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Our Industry is Resilient
We are coming up on the 3rd anniversary of when the US shut down and went into shelter in place. I am not sure how you feel, but to me, that moment felt like it occurred ages ago. Yet there are events and industries that are finally getting back to what I can only refer to as prepandemic normal (if that will ever exist).
This is not the part where I focus on what we learned or recite the lessons that we can derive from the last three years. I can tell you my opinion but I will not pretend to act like I know what is going on in every agency and understand what each member has gone through.
What I do believe is evident is that our industry is resilient. We are blessed to have been able to adapt to the new work environments and new focus on work life balance.
As an industry, the Illinois insurance carriers and distribution channels responded appropriately because we have a competitive and robust insurance marketplace. This fact is why it is disappointing to see that legislation has appeared looking to regulate our industry. It simply doesn’t make sense. Illinois is a competitive market and has done a fantastic job of regulating itself. If you have not had a chance to read the IIA of IL’s February 8 press release, please do so. This is an incredible example of what your association does to protect our industry and advocate on your behalf.
However, it does not stop there, one of the events that we hope to bring back to pre-pandemic form is our State Legislative day. If you have never had the chance to attend, think about making the trip down state on March 28, 2023 to join us for an education seminar and then a legislative reception where you can interact with your elected officials and discuss some of the issues that may affect your business and the clients you serve.
My book of the month is another Patrick Lencioni New York Times Best Seller, The Truth About Employee Engagement, a Fable About Addressing the Three Root Causes of Job Misery.