1st Delegates Booklet 24th Until 26th of June 2016
Hoy AIESEC! Apa Kabar? [How do you feel?] Luar biasa! [Excellent!]. Have you ever been to Indonesia? Is it your first time here? Or how about attending an unforgettable conference in Indonesia? Here with love I welcome you to Indonesia, and I welcome you to International Impact Conference 2016 (IIC 2016). The this is the assembly point of the whole intern that coming to Indonesia., have yourself a blast! Selamat datang. [Welcome.] For the first, congratula1on for you that have been pass the interview session and have been chosen as the delegate who would bring Impact in Indonesia’s history. Don’t get me wrong and don’t think if it’s too much! Because I believe like what Walt Disney said “if you can dream it, You can do it.”. So many thanks to you because IIC 2016 would not happen without your support, your energy and your passionate. Here what I want to promise you is there are a thousand reasons why you should not miss IIC 2016. Don’t you ever think that one conference can’t change your life. IIC as the plaJorm that would show you a bunch of unforgeKable memories in diversity with peoples from the other part of the world. Based on my real experience that I have never had expecta1on a conference changing my perspec1ve how I see this liKle world. Be connected with difference people from difference culture. The art of life that teach me knock out my ego and apathe1c nature, respect difference and care about everything around you. You can’t never know un1l you experience it. Feel the hype and the vibes, Create a story that not about you anymore, but your story in another person’s life story. Let's speak to the world, Let's show to the world, Let's make a history in this world. Make your voice be heard!
"For me, truly AIESEC can't change the world by itself. But AIESEC trust it to someone that can change it as a platform to activate leadership and humankind potential” – Nico Antonius Sumardi CCP of Interna1onal Impact Conference 2016 in Indonesia
Leadership Leadership development development AIESEC enables YOUNG PEOPLE TO BEGIN A
AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-run organization. Established in 1948 after the World War II as the background and the first purpose is to reconnect human being and create peace. OUR INTERNATIONAL PLATFORM ENABLES YOUNG PEOPLE TO EXPLORE & DEVELOP THEIR LEADERSHIP POTENTIAL WHILE CREATING POSITIVE IMPACTS IN SOCIETY
What? What?
Our vision is to Create Peace And
We partner with many organizations
National Exchange Partner
Development Of Humankind’s
to provide professional
Potential. We believe this is possible if
development for youth through the
we can develop the youth become a
Global Citizen Development
leaders that needed by the world
Youth Speak National Conferences
not only for today, but also the future.
Ambassadorship Program
A I E S E C i n P r a s e 6 y a M u l y a University officially started in October 2011. Prase6ya Mulya University notably as the best business school in Indonesia was expanding its reach -‐ noted by the increasing number of students accepted -‐ at the 6me of our p r o p o s a l t o b e a n A I E S E C Expansion. What AIESEC offers is a m a z i n g l y m a t c h w i t h “Prasmulyan” goal to be a future business champion. Office address: The Avani, Lavanya Ammarilla Cluster. Ammarilla 4 street, Block D9/5, BSD-‐Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia 15311
IIC 2016 International Impact Conference is a 3 day event hosted by AIESEC PM University in Tangerang, Indonesia. It is comprised of a 1-day Press Conference and 2-day Impact Summit. 1 -day Press Conference showcases how social impact is created by projects AIESEC provides across the country and resulting growth in Indonesia, because of EPs (Exchange Participant) are willingly to give their passion travel abroad here. 2-day Impact Summit aims to facilitate powerful conversations about the impact on young people (both local and international) and various sectors who are heading towards empowering Indonesia through supporting the different Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations with the right leadership.
WHY IIC Through this conference, AIESEC Indonesia aims to engage more young people, organizations and various government sectors in our social development ventures to build a better future for Indonesia and its people. This can be realized through our project exhibition, networking, partnership ideation space and workshops facilitated both by AIESEC and its partners.
Date and Place: Tangerang, Indonesia 24th - 26th of June 2016
Special Event : Press Conference Gloval Vil age Impact Summit Stay at 4 stars Hotel – Santika ICE premiere BSD City
Media is involved in our event
Global Village is an event in which
Conference will last for 3 days
to showcase to the public
participants will hold a
and 2 nights. At the conference
society that this conference is
conference with a cultural show
there will be 8 material
one of AIESEC steps on reaching
featuring a variety of items
presented. The expected goals of
the goals. The goal is to create
typical of their respective
the conference is to understand
peace and developing human
countries such as food, clothing
the impact of the project that
kind potential by making a
or dance, so the exchanger will
the delegates do and how its
have more experience on
measured from other social
networking with other people.
development organizations.
Vil age
Party &!
There would be:
Special Event Roll
Dance Good Music
Before traveling to Indonesia, you need to know some information about Indonesia at a glance
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. Located between Asia and Australia, Indonesia is an archipelago tropical. Indonesia comprises 17,000`s islands lie between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Population and culture is very diverse, because there are more than two hundred tribes and languages. Indonesia`s capital city is Jakarta.
The Republic of Indonesia is the largest Ultimate in Diversity archipelago in the world comprising 13,466 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many s>ll uninhabited and a number even s>ll unnamed. Straddling the equator, situated between the con<nents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, it is as wide as the United States from San Francisco to New York, equaling the distance between London and Moscow. Indonesia has a total popula<on of more than 215 million people from more than 200 ethnic groups. The na<onal language is Bahasa Indonesia.
A little of Awesomeness about Indonesia’s History Ever since prehistoric >mes the Indonesian archipelago has been inhabited. Java Man or pithecanthropus erectus (upright apeman) is the oldest known inhabitant here, having lived over a million years ago. Other more recent prehistoric species include the s>ll disputed homo Floresiensis, or the Flores hobbits, dwarf people, who have also made these islands their home.? Historically, Chinese chronicles men1on that trade between India, China and these islands was already thriving since the first century AD. The powerful mari1me empire of Criwijaya with capital around Palembang in southern Sumatra, was the centre for Buddhism learning and was known for its wealth. It held sway over the Sumatra seas and the Malacca Straits from the 7th to the 13th. century. In the 8th -‐9th century, the Sailendra Dynasty of the Mataram kingdom in Central Java built the magnificent Buddhist Borobudur temple in Central Java, this was followed by the construc1on of the elegant Hindu Prambanan Temple built by the Civais1c king Rakai Pikatan of the Sanjaya line.
Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia! Bahasa Indonesia is the na>onal and official language in the en>re country. It is the language of official communica>on, taught in schools and spoken on television. Most Indonesians today speak at least two languages or more, Bahasa Indonesia and their local language, of which Indonesia counts more than 300 regional languages. Bahasa Indonesia is based on the high Malay language as spoken and wriKen in the Riau Islands, as in the early 19th. century, Malay was the lingua franca throughout the then Dutch East Indies, the language spoken in trade transac1ons. The more democra1c Malay language was preferred by na1onalis1c youth above the Javanese language, despite the fact that Javanese is more sophis1cated and at the 1me spoken by the majority popula1on, Yet, Javanese is feudal as it has different levels of language depending on ones status and the status of the person spoken to. The Youth Pledge of 1928, therefore, vowed to build one Indonesian country, one na1on, speaking one language: bahasa Indonesia.
Popula6on: 255,461,700 (1st July 2015) Ethnic Groups: Javanese 45%, Sundanese 14%, Madurese 7.5%, coastal Malays 7.5%, Living on more than 13,400 islands, the Indonesian na>on today other 26% counts some 200 million popula>on comprising more than 200 Religions: ethnic groups. AOer Independence in 1945 inter-‐marriages among Muslim 88%, people of different ethnic groups have welded the popula>on into Protestant 5%, a more cohesive Indonesian na>on. Roman Catholic 3%, Hindu 2%, Buddhist 1%, The majority of the popula1on embraces Islam, while in Bali the other 1% Hindu religion is predominant. Whereas in areas like the Minahasa
Nation with a thousand of culture
Jacqueline Steenbeek "Indonesia is just like paradise, the people are friendly, the food is delicious, the nature is beautiful, and the culture is interesting” -‐ Miss World from Netherlands 201
in North Sulawesi, the Toraja highlands in South Sulawesi, in the East Nusatenggara islands and in large parts of Papua, in the Batak highlands as well as on Nias island in North Sumatra, the majority are either Catholics or Protestants. On the whole the Indonesian people are religious in nature.
Experiences in Tangerang Tangerang is rich of its culture. The tradi6onal dance and art is Tarian Lenggang Cisadane and Keseninan Gambang Kromong. GrafiZs, mural and stensil arts are drawn on along walls you’ll cross by. The tradi1onal food here is Laksa Tangerang, which is different with Laksa Betawi. You will also find lots of Chinese cultures in Tangerang. Some of the tourist aKrac1ons here is Museum Benteng Heritage. Here, the resident celebrate Kebaya Compe11on.
Pre Pre and and post post stay stay You can choose to stay before and/or ager D-‐day in our hotel, but we are not provide the accomoda1on and anything else The purpose of pre-‐ and/or post-‐staying is if you want to explore Indonesia more or having a holiday here. We give you sugges1on, it would be beKer if you plan it first and choose where to stay. This is some recommended website to booking as your trip advisor. www.traveloka.com/
Pre Pre and and post post stay stay For accomodation:
in short-‐distance (<10km) you can download Gojek apps in long-‐distance (>10km) you can download Uber/Gojek/Grab apps or call blue bird taxi(local Taxi) at (021) 79171234/7941234 The buses nearby BSD is usually free in fare.
We are inviting 126 countries and territories all over the World who are going to take a project in Indonesia. Â Â
Registration and Payment
Registra>on Method: fill in this registra1on form hRp://<ny.cc/HavingMeOnIIC2016 Payment Method: LC to CC Delegates pay to their LC, then LC will transfer to CC Delegates to CC Send to CC through western union LC: Local CommiKee CC: Conference CommiKee
Registration and Payment
Delegates To CC Payment methods 1. 2. 3.
Go to the nearest office of western union Fill in the form This is the data of the cc you need to send the money to Name: Nico antonius sumardi Address: Jalan karet belakang Province: Jakarta Country: Indonesia Postal code: 12940 Phone: +6281617172800
Confirm to iic2016.indonesia@gmail.com and do CC(Copy Carbon) to ivana.angelia@aiesec.net by lis6ng the name of sender, address, country nominal, transac6on number (MTCN)
Let’s meet the women behind! “To give posi1ve impact to people's lives is something that I see as truly rewarding because you have the chance to live your character, passsion and values through different people; and it's something that nobody can ever take away from them.” CLAUDEENE PEÑAFIEL Vice President for Community Development Programs; Agenda Manager of Impact Conference
“When you fail on something. doesn’t mean that is not for you.It’s like a baby who learn to walk and fall, you just need to prac1ce and never give up. Because work’s expert was once a trash.”
Nindia Swas> Putri Conference Manager IIC 2016
AIESEC in Indonesia Agenda and Conference Manager!
Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s meet theTeam behind!
DwipantaraTeam They all are the heroes behind!
Let’s meet theTeam behind! Kenny Oscar CC of Program & Logis1c
Stefina Bartolomeus CCVP of Finance
Nico Antonius CCP of IIC 216
Marceline Medianty CC of Program & Logis1c
Grabiella Christy CC of Finance
Ivana Angelia K. CCVP of Delegates Service
Clara Felician S. CC of Delegates Service
M. Qashmal Abrar CC of Delegates Service
They all are the heroes behind!
Sanamira Aliazahra CCVP of Partnership
Gary Leon Be CC of Partnership
Person to Contact Ivana Angelia K. (CCVP)
Mobile : +6281213109628 Email : ivana.angelia@aiesec.net
M. Qashmal Abrar (CC)
Mobile : +6282140401188 Email : m.qashmal@gmail.com
Clara Feliciani S. (CC)
Mobile : +628176423703 Email : clara.feliciani@gmail.com
Nico Antonius (CCP) Phone : +6281617172800
Email : nico.antonius@aiesec.net
Can’t Wait to See You Soon!