June 2019 Louisiana Agent

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LOUISIANA AGENT JUNE 2019 A publication of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana

A publication of the: Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of Louisiana

Louisiana Agent June 2019 In this issue:

IIABL STAFF Jeff Albright Chief Executive Officer jalbright@iiabl.com Francine Berendson Director of Communications & Events fberendson@iiabl.com

IIABL Board of Directors June Meeting ........................................4-5

IIABL Celebrates 117th Convention.............................................6-17

ACT Launches Disaster Planning Resource .................................... 18

11 Critical Grilling Safety Tips ........................................................ 19

Three Dimensional Training .......................................................... 20

IIABL is Working For You ..........................................................22-24

Karen Kuylen Director of Accounting kkuylen@iiabl.com

Why Training Your Employees is Good for Retention ................... 26

Calendar ........................................................................................ 27

Rhonda Martinez, CIC Director of Insurance rmartinez@iiabl.com Jamie Newchurch Insurance Services jnewchurch@iiabl.com Lisa Young-Crooks Executive Assistant lyoung@iiabl.com

TechTips: Machine Learning for Home Inventory ....................28-30

Just Because It’s Not Covered Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Covered ................................................31-33

Digital Marketing Toolkit for States .............................................. 34

Rate & Rule Filing .......................................................................... 35 IIABL Partners ................................................................ 37 IIABL Board ................................................................... 38

IIABL BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE MEETING NOTES The IIABL Board of Directors met on Sunday, June 16, 2019, at the Sandestin Beach Hilton in conjunction with the IIABL Convention. IIABA Chairman-Elect Jon Jensen updated the board on federal government affairs, particularly renewal of the NFIP, and of various program and services the national Big I has been working on for the benefit of member agencies. IIABL CEO presented a proposal to the board for aggressive participation by IIABL in the 2019 fall legislative elections. Term limits will prevent half of the legislature from returning to their current positions. This presents a unique opportunity to fundamentally change the politics of the Louisiana Legislature. IIABL plans to work very closely with the Louisiana Association of Business & Industry (LABI) and other business organizations to elect candidates to the Louisiana Legislature who support business, the insurance industry, and tort reform. To this end, Albright proposed a three-prong proposal. Over the past 30+ years, IIABL has been very frugal with the IIABL Political Action Committee (IIABL-PAC) which is the political fundraising entity for the association. Historically, IIABL has only contributed to insurance committee members and leaders of the legislature and has otherwise saved IIABL-PAC monies for an opportunity to make a difference in an election. That time is NOW! IIABL plans to make significant expenditures in support of business / insurance / tort reform candidates in this election. Part one of the proposal is to work with LABI and other business organizations to turn out conservative voters. The IIABL Board voted for IIABL-PAC contribute $25,000 to the Louisiana Free Enterprise Institute (LFEI) for digital election advertising and get out the vote efforts.

Part two of the proposal is for IIABL-PAC to contribute $10,000 to each of four LABI/LFEI PACs for total of $40,000. This allows IIABL to coordinate our election efforts with other business groups. Most importantly, the IIABL Board approved that IIABL-PAC with contribute up to $300,000 to individual candidates that support business, insurance and tort reform positions. We encourage IIABL members who personally know and support such candidates to contact Jeff Albright for possible support. On a motion by Brenda Case with a second by Armond Schwing, the IIABL Board voted to implement the Election Proposal without objection. IIABL has standing board policy that the association will not endorse or support any statewide elected officials (other than Insurance Commissioner) because we will frequently have members who support different statewide candidates. Given the desperate need for Louisiana to implement auto/tort reform, the IIABL Board debated whether or not the association should make an exception to this rule. The board decided that IIABL will not endorse any candidates in the primary election. However, if there is a clear choice between a candidate that supports tort reform and a candidate opposed to tort reform in the runoff election, IIABL will support the tort reform candidate. On a motion by Paul Owen with a second by Mike Scriber, the IIABL Board voted to make an exception to standing board policy not to support statewide candidates and to support a tort reform candidate in the runoff election without objection. IIABL Legislative Chairman Mike Scriber

IIABL BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE MEETING NOTES continued reviewed the 2019 auto/tort reform efforts behind HB 372 by Rep. Kirk Talbot the Omnibus Premium Reduction Act. The bill died in the Senate Judiciary A Committee where six of the seven members are trial lawyers. Frankly, we knew the bill would die in that committee, but we brought a great deal of publicity to the auto/tort reform effort in advance of the fall elections. Jeff Albright also reviewed the top 10 bills of the 2019 Regular Legislative Session

IIABL President Johnny Beckmann reported on IIABL’s contribution of $50,000 to the ULM Foundation for support of the Risk & Insurance Program. Beckmann noted that ULM is graduating a significant number of Risk & Insurance students who are talented and eager to work in the insurance industry.

April 2019 Financial Statement. IASC President Brad Bourg reported that the Independent Market Solutions (IMS) Attune BOP, excess liability and WC markets have generated significant interest with IIABL members. In addition, IMS is working on contracts with Met Life, Travelers, Progressive and a number of other insurance companies. Having no further business, the IIABL Board meeting was adjourned.

Secretary Treasurer Brenda Case reviewed the Continued page 6

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IIABL CELEBRATES 117TH CONVENTION When your IIABL President is from New Orleans you celebrate Mardi Gras in June….Throw Me Something Big I!!! The convention started off with the exhibit exposition on Sunday afternoon. IIABL would like to thank the following exhibitors for their support:

Acadian Managers Access Home Insurance Allied Trust Insurance Co AmCap Insurance Americas Insurance Co Amerisafe AmWINS Access Insurance Bass Underwriters Beazley Group Berkshire Hathaway Guard Burns & Wilcox Centauri Specialty Insurance Co Commercial Sector Ins Brokers Emergency Restoration Employers ePayPolicy EzLynx Gray Insurance Co Group Insurance Inc. Guarantee Restoration GuideOne Insurance Homebuilders SIF Houston International Ins Group Imperial PFS Lane & Associates LCI Workers’ Comp LCTA Workers’ Comp LHBA GL Trust

Lighthouse Property Insurance LA Restaurant Assoc SIF LUBA Workers’ Comp LWCC Maison Insurance Co McGowan Companies MJ Kelly Orchid Insurance Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Prime Insurance Progressive Insurance Property Insurance Assoc of LA QEO Insurance Group RightChoice Agency RISCOM RPS Covington Safehold Special Risk SafePoint Insurance Co SageSure Insurance Managers Selective Insurance Co Southern Fidelity Insurance Group South & Western General Agency Southwest Risk Stonetrust Commercial Insurance TAPCO Underwriters U.S. Risk Insurance US Premium Finance

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True to our roots and our theme, Big I attendees proudly wore purple, gold and green beads with the Big I Louisiana logo. IIABL President Johnny Beckmann, III with

2019—2020 IIABL Officers Joey O’Connor IIABL President O’Connor Insurance Group Metairie Brenda Case IIABL President-Elect Lowry, Dunham, Case & Vivien Slidell

Assured Partners in New Orleans welcomed attendees at the Opening Session on Monday and introduced the IIABL Officers The new officers & board of directors where sworn in by IIABL Past President Joseph O’Connor.

Donelson Stiel IIABL Secretary/Treasurer Stiel Insurance Group Franklin Lee Schilling State National Director Schilling & Reid Insurance Amite

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The following IIABL members were elected for a two-year term on the IIABL Board of Directors

Ann Bodkin-Smith Thomson Smith & Leach Insurance Lafayette Joe Cunningham Cunningham Insurance Agency Natchitoches Matthew DeBlanc Continental Insurance Services Marrero Chris Haik Haik Insurance Holdings Lafayette

Stuart Harris McClure, Bomar & Harris Shreveport

Lydia McMorris Alliant Insurance Services Baton Rouge

Ross Henry Henry Insurance Services Baton Rouge

Mike Scriber Scriber Insurance Services Ruston

Harry Kelleher Harry Kelleher & Company Harahan Philip McMahon Paul’s Agency Morgan City

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IIABL Past President, Neil Record, introduces the new IIABL Officers & Board Members at the Opening Session.

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Award and Presentations The following board members were recognized for their significant contributions as they rotate off of the IIABL Board of Directors:

The highest honor that IIABL can bestow on an individual is the IIABL Lou Daniel Award, named after the long-time National Director who served this association for many years.

Donna DiCarlo Riverlands Insurance Agency LaPlace

The IIABL Lou Daniel Award is not given every year. It is only given periodically when an individual shows a lifetime of achievement, dedication and contributions to the members of IIABL.

Brother Marine McGriff Insurance Services Lafayette

This year we honor someone who has served IIABL members in many ways over many years.

Neil Record (Immediate Past President) Record Insurance Agency Clinton

This year, we award the IIABL Lou Daniel Award to our long-time IIABL Education Director who retired in January, Mike Edwards. Mike Edwards started as the Education Director at IIABL in 1996 and worked with us for almost

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22 years.

and Virtual University articles.

One of the most popular benefits that IIABL provides to members are the Technical Advisories that address important issues facing agents. Mike Edwards wrote many of the Technical Advisories that have helped agents over the past 22 years. In addition, Mike wrote a monthly column in the IIABL monthly “Louisiana Agent” newsletter called “Ask Mike.”

But more than anything else, Mike Edwards has been known for his outstanding teaching. Mike could boil down the most complicated technical insurance issues and explain it with a simple case study…starring the now Louisiana famous “Jack & Jill” examples that he included with his wry wit.

As good as these publications have been all these years, they are only the tip of the ice burg. They came from the hundreds…no thousands…of individual emails and phone calls that Mike Edwards received from the 3500 employees of IIABL member agencies. Mike answered every phone call and every email with a detailed explanation, attached policy forms

We are better agents because Mike Edwards worked for IIABL and taught us things we did not know or understand. For his dedication, professionalism, and service to IIABL members, we award the IIABL Lou Daniel Award to Mike Edwards. Please help me congratulate Mike on this achievement!

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Special recognition was give to IIABL staff member Karen Kuylen for 25 years of service. Karen is the Director of Accounting for IIABL. Accounting is not the highest profile job at IIABL, but it is obviously very important. What most of us don’t appreciate about Karen Kuylen’ s work is that she actually has to keep three separate sets of books. Karen manages the finances of the non-profit association, separate finances for our for-profit subsidiary the Independent Agents Service Corporation, and then she has to combine those two sets of accounts into a consolidated financial statement. In addition, Karen Kuylen manages the finances of the New Orleans and Baton Rouge local associations and the ethics reporting for our IIABL-PAC and political activities. We are very grateful to Karen Kuylen for her 25 years of dedicated service

IIABL President Johnny Beckmann presents IIABL Director of Account Karen Kuylen this beautiful blue heron Audubon print in recognition of her 25 years of service.

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The opening session continued with the following speakers. Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon provided the audience with a recap of the legislative session and other initiatives from the department of insurance. Emilian Papadopoulos with Good Harbor Security Risk Management gave a preview of what would be included in his CE Seminar on Monday afternoon on Cyber Security as a Business Risk.

Tuesday was our fun day at the convention which included golf at Kelley Plantation, IIABL Beach Tailgate and the Fais Do-Do dance party featuring the Bucktown Allstars. Wednesday’s closing session begins with IIABL President Johnny Beckman’s outgoing presidents speech. Also, featured speakers were John Forney, CEO, UCP with his presentation on the reinsurance market and IIABA Chairman-Elect Jon Jensen who explained to the attendees about the new IIABA resource Big I Hires.

IIABL President Johnny Beckmann presents President & CEO of LABI Stephen Waguespack the Outstanding Service Award.

President & CEO of LABI, Stephen Waguespack spoke on the ongoing efforts by LABI on auto/tort issues. In addition, IIABL awarded Stephen with the IIABL Outstanding Service Award.


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LCTA Workers’ Comp


Lighthouse Property Insurance

Amtrust North America

Maison Insurance

AmWins Access


Burns & Wilcox, Ltd.

Safepoint Insurance

Centauri Insurance

Temple for Insurance Commissioner

Foremost Insurance Co

Travelers Insurance

Gray Insurance Co

United Fire Group

LCI Workers Comp

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Highflyer HR

Accident Fund

Homebuilders SIF

Allied Trust Insurance

Iroquois South

Americas Insurance Co

Lane & Associates

Berkshire Hathaway Guard

Liberty Mutual

Commercial Sector Insurance

LUBA Workers’ Comp

Eastern Alliance

RPS Covington

EMC Insurance Cos

Southern States General


Stonetrust Insurance

FCCI Group

Summit Consulting

Forest Insurance


GeoVera Specialty Insurance

The Hartford

Gulfstream P&C Insurance

Wright Flood

Hanover Insurance

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Spread the Word: ACT Launches Disaster Planning Resource June marks the beginning of hurricane season. To help agencies and their clients understand their risk and prepare for any kind of potential disaster, the Agents Council for Technology (ACT) created a new resource. Spread the word by including this drop-in article in your state's publications. Also, keep an eye on the Big “I" Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for social posts to share with members. ACT Launches Disaster Planning Resource Disasters, natural or otherwise, can hit any time and without notice. The Agents Council for Technology (ACT) wants to help you prepare your employees, physical office,

data and systems with procedures to implement when disaster strikes. The new ACT disaster planning resource will help you navigate the things you need to consider before a disaster, such as steps to take during a disaster and tips for operating after disaster strikes. The resource includes a risk assessment to help you determine your agency's definition of “disaster," which may vary based on location. A good disaster plan enables you to focus on recovery and service, not searching for critical data or piecing together the tools you need to work. Complete and save the PDF form and document how your agency will continue providing services without power, phone and internet connections, and even a physical office location.

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11 Critical Grilling Safety Tips For Your Summer Barbecues With July 4th right around the corner, outdoor barbecues are sure to be a popular item on the agenda. Before lighting up the grill this summer, take note of a few critical grilling safety tips to keep people and property safe from the dangerous fire hazards that come with outdoor grilling.

From 2013-2017, grills, hibachis and barbecues were involved in 10,200 home fires per year. These fires were responsible for at least 10 deaths, 160 reported injuries, and $123 million in property damage. July (17%) is the peak month for grill fires, followed by June (14%), May (13%) and August (12%), according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). To stay safe this summer, check out 11 grilling safety tips provided by the NFPA. 1) The first thing to know about grilling is that propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be used outdoors.

4) Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grills and in trays below the grills. 5) Never leave your grill unattended. 6) Always make sure your as grill lid is open before lighting it. 7) There are several ways to get the charcoal ready to use. Charcoal chimney starters allow you to start the charcoal using newspaper as a fuel. 8) If you use a starter fluid, use only charcoal starter fluid. Never add charcoal fluid or any other flammable liquids to the fire. 9) Keep charcoal fluid out of the reach of children and away from heat sources. 10)There are also electric charcoal starters, which do not use fire. Be sure to use an extension cord for outdoor use. 11) When you are finished grilling, let the coals completely cook before disposing in a metal container.

2) The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings and out from under eaves and overhanging branches. 3) Keep children and pets at least three feet away from the grill area.

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Three Dimensional Training What is it? A new insurance education program that results in increased sales, reduced E&O exposures, and increased coverage knowledge. Many of you know or recognize the name, Chris Burand. Chris has been in the agency consulting and education business for many, many years. His passion for helping insurance agents grow and achieve their goals resulted in the formation of Three Dimensional Training.

Three customizable tracks are available to meet your agency’s A La Carte: The first track is an a la carte program where you can choose whichever 10 (minimum) classes you want in a given curriculum. We have curriculums for personal lines, commercial lines, and our fantastic cyber program.

Niche: The second track

is to choose one of our niche programs such as business income and extra expense (four classes), commercial liability (seven classes), commercial auto (seven classes), or commercial property (five classes).

Designation: The third track is our profession-

cies desiring to truly set themselves apart from the pack, we offer three levels of designations.

1) Individual Coverage Designation which earns you the Insurance Professional for Client Protection designation (certified by the National Board of Coverage Professionals) 2) Agency Wide Coverage Designation 3) Similar to “ISO 9000/Six Sigma� Level Agency Certification

al designation program. Specifically, for agen-

Contact Chris Paine, 405.562.7555 or chris.paine@burand-associates.com if you are interested in improving the performance of your agency!

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IIABL is working for YOU! Our partnership with Trusted Choice (R) helps your agency write more business. Over the past few years, we’ve seen steady improvement in the TrustedChoice.com platform, and we think it is time for our members to embrace the concept.

TrustedChoice.com has published over 90 testimonials from members across the country that describe how agents are generating positive returns on their investment in a premium listing.

It Works One of the primary reasons that we decided to partner with Trusted Choice is that we continue to hear how it is working for our members.

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If you are serious about growing your agency in today’s changing marketplace, you need to be using every marketing tool you can. The Trusted Choice brand is designed to position your agency and staff as true insurance professionals. Maximizing your exposure on TrustedChoice.com is one more of those don’t miss marketing tools. In addition, our partnership with Trusted Choice has a number of direct benefits to members: We are raising awareness for the Trusted Choice brand and our members with insurance buyers. Our new optimized website exclusively for members only, caters to insurance buyers

here in Louisiana. We are attracting those buyers to our new website and TrustedChoice.com, using both SEO optimization and advertising on TV, radio and the web. We connect those insurance prospects to our members, helping them write profitable business.

We’ve negotiated discounts on premium listings for our members on TrustedChoice.com. Even better, those premium listings are also included on our new association Website too.

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It’s Simple Why should you purchase a premium listing? It is simple. A premium listing is an easy way to actively market your agency. It provides your agency with: A more detailed listing that allows you to highlight those differences which make your agency unique which gets prospects to choose you.

Best of all, these benefits apply to both your profile on our new state website as well as on TrustedChoice.com. Isn’t it time to talk with a Trusted Choice representative to see how your agency can benefit from this new resource? Call 855-372-0075 Today to Learn More

A larger marketing area in which insurance buyers will see your agency’s listing broadening your reach in the community. The ability to refine which types of prospects and classes of business you want to attract which ensure you are working on accounts you will write.

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Why Training Your Employees Is Good for Retention There is an old joke about an executive who worries that training employees will be a bad investment because they might leave, to which the sage CEO says, “What if we don’t train the and they stay.” Contrary to common fears, training employees doesn’t usher them out the door. Yes, training may prepare employees for employment outside your company, but it also prepares them for a better future working for you.

career development and growth. Then involve them as much as you can in the future of your organization. They’ll be more likely to stay if they believe they have a place as your company grows, overcomes challenges, and prospers.

Having trouble getting buy-in? Employees will be more receptive to training if they’re involved in deciding where to focus their development. Ask them what knowledge, skills, and abilities that would like to work on. The training might pertain directly to their jobs or “Training shows you cover matters beyond their daytrust your employees to-day work. Time management, injury prevention, and customer and that you’re relations are popular training topcommitted to their ics.

You can increase the likelihood that your employees will use the training they receive for your benefit by giving them opportunities to put what they’ve career growth.” learned to immediate use and rewarding them when the new skills and extra effort pay off. Prompt application of what they’ve learned will help solidify their knowledge, while the positive reinforcement will encourage continued use of the new skills. Aside from developing practical skills and knowledge among employees that will contribute to your bottom line, training can be a way of building good professional relationships. This goes for both team training and individual training. Training shows you trust your employees and that you’re committed to their career growth. Be up front about this. Tell them that you hope the training you provide to them gives them more opportunities within your organization, but also more opportunities in their overall

In sum, training makes for a better workplace. When your employees expand their knowledge, skills, and abilities, they’ll do better work. When they do better work, they’ll better the company. Morale will increase as their passion and excitement grow and as the company performs better.

Source: The HR Pros

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Webcasts E&O Risk Management Click above for schedule Available on Demand

Listed are a few of the July webcast. For the 2019 webcast calendar click here.

7-9 12pm—3pm Construction Contracts: What the Agent Should Know, Do, and Not Do

7-10 12pm-2pm Rules for Developing the Correct Premium

Ethics Click above for schedule Available on Demand

Flood Click above for schedule Available on Demand

Commercial & Personal Lines Courses Click above for courses & dates for 2019

7-16 12pm—3pm Homeowner's Policy Coverage Concerns for the Modern Family

7-18 10am—1pm Certificates of Insurance

7-22 12pm—3pm Agency Management Based Ethics and E&O

7-30 8am—11am Insurance Issues for Today's World

Seminars E&O Risk Management

September 24 - Bossier City September 25 - Lafayette September 26 - Metairie September 27 - Covington

Events Louisiana/Mississippi Young Agents Conference August 8-11 Beau Rivage

IIABR August Luncheon August 8, 2019 Juban’s Restaurant

On-Demand Webcasts


Click here for the course catalog of all of the on-demand webcasts. Reminder– all of the IIABL online courses do not require a test for CE Credit

Online prelicensing 3 optional study packages Click here for additional information

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HomeZada Uses Machine Learning to Create a Home Inventory No one ever wants to suffer a significant loss to their home. Fire departments in the United States responded to an estimated average of 355,400 home structure fires per year between 2012 and 2016. That is 973 every day. The wildfires out west and the hurricanes along the coast also caused catastrophic damage. The real problems start when the homeowner needs to provide the insurance company with an inventory of contents damaged. Over the last few years, there have been a plethora of web platforms and mobile apps that seek to help homeowners create and maintain an inventory so that in the event of a major loss they will be able to show what possessions they had in the house.

The problem continues to be the time needed to complete a detailed inventory list fully. A new firm is seeking to streamline this process using machine learning techniques to create a list of contents from video automatically. Video Recognition HomeZada has launched a home inventory video recognition process using the pattern matching capabilities of machine learning to a set of features within its digital home management platform that enables homeowners to use the mobile app to record and upload videos of each room and the exterior spaces of their property. Pictures and video are a standard way to capture some of the inventory. The videos are processed through a video recognition AI to detect the inventory items and present the results automatically. The homeowner makes final confirmation of the inventory

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items and updates their list of items for that space. The new functionality can detect both personal property objects such as furniture, electronics, collectibles, and decorative items in the home as well as fixed asset items such as appliances, fixtures, equipment, and building materials.

Three plans are available. Essentials Plan

Premium Plan

Deluxe Plan


$59 per year ($10 per month)

$99 per year

Manage Your Digital Home The HomeZada app bills itself as the one platform to help you manage your digital home. In addition to inventory management, the app also allows homeowners to: • • • •

Manage home remodel projects Keep up on home maintenance items Financial information about the home If you are selling a home, a deluxe plan helps with the process

Home Inventory

• • •

• •

Essential Features Plus Dashboard and Reports Videos & Recognition A.I. Home Maintenance Home Remodel Projects Home Finances

Premium Features Plus … Home Marketing Multiple Properties

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Create a Branded App HomeZada also has a program where an agency (or insurance company) can brand the app with your infor-

mation. Click here for full details about the branding program. Click here to see an example of how Chubb has branded the HomeZada program. As you can see on this landing page, Chubb has discounted the Premium Plan to $45 per year for their policyholders.

I like the concept of this platform. Using machine learning to streamline the process of creating a home inventory is a winner. I believe the more insurance agents and brokers can find and make available to their clients these types of value-added services, the better positioned you are as the knowledgeable insurance provider. What other platforms, products, or services do you provide to your personal lines’ clients? Author: Steve Anderson email steve at techtip@steveanderson.com

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Just Because It’s Not Covered Doesn’t Mean It’s Not Covered…Revisited Again

Bill Wilson, CPCU, ARM, AIM, AAM

Sometimes an adjuster will

The Denied Claim

deny a claim, citing a

A 1991 ISO HO 00 03 homeowners

policy provision that

insured’s brother-in-law was helping him

clearly excludes coverage

clean up some storm damage when a tree

for the claim. But that doesn’t necessarily mean

limb fell and damaged his lawn tractor. The adjuster denied the damage as a liability

the claim isn’t covered. It’s

claim under the “Damage to Property of

possible that the claim is

Others” because it requires the damage to

covered elsewhere in the

be “caused by” an insured:

policy. This is an issue

(“Entirety of Contract”) I explore in my book

We will pay at replacement cost up to $500

“When Words Collide: Resolving Insurance

per occurrence for property damage to

Coverage and Claims Disputes.” For example, consider this claim I assisted with about 10

property of others caused by the insured. In this case, the adjuster might be right…

years ago….

but that doesn’t mean the damage is not covered.

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The Resolution

otherwise excluded.

In the “Damage to Property of Others” policy provision cited in the LIABILITY Section II of

What about any exclusions pertaining to

the form, it does require the damage to by

damage to motor vehicles? Motor vehicles are

“caused by” an insured. In addition, it excludes loss arising out of the use of a motor vehicle,

excluded under “Property Not Covered,” but the following exception is made:

the only exception being certain recreational vehicles.

We do cover vehicles or conveyances not subject to motor vehicle registration which are…

Therefore, this additional coverage does not

Used to service an “insured’s” residence;

apply to this loss and we can’t otherwise

Note that, unlike the 2000 ISO HO 00 03 policy,

comment on potential liability coverage under

the 1991 form does not require that the vehicle

Section II since we don’t know what happened and whether the insured could otherwise be

be used solely to service the insured’s premises.1 So, as long as the cause of loss is

legally liable. Since the adjuster is citing this

covered, the claim should be covered under

“no fault” additional coverage in Section II,

Section I, less the deductible.

presumably this is because s/he feels the insured was not liable for the damage.

The lesson here is that, just because the insurer correctly cites exclusionary language in one part

However, the adjuster has failed to examine

of the policy, that doesn’t mean that the loss is

Section I of the policy which says:

necessarily excluded if you can find coverage in another part of the policy.

COVERAGE C – Personal Property


We cover personal property owned or used by


an “insured” while it is anywhere in the

introduced a 2011 homeowners program. The

world. At your request, we will cover

2011 HO 00 03 form covers damage to a motor

personal property owned by others while

vehicle used to service “a” (translation: “any”)

the property is on the part of the

residence, not just an insured’s residence. So,

“residence premises” occupied by an “insured”; [emphasis added]

coverage under that form edition would depend on whether the brother-in-law’s mower had ever

Footnote: Since this claim occurred, ISO

been used to service a premise that was not a It is a common misconception that the policy

residence. Explain THAT to an insured! To learn

only covers property owned or rented by the

more about this, see this article:

insured. As the highlighted language shows, if the insured chooses to extend coverage, it will

“Riding Lawn Mowers and Insurance”

apply to the property of others as long as it’s on the part of the premises occupied by an insured, damaged by a covered peril, and not Louisiana Agent 33

Trusted ChoiceÂŽ Releases Digital Marketing Toolkit for States Trusted ChoiceÂŽ understands the importance of digital marketing and the impact it can have on independent agents who are trying to increase business. To raise awareness about the importance of a strong digital presence, Trusted Choice now offers the Digital Marketing Importance Toolkit. Complete with ready-to-use downloadable materials, the toolkit aids states in emphasizing the importance of digital marketing. It includes a plethora of blog-ready articles and presentations that expand on popular digital marketing topics, exploring subjects such as building a professional website, writing digital content for the right audience and social media marketing. We encourage states to utilize the toolkit to inform their members about the importance of digital marketing and how Trusted Choice's resources can enhance their digital efforts. To access the toolkit, log in to the State Marketing Activity Center and select Marketing Toolkits under the Trusted Choice drop-down menu on the left side of the page. Contact Aaliyah Cuthrell with any questions.

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Coverage Type

Overall % Impact:

Overall $ Impact:

Number of Policyholders:


SAFECO Ins Co of Oregon Revised Rate Only

19—Private Passenger Auto Recreational Vehicle Program




New: 5/31/2019 Renewal: 7/10/2019

Progressive Security Ins Revised Rate & Rule

19—Private Passenger Auto




New: 8/9/2019 Renewal: 9/6/2019

Progressive Paloverde Ins Co Revised Rate & Rule

19—Private Passenger Auto




New: 8/9/2019 Renewal: 9/6/2019




New: 6/6/2019 Renewal: 7/11/2019

Foremost Ins Co Revised Rate & Rule

19—Private Passenger Auto

USAA Casualty Ins Co USAA General Indemnity Co Garrison P&C Ins Co

4—Homeowners (Renters)




New: 11/18/2019 Renewal: 11/18/2019

Allstate Indemnity Co Revised Rate Only

17-Other Liability Personal Umbrella and Excess




New: 9/12/2019 Renewal: 9/12/2019

LA Farm Bureau Casualty LA Farm Bureau Mutual Southern Farm Bureau Casualty

19—Private Passenger Auto




New: 8/1/2019 Renewal: 8/1/2019

Imperial Fire & Casualty

19—Private Passenger Auto




New: 7/1/2019 Renewal: 7/1/2019

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