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We’re in a changing industry and a changing of talent from as many as five different at a faster pace than ever. The next completely different landscape, same than

What have you learned from working with older generations? What do you feel they can learn from you?

Agent, Compass Insurance Gibson City, IL

Tell us a little about your background, current role, and how you got into the industry.

I grew up in a small town called Le Roy in Central IL. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Finance and Insurance from Illinois State in 2020. I am currently an Agent for Compass Insurance and have been here for just over two years. I have always been interested in insurance as my grandpa was in the industry for 45 years, and my mom took over his agency for a handful of years as well.

What do you feel are the “new” challenges young agents face in our industry?

Getting into this industry at an early age is currently tougher than ever. The average age of an insurance agent/ producer is at an all-time high, so while there are going to be job opportunities - it also means that there is a ton of smart and experienced agents out there with great relationships that are tough to crack.

What do you feel are the challenges young agents have always faced – and may continue to face - in our industry? Being taken seriously at an early age is tough. Whether right or wrong, most people connect age with knowledge and wisdom. While it is true in some circumstances, it is not always the case, and it can be tough to get over that as a young agent. If you can, then it is a great industry.

We operate in one of the most multigenerational workforces of all time. How do you feel that impacts the culture of our agencies and our industry?

This is a great benefit for the culture of our agencies and industries. The youth of the industry can bounce questions off the experienced staff. While at the same time, the experienced staff can learn and understand the younger generation in ways they would not have thought about before this youth movement in the industry started.

I feel extremely fortunate to have many experienced agents at our company. The number of questions I asked when I started was, I am sure, at times overwhelming. They never once complained and always made time for me to learn. They have taught me that you can never know it all but that asking questions and figuring out answers is the best way to approach this industry rather than guessing on things. There are plenty of difficulties in the role that I am in, and the owners/agents have made sure I know that it is the same for everyone. This has allowed me to keep my head up and keep pushing, which has been a big reason for the success I have had.

What do the young professionals think about all of this? their perspective, and responses. Here is what the future independent agency channel our industry.

While I am still new to the industry, I have figured out a few things that have been effective for me and could be for the older generations as well. I think using the agency management system as much as possible is an excellent habit to get into. At times, it feels like the capabilities are endless. I would also say my willingness to take on rejection and turn it into a positive and learning experience is something that I would recommend to everyone. Being told no or not this year is not the end of the world.

How have you seen changes in technology and communication impact our handling of risks, coverages, and claims?

I believe technology has enhanced our ability to handle risks and update/analyze coverages quicker, leading to quicker and more accurate quotes. Technology has also decreased the average claim time dramatically. The only caveat is some claims are better off being overseen in person, so I would still like the bigger ones to be handled and communicated person to person rather than with technology.

What do you think will have the biggest impact on our industry in the next 5-10 years?

I think that electric cars and private insurance being sold through Tesla-like companies around the world will be tough to overcome. While it is not a huge deal now, especially in our area, the electric car industry is growing quickly, and it is only a matter of time before we start seeing this affecting us directly.

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