HOUSTON CITY CENTER DIRECTOR Kimberly Phipps-Nichol Inventure Design Group Kphipps-nichol@ invdesgroup.com
DIRECTOR ELECT Kimberly Serrano Gensler
kimberly_serrano@ gensler.com
IIDA Student Conference 2016 | Event Recap 165 Interior Design Students from colleges all over the United States 190 Credentialed industry professionals volunteering their time to mentor, coach and create the designers of tomorrow from prestigious architecture and design firms and companies 80 Expo Exhibitors, a mix of firms, product vendors and colleges 35 Educators 32 Tour stops 4 Amazing 101 Topics 30 Design portfolio reviewers 20 Mock interviewers 1 Panel breakfast of professionals to deep dive into a day in the life in a Q&A session 1 Breakfast to make a lasting 1st Impression 2 Intense workshops 1 Mind bending charrette competition 1 Dynamic keynote speaker Numerous volunteers, coordinators and insane amounts of overtime, blood, sweat and tears to create one amazing event! -Monica Ward, HCC Student Conference Liaison
PAST DIRECTOR Amanda Meininger Tandus-Centiva ameininger@tanduscentiva.com
PUBLIC RELATIONS CHAIR Heather Barlow T&L Distributing hbarlow@tldistributing.com
COMMUNITY SERVICE CO CHAIR Kristina Lopez Kimball Kristina.lopez@kimball.com
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
COMMUNITY SERVICE CO CHAIR Jennifer Brugliera Koroseal Jbrugliera@koroseal.com
SAVE THE DATE! Student Conference 2017 Preregistration open NOW! Save the Date for 2017’s event on February 22nd-24th.
UNDERWRITING CO CHAIR Stephanie Foster Tandus-Centiva sfoster@tanduscentiva.com
UNDERWRITING CO CHAIR Sean Pantin PBK Architects Sean.Pantin@PBK.com
CAMPUS CENTER CHAIR Kressia Rodriguez English + Associates Architects krodriguez@englisharchitects.com
ADVOCACY CHAIR Necia Bonner Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas Necia_bonner@fmi.com
2016 Attendees
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
HOUSTON CITY CENTER COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR Anna Garrison Dunn Workplace Solutions annad@wpsolutions.com
TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW! 8th Annual IIDA Product Runway This year’s IIDA Product Runway will be held on April 22nd at Revention Music Center, beginning at 8:00p. Tickets: https://www.iidaproductrunway.com/tickets
SUSTAINABILITY CHAIR Ashley Elks Powers Brown Architecture elks@powersbrown.com
SUSTAINABILITY LIASON Evelyn Band OFI esamband@gmail.com
MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Ryan Rice Gunlocke RiceR@Gunlocke.com
INDUSTRY CHAIR Kristin Balden SitOnIt Seating KBalden@exemplis.com
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
PROGRAMS & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO CHAIR Charlotte McFadden Office Pavilion cmcfadden@ ophouston.com
IIDA Chili Cook-Off benefitting TAID | Event Recap February 4th found the design community kickin’ up their boots at the annual IIDA Chili Cook-Off benefitting TAID (Texas Association of Interior Designers). The Giulietta Sociale hosted the group in their eclectic, cozy bar for the evening. Chili team themes ranged from: Star Wars Deathstar Chili to E-Bowl-A Chili to Hawaiian Chili. There was even a team that came dressed as chickens! Awards were presented for Best Traditional Chili, Best Unusual Ingredient, Spiciest Chili, and Most Spirited. A big thank you to all of our vendors who sponsored a design team and a special thanks to Pioneer Contract Services and McCoy Workplace Solutions for their generous underwriting for the event. See you guys next year for more fun and more chili! -Necia Bonner, HCC Advocacy Chair
PROGRAMS & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CO CHAIR Margot Prestel-Mann MDI Resources margot@mdiresources.com
ASSOCIATES CHAIR Kate Barkmann Humanscale kbarkmann@ humanscale.com
STUDENT CONFERENCE LIASON Monica Ward McCoy mward@mccoyinc.com
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
HOUSTON CITY CENTER IIDA Chapter Leadership Summit | A Note from the Director March is a busy time for IIDA’s Texas/Oklahoma Chapter, and one of those reasons is that we hosted our inaugural Chapter Leadership Summit the first weekend in Dallas. Officers from Chapter, leaders from all of Chapter’s 8 City Centers, and several members interested in serving came together to talk about leadership in IIDA, and what it takes to cultivate and nurture the ongoing generations of leadership required to keep a membership organization relevant and strong. Houston is home to more than a dozen of the 80 participants this year. Having the opportunity to mix with so many others committed to the profession of Interior Design, and IIDA as our voice, was both humbling and invigorating. Sessions ranged from Association 101 with IIDA’s CEO Cheryl Durst and Leadership 101 with Dr. Nguyen “Tom” Griggs of Lead Connect Grow, to special features such as Getting Kick A$$ Volunteers & Leaders from Ryan Ben with IIDA HQ and an evening swinging clubs at Top Golf. The great medley of people, venues and sessions that were informative, engaging and all-out fun made for fantastic memories, lots of new friendships, and some exciting ideas that we are bringing back to our City Centers. Stay tuned for more in the coming months... Serious props are due to a lot of dedicated people who made significant efforts to take this from an idea to a reality in under 9 months. Thank you Cheryl Durst for throwing down the charge to create such an event at our July 2015 Chapter Board Retreat, and to our Chapter President, Joanna Prazak, for picking up the ball and running with it like an Italian Greyhound. Like they say here in the Lone Star State, Everything is Bigger in Texas, and IIDA Texas/Oklahoma Chapter is no exception. -Kimberly Phipps-Nichol, HCC Director
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
HOUSTON CITY CENTER IIDA Zero Landfill | Pollinate Event Recap IIDA Zero Landfill Committee’s Pollinate Event was a great success! Sponsored by JCS and Global, the Pollinate Event culminated with industry networking and an IDCEC Accredited CEU: Deconstructing Sustainable Jargon. Holyn Nickerson, Global’s Director of A+D Strategic Initiatives presented the CEU which shed light on sustainable practices, certifications and governing bodies that the commercial furniture industry has put in place. The purpose of these governing bodies is to ensure that our industry remains focused on sustainable practices and the wellbeing of the environment around us. The CEU included point of views from Herman Miller, IZZY, Nucraft and Steelcase, confirming industry wide agreement on the importance of sustainable practices. The Forest Stewardship Council was featured. FSC’s vision, is to meet current needs for forest products, without compromising the health of the world’s forests for future generations. Global is the largest recycler in Canada. One example is the Global Cut and Sew Division, it cuts textiles in preparation for the upholstery process. Bundling scrap textiles for recycling was a first step in dealing with production waste, but Global knew there was a better way. Global formed a partnership with Echoes in the Attic, an eco-retailer who uses textile scraps in handbag and pillow designs. Global looked beyond its own walls to find a new solution – and as a result the Cut and Sew Department achieved 100% sustainability status. For more information about Global and their Environmental Commitment check out: https://www.globalfurnituregroup.com/us/company/environmental-commitment
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
HOUSTON CITY CENTER Seeking IIDA Mentoring Day Stories from HCC Members Did you sign up to mentor an IIDA Student member as part of the IIDA Mentoring Day initiative? If so, we would love to see your photos and hear your stories of how it went. On March 16, IIDA Houston City Center Director, Kimberly Phipps-Nichol of Inventure Design Group, hosted Jennifer Gregory of Stephen F. Austin State University as part of the program. A great experience was had by all. From red-line meetings to client conference calls, and lunch and learns to internal team design presentations, Jennifer got to experience a true, day-in-the-life at one of IIDA Houston’s long-supportive firms. Jennifer even helped IDG’ers load Kimberly’s car full of the last round of IIDA Zero Landfill materials to be taken to JCS for the upcoming distribution of materials to the community on April 2nd. And from Jennifer: Thank you so much for allowing me to come to your work place and experience the every day life of an interior designer. I appreciated the opportunity to shadow you and explore the ins and outs of the design industry. I thoroughly enjoyed watching an idea go through numerous phases before reaching a solution that pleases the client. It was a wonderful experience to participate in all the different aspects and positions an interior designer holds while advancing in their career. The exposure to a working design business was great preparation for my future career. We’d love to hear how your experience went. If you’d like to share your IIDA Mentoring Day story with us, please send your 1-2 paragraph write-up with a couple of photos to: Anna Dunn, HCC Communications Chair at: annad@wpsolutions.com and put IIDA Mentoring Day story in the Subject line. -Kimberly Phipps-Nichol, HCC Director
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
Autumn Gloetzner from PDR to DLR Group Dana Thierry from PDR to Workplace Solutions FKP to 3737 Buffalo Speedway, Suite 1200 Jane Medina from PDR to Page Jessica Neiser from PDR to STG Megan Twomey from PDR to Interior Architects MG Architects to 14333 Grisby Rawa Rassam from FKP to Pfluger Associates Ross Morgan from PBK to Huckabee Ryan Rice from Pioneer Contract Services to Gunlocke Sherry Michna from LG Hausys to Hallmark Building Supply Vikki Benefiel from PDR to Ziegler Cooper Architects
INTERESTED IN BEING FEATURED IN OUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER? Email Heather Barlow at: hbarlow@tldistributing.com
IIDA Leaders Breakfast | Committee Volunteers Needed The TX OK Chapter will once again host Leaders Breakfast in Houston and is looking for committee volunteers. The IIDA Leaders Breakfast is an annual international event series that celebrates design's importance in the global market place by honoring the people who are both the legacy and future of design. Each chosen host city organizes a breakfast that features a renowned keynote speaker to provoke and encourage new ideas, and recognizes one city-selected honoree who has made significant contributions to the design industry.
INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED WITH A PREMIERE IIDA EVENT? For more information, contact Kristy Emmrich at kristy_emmrich@gensler.com or Megan Ebert at mebert@kendall-heaton.com
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org
ZeroLandfill | Celebration Ceremony Please join IIDA at the ZeroLandfill Celebration Ceremony on April 27th from 6:30-8:30p at Reader’s Wholesale Distributors (8010 Kempwood Drive, Houston, Texas 77055)
ZEROLANDFILL: CELEBRATION CEREMONY APRIL 27, 2016 6:30p Reader’s Wholesale Distributors SPRING GARDEN PARTY MAY 19TH, 2016
APRIL 2016 | iida-tx-ok.org