Markmantra May 2015

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MarkMantra May 2015

From the editors’ desks:


ing out Wild Bells to the Wild Sky;

Sake” attempt?? So we present to you an analysis

Ring out The Old, Ring in The

of the most outrageous and outlandish campaigns

New!” –wrote

Alfred Tennyson

that challenged the Indian Social Fabric under the

to usher the new dawn. Inspired by these lines, we

auspices of “From The House of MarkMantra”

bring to you the latest May Edition of MarkMantra

Section. To say the Magical Cabaret ends here

- “The Indian Marketing Cabaret”. To make the

won’t be true. The Cabaret also features a bou-

Cabaret- enigmatic and dazzling like never before,

quet of articles covering the latest buzz in Indian

an eclectic assortment of new sections, draped in

Marketing Scenario be it Rural Marketing or Os-

vivacious designs, has been presented to the read-

tentatious Sports Ads or Tabloid News!! The

ers. The assortment includes Summer Diaries –that

“Curtain Raiser” of the Cabaret isn’t over without a

attempts to help our readers in their last minute

mention of the Intriguing Trivia lined as showstop-

preparations of Summer Reports; Corporate Con-

pers. To conclude “The May Edition” is part of our

nect- that strives to demystify B2B Sales & Mar-

endeavour to “Ink an Indelible Mark” in the hearts

keting; and lastly the prestigious Mark Mantra Leg-

of our readers and the landscape of B-school Mar-

acy Column where the erstwhile Editor-In-Chief


shares one’s knowledge on “Digital Marketing”.

Happy Reading!!

However what is Cabaret without an “Art for Art’s

The team:

Shatabdi Banerjee

Harshit Vyas

Ipsita Gochhayat

Supratik Chakroborty

Inking an Indelible Mark!! 2

Contents 2


From The House of MarkMantra

14 3 6

Corporate Connect

Marketing to the BOP


The Dawn of New Marketing Start-Ups


Summer Diaries

Media Cashing On Political Tussles




17 36 25

Dancing to The Tunes of Indian Consumer




Ostentatious Sports Ads 32 MarkMantra Legacy





MarkMantra May 2015

“Marketing is not always rosy; it’s not always about being good either - because sometimes it’s good to be bad and even better to be naughty! “


he recent times have seen the Indian mar-

this attention, the marketers don’t really care.

keting environment change leaps and

Whether it’s an emotional mother or a typical Indi-

bounds with the customers becoming

an bahu or a catchy tagline or a friend’s get togeth-

much more liberal in embracing marketing cam-

er or a sizzlingly-hot-smashingly-beautiful model –

paigns as they are. Even more so, people have wel-

the marketers simply want to pander to the needs

comed and thoroughly enjoyed the sorts of adver-

of the people to make their ad/campaign prevail!

tisements and marketing stints that only about a


decade back would have raised eyebrows and cer-

tainly would have brought the



With the young population

“It’s Outrageous, It’s Marketing!”

proclaimed’ moral vigilante out of their cocoons, all set to spoil the fun and the innovation. Thankfully though, the Indian diaspora has matured and so have the marketers! The most important aspect of any campaign or advertisement is to catch the attention of the target

segment. Whatever be the reason for garnering 3

being on the rise and becoming more liberal and accommodative,



have struck a chord that is doing wonders for them. How on earth, otherwise, could we have seen a Ranveer Singh or a Sunny Leone promoting some of the products as outrageously as they do! So let’s cut the chase and get the taste of some of

MarkMantra May 2015 these.

tantalizing visuals. Advertising is still coy and lacks

dynamism putting the segment confined and

Durex – #Do the rex

chained in a disreputable box of shyness and

Durex, the top brand from the Reckitt Benckiser

shame. RB wants to open this box and bring it to

stable, launched an online campaign featuring the

the fore for conversations. The fact that India is

hugely popular Ranveer Singh based on the theme

such a young country and fighting hard to become

of safe sex and sexual wellness. The video featured

the most populous country in the world (pun in-

him and a host of other dancers engaged in a

tended!) makes it all the more important for RB to

dance move themed the ‘Rex’. This video started

gets its roots deep in this huge market. As per RB

with Ranveer Singh getting out of his bed all

honchos, “The biggest shift would be the confi-

pumped up and feeling ecstatic after a pretty good

dence of a consumer to buy what he wants and the

time in bed, from where on he moved on to party

ability (of the retailer) to talk directly." In all possi-

and dance and sing with even hotter girls! Now, if

bility, RB has something bigger in mind. In fact, the

that’s not outrageous, what is? Contrary to what

brand wants to create a new category from scratch

Indian viewers were thought to be, this campaign

called sexual wellbeing and not just be restricted to

was well embraced by the Indian youth and rightly

grabbing shares in the existing market.

so. Not just this, a lot of other complementing activities were done around this campaign to popu-

Manforce and Sunny Leone affair

larize the brand. Consider for example when in the

Who better to endorse a contraceptive than a porn

run up to World AIDS day Durex donated some


10mn odd condoms to AIDS projects worldwide to

hind Manforce condoms must've thought. And

help young people achieve an HIV free generation

sure, didn’t they think correct?

in their lifetime.





segment was seen to be growing fierce each day.

The answer lies in the fact that Durex is raring to take on the Indian market dominated by local brands like Manforce, Kamasutra and Moods. RB gurus feel that one of the biggest deterrents for growth in the segment has been the way in which the category has been promoted in the past. Though the context in advertising condoms has from


Now, this had to come after the competition in the

So, what’s the big story behind it?







'promiscuity' but the advertising has been lazy and not really moved beyond pushing pleasure through

Also, the way the Indian youth, and for that matter

probably men of all age groups, accepted Sunny Leone in the Indian film industry and also main stream television, it was clear to the marketers that Indians have no qualms about Sunny Leone and her history. They would love to see this hot beauty every time she comes in. So, what if the Queen-of-porn’s acting did not make much of a mark on the people, her latest ad for Manforce

did! The ad showcased Sunny in a very hot avatar 4

MarkMantra May 2015 and sure did send a


quiver around every man’s body. The advertisement had record views on the Internet and as per unofficial reports the sales for Manforce also saw a sharp increase after a week the ad was released. This proves the fact that the advertisement surely served its purpose and roping in the ‘Penthouse Pet of the Year Award’ winner as a lead star in the

Many other brands selling different products from deodorants to perfumes to accessories to cosmetics have taken up this fast, effective and populist way to revamp their brand images. The Indian customer is more aspirational today and advertisements of these sorts give them an ego as well con-

commercial was a brilliant and a very effective marketing gimmick. After the previous two campaigns, one must get the feeling that it’s imperative for these brands selling such products of personal care to add a bit of hotness quotient in their campaigns. But the fact of the matter is that there are other brands selling a completely different assortment of products that are following suit.

FastTrack – ‘Move On’ From slyly slipping out of the boy's hostel to ending

fidence boost. Conservatives also say that this is

up in a closet with another woman, the FastTrack

not the right form of advertising and it might well

advertising campaign has certainly moved on and

end up tarnishing the image of the brand if not

so has the FastTrack girl. The new FastTrack girl

used carefully. But then everything comes at a

propagates 'coming out of the closet', an extension

price and it is loud and clear that our marketing

to the brand's 'Move On' philosophy. This particu-

gurus are ready to tread carefully and take this risk.

lar ad features two teens still fumbling with their

And again, as long as the marketing campaign is

hot-pant zippers coming out of a pink cup board

successful and adding to the top line, who the hell



Not only this in one of its outdoor print ad campaign last January, Fast track announced a 20% discount on all its products using a print ad that

Harshit Vyas MBA(IB) 2014-16

showed a model wrapped in a ribbon that had

Indian Institute

‘Sale’ written all over. This ad, however, attracted a

Of Foreign Trade

lot of criticism for objectifying women. 5

MarkMantra May 2015

Corporate Connect:

“A Rendezvous with Priyank Kacker” “An

experienced player in

gramme. They take in fresh engineers out of college for a role in Sales and Accounts Management.

B2B Sales & Marketing

We had a 10 month stint in USA for technical and

Arena ,

were taught the basics of Sales, Account manage-

Priyank Kacker joined us for a candid chat on B2B sales. Priyank is currently working as a Key Account Manager for Texas Instruments”

techno-commercial training. During the same we

ment, Basic Marketing Rotations as well as the portfolio of Texas instruments and lastly how do we conduct to our customers. Post this training Programme I was deployed at Delhi for handling some of the key customers in the region. The career path typically starts with handling the low revenue accounts initially and as when you gain more

experience, you are given accounts with much more complexities and revenue stream. In Delhi I handled some of the key customer accounts of the region. Following a stint of 4 and half years I was

1. A brief description about your profile and job

transferred to Ahmedabad where I was the only

responsibilities. Please throw some light on your

person handling the key customers of Gujarat and

career path

MP region which amounts to Million dollars right

I joined Texas Instruments in 2009 as a part of

their prestigious Technical Sales Associate Pro-

now. Now coming on to profile and job responsibilities, it is essentially the process of identifying new


MarkMantra May 2015 opportunities for Texas Instruments, understand-

has to be a number of meetings

ing customer application, proposing TI based solu-

months and may be years depending on the cus-

tions and eventually converting these proposals

tomers before we actually see some revenues.

into revenue while providing complete design as-

Thus the motivation level needs to be extremely

sistance i.e. end to end support and maintaining

high and you should be willing to go the extra mile

strong working relationship with


without anybody probably telling you to. So that is

engineering, supply chain and management. It is

one of the key aspects of Key account manage-

essentially a complete account management role.

ment affecting sales. Another key thing I would see

2. B2B sales is an entirely different ballgame com pared to B2C. Your take on it

over weeks,

is you really have to identify the precise problem

of the customer and offer your help and support, which is not the case in B2C where in selling is

I agree with the statement. The key differences I

sometimes very reactive- you have the require-

see in the B2B sales as compared to B2C sales is

ment and you sell. In B2B you have to be proactive

that B2B sales is extremely planned-we have to

and understand what the customer is looking for,

evaluate the proposals and plan our solutions and

differentiate against the competition and then

on a much longer term compared to your B2C sell-

offer solution. You should be really adept in build-

ing. Again B2B is extremely dependent on trust,

ing relationships that go a long way of getting new

relationships and it is much more long term busi-

business. That are essentially the important things

ness relation than a B2C which can be sometimes

in key account management affecting B2B sales.

just selling for immediate numbers. These are the main differences I see but there can be others as well. 3. Key account management and its implication on B2B sales

4. Emerging trends in B2B marketplace. Ecommerce the next big thing with rise of Alibaba and Metro Cash n Carry Yes, this is something we are seeing a lot these days. Even us as customers probably more de-

As an account manager or through the role of

manding now because of the amount of choice we

key account management, one of the most im-

have. So the companies which are accustomed to

portant thing I have learnt over years is you need

just selling the product and walking away are

to be extremely self-motivated. Though it is true

getting out of business and they really need to

for every role in B2B but more so for Key Account

show some value owing to number of choices cus-

Management as you are front end of the organiza-

tomers have. That is true for any organizations be

tion managing big revenue numbers. Moreover

it hi tech organization like TI or somebody like in

since B2B selling is a continuous process, you need

Amazon. We are seeing more and more organiza-

to be extremely self-motivated. When it comes to

tions following the E-Commerce trend where eve-

B2B we aren’t talking about one meeting but it

rybody is looking at consumer behaviour using da-


MarkMantra May 2015 ta, predicting sales and even building relationship

hard on you. If you really do not like it, you proba-

using that. This a common thing we are seeing

bly might not want to continue. It is a lot about

across industries. Though some industries initiated

enthusiasm, knowing your product, building your

it we are seeing this trend across industries. The

credibility. So it is an extremely dynamic profes-

message I want to put across is though B2B sales is

sion -you will never get bored of it. But then again

based mostly on relations while that being true the

it can be hard on you if you don’t like it. Thus moti-

importance of data analytics cannot be ignored.

vation and passion is the way to go about it.

5. Your advice to young aspirants of B2B Sales and marketing The key thing in selling is you have to be extremely passionate about it or it becomes really

Ecommerce Feed Predictive Analytics : How it is changing B2B landscape?? Read More... Emoji Marketing: The Dominos Story Read More... Facebook launches “Instant Articles� Read More...


MarkMantra May 2015


ccording to our father of the nation Ma-

have, in the past tried to make their presence felt

hatma Gandhi, for the nation to prosper

in the rural areas through innovative marketing

it is imperative that the rural areas pros-

campaigns and continue to do so even today. So,

per. This is very true in today’s scenario, owing to

before discussing the marketing strategies adopted

the majority of the population residing in rural are-

by these FMCG giants, it would be worthwhile to

as which constitutes around 65% of the total popu-

understand what bottom of the pyramid is and


who coined this term.

What is Bottom of the Pyramid?

. For the economy to touch double digit growth, the interest of the rural citizens cannot be ignored. In sync with this aim, some of the

Bottom of the Pyramid refers to the poorest socio



economic group that thrives on less than US $2 a

marketing like HUL,

day. This phrase was defined by professor CK Prah-

P&G, Colgate, ITC

lad in his book: The Fortune at the Bottom of the


Pyramid. According to Prahlad, the businesses and 9

MarkMantra May 2015 the government should see the BOP section as re-

Hero during its alliance with Honda came up with

silient and creative entrepreneurs as well as value-

the tag line of its motor bike brands as Dhak Dhak

demanding consumers. Moreover, Prahlad propos-

Go in order to associate with masses. Companies,

es that the multi-national companies can accrue

being aware of the fact that cricket is more than

tremendous benefits by serving these markets in

just a game in India associate themselves with

ways responsive to their needs. There are also pov-

team India during major cricket tournaments. A

erty reducing benefits if MNCs work in tandem

case in point is that of Pepsi that came up with its

with civil society organisations and local govern-

variant called Blue Pepsi during 2003 World Cup.

ments to create new local business models.

The blue coloured cola was a runaway success in

Strategies for rural market Changing Pattern of Rural Customers Now-a-days

rural markets thereby driving the company sales.

Developing Customized Products

rural consumers are looking forward to new brand-

Many companies have developed rural-specific

ed products and good services. The rural people

products keeping in mind the requirements of rural

want value for money and therefore are ready to

citizens. Electrolux has developed a made-for India

pay premium for the product if the product is

fridge that is designed to serve basic requirements

offering some extra utility for the premium. A case

like chilled drinking water and can withstand long

in point is that of Mahindra which after launching

power cuts. Similarly, Godrej came up with its

its super Turbo DI tractor, wanted to educate the

ChotuKool refrigerator which is powered by battery

rural people about the high end technology used in

and does not require regular electricity supply. The

tractors. It therefore targeted opinion leaders and

company also pays commission to the rural agent

conducted interactive discussions between the

thereby enhancing its supply chain in rural areas.

company officials and the target group i.e. farmers and opinion leaders. The effort paid off well as the

Effective Mode of Communication

sales shot up thereby helping the company in pen-

Most of the companies rely heavily on traditional

etrating the rural markets.

modes of communications like puppetry, folk thea-

Patriotism with Products and Services Patriotism is also one of the important factors that the companies have taken into consideration while designing their marketing campaigns. Nokia took this opportunity to advertise its phone 5110 on Independence day and Republic day with Indian tricolour as its main theme and a ring tone of "Sare Jahan se

Achcha" thus fostering the spirit of nationalism..

tre, and village exhibitions but over the years companies have also taken to modern media like television and radio. LIC has been at the forefront of traditional advertising that used to educate


masses about its insurance cies


through 10

MarkMantra May 2015 puppetry. Village fair is one of the most effective

es at village through web portal. It also helps farm-

techniques to sell the products thereby promoting

ers in purchase of commodities at their doorstep.

small scale and cottage industries.

Project Shakti

Rural marketing initiatives

It is a rural initiative undertaken by HUL in 2001 to provide income opportunities to the rural women and also creates access to relevant information through i-shakti community portal. This initiative has now been extended to 12 states in around 50,000 villages and has largely been successful in creating opportunities to increase the income of rural households by putting more money in the hands of rural people to purchase items of daily consumption-from soaps to toothpastes made by


HUL. Khushiyon Ki Doli

One of the most successful campaigns launched by

ITC offers farmers all the information they need to enhance farm productivity which helps improve farm-gate price realized by the farmers and cut transaction costs. Farmers are also able to access latest information regarding weather, scientific


techniques as well as the market pric-


Another initiative to inculcate good personal hygiene through which the company was able to engage more closely with the consumers and also created a cost efficient rural brand activation module that involved various personal and home care brands like Wheel, Surf Excel, Sunsilk, Vim, Lifebuoy and Close-up . Gaon Chale

MarkMantra May 2015 This campaign was started in 2006 in Uttar Pradesh

attributed to its sale of Chic shampoo sachet for 50

by Tata Tea. In order to penetrate the rural mar-

paise when it was available at Re.1 and it revolu-

kets, Tata tea partnered with NGOs. The project

tionized the market. Hindustan Unilever, which

has generated employment opportunities to the

was among the first MNC's to realize the potential

youth of villages and towns and has been a source

of India's rural market, has launched a smaller ver-

of steady income for the distributors of Tata Tea.

sion of its highest selling soap brand, Lifebuoy at

Challenges Availability

The first challenge is to ensure availability of the product or service. India with its large number of villages is a home to around 83 crore rural people. However, given the poor condition of roads, it is an even greater challenge for the firms to regularly make their products reach the villages. Over the years, India’s FMCG giant, Hindustan Unilever, has built an intensive distribution network which helps

its brands reach the interiors of the rural market. In order to effectively serve the remote villages, distributors use auto-rickshaws and bullock carts. Coca-Cola, which considers rural India as a potential growth driver, has developed a hub and spoke distribution model to reach out to the village folks. Affordability

The second challenge is to ensure affordability of the product or service. Owing to the low disposable income, products must be affordable to a rural consumer most of whom struggle to earn two square meals a day. Some companies have successfully addressed this issue by introducing small unit packs or sachets. Godrej has introduced three brands of Cinthol and Fair Glow in 50-gm packs,

priced at Rs. 4-5. The success of Cavin Kare is

Rs.2 for 50 gm. On similar lines, Coca-Cola has addressed the affordability issue by introducing the returnable 200-ml glass bottle priced at Rs.5. The initiative paid off well which is quite evident from the fact that eighty per cent of new drinkers for coke now come from the rural markets. Acceptability The third challenge is to gain acceptability for the product or service. Therefore, firms need to offer products that meet the requirements of rural market. One company which has reaped benefits by doing so is LG Electronics. It was able to understand the pulse of rural markets and came out with a customized TV which was a runway hit. LG sold around 100,000 sets in the very first year. Similarly, Coca-Cola was well aware of the problems such as lack of electricity and refrigerators in the rural areas and therefore provided low-cost ice boxes — tin boxes for new outlets and thermocol boxes for old ones. The insurance companies like HDFC Standard Life have developed tailor-made products for the rural market by offering them plans that suits their needs. Awareness Due to the lack of conventional advertising


MarkMantra May 2015 dia in large parts of the rural India, awareness is

is touted to be optimistic. The Make in India cam-

another challenge for most of the firms. Hindustan

paign has been well received from all quarters of

Unilever relies heavily on its own marketing cam-

the industry and with more emphasis being laid on

paigns. Godrej Consumer Products, has tried to

infrastructure, the rural India is set to see rapid

push its soap brands into the interiors of the villag-

transformation in terms of roads, rail, highways

es by making use of radio to reach the local people

thereby improving connectivity among rural and

in their language. Coca-Cola harnessed the combi-

urban towns. Moreover, with Jan Dhan Yojna in

nation of television, cinema and radio to reach ru-

place, the rural banking is all set to move to next

ral households. LG Electronics used vehicles and

level, revolutionising the banking landscape in the

road shows to reach rural customers. Philips India

country. With more and more rural people coming

used graffiti and radio advertising to drive its

into the folds of banking, the rural consumer

growth in rural areas.

spending will definitely see a marked growth. Thus, it is imperative that companies keep pace with the

Road Ahead

changing dynamics of the rural markets and come

Markets which are not able to face the onslaught

up with products or services that suit the require-

posed by MNCs can use this as an opportunity to

ments of the rural folks.

restore their profits in the rural sector. Given that the market share of urban market when compared to the rural market is low, the Indian industries have a bright chance to concentrate on rural markets thereby improving their top line. Also with the change of guards at the centre, the picture ahead

Devesh Agarwal MBA(IB) 2014-16 Indian Institute Of Foreign Trade

The month of May saw successful completion of the Rural Marketing Conclave 2015 Organized by Rural Marketing Association Of India started in 2005 . The conclave was graced by eminent speakers from the Corporate Houses . Read More... 13

MarkMantra May 2015


mall is the new Beautiful. Gone are the

themselves as just an Ad agency So is the case with

days when only the big ad agencies of the

other upcoming marketing startups. Each one of

likes of Publicis, Omnicom, WPP etc. were

them wants to differentiate itself. Almost all of

able to rule the roost and had big clients. Since the

them have been founded by people who earlier

last decade there has been a number of ad agen-

were a part of a bigger Ad agency but thought that

cies who have come forward and are now marking

they themselves could do a better job and thus

their territories. Marketing and advertising is one

came up with their own firms. With like-minded

of the most dynamic business and the continuous

people joining them they are expanding and now

evolution which it goes through has only compli-

are in the top league. This trend has also been suc-

mented its nature.

cessful because of the changing times and require-

The Start Of Small In 2007, 4 people sat at Raj Kurup's dining table to start a creative empire. Today, Creativeland Asia is an independent creative communications company which is rated among the top 5 creative companies in India. Creativeland works on some of the biggest brands in India including Frooti, Appy Fizz, Mercedes Benz, Cinthol, Cafe Coffee Day, Godrej Expert Hair Colour etc. They believe in the culture

of 'Good Creative Upbringing' and don’t refer to

ments of the industry.



Marketing 14

MarkMantra May 2015 With the present day youth spending most of its

the chef will do everything to feed you properly

time online it is not a big surprise that digital mar-

and would do that in chutney style.

keting agencies are making such a big splash. MTS launched an ad film ‘Born for the Internet’ focussing on the ‘Net Gen’. The ad was special in more ways than one. Not only it depicted the current generation but also made sure that it reaches its target audience. The film was premiered as a bittorrent for online audiences to download before

digital and social legs kicked in. Digital marketing catches viewer’s attention with its innovative ideas and also helps in keeping the costs low.

The Cadbury Dairy Milk’s IPL campaign which used digital marketing was a great hit. The campaign designer started with #ShubhAarambh to brand real time updates around beginnings, firsts, new accomplishments and records big and small. People were encouraged to use and share content around the brand hashtag, with a leader board showing them real time rankings based upon their reach. Online contests of tweets and pics were being conducted and it drove participation of online

The present day agencies do more than the con-

viewers to a whole new level. Over a two month

ventional marketing. They provide the whole pack-

period, 205k conversations and shares were gener-

age of services like Social Media Optimization, In-

ated. The brand hashtag trended nationally 7-8

tranet development, Website development, email

times during this period, appearing over official

marketing, content management etc. They work

sponsor hashtags on occasion. This ad campaign made by Pinterest was an example of how the pre-

sent day ad agencies work.

very closely with their clients and are the interface

Being the Boss

to the consumers. Digital agencies like Webchut-

The present day marketers want to be more inde-

ney does all the background work for their clients

pendent in terms of how they want to connect

and much more. It’s

with the target audience. It also provides more

like you go to the

flexibility to the firm. The owners of firms like Tap-

chef directly with an

root agree with this. They want to be their own

empty stomach and

boss and the prospect of earning more moolah is


MarkMantra May 2015 also incentivising them to open up their firms.

The same effect is being repeated on the global

They also understand how the present day genera-

scale as well with Google acquiring Facebook mo-

tion feels and provide them the required environ-

bile marketing start-up, Toro. Toro offers solu-

ment to work which gives optimum results to the

tions to help app developers create the best mar-

firm. With the economy of the country booming

keting and promotional plans for their apps on Fa-

and their businesses expanding they are offering good packages to the graduates. They are also more than willing to join and take it as an excellent learning opportunity and are able to use their cre-

ativity to a greater extent.

Everything going mobile With over 70% market being driven by mobile ecommerce, firms like Filpkart, Snapdeal are trying

cebook’s advertising platform. Google aims to use

everything they can to attract their customers. Ear-

its services in further increasing its profitability.

lier Flipkart wanted to spread out the message of safety and advantages of online buying. Having been successful in that and attracting more competition it is now aiming to focus on new revenue

This just shows that these marketing start-ups are influencing the clients in a big way. Either they are

being bought by the bigger firms or are getting more business. This augments well for the marketing start-ups and denotes that it is just the dawn for them and they will continue to make their impact.

Shubham Jain & channels to become profitable. Flipkart has ac-

Mohd. Zeeshan

quired Bangalore-based global mobile network


AdIQuity, a mobile ad network enabling app developers and mobile publishers earn revenue from their mobile inventory. On similar lines Snapdeal is

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade

in advanced talks to acquire advertising technology company Komli Media to help it move into broader areas and foray into advertising.


MarkMantra May 2015

Project As part of my summer internship with SABMiller I was put under the Retail Sales domain. My project essentially delved around exploring the strategies adopted by rival brands mainly Carlsberg & Anheuser-Busch InBev in the state of Odisha, where these brands were doing well and how could SABMiller incorporate these strategies into its functioning

doing well. The root cause of the

trouble stemmed at the retailer’s level. The rival brands had modified their customer relationship management techniques apart from providing a more innovative product. Therefore, I had to travel over 400+ liquor outlets-both standalone and beer parlors, rural and premium out-


Key Takeaways

in the state. There is a very thin line between be-


It was a vast project wherein I was

ing a market leader and a follower.

supposed to identify key areas within

Rivals always keep looking for cracks

the state where the brand was not

and one bad decision/stockout can

MarkMantra May 2015

prove a sucker punch for your brand The retailers will sell the brand if and only if they find incentives for themselves. Big influential retailer which account for volumes matter all the more. One bad experience/fallout

often results in far-reaching conse-

ganisations therefore numbers are of prime importance. Be proficient in excel. Marketing and other promotional activities are all cost centres. Keep in mind that you’re being given

an opportunity to directly contribute to the organisation’s success.

quences Selling and maintaining a brand is much

Sales is the only profit centre for or-





knowledge that our courses impart us. To drive “point of sale” volumes everything from supply chain to customer relationship must fall in perfect unison

Be communicative not only with the clients that you deal with but also your superiors/mentors etc. They are essentially looking for how well you structure your thoughts, the sort of insights you bring to solve the prob-

lems and your contribution in general. Be cheerful, eager to learn,

Suggestions for students

quick to lend a listening ear and keep

with sales internships


Be prepared to travel extensively

Highlights of Upcoming Edition 

Summer Diaries for Juniors

Brand Wagon Wars

Alumni Connect

Among Others…….


MarkMantra May 2015

Project : Buy and Sell EBO Inte-

try in this kind of an internship stint is

gration for Allen Solly

immense. You get to know how it works, right from the factories to the

While I was selected for a Sales and

Marketing role, the project offered a whole new dimension into the apparel industry. It is difficult to categorize the project into a proper role, however, one could say that the project was in the domain of business development/strategy. In short, my task was to identify the issues and

challenges in a business model (Buy and Sell) and give recommendations. The brand allotted to me was Allen Solly.

Key Takeaways

warehouses and of course the retail stores. What goes behind starting a store and how things are not as simple as they meet the eye. How each and every particular detail inside the store is taken care of, be the visual merchandising, stacking the merchandise in the right way or even attention to basic things like the temperature of the air-conditioning and the loudness of the music. How each store is a business model in itself and multiple business models give rise to multiple stores. What kind of KeyPerformance Indicators rule this in-

The learning about the apparel indus-


dustry and how reports are analysed

MarkMantra May 2015

every week is something which one

Suggestions for first years

understands in this kind of an internship.

Go with an open mind to work on any kind of a project allotted - be it Mar-

Sales or no sales, travel will be a key

keting, Sales, Operations, Retail or

component of your work-life in this

Supply Chain. The learning in each

industry, at least in the initial years. I

and every one of these projects will

had to travel to Delhi as part of my

be simply immense. Give it your best

project and due to time constraints

shot, work hard on the project, sur-

could not travel to Haryana and the

prise the panel with your recommen-

East which was planned by my men-

dations and once you bag a PPO, you

tor. Travelling and visiting stores

can choose whether you want to be

while meeting the store manager and

into Operations or an Area Sales/

the staff was a huge learning experi-

Retail Manager. MFL rewards hard

ence. You get to understand the nitty-

work and they don't really bother if

gritty of the way a store functions

the end result is a good solution to

everyday and how even minute de-

the business problem at hand. What

tails are captured which play a key

is more important is if you have

role in figuring out the store KPIs.

thought your way through the prob-

Communication skills are extremely important. By communication skills, I don't mean great in English. Even in the language one is comfortable with, communicating well with people, especially the store manager and staff is extremely important. I also improved a lot at MS Excel, working with Excel

lem, analysed every little detail, talked to as many people in the company as possible and given the best suggestions and recommendations

which you can come up with. Approach the project as if it's a business case presented to you in a corporate competition with a PPI/PPO at stake.

sheets almost all the time. MS Excel

P.S. Keep your guide and mentor hap-

will be an integral part of one's work

py. ;)

life as well as internship in this stint.


MarkMantra May 2015


know how many unique SKUs are being sold to a shop in a month. This

My project was based out of Pune in the Consumer Products Division and

was concerned with General Trade (GT). It required me to understand the concept of Unique Selling SKUs (USS), how it’s driven by the Salesmen in the market, the roadblocks in way of increasing the USS. Using the insights gathered during this market understanding, I had to devise workable ideas and strategies to improve the USS performance and help L’Oreal achieve a +20% growth. I also had to suggest a tool which makes it easier to measure the USS performance in the market. In simpler terms, USS lets L’Oreal


shows the buying trend of SKUs in a shop and helps measure SKU perfor-

mance. USS involves the PSR, who pushes the stock to the retailer and is pivotal in increasing this count. Hence, his task is not only to sell as much quantity as possible but also to sell as many unique SKUs as possible to the retailer. But, as the retailer only buys products which he

trusts would sell and also finds worthy of shelf space, it is also important to measure the consumer buying





offtakes from the shop there wouldn’t be a demand for our products from the retailer.

MarkMantra May 2015

As USS performance deals with the

I also learnt the pragmatic approach

movement of different types of SKU

of the market and realized that life

rather than just the quantity sold, it is

outside the textbook is completely

extremely important in demand esti-

different and doesn’t function the

mation for the Operations team and

way we think it would or it should!

helps them determine how much of a

particular SKU is to be produced. It is

Suggestions for first years

also significant for the Marketing

Understand your project really well

team as, if the trends show a decline

before getting started. Break up your

in the sale of a particular SKU, its mar-

project objective into measurable and

keting can be stepped up through

time bound goals.

new media launch or through merchandizing.

Key Takeaways

As far as the preparation is concerned, one should know all about himself/herself and should have clear

insights on one’s decisions in life. A significant lesson that I learnt on the field was respecting the people

The Sales pitch round requires one to

working under you, especially the

know how to approach a situation

salesmen who are the face of the


company at the ground level and put

knowledge would be able to sale one

in a lot of efforts to help the company

through this.

achieve its goals.




L’Oreal being a leader in the beauty

I’ve realized that relationship building

industry expects one to have a basic

goes a long way in business and one

understanding of the nitty-gritties of

must always strive to build connec-

this business as the product line rang-


es from mass segment to the niche segment.


MarkMantra May 2015

Project : Understanding key reasons for growth of Ajay toothbrush

Had to travel to 13 cities across 6

(competitor of Colgate, number 3

cities for conducting this research. The

player in Indian market) and provid-

objective was to gather information

ing recommendations to stem its

about Ajay and understand its selling


and portfolio strategy followed by

Extensive secondary research, on market data provided by Nielsen, which

benchmarking with Colgate’s existing toothbrush strategy.

included diagnostics performed on

The final step was providing recom-

data dumps.

mendations to stem the growth of

The outcome of the diagnostics, which was on the basis of some data trends,


Key Takeaways

pin-pointed some market locations across the country. The next step was to perform on-ground primary research in these markets.

Great exposure to sales and distribution; understanding of credit terms, delivery



wholesaler relationships, impact of


MarkMantra May 2015

POP material, inventory manage-

assigned project. Keep him/her in the

ment etc.

loop as you go along, so as to ensure

In-depth understanding of a low involvement category like toothbrush;

everything is going as per mutual agreement.

how consumer motivations to buy

For people who would be working on

the category effect everything from

projects which would require ground

marketing communications to sales

research, try and leverage the un-


structured market intelligence which

Exposure to FMCG industry though interaction with professionals in the industry as well as through market visits.

retailers, wholesalers and sales executives possess. They might not be MBAs but they know more


business than you would expect. For marketing



Exposure to working environments

knowledge of BRM is highly benefi-

and job responsibilities of marketing


professionals within the industry.

Suggestions for first years It is imperative to get a proper un-

Most internships are great learning experiences. However, it will always up to you to maximize that learning.

derstanding of your guide’s expectations before you start working on the

Brand Quotient In Switzerland, the “Apple” trademark is owned by William Longe since 1985, who is the owner of brand Leonard in Geneva which sells items like jewelry, precious stones, and timepieces of any kind etc. It is set to expire on Dec 5th, 2015. Until then, Apple cannot sell the Apple Watch in Switzerland.


MarkMantra May 2015


emocracy is based on the following

increasing reader base and the websites need

three pillars – Legislation, Bureaucracy

more and more views, clicks, likes and subscribers.

and Judiciary. Each of these is expected

So on and so forth. The list is endless; no matter

to work in harmony for our country’s progression

what form of media we are talking about every en-

and bright future. However, it would not be far-

tity needs its share to stay afloat.

fetched to say that in the modern times democracy also rests on a fourth pillar – “The Media”. The

Who can run the best stories, who can get the best

same Media which wields the power of creating everything out of nothing or, at its own will, annihilating everything to mere nothingness. With the advent of new technology and lightning fast information transfer, the media has become an important part of the democratic society. But, at the same time one cannot deny the fact that, in the end, the entire media circus is serious business with the single biggest objective of churning out profits. So, in order to make that happen media houses rocketing

need TRPs,


newspapers need ever 25

personalities on their shows, who can get the best interviews, who can get that best something which can increase their popularity. This quest for being the ‘best’ in the business has led media to get involved in some activities which might not be deemed in good faith considering its important

MarkMantra May 2015 role in the society. Not undermining the important role played by media, the article tries to highlight how the media cashed in on the important political events that happened recently.

channel increases by more than 60 per cent when

Narendra Modi is there on TV”. So, the fact of the matter is that he rightly sensed the opportunity and made it possible. A series of steps followed by populist stories and the channel just grabbed on the TRP. So, what initiated this change? The answer

As the title of Shashi Tharoor’s book goes - “The

lies in these three closely linked words - the

elections that changed India”. Not going into his

‘Elections’, the ‘Politicians’ and the ‘Political

books and his views, the General Elections 2014


rightly changed India. What happened and how it happened, each of us witnessed it. But this election

Had it not been the scams of the tune of thousands of crores, the controversial schemes and the India against Corruption Campaign, how would ever have Arnab Goswami become a sensation that he is today? Politicians dread him and rightly so, because the fashion in which he crushed Rahul Gandhi while interviewing him was intimidating. Again, the way in which he takes on the spokespersons of

different political parties on his show when they changed the fortunes of many. Try recalling

make factual errors is easiersaid than done. How

Mr.Rajat Sharma, Founder-Editor of INDIA TV, in-

TIMES NOW suddenly became the most viewed

terviewing our now Prime Minister Shri Narendra

English news channel in the country is long winded

Modi at his show ‘Aap Ki Adalat’ a few days before

story (yes, it has a strong backing from the Times

the elections. Hardly anyone following the last

Group but the popularity it has gained over time is

General Elections would have missed it. Not getting

not because of it). Well, by cashing in successfully

into the specifics, now try recalling the same INDIA

on a good number of political tussles, it has in

TV which, a couple of months back, used to run

some manner proved that the Media can question

stories that one would not believe in and try to

any one running the country and make report cards

build some sort of news out of nothing and present

which may be fatal to a politician’s political career.

it to the poor audience. These were the sorts of

It doesn’t matter if he comes from a family that has

stories which could make anyone change the chan-

run our mighty country

nel, leaving only those who love chatpati and masa-

for decades or has just

ledar news. So how did this spiced-up News Chan-

started a political party

nel had a complete makeover? Rajat Sharma him-

claiming to clean the sys-

self pointed out and I quote - “The TRP of our news

tem! These are only a 26

MarkMantra May 2015 few examples of news channels whose sensational

vivid is the video titled “America se aya mera dost”

stories and interviews on political happenings got

which was made during Mr. Obama’s visit to India.

accolades from the country!

The video went viral and was enjoyed by almost

Let’s now focus on the lighter side of the things. Recall the article, ‘14 Indian politicians who will find their counterparts in Game of Thrones” (if not go and check it out now, it’s fun!). This was the article on Scoop Whoop that was shared a record

everyone. The very existence of such a series of videos is because of the political issues in India and one can bet there are more of such rib-tickling videos to come because there isn’t going to be any dearth of issues created by our dear politicians.

number of times. Happened somewhere in late

So, what lesson do we learn here? It is one: Its pure

2013, it just turned the fortune of five people who

business and it is the role of every successful busi-

were doing it as a side project. There was no look-

nessman/woman to use the opportunity one gets

ing back for them after the sensation that was cre-

to progress and expand. “Everything is marketing

ated. So, it is right to say that the politicians just

and marketing is everything”, a one liner that justi-

changed their life (pun intended). Similarly, the

fies all these incidents put together.

banters of

In con-




we can


say that

chod, the videos of The Viral Fever (Qtiyappa) and other political satires that run across the social networking sites changed the lives of many people who were once unknown to the masses. All thanks to the political tussles and to the politicians who made that happen. There were even articles on

what these Stand-up Comedians would do after the elections. It only goes on to suggest the zenith of success they had achieved just because they made fun of our politicians.

there has to be someone doing the job of a watchdog and thankfully the media does this very well. Even if there is a lot of masala, even if there is a lot of noise, we should give media their due credit. One should never forget how Jessica got justice and how Nirbhaya made the whole country aware of the vices existent in the society! Till the time Media are doing the job right (may be in a bit twisted manner), they enjoy every right to cash in on any opportunity that they get!

Pritesh Desai Everyone



laughed and still laughs

MBA(IB) 2014-16

watching the videos of

Indian Institute

“So Sorry” created by the India Today Group. Still 27

Of Foreign Trade

MarkMantra May 2015

“Are these things actually better than the things I already have? Or am I just trained to be dissatisfied with what I have now?� -Chuck Palahniuk, Lullaby


he Indian Consumer is the master of a

fit all strategy needs to be avoided by the brands

Brands’ fate. He is both impulsive and

which plan to invest in the Indian markets as the

compulsive in his buying behavior. He is

consumers here are becoming more sophisticated

impatient, moody, dissatisfied, particular, trending

in their consumption habits. Availability of the

and bargaining with the things at his disposal. He

product is not the only criterion. Companies are

is a deal-a-holic and a hard core value for money

ready to bend the rules and strive hard to survive in the Indian market. Innovation and adaptation are the two major combat forces that the nonindigenous brands use to satisfy the needs of an Indian consumer.

The Indian consumers comprise of an approximate equal proportion of rural and urban households. The most intriguing elements of the seeker. THE INDIAN CONSUMER IS REALLY HARD TO IMPRESS!!!

Indian consumer market are characterized by diverse languages,



The Indian consumer has shown a major change in

and socio-economic status

its buying behaviour in the last decade. A one size

which have made it a diffi28

MarkMantra May 2015 cult proposition to understand. Due to a globaliza-

bow to the price pressure, Kellogg’s launched a se-

tion, advent of new marketing channels, ecom-

ries of other products like Chocos, Frosties, Honey

merce websites, liberalization on the government

crunch etc. but none was able to replicate the suc-

policies and increase in foreign direct investment,

cess it had got in the West. Easy availability of tra-

there has been entry of innumerable brands in the

ditional breakfast and low awareness about the

Indian market. A lot of non-indigenous brands have

processed foods were some other obstacles that

now become a part of every Indian household. Was

Kellogg’s faced. Kellogg’s been smart enough to

it easy to reach there? When Kellogg’s, the wholly owned subsidiary of

the American company Kellogg entered the Indian breakfast market with cornflakes, little did it realise that it would be a mammoth task to make cultural shift in the minds of Indian people who usually

consumed traditional breakfast. They not only had to promote their own product but also promote the idea of eating cereals for breakfast.



realise the causes of its failure, soon Indianised their products by repositioning it as a flavour filled product rather than a nutritious product. They came up with different flavours of the same product as well. They even used yoga instructor and Kathakali dancers in their advertisements to attribute their morning energy and fitness to Kellogg’s.


Even for that matter Nestle adapted its traditional

bought corn flakes as a one-

two minute Maggi Noodles as an after school snack

off novelty purchase, even if

among children by adding just one small ingredi-

they liked the taste because

ent. It responded to the health concerned mothers

of high price. Unwilling to

by replacing the refined white flour by whole

MarkMantra May 2015 wheat. Frito Lays coming up with Indian Magic Ma-

the Indian market, with an assumption that a car

sala and engaging with the Indian fans to come up

owner in India required a sneaker. This assumption

with different flavours is one of the strategies they

had proved fruitful in other countries but in India

adopted to remain relevant in the market. Also

the car owners had mostly bought their cars on

PepsiCo identified the gap in the Indian market for

instalments or had cars given to them by their em-

the packaged version of “Nimbu Paani” and came

ployers. This was coupled with another blunder

up with Nimbooz in 2009.

when they decided to open their stores on the ba-

Ford before entering in the Indian market conducted extensive research to accumulate knowledge

about the social life, personal tastes and preferences of Indians. Not only that, they closely studied the infrastructure of the Indian roads and traffic movement before launching their cars. Today they enjoy a considerable market share in the automobile industry. Ford is also fast transforming to a volume player from being a niche player in the Indian market after tasting success with hatchback,

Figo and compact SUV, Ecosport.

sis of the zip postal codes. This failed terribly as one zip postal code had such a huge variation in the income levels of the people living in a particular postal code. It later came out as a winner when it launched a low price range of shoes and came up with sub brands to cater to the needs of all sorts of Indian consumers from men to women to kids. It also associated itself with cricket which gives it a total brand recall and stickiness in the minds of the Indian consumers. It even outpaced a lot of formidable rivals like Nike and Puma by this marketing plan.

Even when LG entered the Indian market, it failed miserably due to low brand awareness, high import duty and stiff competition from the Japanese competitors. What led to its success was its development of a strong bond with the Indian consumers through cricket. Signing big cricketers as the brand ambassadors and launching cricket games on its television. It became the first multi-national firm that forged strong tie-ups with cricket by sponsoring the World Cups in year 1999 and 2003. It localised its products like CTVs that had menu options in Hindi and other regional languages. It introduced “Sampoorna” and “Cineplus” for the price conscious customers as well.

Reebok also faced initial hiccups when it entered

There are innumerable brands like Facebook, Google, and Nokia etc. that are continuously innovating or adapting for one common purpose-To give a good value proposition to the Indian consumers and be the market leader in their segment in India. Be it Honda motorcycles “Dream Yuga” to

compete with its erstwhile joint venture partner “Hero” or GE healthcare’s’ ECG machine for rural market or Hyundai “Eon” for the mileage, price and style valuing Indian customers or be it brands like McDonald’s and even KFC tailoring their menu to in-





MarkMantra May 2015 cuisines to pander to the needs of Indian consum-

Global strategies are a strict no for survival in an

ers - all are in a race to impress the Master - “The

Indian market. It is critical to understand the needs

Indian Consumer”. These companies who are mar-

of the regional consumers and to satisfy it, be-

ket leaders in their home countries or in other na-

cause if you don’t someone else would!! BE GLOB-

tions are massaging the needs of the consumers in


India to grow and prosper. All these above examples clearly point to one thing; all non-indigenous need to succumb to the

Manubhav Goel

demands of the Indian consumer. Being the largest

PGDM 2014-16

emerging market, after China it has a lot of scavenging and hovering done by the global brands to

IMT Ghaziabad

establish their name and business in India.

Creating New In Roads

Creating new channels of communicating their message is not a child's play, however not all together impossible “Watch how an NGO managed to surprise the corporate” 31

MarkMantra May 2015

Ostentatious Sports Ads: Are they hitting the mark?


auka ! Mauka" has become one of

brands awareness across the nation. In a country

the most common phrases to be

where "Cricket is a religion and Sachin is God",

used by Indians all over the world

there couldn't be any better channel than sports

during this world cup season. This innovative ad-

entertainment for advertising. With the develop-

vertisement, with the help of social media created

ment of social media marketing, marketers are tar-

a buzz which went viral on the internet. It not only

geting sports fans across the world through related

promoted the sporting event but at the same time, it helped to exponentially improve the brand value of Star Sports. The rivalry between the cricket teams of India and Pakistan and then the subsequent match results gave the right leverage for this advertisement which was viewed by more than a

million people within the initial few days of its launch. This is one of the biggest examples of successful sports ads; and it was for once about sports as well. There are some other famous examples of Sports ads in our country. Sachin Tendulkar's "Boost is the secret of my energy" to Pepsi's "Change the game", marketing campaigns have spread their

media engagements as well. ‘#wont give it back’ is probably one of the best example of World Cup’s currently trending tweets. This enhances the reach and depth of the message and opens it to further discussions in

the various online forums. 32

MarkMantra May 2015 The history of sports marketing goes back to 1979

match (during the over breaks), the advertisers are

when Liverpool entered the field with jerseys bear-

offered an already captured audience who are

ing the logo of Hitachi, the first ever football club

glued to their television sets. This along with the

with sponsored equipment. It has been a long and

popularity of the game has resulted in cricket be-

exciting journey since then and now, where the size of U.S sports market including ticket sales, merchandise and advertisements is expected be to

ing the sport with the highest of investments. Tournaments such as the Indian Premier League have opened further avenues of advertising such as the ‘DLF Maximum’ ‘Citi Moment of Success’, and ‘Karbonn Kamaal Catch’ for events within the game. at $400 billion, this market has grown tremendously. Roger Federer was the highest paid sportsperson with $65 Million per annum in 2013 through sports endorsements. The reach of sports and embedded advertisements have gone into a different level altogether. We all remember the famous 2008 Wimbledon match between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal which was termed as a clash of the titans by the tennis greats. But apart from tennis we witnessed something else as well. Both were dressed in swooshes of Nike from head to toe prompting the marketers to call it a five-hour long Nike commercial valued at a whopping $10.6 million. Cricket is perhaps the best example of a sport that can help advertisers in getting consistent eyeballs. With numer-

ous commercial breaks in a single 33

Big matches such as the India Pakistan during

world cup matches attract huge interest among the masses. That particular match was seen by 288 million people and had a rating of 9.3. The football world cup was viewed by about 909 million people worldwide. It was also responsible for more than 3 billion interactions in Facebook and 672 million messages on Twitter. No matter that advertisers flock towards such events. Add to that the

£5.136billion Sky Sports paid to secure the broadcast rights of the English Premier League. These figures show the reach of sports advertisements and the value that advertisers see in them. Who has been the critical factor in success of these channels? The answer is undoubtedly the sports fans. Christina Miller the General Manager of NBA says that the participation of fans is very critical in sports. The more the engagement of fans, the

MarkMantra May 2015 better they get control and accessibility. The better

greatly valued segment of marketing, there are

the engagement of the fans, the higher they invest

many hidden disadvantages with this channel. The

in the sport. Even consumers of sports brands are

rates that the channels charge could be quite exor-

expecting more entertainment and more sport

bitant which could throw your advertisement

from the brands.

budgets to the wind.

Consider IPL (Indian Premier League), a hyped annual T20 cricket tournament organized by BCCI, which is one of the major examples of sports advertising and the profit it generates. MSM, the official broadcaster of IPL, takes 15 lakhs to advertise a 10 second commercial during the interval between overs in IPL, which is a 30% increase in cost for advertisers as compared to the rates of the previous few editions of IPL. This pricing is only for

For the previously men-

tioned match between India and Pakistan, the broadcasters were charging at Rs 25 lakh per 10 seconds, making it the most expensive advertising opportunity ever in cricket, but one that not many

advertisers would want to miss. But a victory for India over Pakistan and then against South Africa made it even better for the broadcaster who increased the base price even higher. With zillions of people flocking to watch their fa-

the league matches and it will soar for the final matches. Consider one of the franchisees of IPL, the Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR). They have 18 sponsors which is the highest number for any IPL franchise. Franchises normally earn their revenues through these sponsors apart from sale of tickets of their respective matches. To attain a non-jersey partnership with KKR, it costs around Rs. 50 Lakhs which becomes thrice if it is a jersey partnership. These partnerships not only improve the brand value of the sponsored teams but also that of the franchise. The franchise's brand value depends not only on the quality of their game but also the effectiveness of their marketing. The same thing applies to various sport events around the world. More popular is the sport, the higher pay the athlete gets and

vorite sport, the industry seemed to be very lucrative. But with it comes another major risk. The effect of advertisements is closely related to the fortunes of the team that people are supporting.

So, brands that had already committed to advertisement slots would see a huge drop in the viewership. This was the case in the 2007 Cricket world cup in which India had crashed out in the initial stages. This leads to heavy loss of investment in this particular mode of promotion.

the better the brand value a company attains.

While advertising in such high pro-

Though the numbers speaks volumes about sport

file matches, the advertisers need to

advertising being one of the most profitable and

be sure that they have high quality 34

MarkMantra May 2015 advertisements in their kitty which can be trans-

tential consumers in the charged up audience who

ferred to different media as well such as the social

can be enthralled by an interesting advert. But

media. Quality is of utmost importance because

they must also be aware that it is a high risk game

the competition will be tough and inferior quality

and it is imperative to hold their cards close to

could quickly push your brand down against supe-

their chests.

rior advertisements. Being able to scale it up to different channels is also important because, hav-

Suma Prasanth P.

ing visibility across all possible avenues is of high


importance for brand recall. This is the reason why all new successful sports campaigns have simulta-

Mathews Mathews

neous campaigns in social media as well.. Thus it can be said that Sports advertising gives

PGDM 2014-16 IIM Indore

one of the most unique value proposition to the advertisers. They have a significant number of po-

Marketing Gyan Programmatic Advertising: Programmatic Advertising gives advertisers a more intelligent way to connect with consumers on a one to one basis. This marketing technology automates the buying and selling of online advertising, delivering stronger business performance for brands. To know more about “The New Kid In The Block” in the digital marketing click on link in the picture.

For more on Digital Marketing continue to our “Featured Article” under the new Mark Mantra Legacy Section …..


MarkMantra May 2015

About the Author

Sidharth Nanda Account optimizer at Google(2013 till present) Editor –in-Chief ,Mark Mantra (2011-13)

Digital Marketing “We

want to know what consumers are lo“We want to know what consumers are looking for, what their values are, and how can we meet their needs. It’s not just about Big Data; it’s about translating that into the truth.” — Gayle Fuguitt, President and CEO of the Advertising Research Foundation 36

MarkMantra May 2015


n the 5 seconds that you took to read the

well that organization is able to adapt to digital

quote above, there were over 23,000 searches

media. From social networks to smartphones to

made on Google, over 11,000 hours of videos

online videos, the digital tools available today inte-

watched on Youtube, over 8000 apps downloaded,

grate with all other forms of communications and

over 200 items purchased on Amazon and over

make it possible for consumers to interact on a

200000 likes on Facebook.

global scale. As a result, regardless of your busi-

The reason I just bombarded you with these numbers is to give you an idea of the seemingly astronomical proportions of the online world - a uni-

verse in it’s own right - teeming with people and

ness's industry or size, it is imperative that you learn how to leverage the ability of consumers to interact and engage with your brand, with your company and with the service you deliver.

places and evolving constantly, and an opportunity

Like any other form of marketing, the world of digi-

we as marketers are adapting to take advantage

tal marketing extends way beyond simple digital

of .Few business functions have been as profound-

advertising to reach the right consumer at the right

ly affected by digitization as marketing. Armed to

place at the right time with the right offer. It encompasses the pre-work of collating the data to determine all the “right” points mentioned above, delivering the perfect personalized consumer expe-

rience and then the post-work of using all data gathered to improve next time. Many businesses find the sheer number of digital marketing choices to be daunting. As a result, it can be difficult the teeth with a variety of tools at their disposal, it’s no longer just consumers who demand a better

shopping experience, but also marketers today who, with advances in technology, have the opportunity to do things that could be termed science fiction a few decades ago. Planning a digital marketing strategy is essential to getting ahead of the competition. The ability of a business to thrive in today's

economy is based on how 37



where to even begin. One of the


mistakes that many


nesses make, particularly small businesses, is trying to do it all. Between YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and other digital tools, the choices are overwhelming. Even worse, many companies attempt to set up a specific team

MarkMantra May 2015 to handle each tool. The right digital marketing tool

can help your company to expand your marketing efforts, and even save time and money.

with their customer.

Programmatic – The Industrial Revolution of the Digital World

As an industry that moves at a pace unlike any other, digital marketing has seen some massive changes knocking at its door recently, most notably of which are:

No use having personalized ads if the process of delivering them is so cumbersome, that by the time your ad is ready the consumer has moved on to a new product. Enter Programmatic, the new

Mobility - Up close and personal Marketers today want to cut through the plethora of generic advertisements and so are looking for getting as much data as they can collect about you, your behavior, your interests etc. so that they can customize their messaging. Spearheading this massive phenomenon is the humble smartphone that you have with you right now, that knows you better

than you yourself. Imagine yourself browsing through some new shoes on your mobile, and as you walk past the sellers store, an ad pops up announcing a 20% discount on the exact shoes you’ve been looking for. That’s the kind of personalization we’re talking about. Then there’s the issue of convenience for store-based retailers even. From checking stock availability to

and upcoming hip kid on the block, which basically

means the process of using technology and software to purchase ad inventory as opposed to the traditional process involving salespeople, RFPs etc. In our current scenario, the software can use multiple ingredients like data-feeds, weather reports, your current location, past purchase behavior, CRM data, availability and what not to figure out

whether you’re the perfect consumer at that point for the shoes and then message accordingly. Handling ad spend of over $10 billion (USA figures) a year and set to grow at over 100% YoY, programmatic is definitely the key buzzword in the digital marketing space for a long time to come.

Attribution - Connecting the Dots

queue busting, to create customized in-store terminals, kiosks and digital displays, technology has the power to enrich bricks and mortar shopping, while making life easier for retail staff. As marketers get more savvy, expect more of such things to happen in the future.

After the shoe is finally sold and the marketer has the money in his hands, he still needs to know whether it was the ad that actually pushed the consumer to make the purchase, without which he wouldn’t have a clue as to

And while we’re on the topic, here’s a collection of

where he should be di-

some of the most spectacular ideas the human

recting his marketing in-

mind conjured up to use smartphones to engage 38

MarkMantra May 2015 vestment. But with the consumer purchase cycle

ing the goals you want to achieve, then selecting a

crisscrossing through multiple paths, marketers

digital marketing strategy that will help you to

face a huge challenge in linking the cause and

reach both your target audience and goals. For in-

effect. Had the customer bought from their store

stance, are you attempting to reach new custom-

before…which device was he using…was this the

ers? Are you looking to gain insight into your cur-

first ad he saw…was the discount helpful…and so

rent customer base? Do you have a new product

on and so forth. Knowing the purchase paths can

or service to launch? Once you have that in place,

help marketers optimize their budget allocation.

the path ahead becomes much clearer as you

Great strides have been made in this path to get

begin to understand which online channels to lev-

data to talk to each other, with the industry mov-


ing towards a cookie-less world. Only then will the digital and marketing engine start to hum efficiently rather than stutter as it does currently. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In the future, expect advertisers to take advantage of seemingly “magical” technology, such as Augmented Reality, Robotics etc. into account while collecting data about your likes, interests constantly in order to deliver the perfect consumer experience. Digital marketing is becoming increasingly important to business strategies with 80% of companies plan to increase their digital marketing budgets over the

Don’t believe me? Here, have a look at one of the most successful viral marketing campaigns that was conducted way before the internet itself went mainstream. With so many options, it is easy for a business to get caught up in the technology hype. This is certainly understandable with so much news, almost a weekly basis, about the latest digital marketing tools. Simply jumping on the latest digital marketing bandwagon to conform is not the key to success.

next 12 to 18 months, with 32% of those planning

Don’t be afraid to take risks, try out new channels,

to increase it by 10-15%.

but don’t go overboard either. While it’s good to

Remember, you can throw in all the money you want, but in the end, it all boils down to how detailed your battle plan is. Create a game plan for promoting yourself online and stick to it. Without the right strategy, you are simply wasting resources. The key is to begin by developing an understanding of your customers, identify-


dream of having a big integrated customer data

warehouse one day, it can take years to push through organizational impediments and put it together. Being online gives you a brilliant chance to engage with your audience, so do not hold back if you get a chance to talk to them.

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