Hou cc newsletter december 2013

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PAGE 1 Chapter Forum Tour Recap Event Highlights Photo Collage Upcoming Event Leader’s Breakfast Houston PAGE 2 Upcoming Event Jingle Bell Wine Walk PAGE 3 Zero Landfill Recap Event Highlights Photo Collage PAGE 4 Zero Landfill Recap Event Highlights Photo Collage PAGE 5 Zero Landfill Recap Event Highlights Photo Collage PAGE 6 Free Membership Winners! PAGE 7 Upcoming Event Student Conference PAGE 8 JCS Project Highlight PAGE 9 JCS Project Highlight

IIDA Chapter Forum Tour Recap

McCoy Workplace Solutions and Steelcase generously provided underwriting for the Houston leg of this year's annual IIDA Chapter Forum Tour on October 29th. In addition to McCoy and Steelcase's wonderful hospitality, attendees were also treated to a unique program about branding presented by the IIDA Headquarter's team of Marc Trevino, Digital Media Manager and Kyler Queen, Creative Strategist. The program covered topics such as: creating and maintaining your personal brand, positioning brand on multiple platforms from print to digital, how the notion of “brand” changed the practice of Interior Design, what “brand” mean to individuals, designers, clients and volunteer leaders, and how can you leverage the power of brand without letting it overwhelm your content, message and intent. Thanks again to our underwriters and to IIDA Headquarters for putting together an enriching and educational evening!

Leader’s Breakfast is coming back to Houston! The IIDA Texas Oklahoma Chapter is pleased to announce the return of the highly coveted IIDA Leaders Breakfast Series to Houston in September 2 014. Proceeds will benefit the IIDA Texas Oklahoma Education Fund and the numerous scholarships and tuition benefits available to Interior Design students in the Region. Leaders Breakfast events feature a renowned keynote speaker that invokes, encourages and inspires attendees. During the event, host cities celebrate their regional successes and one particular Leader, chosen by the Host Committee, who most embodies leadership characteristics through their contributions to the industry. Herman Miller is proud to sponsor the Leader's Breakfast series with IIDA and Interior Design magazine and has a tradition of recognizing the leaders of our profession with this innovative, steadfast symbol of design excellence. Since its establishment, the IIDA Texas Oklahoma Education Fund has awarded over 25 students in more than 10 Interior Design programs reimbursement for tuition and study abroad opportunities. To learn how you can support the IIDA Texas Oklahoma Education Fund and the Future of Design, visit www.iida.org/content.cfm/foundation. December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

DIRECTOR Joanna Prazak, IIDA, RID, LEED AP CRG PrazakJ@crgoffice.com DIRECTOR ELECT Amanda Meininger, Assoc. IIDA Gensler Amanda_meininger@gen sler.com PAST DIRECTOR Kristy Emmrich, IIDA, RID, LEED AP Gensler Kristy_Emmrich@gensler. com PROGRAMS CO CHAIR Steavie Cain Quality Floor Covering scain@qservice.com PROGRAMS CO CHAIR Necia Bonner, IIDA, LEED AP Inventure Design Group Necia.bonner@invdesgro up.com PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAIR Jessy Fuller, IIDA, RID, EDAC, LEED AP J Tyler fuller@jtyler.com GRAPHICS CHAIR Daphne Yuanidis


UPCOMING EVENT: Jingle Bell Wine Walk

Daphne_yuanidis@gensler. com

COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR Sarah Waltisperger, Assoc. IIDA, LEED AP JMC Associates


CAMPUS CENTER LIASON Duraiya Khan duraiya.khan@outlook.co m

MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Charlotte McFadden, Office Pavilion cmcfadden@ophouston.co m

UNDERWRITING CHAIR Margot Prestel CRG PrestelM@crgoffice.com

December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

GRA/TAID CHAIR Shannah O’Neill, IIDA, RID Mustang Engineering Shannah.Oneill@mustang eng.com INDUSTRY CHAIR Kip Altstaetter The Kip Co kip@thekipco.com Community Service Chair Sean Pantin PBK Architects Sean.pantin@pbk.com Community Service Chair Heather Rogers, IIDA, RID McCoy hrogers@mccoyinc.com SUSTAINABLE CHAIR Stacy Dobbs Corporate Floors sdobbs@corporatefloors. com SUSTAINABLE LIAISON Kimberly Phipps-­‐Nichol, LEED AP O+M, CREW, IIDA Abel Design Group Kphipps-­‐ nichol@abeldesigngroup. com STUDENT CONFERENCE LIAISON Stephanie Fallon, MS, Assoc. IIDA, RID FKP Architects sfallon@fkp.com STUDENT CONFERENCE LIAISON Jennifer T renta Contract Resource Group trentaj@crgoffice.com


Zero Landfill Recap

ZeroLandfill™ is sustainability in action. Gratitude in motion as we celebrate a season of giving thanks. Let’s CELEBRATE. IIDA HCC hosted its first annual ZeroLandfill event in the month of November. Reuse is demonstrated not as merely an effort to reduce the waste generated in the interiors industry. Community is celebrated and enriched with creative materials. Materials that will end up in classrooms, artist studios and after school programs. Our first event in this market found value in 12,817.8 lbs. of materials that were otherwise destined for the landfill. ZeroLandfill™ is an award winning upcycling program held seasonally that supports the supply needs of local artists and arts educators while reducing pressure on local landfill capacity. Since 2006, the ZeroLandfill™ project team has partnered with the architectural and interior design community in identifying, diverting from local landfills and re-purposing back into the community over 1 million pounds of expired specification samples that hold value for other audiences. ZeroLandfill™ is a project of BeeDance, LLC.

ZeroLandfill™ enriches the community while providing a solution to what is considered waste. Interior designers and architects have expired specification samples. Artists and arts educators have material needs for artwork and classroom projects.

Want to find out about upcoming events and CEU’s, check out photos, and join the conversation? Like us on Facebook and stay up-­‐to-­‐date! https://www.facebook.com/pages/IIDA-­‐Houston-­‐ City-­‐Center/153883372344 December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


UPCOMING EVENTS th December 19 Jingle Bell Wine Walk th January 16 TAID Chili Cook-­‐Off th st February 20 & 21 Student Conference th March 20 Dress For Success Project Tour + Suit Drive th April 25 Product Runway th May 15 Credits & Cocktails th June 1 9 Project Tour (TBD) th July 17 Barrier Free CEU September 2014 Leader’s Breakfast Houston

Zero Landfill Cntd Volunteers manage the program from finding space to marketing. ZeroLandfill™ activities are inspired by the behavior of the honeybee. Activities include Harvest, Cultivation, Pollination and Celebration. Pollination: collection of expired specification samples and materials from interior designers and architects. A drop off location is ideal. Cultivation: preparing the materials for pick up. Work includes sorting and weighing by material type, removing carpet samples from books, recycling paper from binders and stacking and restacking materials as they arrive. Harvest: the creative community is invited to pick up materials for their use. There is joy and energy in the room as materials are discovered, projects are imagined and new connections are made. Celebration: rewarding the volunteers. Celebrate the success of your program with volunteers, leadership, material donors and the creative community by sharing tonnage diverted from landfill, classroom projects realized and satisfaction of enriching your community. The pounds of materials diverted from the landfill is CELEBRATED as the materials have a second life in the community. Materials are not recycled, but rather upcycled. That is, the materials are kept intact and re-used for another purpose.

December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


Zero Landfill Cntd


VOLUNTEER HOURS Pollination (Drop Off) - 8 hours

HOST & EVENT SPONSOR – JCS – Office Furniture Dealer www.j-c-s.com

Cultivate (Sort) – 10 hours

Category and lbs. diverted

Harvest (Distribution) – 10 hours

Stone – 3452 lbs.

Redistribution (loading & unloading) – 8 hours

Carpet – 2655 lbs.

Planning – 4 hours

Wood – 1708 lbs.

Super Star Volunteer of ZeroLandfill – Kara Tumlinson of JCS

Recycled Paper – 1370.5 lbs.

35+ volunteers pollinated, cultivated, harvested & distributed

Fabric – 1030 lbs. Wallcovering – 436.50 lbs.

20+ A & D Firms and Industry Partners donated materials

Laminate – 57 lbs.

28 guests attended from FB event

Paper – 179.8 lbs.

176 guests invited from FB event

Rubber – 63 lbs.

Glass – 838.5 lbs. Metal – 181.5 lbs. Vinyl – 498.5 lbs. Other (Art & Lamps) – 347.5 lbs. 143 binders

GRAND TOTAL: 12,817.8 lbs.

Thank you to everyone who helped make the 1st Annual Zero Landfill a huge success! We are looking forward to next year’s event! December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


Free Membership Winners!

Each year IIDA Houston City Center awards two New Membership Awards to deserving individuals who have shown a great interest and dedication to our City Center. IIDA Houston City Center is excited to introduce to you this year’s IIDA New Membership Award recipients: Name: Jessica (McBride) Taccolini, RID, EDAC Firm: American Art Resources Title: Project Manager

School: Abilene Christian University, Bachelors of Science in Interior Design with a minor in Art Why I think IIDA is Awesome: I am honored to b e the recipient of this year’s p rofessional IIDA membership giveaway and have much appreciation for the organization. I think IIDA is awesome because of the people. It is not only great for professional development and connections; it is a group of designers you can truly call your friends. Favorite IIDA Event: Art & Artifacts Name: Emily Willner Firm: HOK Title: Interior Design Professional School: Maryville University in St. Louis, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design Why I think IIDA is Awesome: IIDA brings people in our industry together, which I think is something that our industry has that makes it special. Not only does IIDA spark potentiation professional connections and start friendships, it also brings p eople together to help make a difference in the community. Favorite IIDA Event: Product Runway

December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


UPCOMING EVENT: Student Conference th

Underwriting has begun for 14 annual Student Conference, and several opportunities have already been claimed. Visit www.iidastudentconference.com/underwriting.html to download the underwriting package and to access the online registration form. Registration for conference attendance will open on Monday nd December 2 . The first 50 students will be invited to participate in a special “early bird” event hosted by our Conference Headliner st immediately after the Keynote Luncheon on February 21 . Visit www.iidastudentconference.com/student-­‐registration.html for detailed registration information and to access the registration form. Form will be live at midnight 12/2/13. Discounted registration is available for IIDA m embers. If not a member yet, please visit www.iida.org/content.cfm/students to apply and send confirmation to Stephanie McPeak, TX-­‐OK VP of Campus Centers, at slmcpeak@hotmail.com. Design Charrette invitations will be sent to all Texas Oklahoma Chapter Campus Centers by the end of January. Only Campus Centers listed as “active” on 1/1/2014 will receive invitations. All campuses need to submit applications to update their information every fall. Visit www.iida.org/content.cfm/campus-­‐centers to complete this form. Opportunities to participate on the SC14 committee are still available. Positions include Coordinator (team leader for specific conference events) and Volunteer (assigned to specific conference events or simply available for service during the conference). Contact the Student Conference Chairs for more information and to sign up. Key Dates 11/8/2013 Underwriting Opens 12/2/2013 Registration Opens 1/3/2013 Early Bird Underwriting Closes 1/31/2014 Registration and Underwriting Close th 2/20 -­‐ 2/21/13 14 annual Student Conference For questions or comments, contact the 2014 Student Conference Chairs: Stephanie Fallon: sfallon@fkp.com Jennifer Trenta: trentaj@crgoffice.com

December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


December Project Highlight

JCS is pleased to showcase one of their most recent projects, Environmental Resource Management (ERM). ERM came to JCS early in 2012 with a unique set of challenges. While some of their offices in other markets had upgraded their spaces and technology integration successfully, ERM Houston was still in their old space, largely confined to private offices and lacking the collaborative environment that their corporate office was mandating. They wanted a

showcase space both for their clients and their employees that emphasized their collaborative culture and their concern for environments that combine safety, respect for the environment and their welcoming attitude towards both internal and external clients. The change from the private office environment to an almost completely open plan environment was a bit of a shock to some of their existing employees, so ERM wanted to roll out these changes in a clear and positive way. The measurement of success would be attracting and retaining n ew talent while guiding their existing staff through a successful culture change. JCS and Teknion offered the services of Kay Sargent, CID, IIDA, LEED AP ID+C. (Kay is Teknion’s Vice President of Architecture, Design & Workplace Strategies.) Kay met with the key members of ERM’s management, Teknion’s local representatives, JCS Team members and the design team from STG Architects. She conducted multiple meetings with ERM’s current staff, identifying key players to be “Change Champions” and teaching them how to be leaders in change management. The sales, design and operations teams at JCS collaborated with STG on how to fit 300+ people of diverse p ersonalities with equally diverse job descriptions into an open plan environment that was not only functional but also spacious, beautiful and flexible.

The end result included 120 degree stations in pods of no more than 12, usually of 6 -­‐8 seats apiece that are separated with frosted glass panels at 51” high. Each station has a box/file pedestal with an upholstered seat in one of three colors of bright fabrics that give a pop of color when pulled out. Nine workstations per floor are designated as sit-­‐to-­‐stand workstations with the entire workstation b eing electrically adjustable. December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

Over 70% of ERM’s employees do not have assigned workstations and instead choose a workstation to work at each day


December Project Highlight Cntd Over 70% of ERM’s employees do not have assigned workstations and instead choose a workstation to work at each d ay when they arrive. The “hoteling” concept allowed STG and JCS to devote more space to casual meeting areas than ERM had before. Elements include casual meeting areas with sofas and mobile lounge chairs with tablet arms. Each of the two floors also houses several huddle rooms for larger meetings and half a dozen telephone rooms that have two seats and a half round table for private phone conversations. Each floor also has a large break area with wood side chairs and a large central island. In the larger 6th floor break area, fully upholstered banquettes also provide a comfortable p lace to nest or work casually while enjoying a cup of coffee. We appreciate the opportunity to share this special project with the rest of the Houston design and furniture industry and sincerely thank STG Architects, Trademark Construction and the entire ERM Houston Team for the privilege of working with them to create this u nique and beautiful space.

Photos courtesy of Joe Aker.

December 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

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