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Home Warranty Coverage
Attached is excerpt from Choice Home Warranty (not attached for this reprinting) regarding the heating system. I have been told that there is no coverage for the furnace because an internal gas valve is the cause of the problem. The repair technician and the home warranty adjuster disagree on coverage. Do you feel I can argue this and how should my argument be worded?
You should not involve yourself in this situation. Do not offer opinions outside your licensure unless you are an attorney. ---------- Is this part of an insurance policy the agency sold or just a warranty the customer entered into with another party and they want their insurance agent to opine? I’d be careful about offering opinions about products you don’t sell. ----------
This question should be submitted to competent legal counsel. ----------
It’s a legal question and should be answered by a lawyer. ----------
First, this is not Insurance.” More importantly, why are you giving advice (interpreting contracts is legal work) on something you shouldn’t be involved with in the first place?
(NOTE: As agents we want to help, but don’t help” your way into a hole in which you do not want to be. Stick with advising on the insurance policies you sell there is enough there to keep you busy.)