Advika | Oct - Nov 2017

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October-November 2017


EDITORIAL BOARD: Dr. Rachna Madaan

ADVISORY BOARD: Dr. Sujata Shahi Dr. Saima Rizvi

DESIGN BY: Mukesh Singh

PHOTO CREDIT: Ashutosh Narayan, PGDM 17-19

STUDENT EDITOR: Manan Porwal, PGDM 17-19


October-November 2017





To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must ď€ rst discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can ď€ nd the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. -Lord Buddha


Hr Conference



Carpe-diem '2017-18



PVR NEST - Road Safety Meet



Faculty Achievements



Children's Day Celebrations



Sports Quiz Competition



Placement Week



Alumni Newsletter


Campus News Hr Conference Organiza onal Execellence Through The Power Of Human Capital Date - 7th October 2017 The compe ve environment of the 21 century where most compe on is global and innova on is the need of the hour, change becomes the core competency of any organiza on Human Capital can play an important role in helping organiza ons achieve change. Human Resource has always been central to organiza on. Today, it has taken on an even more central role in building a firm's compe ve advantage. The dynamics of change becomes one of the central facets of any business where the role, func on and process of Human Resource must be redefined in the context of change. Human Resource Strategies and prac ces explain how to manage the transi on smoothly, rapidly and successfully and make the organisa on compe ve and reach excellence. For every organiza on, human resources (HR) are like their treasured assets. In order to faster the employee performances, efforts should be directed to treat them carefully and effec vely. Every en ty wants to a ract and retain talented employees to work for them at top levels. Hence, it is very difficult to achieve organiza onal objec ves without managing human resources effec vely. The Interna onal Conference oriented to highlight the importance of human resource management for every organiza on be it government or private. There is no doubt that the conference has brought out the essence of the theme “Organiza onal Excellence through the power of human capital” in all its aspects and that too in a brilliant manner. The theme is so relevant in today's context especially when HR as a func on is facing lot of challenges and transi on. There was a

me when employee management was once referred as workforce

management, and then transformed to Personnel Management. Later the same transformed into human resource management and then Human Capital. And now it is Talent Management. In some organiza on HR is referred as Business partner and that is more strategic in nature. No doubt, HR has now become more dynamic and crucial to the success of the organiza on in crea ng excellence. And increasingly the organiza ons have started realizing that any mistake on this could be a costly one. We had many leaders from different industry giving their views and perspec ve on the dynamics of HR. It is very interes ng to note that these views came from mul ple industry right from an Aircra manufacturing company, Consul ng, Insurance, Consumer durables and to So ware. IILM Ins tute for Business and Management, Gurgaon organised an Interna onal HR conference on the topic: “Organiza onal Excellence through the Power of Human Capital” on 7th October 2017.

Dr.Sujata Sahi lighting the lamp

The day of conference began with all zeal and extol by ligh ng the lamp in the presence of our esteemed guest, Dr. Aquil Busrai, Mr, Anshu, Mr. V.P.Singh, par cipants from the corporate and academic sectors along with the IILM members. Conference started with the welcome speech given by Dr. P. Mala Rvizhi, Director Academics, IILM. She extended her warm welcome towards all the respected speakers of the conference with all fervour of gra tude and gaiety. Star ng with the conference topic “Organiza onal Excellence through the Power of Human Capital”, Dr. Pinky Goswami briefed the objec ve of the conference and gave a brief recapitula on of the HR Conference of 2016. In her speech, she stressed on giving importance to the concept of collec ve intelligence in order to bring about organiza onal excellence. She also remarked the need to cul vate a strong sense of team spirit, wherein each member will complement each other for organiza onal success. Keynote Speaker: Dr. Aquil Busrai, our esteemed Key note speaker – A man with excep onal knowledge about Human Resource and having an array of experience serving in the field of HR for more than 4 decades. Today, Mr Busrai owns his own consul ng firm named “Aquil Busrai Consul ng”. Mr. Busrai keeping his view point Dr. Aquil Busrai lighting the lamp.

stated “Improvise-Adapt-Adopt" and deal with status quo of technology advancement, keeping hands on now HR people recharge the human capital for organisa on. Dr. Pinky Goswami addressing the audience

Plenary session: Leading the conference ahead plenary session begins.

Mr. Paramjit Singh Lamba, AVP HR, Orient Cra Pvt. Ltd. addressed the audience in the Plenary Session about the skill sets required for the future. He discussed about work life in future in which he told about the a ributes which a company would be looking in a candidate in the future including social intelligence, new media literacy, etc. He also told how the export sector is the most affected sector by recent government reforms. Mr. Dhananjay Singh, Director General NHRDN pu ng his view point said that focussing on Inves ng in good habits and ability to work in a team is all about organiza onal excellence through human capital. Mr. V.P. Singh, Advisor OD Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd , Human capital leader with proven creden als for building process driven, people centric & customer focused organisa ons con nued the session and said that “Fana c discipline; Monomaniacal Crea vity that is empirical and Produc ve Paranoia are required to be great". Mr. Ashutosh Anshu, General Manager, Head HR, Hitachi India addressed the session and enlightened the young PGDM students with his viewpoint. He said, “You can't do today with yesterday's methods and be in business tomorrow”. He also spoke about how to adopt today's changes into our everyday lives. He stressed on the point of “ASK”, A tude, Knowledge and Skill. Session 1: Raising the Bar of Human Resources Management Dr. Saima Rizvi, session moderator for the session welcomed the en re respected HR professional and talked about how Humana Resources Management is raising its bar from tradi onal shi to Strategic shi in the modern age. Speakers of the Session were: Ms. Ruma Batheja: Head Human Resource Knowledge cs and she talked about "Raising the bar through Inno-Create People Management Skills; Collabora ng Humanity and Technology; Emo onal and Organiza onal wellbeing.”

Mr. Gautam Rao: AVP Max Life stated "Four pillars required to raise the HR bar” 1. Build Talent Pipeline and Capability 2. Enhance Business Performance 3. Innovate HR Excellence 4. Inspire Engagement Corporate Paper presenter: Ms Shefali Bahi shah, Head HR Exicom presented a paper on “Impact of Organiza onal competencies on organiza onal performances in manufacturing industry” Student Speakers: Sefali Mi al (PG 2017-2019, IILM Gurgaon) spoke on the changes in HR from the tradi onal world to the world of the Millennial. Ms. Ruchi Singh (PG 2016-2018, IILM Gurgaon) spoke on how technology becomes a boon to the world of HR. Session two: Redesigning workforce for 21st Century Manager Dr Vidhisa Vyas, session moderator for the session briefed the session explaining the need and redesigning demand for the workforce and work culture in 21st century The session picked up steam with the topic 21st century manager Ms. Divya Jain, Director Grant Thornton talked about the Workplace for the Human Age. She said today's workforce is even more powerful than their company itself. They decide the fate of the company and are very keen on learning. Hence, the most required thing in today's era is an open and honest feedback which can lead to the be erment of the workforce which in turn can increase the output. Ms. Anju Sabhrawal, Founder and CEO, People Bridges talked about Well-developed and embedded cultures that are the key to redesigning the workforce.

Mr. Ajay Mehra, Managing Director in South Asia of Airbus. He expressed how we first need to iden fy ourselves and then other employees as an HR manager. First we need to follow and then only implement the rules. He also talked about the sustained expansion of the service industry in today's era. Paper Presenter: Ms. Monika, Junior Research fellow from Jamia Millia Islamia presented a research paper on work place spirituality and its impact on workforce. She emphasized how employee sa sfac on is more important than consumer sa sfac on. Student Speaker: Charu Goswami (PG 2016-2018, IILM Gurgaon) talked about how vision leads the company. Whatever is the employees' vision about his life is sufficient to judge his role in the company. Interna onal student Paper Presenta on: Neil from Sweden said, “Human Resources is the most important in India as here there are too many people involved as opposed to developed lands where more machines are involved”. Session 3: Managing People Performance through HR Analy cs This session focused on people performance through analy cs that is so cri cal in today's compe

ve job market with Dr. Sona modera ng the session.

Mr. Deepak explained how we are between a cusp of technology and globaliza on and in the middle is HR. He also said whatever was difficult for the computer to understand has been made easy by humans through emo ons. Hence, it is important to understand the needs and sen ments of the employees for be er performances. Mr. Gaurav Bakshi, Co-Founder and Managing Partner explained how predic ve analy cs in HR is the need of the hour today. He said future skills, future needs are to be an cipated by the HR keeping in mind both inside and outside factors. Similar views were expressed by Ms. Malabika Bose, HR Head, Blackberry. She shared a quote rela ng to whatever gets measured gets managed and whatever gets managed gets executed. She also gave insight about the three stages of HR analy cs namely predic ng, analysis and repor ng. Ms. Prerna spoke about the transparency needed in the culture of the company which can only be brought by the HR. Towards the end, Mr. Siddharth Du a a first year PGDM student

presented a paper in which he focused on the Maslow's theory in the Indian Context. We, at IILM consciously make an eort to bring the industry and academia together, through such conferences and we will con nue to strive for the same in future. On the behalf of IILM gurgaon, Prof Siva Ram Krishna delivered the vote of thanks to all the privileged guests, corporate jargons and students of IILM for their contribu on in making the conference all a grand success.

Conference Patron: Dr. Sujata Shahi Conference Chair : Dr. Pinky Goswami Conference Scien ďŹ c Commi ee: Dr. P.Mala and Dr. Saima Student Core Commi ee Members: PG1: Shefali Mi al, Massom Garg, Nayan Saluja, Megha Mathur, Manan Porwal,Rishabh, Chirag, Alisha Suraj Gula , Ketan Patwari, Harshit, Aman Godaria,Venika Social Media Team : Ruchi Singh, Sunit Raj, Harbind Singh, Priya Gupta (PG 2016-2018) Report Compiled By : Dr. Pinky Goswami, Prof. Rachna Madaan, Ms. Manya and Ruchi Singh (PG 2016-2018).

Carpe-diem '2017-18 Topic: Business Analy cs Once You Stop Learning, You Start Dying! Following this philosophy, IILM always keep on organising workshops by experts to share their knowledge and wisdom with aspiring managers. IIM-Calcu a Organises its annual fest Carpe-Diem in Jan each year, and students from various B-Schools par cipate in workshops to get a chance to be selected to compete in final round. The 2 – Days workshop as part of an event known as Carpe-Diem was conducted at IILM, Gurgaon. Mr. Anirban Chakraborthy who is a Cer fied Analy cs Professional, was here to tell us about what business analy cs is? How Analy cs help in various fields of work? Being a part of the workshop Students learnt various new terms like: • Data warehousing • Introduc on of Big Data • Structured Data vs. Unstructured Data • Who is Data Scien st? • Predic ve and Descrip ve Business Analy cs etc. Prior to this workshop there was no clarity as to what a Business Analyst does? Or where the Business Analy cs is applied? Some of the applica ons learnt are: • Internet search

• • • •

Image recogni on Speech recogni on Digital adver sements Gaming etc.

So, this workshop helped ge ng an overview of the subject. Also, students got a glance of the working of the sta s cal tools like “R” and “SAS”. As the workshop was about to get concluded, all the par cipants were divided in the teams of 5 each and each team was given a topic related to business analy cs like “role of business analy cs in the finance sector” etc. The teams were given ample me to prepare and then, present it in on stage. Finally, Mr. Anirban in consulta on with Prof. Vishal marked the par cipants who presented and 5 people qualified for the final round to be held in the month of January '2018 at IIM-C. Faculty Coordinator:- CA. Vishal Goel Students Coordinator:- Shirish Bhandari & Alisha Middha

PVR NEST - ROAD SAFETY MEET Take Charge To Roadmap Your Be er Tomorrow Everybody is in hurry but nobody reaches on me ! Since road safety is a crucial issue, PVR Nest has come up with an ini a ve on the same as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibility. They have previously performed various ac vi es pertaining to same issue in huge no of schools within the geographical boundaries of our country. But this me, PVR has targeted the youth and therefore the campaign would be in collabora on with The Rising Youth of Delhi – NCR. IILM, Gurugram Being one of the premier B Schools in Delhi-NCR got the opportunity to deliver its contribu on in this esteem campaign. PVR invited 3 of our students to be a leading part of this campaign in their corporate oďŹƒce located in cyber city, Gurgaon. A er a long discussion among Team PVR Nest and students from various collages, team came up with great ideas and strategies so as to ini ate the campaign in respected collages and various other loca ons in Delhi NCR. The Opportunity was truly enlightening for students who a ended the discussion not just in terms of being a lead role in the movement but also in

respect of personality development and grooming. This discussion with PVR brought a sense of responsibility in students towards road safety and worked as an approach to enhance their conďŹ dence and public speaking skills which would assist them further to live a be er corporate life. The campaign will start from January and will focus on all those sensi ve areas which lead to mis-happenings on roads. Therefore, the ul mate idea or mo ve of the campaign would be to make it as huge as possible so that no ci zen should be le with lack of awareness about Road safety and every ci zen reaches at right des na on, at right me. Student Volunteers: Arpita, Rishabh, Priya Faculty Coordinator : Prof. Vishal Goel

Faculty Achievements

Dr. Saima along with Dr Shegorika presented a paper tled “Booms and recessions-A Behavioral Finance Macro Contagion Effect”, at Second Interna onal Finance Conference, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), on October 11, 2017, New Delhi.

Case tled “Social Entrepreneurship and its Future: A Case on Indha Cra ” wri en by Dr Saima and Prof Ruchi has been accepted to be published in Journal of Applied Management - Jidnyasa, Vol 9, Issue 2, 2017.

Dr. Rachna Madaan completed her PhD in Economics from Ansal University, Gurgaon on 7 th Nov, 2017. The topic of her PhD is “FDI Inflows in India: Trends, Determinants and Implica ons for Development”.

Student Column Children's Day Celebra ons 14th November 2017 Childhood is about innocence and playfulness, so IILM Gurgaon celebrated children's day on 14th November in college premises with UTSAV FOUNDATION and PATHSHALA students. The event was organized by Sports club and NGO club (Yuva Goonj) which was coordinated by CA Vishal Goel along with student coordinators of both club. Children were very excited as they got a chance to par cipate in the ac vi es and showcase their talent through speeches and dance performances. Total 30 students were part of the celebra on. The event started with RELAY RACE which includes frog race, educa on based ques ons and lemon race. It was then followed by various dance performances by students of Utsav founda on and Pathshala students. Students also enjoyed playing the MUSICAL CHAIRS and FOUR CORNERS GAME. The winners of each ac vity were given gi s and the performers were also awarded with gi s. The day ended with distribu on of refreshments and a gi pack and in the last everybody danced on the music beats and enjoyed the day. No be er pleasure than seeing the smiles on faces of small children. Faculty coordinator: CA. Vishal Goel Student coordinators: Masoom, Sanjana Jain, Ketan Patwari, Shivam Pandey, Rahul Singh bahduriya, Siddharth Prasad

Sports Quiz Compe on 9th November, 2017 Learning with fun filled ac vi es has always been a ritual for the Management students at IILM. Recently there was a SPORTS quiz organised in the College premises by sports club on the 9th of November 2017 which was conducted by students co-ordinators of sports club along with faculty co-ordinator CA vishal goel. Students were pre y excited as they got a pla orm to showcase their knowledge about their awareness of sports world (famous sportspersons, na onal game of different countries, voice recogni on of sportsperson, picture recogni on of sportsperson) Students were also to be tested on their basic sports awareness about Olympics, IPL, World cup Sta s cs, commonwealth games. So the quiz took place as followedThere were 14 teams consis ng of the students from pg1 and pg2. The first round was knockout round and 6 teams eliminated at the end of first round. The ques ons were a bit easy related to Sta s cs of sports. The second round 8 teams were selected. The toughness level of ques ons were increased. The third round each team were asked two ques ons each based on various categories of sports. The ques ons were mcq's pa ern. There was a e at end of round, a surprise element was introduced i.e. to qualify for the next round the selected had to compete in the thumb figh ng round . The fourth round four team qualified. In this round the par cipants had to iden fy the person in the picture displayed and the second ques on was based on voice of the sportsperson.

The winner team was 'THE STRIKERS' and the members were Abhiraj Du a and Yash Garg. There team was rewarded with Cash Prize. And the 1st runner up team was 'THE MERYJANES' and the members were Lingaraj and Devansh Jain . They were also rewarded with cash prize Other than par cipants the audience also showed their interest in answering the ques on. They were also awarded with prizes.

Student Co-ordinators- Aman, Himanshi and Shivam Faculty coordinator- CA. Vishal Goel

Placement Week Manan Porwal, PGDM 17-19 Team SCOP

With the aim of keeping the learning mission in loop through prac cal acquaintances, Placement Week 2 was orchestrated between 9/10/17 and 13/10/17. Thanks to the stupendous efforts of IILM's management in tandem with CDC, notable speakers from diverse industries agreed to interact with future managers about the expected contemporary & future industry requirements. The week also focused on impar ng and harnessing skills that add up in making a high performing candidate at the me of recruitment. There is no refu ng the fact that improved knowledge coupled with managerial skills increase the chances of placement manifold. Consequently, the en re week was dra ed to align academic knowledge with recruitment pre-requisites. All the sessions were extremely informa ve and directed at crea ng real me placement situa on for the maximum benefit of the a endees. History is corrobora ve of the fact that prac ce fosters perfec on. Some per nent highlights in achieving the level of perfec on during the remarkable week are summed up below: • Introduc on to internships: The week kick started with the lead of placement cell elabora ng about the several internship avenues and stressing on the importance of finding the right company for training. • Session on excel & resume building: A resume gives a bird's eye view of the poten al employee's background and much more. Thus, it could be inferred that the resume must abide by the accepted standard as it makes a first impression. It is equally important to brush up excel skills to upgrade one's opera onal proficiency.

• Session on adap ng to workplace: An astute employee knows the importance of mixing with the corporate environment. A session was thus conducted that envisaged on delivering ps & techniques to perform smartly at workplace. • Group discussion (GD)& personal interviews (PI): As a mandate, every organiza on conducts a GD & PI to scan to best fit for their company. This gives them a chance to understand an applicant from different viewpoints. It was thus an integral component of the placement week schedule and was aptly conducted by able facul es. • Session on pathways: Changing trends call for clever ac ons to make the best use of the approaching opportuni es. A session introducing 'pathways' was planned to apprise student about the mix of subjects they can choose to get the best out of their specializa on(s). • Alumni on campus: Thanks to the amount of efforts IILM put in every student, it is certain that our esteem alumnus are bound to showcase them and take the college pride to the next level. Sessions by alumnus cap vated a en on and managed to engage maximum students. In totality, the objec ve of delivering meaningful informa on through well conducted sessions was adequately achieved. The Placement Week ended posi vely and marked the beginning of Diwali break with happy faces exchanging wishes with each other in advance.

Alumni Newsletter November 2017 Industry Leaders Visit: Guest lecture on Posi ve Thinking by Brahmakumari - Sister Sonika, Sister Bhavna and Ms. Manvi were present from the organisa on. Posi ve Thinking : Sister Sonika spoke to the students harping on the importance of Posi ve Thinking, power of Medita on and Raja Yoga along with exercises to help understand oneself. Industry speaker: Mukul Goel, founder of, addressed the students with interes ng informa on about the industry at large along with its link with the technological advancements. Alumni on Campus •Sunil Jhakar (Batch of 2006-08): Entrepreneur, spoke on Technology and IT Trends •Madhav Sharma (Batch 2012-14), Zomato, Team Leader – Marke ng, Zomato briefed students about the must-have skills for a marke ng post-graduate ci ng the example of his journey through the years. •Yash Agarwal (Batch of 2010-12) – Research Associate, Fidelity – gave the students an insight into the field of research •Abhishek Joshi (Batch of 2007-09) – Area Sales Manager, Bacardi – interacted with the students and shared his journey through the years in the industry. Placement News: IILM Gurgaon is pleased to share that the following students from the PGDM batch of 2016-18 have been placed: 1. 5.

ITC 2. Proedge Deloi e 6. Colgate

3. Marico 4. Chrome Data Analy cs & Media 7. HDFC Ltd. 8.NIIT

HR Conference 2017 The Interna onal Conference was oriented to highlight the importance of Human Resource Management for every organiza on – government or private. IILM Ins tute for Business and Management, Gurgaon organized an Interna onal HR conference on the topic: “Organiza onal Excellence through the Power of Human Capital” on 7th October 2017. Conference Patron: Dr. Sujata Shahi Conference Chair: Dr. Pinky Goswami Conference Scien fic Commi ee: Dr. P.Malarizvhi and Dr. Saima Rizvi

Speakers included: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Key note Address: Dr.Aquil Busrai (CEO Aquil Busrai Consul ng) Mr. Paramjeet Lamba : AVP HR ,Orient Cra Pvt. Ltd Mr. Ashutosh Anshu : General Manager, Head HR and Administra on, Hitach India Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Dhananjay Singh : Director General NHRDN Mr. V.P.Singh : (Advisor OD Patanjali Ayurveda Ltd) Ms. Ruma Batheja (Head Human Resource Knowledge cs Ms Archana Soin (Director Human Resources Beam Global Spirits and wine Ms.Ar Chopra (Corporate HR Cheil India A Samsung Group) Mr. Gautam Rao ( AVP Max Life) Ms. Anju Sabharwal (Founder & CEO, People Bridges) Ms. Divya Jain: (Director Grant Thornton) Mr. Ajay Mehra : (MD Airbus) Ms. Sonal Gaur (Head Learning and Development, Concentrix) Mr. Gaurav Bakshi (Co-Founder & Managing Partner) Ms. Malabika Bose (HR Blackberry) Mr. Farid Ahmed : Deputy GM, Carlson Paper presenta on by Ms. Shefali Bahi Shah (Head HR Exicom) Achievers (Alumni - Batch of 2005-07)

Dr. Deepak Verma (Director of Sales, Pullman-Novotel, New Delhi) Having completed his Bachelors of Commerce (B.Com) in 2004 and PGDM (in Marke ng & Sales) in 2007, Mr. Verma went on to carve his own niche in the hospitality sector. He has worked across leading companies in the industry including Arena Mul media, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, Moevenpick Hotels & Resorts, The Leela Ambience Gurgaon Hotel & Residences and Hya Hotels Corpora on prior to joining PullmanNovotel as Director of Sales. We are proud of his achievements! Alumni-Faculty Bonding Prachi Gupta (PGDM Batch of 2015-17) During my journey at IILM I was blessed to have bonded with the faculty members at IILM Gurgaon. I would like to men on that Sujata ma'am has always been a role model for me. During my me at IILM, it was she who always appreciated my efforts and guided me in the right direc on basis my strengths. Ruchi ma'am showed me the path to help reach my career objec ve. She gave me the tle of "The Best Salesperson in IILM" which posi vely reinforced me to con nue with the path of Marke ng. With Urvashi Ma'am, I grew confident to pursue my passion for fine arts and developed a wonderful connect with her that will last a life me. It was she who helped me sharpen my crea ve and organizing skills that I use today in my workplace. Sangeet ma'am being my mentor, helped me for every small to big things. I got immense amount of corporate knowledge from her and would stay in touch with her as she is really suppor ve. I shall forever remember the wonderful moments spent on campus and look forward to coming back to relive the same.

Plot 71 Sector 53,Golf Course Road,Gurgaon -122003. 0124-6675756

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