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IIAW Partners with MarshBerry to bring an exciting professional development course to Wisconsin!
Many people can attest to the benefits of taking a step back and making a fresh plan with the vision now in front of you. While a global pandemic provides a bit more time and perspective for this type of activity, it isn’t always as simple as it might seem. Nevertheless, the IIAW Emerging Leaders Committee is ready to offer an exciting sales and leadership professional development opportunity once again. The feedback and input from our members gave us the direction to build a program that proactively addresses the needs in our industry and provides ready-to-use tools to drive sales and success. And who better to partner with than the team at MarshBerry.
In August, facilitators from MarshBerry will join us in the Fox Valley to offer a 1.5-day experience just for IIAW members. Through careful planning and preparation, a thoughtful agenda of handson training has been compiled. MarshBerry facilitators will provide their valuable insight into the insurance industry and will then transition down a learning path focused on selling techniques and collaborative success.
It is time to hit the restart button. Recharge your sales engine. Refresh your perspective on working together. And renew your culture with a “Believe It, Sell It, Demand It” spirit. Watch for communication on registration coming soon in our weekly Big I Buzz e-newsletter and on our social media outlets.