IIDA Houston City Center Connect

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PAGE 1 TAID CEU’s Event Highlights Photo Collage PAGE 2 Chili Cookoff New Student Campus Centers PAGE 3 NCIDQ Study Class Sign Up Info Congrats! PAGE 4 CEU-­‐ Design Going Forward Event Highlights Photo Collage Chapter Forum T our Event Highlights Photo Collage PAGE 5 AIA Gingerbread Comp. Photo Collage Furniture Bank Gala Photo Collage PAGE 6 Student Conference

Sunset Commission Staff Report on TBAE- CEU’s On November 29th and December 6th the Executive Director of the Texas Association for Interior Design, Donna Vining, spoke about TAID and the Sunset Commission staff report. This report recommends the deregulation of Registered Interior Designers in Texas. Donna gave a history of Interior Design legislation in Texas and discussed the current legislation and the Sunset Review. Attendees learned how the report affects us and how to get involved. Thank you to Knoll for underwriting both events!

All of our hard work over the past weeks has paid off. Here are the results from the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission meeting: • Motion to deregulate Registered Interior Designers in Texas– FAILED • Motion to remove the Registered Interior Designer from the TBAE Board – FAILED • Motion to hold Sunset review on Texas Board of Architectural Examiners in 6 years – FAILED • A new motion was made to require all presently grandfathered Registered Interior Designers to take the NCIDQ Exam within 3 years – PASSED • A new motion was made for TBAE to create additional pathways to registration that more closely align with those of NCIDQ. – FAILED The entire TBAE board would like to extend a huge thank you to all of you for all of the calls that you have made, letters you have written and emails that you h ave sent to assist in this fight. Today is proof that your efforts do matter and that there truly is strength in numbers. We do not require any additional action from you at this time. TAID will be discussing the motion regarding grandfathering and determining our strategy as we move through the upcoming legislative session. If you would like to view the webcast from the meeting you can view it here. -­‐ http://www.sunset.state.tx.us/agendas.htm Again, thank you for your continued support. We wish you all a happy holiday season and a prosperous new year. January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


DIRECTOR Kristy Emmrich, IIDA, RID Gensler Kristy_emmrich@gensler. com DIRECTOR ELECT Joanna Prazak, Assoc. IIDA, LEED AP ID+C Contract Resource Group prazakj@crgoffice.com PAST DIRECTOR Shannah O’Neill, IIDA, RID Mustang Engineering



PROGRAMS CO CHAIR Steavie Cain Quality Floor Covering scain@qservice.com PROGRAMS CO CHAIR Necia Bonner, IIDA, LEED AP Inventure Design Group Necia.bonner@invdesgro up.com PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAIR Ann Briganti, IIDA, RID McCoy Inc. abriganti@mccoyinc.com PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAIR Toni Cosper, IIDA, LEED AP, EDAC Morris Architects toni.cosper@morrisarchit ects.com GRAPHICS CHAIR Daphne Yuanidis Gensler Daphne_yuanidis@gensler. com

COMMUNICATIONS CHAIR Sarah Waltisperger, Assoc. IIDA, LEED AP JMC Associates


ASSOCIATES CHAIR Jennifer T renta Contract Resource Group trentaj@crgoffice.com

MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Lindsey Craig, Assoc. IIDA, LEED AP MDI Resources Lindsey@mdiresources.co m

UNDERWRITING CHAIR Amanda Meininger, Assoc. IIDA Gensler Amanda_meininger@gen sler.com

Teams must register online by January 7th, 2013. Please contact Amy Gilmore (agilmore@zieglercooper.com) for team information and underwriting opportunities. 01.03.2013

Underwriting Deadline


Team Registration Deadline-­‐ EXTENDED UNTIL 1/11

$75.00 per Chili Team with 5 cooks

$10.00 for each additional cook

Free entry to event and event t-­‐shirts for team members.


Chili cook-­‐off

5:30pm-­‐6:30pm Team/ Judge Check-­‐in

6:30pm Open to Public

7:30pm-­‐8:00pm Official Judging

8:30pm Awards

STUDENT CENTER UPDATE We would like to welcome our newest Student Campus Centers! Congrats to Stephen F. Austin and Lonestar College-­‐ Kingwood on joining IIDA! We’re happy to have you on board! January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


UNDERWRITING CHAIR Monica Rohling Interface Monica.rohling@interfac eflor.com GRA/TAID CHAIR Amy Gilmore, IIDA, RID, LEED AP Ziegler Cooper Agilmore2003@gmail.com

NCIDQ A huge Congrats to those that took and passed the recent NCIDQ test!! If you or anyone you know want to take the upcoming test, we’re starting another study group. Don’t forget to sign up!

INDUSTRY CHAIR Kristin Leigh Jones Edelman Leather kristinleighj@edelmanlea ther.com SUSTAINABLE CHAIR Stacy Dobbs Texan Floor Service sdobbs@texanfloor.com STUDENT CONFERENCE LIASON Jessy Fuller, IIDA, RID, EDAC, LEED AP J Tyler fuller@jtyler.com STUDENT CONFERENCE LIASON Stephanie Fallon, MS, Assoc. IIDA FKP Architects sfallon@fkp.com Community Service Chair Laura Thompson JCS lthompson@j-­‐c-­‐s.com Community Service Chair Sean Pantin PBK Architects Sean.pantin@pbk.com

January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org


UPCOMING EVENTS th January 17 TAID Chili Cook Off February 21/22 Student Days st March 21 Healthcare Project Tour th April 19 Product Runway May TBD Leaders Breakfast May TBD Green Ecent th June 2 0 Barrier Free CEU

CEU- Design Going Forward On November 15th, a small group of designers met for an evening CEU hosted in tandem by OM Workspace at their BRAND NEW showroom in the GALLERIA AREA and Teknion. The topic was “Design Going Forward”. Kay Sargent with Teknion spoke of different design techniques that could currently be used, but are not as widely accepted in the industry….yet. Kay kept the audience engaged and involved throughout the presentation. OM Workspace generously provided refreshments, tasty bites, and their showroom as a meeting p lace.

CEU- Chapter Forum Tour On November 12th, the Houston City Center hosted the annual Chapter Forum Speak Tour. This year’s speaker, Dennis Krause, Hon. IIDA, is the Senior VP of IIDA and his presentation “Philanthropy-­‐ Designing a Plan for Giving Back”, focused on the IIDA Foundation and how members can participate in this part of the Association when considering their charitable donations. Thanks so much to CRG and Allsteel for providing and great space to have a CEU and delicious food!

January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

HOUSTON CITY CENTER AIA Gingerbread Competition

A small group of IIDA members formed a team and competed in the annual AIA Gingerbread Competition. The team brainstormed, designed, and executed a “Light House” themed gingerbread house. Good weather combined with great friends made for a fun competition!

Furniture Bank Gala- IIDA Volunteers In celebration of 20 years of charitable giving, the Houston Furniture Bank marked its anniversary with a Gala on Thursday, Nov. 8th in the beautiful lobby of the iconic Williams Tower. IIDA board members volunteered to give back and help with check in at this lovely event. We love to support our local charities!

January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org



THIS JUST IN: Haworth has generously committed to being the Event Underwriter for SC13!

Don’t delay! There are still wonderful underwriting opportunities available. http://www.iidastudentconference.com/underwriting.html




JCS Social Media Steelcase, USG Interiors, LLC Platinum CRG, Crossville, Inc., Furniture Marketing Group, G.L. Seaman & Company, Herman Miller, Hossley Lighting Associates, J. Tyler, The Mohawk Group/Daltile, McCoy Workplace Solutions/McCoy Floor Covering/Rockford Business Interiors, Patcraft, Professional Furniture Consultants, S haw Contract Group, Tandus Flooring, Teknion, Wilson Office Interiors, Workplace Resource Gold Cronan & Associates, Horizon Italian Tile, J&J/Invision, LG Hausys, Paoli, Inc., Philadelphia & Queen Commercial by Shaw, Southwest Solutions Group, TRI-­‐KES Silver Armstrong, Art + Artisans Consulting, bkm Total Office of Texas, Business Interiors, Business Interiors by Staples, Concept Surfaces, Debner + Company, Forbo Flooring Systems, The Gunlocke Company, hart[associates], HAWA Americas, Haworth, Intensa Medical, J Fyffe Company, Kenmark, Inc., Kimball Office, Knoll, Inc., KSM Associates, LESCO Architectural Lighting, National Office Furniture, Office Pavilion, The OFIS, P.S. Gerry, Inc., Reid Cooper Associates, Skyline Art Services, Vanguard Environments, Inc., Vector Concepts, WRG January 2013 | iida-tx-ok.org

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