MEET CHAIR Whitney L. Floyd


MEET CHAIR Whitney L. Floyd
With the highest attendance in more than ten years, November’s Big I Kentucky Annual Convention and Trade Show was a huge success. From agents, company partners to exhibitors, people showed up BIG! Whether it was connecting on the trade show floor, listening to epic recounts of Navy SEAL missions or learning how we can better build a sustainable and thriving agency, the takeaways from this annual event were too numerous to count on one hand.
One major takeaway for me was the issue of technology in our agencies. What tech products do I need to keep a competitive advantage? How do I find the one that’s right for my agency size and budget? And I’m not the only one who places tech stack at the top of my list for challenges in the agency. But help is on the way. The Big I Kentucky Board of Director’s made the decision to invest the association’s dollars in a new service called Catalyit. Catalyit is a technology resource, a website where members can access information about technology products and services, compare the pros and cons, review pricing and have consultants help them make an educated decision on where to put their tech dollars. And the best part is that Big I Kentucky is paying for a FULL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP for 2023. Connect with Tara and her team to get signed up and begin alleviating that stress that tech decisions create for you and your agency.
But Catalyit isn’t the only thing to get excited about in the new year…….
Big I Kentucky is investing in the future of the independent insurance agency system. Let’s get people excited about working in insurance! We’ll be headed to college campuses with our Emerging Leaders to chat with the next generation of insurance industry professionals. We will connect with high schools to promote our apprenticeship program to juniors and seniors throughout the state. And we’ll continue to help agents use our hiring tools like CareerPlug and Big I Hires to find their next great employee. Let me take a moment to thank our Industry Partners who without their sponsorship dollars, Big I Kentucky would not be able to provide these cutting-edge products, services and events. If you are a carrier or industry product vendor and are interested in participating in our Industry partner program at Big I Kentucky, please reach out to the association office.
Let’s keep the momentum from 2022 going into the new year. As your 2023 Chair for Big I Kentucky, I hope to connect with our membership and encourage them to attend Big I Kentucky events in person. There’s an opportunity to take advantage of the human capital and intelligence in our membership. You’ve invested your dollars by becoming a member. Now invest your time by connecting with others in your industry. I’ll see you at the next event!
Whitney L. Floyd , CIC Chair, Henderson 270.827.3543
Laura Yount, CIC, CISC Chair-Elect, London 606.878.0100
Chris Wiseman, CIC Vice-Chair, Bowling Green 270.781.2020
Allen J. Crawford, CIC, CSRM Treasurer, Somerset 606.679.6311
George “Chip” Atkins III National Director, Louisville 502.585.3600
Kevin Desmond
Immediate Past Chair, Bellevue 859-491-5100
Philip Anderton Lousiville, 502.585.3277
Danny Greene Northern Kentucky, 513-534-0294
John Purdom Murray, 270.753.4751
Jared Pursley Glasgow, 270-646-8162
Carolyn Reynolds Richmond, 859-623-8485
Nick Rolf Fort Thomas, 859-781-0434
Eric Schumacher Maysville, 606-759-5663
Adam Sheridan Somerset, 606-679-6311
Tara T. Purvis President & CEO
Erin Fosson Sales & Marketing Director
Katie Hines Membership Services Director
Allie Kennada Office Manager
Kristie Weyer, CISR Insurance Services Director
Cassie Young Workforce Development Director
The insurance industry was founded in the United States—with the help of Benjamin Franklin—in 1752. The current state insurance regulatory framework dates to New Hampshire appointing the first insurance commissioner in 1851. Kentucky’s first commissioner was appointed in 1870, perhaps after the US Supreme Court ruled in Paul v. Commonwealth of Virginia that “issuing a policy of insurance is not a transaction of commerce”, thus giving the states the responsibility of market regulation and taxation of insurance.
The states’ need to discuss issues of common concern led to the formation of the National Insurance Convention in 1871, known today as National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Insurance regulators’ responsibilities grew in scope and complexity as the industry evolved. As the industry evolved regulation required change. This sparked the Supreme Court case United States v. Southeastern Underwriters, leading to the overturning of the court’s previous decision in Paul v. Commonwealth of Virginia. This led to a void of both state and federal regulation, causing turmoil and uncertainty.
In response, Congress quickly enacted the McCarranFerguson Act of 1945 which codified that the states should continue to regulate and tax the business of insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act also affirmed that state regulation of the insurance industry was in the best interest of the public. The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, also known as the GrammLeach-Bliley Act (GLBA), established comprehensive regulatory framework permitting those affiliations among banks, securities firms, and insurance companies should be regulated by the states. Insurance is best regulated at the state level. Not only does this benefit the public, but it also benefits you as the producer. Frankfort is here to serve you.
Your free subscription gives you, and every employee of your agency, full access to Big I KY’s hub for technology advice, tools, training, insights, & more.
This was previously a separate paid subscription. Now, it’s included in your membership - a $1,500 value!
Technology is critical to agency success, profitability, valuation, and employee retention. Here’s what you gain from Catalyit:
• Guides & Reviews: Selection guides for each area of your tech with side-by-side comparison charts of solution provider features, and reviews.
• Tools: An in-depth tech assessment with a custom roadmap report for your agency awaits. Get a free consult with an expert, and guidance on the best approach for your tech stack. Question? Call our Catalyit Help Line.
• Training: From live coaching and Q&A sessions to our on-demand video vault, you’ll be able to get the most out of your tools.
• Insights: You don’t have to hunt for the latest tips and tech news. We send the tips and terms you need to know to your inbox each Monday.
• Consulting: One-on-one expert support to help you implement solutions.
The key to successfully implementing technology at your agency is eagerly adopting the latest trends
I have been pondering this question for the last several years.
A few years ago, I co-chaired the Changing Nature of Risk workgroup with the Big “I” Agents Council for Technology (ACT). The workgroup’s goal was to help insurance agencies understand emerging technologies and leverage them to provide a better experience to their prospects and clients.
Working with this group led me to research companies that have embraced technology changes and become super successful because of it. I ended up doing a deep dive into the practices of Jeff Bezos and Amazon. I wanted to understand what had made them so successful for so long.
One of the principles Jeff Bezos instilled into Amazon’s culture from the very beginning was “It’s always Day 1.” In his first letter to shareholders in 1997, he said: “This is Day 1 for the internet and, if we execute well, for Amazon. com.” He has ended every shareholder letter since with some version of, “It remains Day 1.”
What does he mean by Day 1? It’s the first day your business is open, and you should provide your customers with the best experience possible. Day 1 is a mindset, not a list of steps or strategies. It is the filter through which all decisions are made. It is designed to keep everyone focused on doing what is right in each situation, not just what is possible given Amazon’s size and influence.
Because, like a child’s tower of building blocks, if the foundation isn’t stable, the tower will come tumbling down. And then it’s Day 2.
When asked at an employees’ all-hands meeting what Day 2 looks like, Bezos responded, “Day 2
is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death.
And that is why it is always Day 1.” Many successful companies have failed—Kodak, Blackberry, Blockbuster, Sears, CompUSA, Borders, and many others—because they became Day 2 companies.
Bezos thinks the equally critical question we should ask is, how do you fend off Day 2? His answer: “Here’s a starter pack of essentials for Day 1 defense: customer obsession, a skeptical view of proxies, the eager adoption of external trends, and high-velocity decision-making.”
So, how do today’s insurance agencies avoid becoming a Day 2 business? One answer: The eager adoption of external trends.
“The outside world can push you into Day 2 if you won’t or can’t embrace powerful trends quickly. If you fight them, you’re probably fighting the future. Embrace them, and you have a tailwind.”–Jeff Bezos in a 2016 letter to shareowners.
The insurance industry is not known for eagerly adopting external trends. It is often portrayed as Luddites, falling behind other sectors. Moreover, consumer expectations of what constitutes good service have changed over the last several years, and the pandemic only continued to accelerate the trends.
Online transactions are increasing exponentially. Electronic signatures are a necessity. The desire for electronic payment options is growing. A rich interactive website is essential. And text messaging is becoming a primary way to communicate for a growing segment of consumers. These are just a few trends that picked up speed during the last 18 months.
Is the biggest risk an insurance agency faces not taking enough risk?
More are coming, and they’re coming fast. Here are just a few: Streamlining small commercial transactions: New startups and existing solution providers are making significant progress in streamlining the quoting and carrier submission process for small and midmarket commercial business.
Increased demand for video: 2020 taught us that a Zoom meeting could work in many more situations than we assumed. Using video emails instead of text-only emails builds better relationships, as do video proposals.
Open platforms: More solution providers—new and old—are recognizing the advantage of creating open platforms.
Application programming interfaces (APIs) allow different services to create a machine-to-machine communication channel that supports sending data and information to where it’s needed. This openness helps reduce or eliminate manual processing steps, increasing productivity.
Hawksoft and EZLynx are examples of two traditional AMS vendors building APIs that their users and third-party providers can access. Applied Systems recently announced that they are speeding up developing APIs for their Epic platform using the Google Apigee API Management service. Vertafore has enhanced its Orange Partner Program.
With open platforms, agencies can use third-party API connector platforms like Zapier to create new workflow customizations. For example, EZLynx supports a Zapier integration, which allows the agency—without help from EZLynx—to create an automated workflow when a customer service representative (CSR) enters a new commercial prospect. The prospect data will automatically be sent to the agency marketing platform to add to the agency newsletter list. This technology opens a new world of options allowing the invention of custom workflows for the agency willing to eagerly embrace external trends.
There’s tension in the InsurTech realm that continues today. Some direct-to-consumer InsurTechs were founded to replace the agent (you) with technology. Other InsurTechs were founded to help the agent. And though some people said agents were irrelevant and no longer needed, the independent agency channel has remained remarkably resilient.
What is the market saying? It seems consumers have voted with their wallets that most prefer working with an agent. Metromile, Root, Lemonade, and Next are direct-to-consumer InsurTechs that have recently changed their tune and are now embracing independent agents as a distribution channel to help reduce their acquisition costs.
To maintain this connection with consumers, independent agents must continue to adopt consumer-friendly technology solutions eagerly. The question agency owners should explore: Do you utilize InsurTech’s technology platforms even though they may be your competitors?
“… even well-meaning gatekeepers slow innovation. When a platform is selfservice, even the improbable ideas can get tried, because there’s no expert gatekeeper ready to say ‘that will never work!’ And guess what— many of those improbable ideas do work, and society is the beneficiary of that diversity.”
–Jeff Bezos.
Agency owners know how frustrating it can be to stay on top of the latest technology. It’s hard enough to keep an agency running efficiently and smoothly, grow a book of business, support your employees and provide outstanding customer service. Again, your agency is not a tech company. But it’s not impossible to keep up. And if you do, it will give you a competitive advantage.
Here are four steps agencies can use to help keep up with technology changes:
1) Discover. A discovery process will help you better understand what’s out there and, more importantly, what’s suitable for you. Ways to discover emerging technologies include:
• Reading industry trade magazines
• Subscribing to technology newsletters in related industries
• Engaging with insurance associations
• Attending technology-focused meetings
• Participating in peer groups
• Participating in technology user groups.
2) Evaluate. Just because new technology is available doesn’t mean you should use it. Evaluate the technology to determine if it will help meet your clients’ needs. Some questions to ask include:
• What are other agents using, and what has been their experience?
• Are user reviews available?
• Are there reviews online?
• Can you ask for feedback from other agent groups, such as vendor groups or association groups?
3) Select. The selection process helps narrow multiple options to one specific solution that best meets your needs. Here are questions to ask as you go through the process:
• What problem are you trying to solve?
• What are must-have features, and what are nice to have?
• What are your customization options?
• What are the pros and cons?
• Can you do a test drive?
4) Implement. I have seldom seen technology fail. However, I have seen technology implementation within an organization fail when not enough attention is paid to getting your employees on board.
Picking the right technology for your organization is the first step. The next is to create an implementation plan to get the maximum benefits from the new solution.
• Communicate clearly to your staff what you are doing, why you are doing it, and how it might affect their jobs throughout the selection process.
• Agency personnel tend to resist change. Buildin enough training so your team can be brought up to speed as quickly as possible. The best technology with the best intentions can get sabotaged if agency staff doesn’t understand the benefit for themselves and the client.
• Find cheerleaders early and help them help you manage the implementation process.
Agencies have been trying to keep up with technology on their own for over 40 years. However, one thing is clear: eager adoption of external trends can help an agency continue to be a Day 1 thriving business like Amazon instead of a Day 2 extinct business like Kodak or Blackberry.
Steve Anderson is a technology and risk expert and one of the original influencers on LinkedIn. In 2021, Anderson co-founded Catalyit in cooperation with 18 Big “I” state associations and currently serves as CEO. He is also the author of “The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon,” a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and international bestseller.
As independent agents, the choice is yours.
Allie Kennada is Big I Kentucky's new Office Manager. A Tennessee native, she is a recent graduate of the University of Kentucky with a degree in Psychology. She loves everything outdoors, especially hiking, kayaking and golf. A resident of Oldham County, a lover of dogs (hers are Ginger and Sadie) and vegetarian cuisine connoisseur, she brings another layer of fun and energy to the staff at Big I Kentucky. Her friendly voice will likely be the one to greet you on the phone when connecting with the office. Welcome to Big I Kentucky, Allie!
Auto & Home
Coverage is available for vehicles, property, umbrella and valuables to members in all states except AK, DC, DE, HI, IA, MI, MT, ND, NE, OK, SC, VT and WV. Territorial and geographic underwriting restrictions may apply.
Coverage is available for vehicles and watercraft to members in all states except AK, HI, MA, and MI.
Coverage is available for vehicles, property, umbrella, valuables, watercraft and recreational vehicles to member agents in all states except: DC, DE, HI, ME, NJ, and RI.
Coverage is available for vehicles, property, umbrella, valuables, and watercraft to member agents in all states except: AK, HI, LA, MI, ND, SD, WV and WY.
I saw a post on LinkedIn today by an Agency Owner, Mike Crowley, describing how he is planning for his agency this year. He shared that like many others, early in his career his approach was best described as “just going through the motions” and “shooting from the hip”. I think any entrepreneur or leader can relate to that. This year, however, Mike is planning for his agency by meeting with a mentor, sharing his goals, and committing to holding each other accountable to the plans they map out for their agencies. That is impressive, and it got me thinking about the impact that shift in thinking can have on an agency’s growth potential and ultimately its value. It can seem daunting to find the capacity to pause and plan but the impact can be incredible. I would
like to help as many agency owners as possible make that shift, and if you ask me, “What’s the Number 1 thing I should plan for my business?”, my answer would be, “A budget”.
A budget is simply an estimation of income and expenditures for a set period of time. What makes a budget powerful is – when it is based on your goals – it can help you determine where to invest, reallocate resources, and identify things you need to stop doing. Building a holistic view of the business, rather than individual transactions or decisions allows you to see the impact of your decisions and the opportunity to make betterinformed decisions. Seems simple right?
According to a survey by Clutch, 54% of small
business owners have a documented budget in 2021. That number was only 39% in 2018. Given the economic challenges that we are facing, every business should be taking the time to budget and plan. Many will have a budget and a contingency budget to plan out what they will do if key assumptions and factors change.
The businesses that take the time to build a budget perform better than those that do not. In fact, over 70% of the businesses that have budgets in place report that this year’s budget is greater than the previous year’s budget. This makes sense because if you have no defined goals or performance metrics you don’t have any way of knowing how you are doing. It is like driving with no destination in mind – it is impossible for you to know when you have arrived. Another way of saying it, “What gets measured gets managed,” and a budget allows you to manage based on the defined goals.
Having a plan and a budget for your business provides you with the insights you need to act fast and implement a new course of action. If an organization must wait until the end of the year to know if they are going to be profitable, it will most likely take longer to make investment decisions than an organization that can see its performance trends throughout the year. This delay can be incredibly costly. The ability to make quick decisions creates a competitive advantage for small businesses and having those decisions be fueled by data is key.
Some business owners think that having a budget will limit their ability. In many ways, I believe it provides the opportunity to know and consider more options for your business. A
budget is guide, and in some cases, businesses break their budgets for the same reason that we all break our personal budgets from time to time. Things like unexpected expenditures, new opportunities, or significant changes in circumstances can cause us all to want and need to pivot. By monitoring performance, on a 30-day basis, the ability to react to these unexpected and unforeseen circumstances is greater. In some instances, the need for an adjustment can be identified and implemented quickly, minimizing any potential negative impact and maximizing a potential opportunity much faster than if there was no budget or plan in place.
We all have experienced times when we didn’t have a defined plan – building the plane while we are flying – but there comes a time in every business when having a plan, writing it down, and managing to that plan is imperative. As we enter a new year, there is no better time to make this shift, and to pause, focus, and plan for the future inside your agency.
If you want to learn more about how you can build a budget for your agency, visit agency-focus. com or email me at
SECURA’s team of insurance experts is making insurance genuine. They are here to support you and your clients. Our underwriting teams are quick to reply, open-minded, and know their stuff. Plus they are backed by our caring claims group who will get your clients back on their feet.
How did you get started in insurance?
I graduated from college and moved home. I was interviewing for jobs and I would be called back but ultimately the job would go to someone with more experience. My Dad had a lady give her 2 weeks notice, he needed help and I needed money.
What goals are you aiming to accomplish as Chairwoman?
I would like to see more people participating in BIG I events. I will also continue to work hard with the board to ensure that we are offering the right products and services to our members.
What do you see as some of the biggest issues facing Kentucky independent agencies today?
In talking with our members and my peers, hiring is at the top of the list and navigating the hard market and economic future will be a challenge in the next year or so.
What do you find the most fulfilling about being an agent?
My favorite part is the relationships with my team and my clients. It is really rewarding to help a client through some of their roughest days, losing a home or having an auto accident to losing their loved ones. Most of the time it is just listening to them and helping them navigate through the process. I have laughed and cried with many of my clients.
What does it mean to you to be the third Chairwoman in the history of Big I Kentucky?
I think it is really special to be the third female in this role. Sandra and Michelle were wonderful presidents/chairs and I hope to be one too. Women have been at the heartbeat of our industry for years and it is great to see that we are taking on leadership roles in our industry and moving it forward. I hope that many more women will come behind me and make their impact. I will be here cheering them on.
How do you strike a work/life balance? And how do you try and promote this to your team?
We like to have a little fun will at work. We work hard and we play hard. I would say we are still working on the work/life balance. I have a wonderful group of people that care so much about what they do and the clients that they serve, I sometimes have to tell them it is okay for a break. Everyone needs time away. We encourage each other to enjoy life, to leave 5 minutes early to make it to a ballgame or recital. I encourage them to go to the Grandparent's lunch or parent breakfast. Life is about balance and some times we are in balance and others we are not. We will keep working on this.
What is your favorite app on your phone?
I would say my picture app is my favorite. I love looking back at pictures and laughing about the memories made.
What motivates you?
There are many things that motivate me. My family, friends and teammates motivate me everyday. I wake up and try to be a little better everyday. I am surrounded by people that are smarter than me and better than me at certain tasks and they inspire me to learn something from them and push to be better.
What would we find you most likely doing on the weekend?
In the summertime you will find me on Lake Barkley on the weekends. I like to spend time with family and friends on the boat.
What does a typical day look like? I am an early riser so I like to get up and start my day with my dogs, no coffee for me. I like to do some chores like laundry or dishes before I leave for work Once I am at work, we start everyday with our “daily stand-up ” This includes a message about our core values and also a place and time that we are all together and can discuss what we are working on or who needs help with something. The rest of the day is a little less scripted, it may include meetings with clients, board meetings, collaborating with my team, looking and implementing technologies, interviewing candidates, etc. At the end of the work day, I like to go home to my husband and dogs, have dinner and enjoy my family
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
I took my brother's car for a joyride around town when I was 13 years old and he caught me.
What did you learn watching your dad serve?
I have been watching and learning from Dad all of my life but his service to the association taught me the importance to pour back in to the industry that has given me so much. We take so much as members from this association, by using the products and services, the human capital and intelligence, he showed me the importance to give back.
What advice would you give your 25 year old self?
Stop being so hard on yourself, life will happen if you worry about it or if you don’t. Work hard, be a good friend, develop and maintain relationships. Lastly, enjoy every moment, they go by fast.
Big "I" members can access over $2,000 in funds to help offset the cost of certain marketing expenses. Funds can be used in three different ways:
Get reimbursed for adding the Trusted Choice logo alongside your own in any consumer facing ads or items.
Traditional co-branding: Includes things like print ads, store signage, branded giveaway items and more! Get reimbursed 50% of your costs with a max of $750.
Digital co-branding: Any digital display ads - TV commercials, social media ads, banner ads, etc. Get reimbursed 75% of your costs with a max of $750.
Upgrade to a new website with one of our Preferred Partners. Trusted Choice will reimburse $500 for any new site built in 2022.
Partners include: Advisor Evolved Agency Revolution Forge3 ITC Marketing 360 Titan Web.
For full program details or to submit a reimbursement request visit today!
Increase your digital footprint and get noticed by more insurance shoppers by upgrading to an Advantage subscription on
Trusted Choice will reimburse members $250 for an annual Advantage Preferred or Advantage Professional level subscription
Recently, we have seen an E&O claim trend around insurance limits based on values. The customer’s property has not been properly evaluated, but who should be responsible for determining the value? The advice from Swiss Re Corporate Solutions has long been that the customer is responsible for determining the value of the property. The agent should then take the value provided by the customer and provide insurance based on that amount. Many times, the agent takes on the role of the advisor and a customer will look to the agent to assist with the valuation. In
this situation, the agent is likely creating a “special relationship” and has greatly increased their standard of care. If agents are using valuation tools, they must realize the answers they provide are only as good as the information that is entered into them. The agent also then assumes the responsibility of making sure the values are regularly updated to reflect any changes to the property.
Andrew, an experienced agent at a large insurance agency, placed Commercial Property coverage for his client who was a real estate developer. Among the properties he owned, the real estate developer owned a shopping center. The agent and his client had verbal discussions when the policy was initially placed regarding the value of the property. According to the agent, the value of the building was ultimately determined by the real estate developer, but nothing was put in writing by the agent to reflect how the value was determined or whether the client agreed with the valuation. The agent procured a replacement cost property policy with $2.5 million in replacement cost for the building.
The policy was then renewed each year for 5 years. During this time period, neither the agent nor the client re-visited the issue of the valuation of the property or considered or discussed possible increases in the value of the property.
The shopping center then burned to the ground. When the client submitted the claim, the carrier paid the limit of the policy. However, the property owner claimed that the replacement cost of the property was actually $7MM and claimed that the property was undervalued. The real estate developer admitted receiving the renewals each year but not reading them. He further claimed that he completely relied on his agent to determine the appropriate insurance coverages, that it was the agent that set the initial value of the property and that the agent never recommended an appraisal at ANY POINT. THE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER PROCEEDED TO FILE SUIT AGAINST ANDREW AND HIS AGENCY.
• Agent’s failure to document property valuation process in writing
• Agent’s undertaking to set the value of the property when that is potentially outside his/her area of expertise and the agent may not have a duty to undertake this task. In addition, the property owner is in a superior position to know the value of his/her own property
• An insurance broker is not required to ascertain the levels of coverage for a risk. However, if the agent assumed this obligation even though he didn’t have to, he thereby created a special relationship that obligated him/her to exercise a greater degree of care and diligence.
• Agent’s failure to consider and discuss increases in value of the property over time i.e. by not performing a yearly analysis of coverages and making necessary modifications to the level of coverage.
• Yearly review of property values with sign off by client
• Written documentation of valuation with client sign-off
• Written recommendation that the client have the property appraised
The case was tried and the agent paid almost $2MM in damages for taking on the responsibility of valuing the property and not doing it properly as well as failing to review the value.
If your agency needs to review internal processes such as property valuations, please call Virtual Agency Solutions Director of Risk Management, Mallory Cornell. There could even be E&O premium savings for your proactive E&O Risk Management!
It shouldn’t take a storm of immense proportions to find out who your customers can count on.
And that’s the Silver Lining®.
Scan the QR Code below to register for any upcoming event.
Established Louisville agency interested in acquiring insurance agencies in Jefferson and surrounding counties. If you are interested in selling, merging, or need assistance with perpetuation, we would like to talk with you in confidence.
Call Kevin Lavin, CIC or Philip Anderton, CIC, CRM at Sterling Thompson Company at 502-585-3277
February 15-16, 2023
Bowling Green, KY May 15-17, 2023
Lexington, KY
October 2023
Louisville, KY
November 15-17, 2023
Independent with top best markets looking to expand presence in Jefferson, Oldham or Shelby counties. Wanting Personal lines Producer or book of business to move or purchase. All arrangements possible, in strict confidence.
Please send inquiries to:
Turner Insurance Agency, 2460 Shelbyville Road, Shelbyville, KY 40065 or call Kurt Turner, CPCU at 502-633-6060.
We would like to thank our advertisers for their support. This publication would not be possible without you!
For classified ads or to advertise in the Kentucky IA, visit or call 502-245-5432.
(as of 12/12/22)
Bolton & Company
Countryway Insurance Company
Kentucky AGC SIF
Kentucky Growers Insurance Company
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Auto-Owners Insurance Company
AmWINS Brokerage Midwest LLC
Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance
Central Mutual Insurance
Cincinnati Insurance
Commercial Sector Insurance Brokers
Midwestern Insurance Alliance
Orion Networks
State Auto Insurance Company
EMC Insurance Companies
Encova Insurance
FCCI Insurance Group
FFVA Mutual, Frankenmuth Insurance
Grange Insurance
ICW Group Insurance Companies
Imperial PFS
J.M. Wilson
Market Finders Insurance Corporation
Peoples Premium Finance
Prime Insurance
Selective Insurance
United Home Insurance Company
United Fire
Westfield Insurance
Westport Insurance Group
Big I Kentucky gratefully acknowledges these fine companies, our 2022 Industry Partners. Without their assistance, fees for the events and programs throughoutthe year would be significantly higher and/or the quality of the program would be restricted.
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