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The Coronarita is a drink that seems to defy gravity. You would expect that, when you flip the beer updside down in your cocktail, the mixture would overflow and spill all over the place. But curiously, it all stays in place.
How the Coronarita works has to do with pressure. If you flipped a bottle of Corona upside down normally, the beer would fall out and be replaced inside the bottle by air. But, in a Coronarita, the mouth of the bottle is surrounded by liquid, which prevents air from entering the bottle. The air that is inside the bottle creates pressure that keeps the beer from spilling out into the margarita. But, when you sip on the margarita with a straw, the liquid level in the glass will go down, and the beer inside the bottle will then flow into the glass to make up for the missing liquid.
> Matt Banaszynski CEO of IIAW
Ingredients • Ice cubes • Rimming salt • 1 1/2 oz. silver tequila • 3/4 oz. triple sec • 3 oz. lime sour mix • 1, 12 oz. bottle of Corona, Dos Equis, Pacifico, Tecate, Carta
Blanca, Modelo or any Mexican beer
Steps to Make It 1. Pour ice cubes, tequila, triple sec, and lime sour mix into a cocktail shaker. 2. Shake the mixture and strain it into a salted pint glass. 3. Quickly flip the beer upside down and place it into the drink, so it dispenses slowly as you drink your delicious Coronarita from a straw.
Whether you call it a Coronarita, a Mexican Bulldog Margarita, or a Mexican Car Crash, this tequila-inspired Mexican drink recipe is sure to be a hit with your friends and family. Though this drink is not always served in a traditional margarita glass, it still delivers on the familiar and refreshing flavors of two classic beverages. Perfect for Cinco de Mayo.
SFM receives Financial Strength Rating of A- (Excellent) from AM Best Members in the N ws e
SFM Mutual Insurance Co. has received a Financial Strength Rating of “A- (Excellent)” and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of “a-“ from AM Best Rating Services, Inc. The rating was announced in a press release issued by A.M. Best on March 2, 2020.
According to the press release, “ The ratings reflect SFM’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best categorizes as very strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, limited business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management.
SFM’s risk-adjusted capitalization, as measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR), is categorized as strongest, and AM Best expects it to remain at a similar level in future years. The balance sheet strength assessment also considers the company’s low reinsurance dependence, improving liquidity and elevated underwriting leverage ratios. SFM has generated an adequate level of operating performance, predominantly supported by moderate underwriting gains and a consistent stream of investment income. SFM’s limited business profile is due to the group being monoline workers’ compensation insurers with modest geographic concentration. While the group is licensed and operating in 30 states, it does business primarily in five core states: Minnesota, where it is the market-share leader, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. “