODKIN-SMITH Thomson Smith & Leach Ins - Lafayette MATTHEW DEBLANC Continental Insurance Services - Marrero ROB EPPERS Risk Services of Louisiana - Shreveport MATT GRAHAM Lincoln Agency - Ruston CHRIS S. HAIK Haik Insurance Holdings - Lafayette STUART HARRIS McClure, Bomar & Harris - Shreveport ROSS HENRY Henry Insurance Service - Baton Rouge BRET HUGHES Hughes Insurance Services - Gonzales HARRY B. KELLEHER, III Harry Kelleher & Co - Harahan PHILIP "PHE" MCMAHON Paul's Agency - Morgan City LYDIA MCMORRIS Alliant Insurance Services - Baton Rouge EUGENE MONTGOMERY Community Financial Ins Center - Monroe JOE KING MONTGOMERY Thomas & Farr Agency - Monroe ROBBY MOSS, IV Hartwig Moss Insurance - New Orleans PAUL OWEN John Hendry Insurance - Zachary MARTIN "TEENY" PERRET Quality Plus - Lafayette ROBERT RIVIERE Riviere Insurance Agency - Thibodaux ARMOND SCHWING Schwing Insurance Agency - New Iberia

JEFF ALBRIGHT Chief Executive Officer (225) 236-1366 jalbright@iiabl.com

RHONDA MARTINEZ Director of Insurance Programs (225) 236-1352 rmartinez@iiabl.com

BEN ALBRIGHT Vice President of Strategic Initiatives (225) 236-1357 balbright@iiabl.com

JAMIE NEWCHURCH Director of Insurance Programs (225) 236-1350 jnewchurch@iiabl.com


Director of Communications & Events

(225) 236-1360 koregan@iiabl.com

LISA YOUNG-CROOKS KAREN KUYLEN Director of Member Services Director of Accounting & Finance (225) 236-1351 (225) 236-1353 lyoung@iiabl.com kkuylen@iiabl.com



BRONZE LEVEL Accident Fund Insurance Company of America Allied Trust Insurance Co. Americas Insurance Co. Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies EMC Insurance Companies FCCI Insurance Group

Foremost Insurance Group

LUBA Workers' Comp

Forest Insurance Facilities

Maison Insurance Company

Gulf States Insurance Company

National General Insurance

Homebuilders SIF

RPS/Risk Placement Services

Iroquois South, Inc.

Summit Consulting, Inc.

Lane & Associates, Inc.

Wright Flood

LCTA Risk Services

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