Treat ADHD With Some Simple Changes In Daily Routine Children with ADHD often find themselves in a difficult situation when it comes to focusing on any task or controlling their attention at home, school or elsewhere. They are pretty impulsive, take actions without thinking, always feel distracted and sometimes can even face severe challenges in conducting their day-to-day task. Children with ADHD s yndrome are often highly intelligent but due to focus and concentration issues, face problems in performing even a simple task. These symptoms sometimes last longer and can continue to trouble people even in their adulthood. Although certain medication treatment is available for ADHD, there are numerous other ways through which it can be treated. Basic changes in diet and regular training & exercise combined with behavioral therapy can help children improve their concentration and control their anger.
Problems Faced By Children With ADHD Syndrome & Its Effect On Parents Depending on the type of ADHD, inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive or combined, children are susceptible to symptoms like facing trouble while focusing on a task, inability to perform normal communication, forgetting daily chores, taking actions abruptly without thinking and much more. Not only this, but ADHD also limits a child’s ability to read and write, all of which can lead to frustration, distress, and depression in children. As a result, they try to avoid tasks of daily life, perform poorly in their academics, refrain from socializing and are often left with a feeling of anger and loneliness. The extent of these symptoms may vary from one child to another causing hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention in varying degrees. Seeing a child suffering while trying to perform a simple chore can never be easy for parents. Parenting is a big job in itself and ADHD adds to the challenge when they face difficulty in performing a simple task as making their child go to sleep or listening to numerous complaints coming from the school regarding their study or behavior. Parents can overcome these challenges by making a few changes in their daily routine combined with enrolling their child in a behavioral assessment program.
Medication for ADHD Treatment Although medication is available for the Treatment of ADHD, it does have a certain negative impact on the health of children. Medication when combined with other healthy habits can help children with ADHD. Many parents have seen a major improvement in their child’s behavior after the completion of their program at IIHAP Therapy Center. There are plenty of tailored programs for children with different types and levels of ADHD sy ndrome, each program personalized to meet the exact need of every child. To learn more about these programs, you can see our testimonial or contact us directly.
Welcome to IIAHP Chandigarh IIAHP Therapy Center and Learning School in Sector 35 Chandigarh, (Ph-9815652162). We provide Down Syndrome Treatment, Dyslexia Treatment, Autism treatment, Developmental Delay Treatment, Cerebral Palsy Treatment, Mental Retardation Treatment, Speech Therapy, Slow Learners Treatment, ADHD Treatment, and Therapies for Special Needs Children etc. We Take New Children All Year. All children are improving We Provide treatment for children of the age group 2 to 17 years old. Many international Techniques under one roof Foreign Therapists visit IIAHP twice a year for teaching new techniques to IIAHP Staff. Senior IIAHP Staff takes training in foreign countries to keep the team updated about the latest techniques for best results. Fully air-conditioned office. 100% area is under CCTV surveillance and parents are allowed to check the footage whenever they want to check for any doubts in their minds. We also give homeopathy. The advanced intellectual program includes Reading, math, Encyclopedia, etc. for all-around development of the child. Home programs are also available for distant/foreign parents. We give guidance on nutrition, supplements, and diet.