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Fourth PRME International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation: Key Drivers of Responsible Management


I Fest’ 171

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IILM PRME 2017 - Fourth International Conference on “Sustainability and Innovation: Key Drivers of Responsible Management”

IILM Institute for Higher Education, in collaboration with UN Global Compact’s PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) Initiative hosted its fourth International Conference on “Sustainability and Innovation: Key Drivers of Responsible Management” on 9th, 10th& 11th of February, 2017 at IILM Lodhi

Road Campus New Delhi. The focus of the conference was on Responsible Management practices and how these can be developed by use of ‘Innovation and Sustainability’ ef-


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forts undertaken by organisations, individuals and the like. The inaugural session began with the welcome address by Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Senior Director, IILM. Shri Bibek Debroy, Member, Niti Aayog, H.E. Nadir Patel, High Commissioner of Canada and H.E. Melba Pria, Ambassador of Mexico presided over the inaugural session and shared their thoughts. H.E. Nadir Patel highlighted the number of ways in which Canada is willing to support the PRME initiatives in Indian corporates in addition to educational institutions. Highlighting the important role played by educational institutions as a catalyst to innovation, he urged the audience to think along the lines of - Innovation gap continues to be a challenge; Disruptive innovation in entrepreneurship; Linkages across all 17 SDGs; and Making CSR more mainstream in organizations.

H.E. Melba Pria brought out the importance of this UN Agenda with disturbing facts such as 1 in 9 people in the world is mal-nourished, 230 million Indians go to bed hungry every day, 1 in 5 households do not have electricity and so on. She underscored the need for innovation to overcome the challenge of inequality, by bringing innovation to solve problems in rural areas and among the under privileged. Reiterating the role of companies, she stressed that the idea of CSR has changed from “Companies should do no harm” to “Companies should contribute positively to society” giving back to the community creating social impact. The IILM PRME Research Awards 2017 entitled ‘A Life of Significance – Leading Responsibly – The way forward for a sustainable Inclusive World’ was won jointly by two papers and were given away to the winners by Mr. Kamal Singh. The


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paper titled Kshamtaa: Empowering Lives, Envisioning Sustainable Inclusive Socio-Economic Development” by Dr. Smitha Banerjee, Dr. Shalini Saksena, Mrs Neeru Ailawadi and the case study on” Goonj: Essence of Sustainability & Scalability of Social Venture” by Prof. Sriparna Basu and Prof. Rakesh Gupta were selected for the award by the jury comprising of Mr. Kamal Singh, Mr. Raj Nehru and Prof. A.B. Chakraborty.


The conference continued on the next day with an avid audience eager for more in-depth discussion on the topics of Innovation, Sustainability, and CSR. The first plenary session on the topic “Innovation Drives Entrepreneurship” was envisioned with SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for

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all) in mind. Globally, countries thrive on entrepreneurs to create fresh employment opportunities, support taxation and growth. In India, we need partnership models where R&D and technological inventions support entrepreneurship. Eminent speakers, Mr. Ashutosh Chadha - Group Director, Microsoft, Mr. Santhosh Jayaram - Partner, Sustainability and Climate Change, KPMG, and Prof. Sergio Janczak, Management Studies Director, Kings College at Western University Canada addressed the gathering on the topic. They shed light on the centrality of innovation and ideation to the

success and sustainability of organizations, while emphasizing the need for social entrepreneurship in the current world. The discussion continued with the session on “Sustainability: The new business excellence Mantra – Top leadership perspec-


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tive” focussed on how the role of corporations in society has changed significantly in the recent years. This session revolves around the implementation of SDG sub-goal 12.6 - Encourage companies, especially large and trans-national companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle. The panellists Mr. Rajpal Duggal - Head Group Strategy & Corporate Planning, Oxigen Services India Pvt Ltd, Mr. Subodh Kumar, General Manager, Alternate Energy and Sustainable Development, IOCL, and Mr Aladiyan Manickam, Country head of the Finnish Technology Major Chempolis Ltd enlightened the gathering on the topic. Each speaker brought in aspects of their experience in creating sustainable enterprises that contribute to people and the planet simultaneously. The next session entitled “Innovations for meeting the national sustainability goals” centred on the United Nations’ 2030 agenda for achieving sustainable de6

velopment is into the rural areas in order to know the ground reality and to make a difference there. The ensued the discussion on “CSR provisions in the companies act: Implications for corporate sustainability” revolved around the requirements of Section 135 of the Companies Act of 2013 and the practicalities attached to it. This session focussed on the enactment of the sustainability agenda within the Indian legislature with special emphasis on the National Voluntary Guidelines, MOCA, Govt of India, 2011. Mr.Anurag Kapoor, General Manager - Corporate Social Responsibility, Schneider Electric, Dr. K. K. Upadhyay, Advisor, National Skills Foundation of India, Lt. Gen. Rajender Singh, CEO DLF Foundation, and Prof. Gayatri Subramaniam, Chief Programme Executive & Convener, NFCSR, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs discussed the topic. This session witnessed a dialogue

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on the implementation of the Companies Act from the perspectives of the government representative and the corporates. They agreed unanimously on the need to integrate CSR as part of the mainstream organization rather than just a department.


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The last day of the conference commenced with a panel discussion on “Social Innovations for the bottom-of-the-pyramid” wherein experts elaborated on how start-Ups and social innovators are penetrating the market base consisting of the lower socio-economic customers. This session aimed at discussing SDG 10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries) and how it is being implemented in India. Mr. Anirban Roy, Director SEED, Mr. Sameer Kochhar, Director Skoch Group, Mr. Vipin Malhotra, CEO, Kegg Farms and Mr. Jeevan Talegaonkar General Manager, Industry and Society Vertical (Smart Cities Initiative) at Ericsson India Ltd were the eminent panellists for this session. The speakers deliberated on different ways in which innovations are being used for social causes to benefit the bottom of the pyramid with relevant examples. The last plenary session of this international conference focussed on “Sustainable supply chains:


A Business Imperative”. SDG 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns) draws attention to the necessity to look into creating and maintaining sustainable habits. More and more companies today are grasping the reality that in order to extend their commitment to responsible business practices they must do so to their supply chains as well - right from their subsidiaries to their suppliers. Mr. Gaurav Bansal- Head Supply Chain, Hughes Communications, Mr. Avinash Mathur-Director - Supply Chain & Planning at Whirlpool India, Mr. Sanjay Vyas - Business Process Senior Consultant at SAP India Global Delivery Centre and Prof Dorthe Bohlbro, Senior Lecturer, Business Academy Aarhus, Denmark shared their views on the subject. The panellists discussed the various challenges faced by organizations when looking into sustainable supply chain management and measures to overcome these challenges. The conference concluded with

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closing remarks by Dr. Bhaskar Chatterjee, Senior Director, IILM, Mr. Dilip Chenoy- Independent Advisor, CSR, Mr. Rajdeep Sahrawat, Global Head, Buisness Development (TCS), Mr. G K Chaukiyal, Executive Director, Airports Authority of India and Dr. Smitha Girija- Director IILM. The distinguished members of the closing plenary once again urged the students to step out, identify problems that are prevalent in India and come up with innovative solutions that are applicable in the current Indian context to overcome those problems. Dr. Smitha Girija also took this opportunity to announce the dates for the 5th International IILM PRME conference for February 8 to 10, 2018. The 4th IILM PRME international conference was a great success and provided a platform for industry experts, Diplomats and academicians from different parts of the world to interact and dialogue on aspects of Sustainability and Innovation that are extremely important drivers of responsible management in the current business context.


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Book Review By Dr. Gargi Sandilya

Dan Ariely’s Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations. Dr. Gargi Sandilya Assistant Professor OB, HR, Leadership &Negotiations Hardcover – Rs. 850.00 ISBN: 1501120042 (ISBN13: 9781501120046) Published - 15 Nov 2016 128 pages


Motivation is a topic of great interest to behaviour and organizational scientists who are generally looking for ways to improve performance and productivity. The subtitle of the book “Payoff” attracted my attention, whetting my curiosity with the promise of the hidden logic behind motivations. ‘Payoff’ is an engaging melange of research findings with personal stories and experiences, blended into an interesting read as much for a lay person as for a researcher. Catchy chapter headers also added to the appeal. Dan begins with a dictionary definition of motivation and how it is a significant part of all aspects of our lives – personal and professional. In the author’s own words “This book explores the jungle of motivation’s true nature, as well as

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our blindness to its strangeness and complexity”. His introduction talks about an interesting theory that motivation is a sum of a number of factors suggesting the equation:

The need to “reclaim even a tiny modicum of control over his life” was the motivation to endure the pain and to get better. With these words the author brings out the significance of experiencing meaning in life as against Motivation = Money + Achieve- living an easy life. ment + Happiness + Purpose + A Sense of Progress + Retire- Dan cites several interesting ment Security + Caring About studies that he and his colOthers + Your Legacy + Status + leagues have conducted where Number of Young Kids at Home performance of research partic2 + Pride + E + P + X + [All kinds ipants as well as actual factory of other elements]. He presents employees went up much more the complexity of the concept significantly when they were of motivation and able to find meaning in their how we tend to attribute it to work than when their work was different factors before a proj- simply rewarded with moneect and during the project. He tary returns. In fact his research also points out that often we points to the fact that monebecome aware of the various tary rewards actually hamperefactors affecting our motivation drather than helped productivlevels only after the negative ef- ity whereas a simple word of fects are evident. acknowledgement from the superior worked wonders. He then goes on to describe an experience that made him re- Through four easy to read chapalise that what pushed him to ters, Dan enlightens the readcome out of a tragic incident ers on what kills motivation, was the strong need to con- how joy and finding meaning in quer a feeling of helplessness. work are significant, that mon-


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ey is a wrongly over-rated motivator and how often the need for finding meaning unconsciously extends to encompass even the afterlife. Dan concludes with the answer to the ultimate question alluding to the book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. Expressed in a light and humorous language, while the book reiterates what several other researchers have found in recent years, it also encourages the reader to ponder some of the simple yet often ignored aspects of leadership and motivation. It is a small book, quick to read and packed with wisdom.


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Faculty Article Showcasing Socially Relevant Causes through theatre – Nukkad Natak” By Ms. Anindita Chatterjee, Assistant Professor OB & HR

On 17 th February 6 colleges of Delhi University participated - Hansraj, Hindu, Shaheed Raj Guru, GB Pant Engineering College, Lady Shri Ram College and Atma Ram College presented street plays at IILM, as a part of IILM’s intercollegiate festival, I-Fest. Each team selected a social cause as a theme for their street play performance showcased it in front of a live audience. The enthusiastic rendition brought out creative ways to showcase and spread awareness about various social causes. Hindu College team chose as their theme Life of an Army Jawan. They showcased the difficulty faced by an Army Jawan during the time of wars like the Kargill War, guarding the LOC, they do not have access to the family life which ordinary citizens enjoy. Hansraj College presented on “Democracy over the Ages”, where they highlighted how political parties often hold democracy to ransom often neglecting the problems of the common man. The all-women’s team from Shaheed Raj Guru staged the theme of Suicide relating to rising unemployment among the youth. They reflected on the causes of unemployment in the agricultural sector, decline of cottage industry and lack of skill development.


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The team from GB Pant Engineering College, called themselves “Buniyaad” and presented “Educational Mujahedeen”. They emphasized how children were pressurized to perform well in exams by their parents, which is paramount and how the burden takes a toll on their lives. The team representing Lady Shri Ram College called themselves “Ek Shunya Nau Char”, and staged a play on “Human Trafficking”. They emphasized on how 40,000 children are trafficked each year. They also touched upon trafficking of women from remote north eastern states to metros. They sealed off their act with inviting the audience for suggestions on how to stop trafficking. The last performance was by Atma Ram College students, “Rangayan” who presented “Jan Gan Man”. They dwelt on Corruption levels in Modern India, how corruption was persistent in all levels and taking a toll on the average Indian Citizen. They also showcased how Indian Brands were losing their sheen in front of foreign brands and the craze for multi –national products in place of regular Indian brands. The performance of all the teams were extraordinary, they showcased their talent in front of a live audience innovatively providing food for thought for the audience on how everyone can join hands together to prevent trafficking. The effort put in by the students to portray socially relevant themes in the form of a street play in the college was very en-


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Visit to Honda Cars By Simran Ahluwalia, SBS 2015-18 batch On 15th February, a company visit was organized by the college to Honda Cars Ltd Tapukara plant. Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) is a subsidiary of Honda of Japan for the production, marketing and export of passenger cars in India. It began operations in 1995 as a joint venture between Honda Motor Company and Usha International. In August, 2012, The Company officially changed its name to Honda Cars India Ltd (HCIL) and became a 100% subsidiary of Honda. To meet the ever increasing demands of the cars, Honda has started opera-

tions of its second plant in Tapukara, District Alwar, in Rajasthan. Expanding to full operations , Honda production capacity has jumped 30% year on year to 2.8 million per annum in FY 12- 13. With a cumulative investment of Rs3526 crores, Tapukara plant currently employs more than 3200 associates. This HCIL plant is the first car manufacturing plant in the state of Rajasthan. Spread over an area of 450 acres, the facility is an inte-


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grated manufacturing unit including all functions of Forging, Press Shop,Powertrain shop, Weld shop, Paint shop, Plastic Molding, Engine assembly, Frame assembly and Engine Testing facility. This plant is the culmination of the best manufacturing know-how and practices gathered from Honda’s global operations. It employs optimum automation, latest equipment and best layout for achieving high quality, best ergonomics, improved operational efficiency and safety. The plant is highly focused on conservation of the environment and efficient use of energy & other natural resources. The Tapukara plant is the 2nd plant of HCIL which started its Phase I operations in September 2008 with Press Shop and Power Train Unit for engine components. With the start of production of cars in the 2nd plant, HCIL’s total installed production capacity has been increased to 240,000 units/ 16

annum in India. During the current fiscal year 2013-14, HCIL set a new record of crossing 1 lakh unit sales for the first time in a financial year by selling 101,370 units in Apr’13– Jan 14 period registering a growth of 78% over same period last year which is the highest growth among other brands in the industry. As a part of the visit, students were first shown a presentation which gave details about the plant, area covered, number of employees, and numerical facts of sales, machines used and other related facts. After that, a 2 hour tour of the plant was planned for the students and the accompanying teachers. Each and every process was shown right in front of their eyes, from welding to painting to assembling, everything. Different departments of different tools and different area of work were shown to students. Apart from this, students were also shown the

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training center where employ- sembly which is done at the slat ees are trained by their seniors. conveyor; thereafter there is a roller tester to check the final The main in house facilities of scooter quality before handing the plant which were shown, over to dispatch and last but includes Gravity Die-Casting not the least, Vehicle quality & Low pressure Die Casting check is performed to ensure Sections which are for manu- product Quality, Each vehicle facturing critical engine parts, is being inspected for Function, Welding shop robot which has Noise, Electrical, Fit & Finish as features such as spot welding, per Honda Quality Standards. seam welding and MIG welding machines to weld various sheet A long day, a long drive to and metal parts to form the basic from college, but, it was all frame and other scooter panels, worth it in the end. A once in Paint Shop robot has a conveyor a lifetime opportunity for stusystem which is unique amongst dents to grasp, a chance to acall Honda Factories in the world; tually see the entire manufacthe conveyor car carrying the turing process of making a parts is rotated and dipped so car from scratch and also the as to enable good paint adhe- various tools and machines insion, high gloss and superior volved in the making. A memopaint finish. Robots are used in rable experience overall. painting for improved paint finish. Apart from these, other facilities include Engine Assembly which is done in an enclosed air pressurized area to protect the engine from dirt and dust of the engines is then inspected for various parameters, Frame As-


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The prestigious and much awaited inter collegiate debate competition, the Annual Vivekananda Memorial Debate was organized by Sansad, Debating Society of IILM, Lodhi Road on17th&18th of February, 2017. The competition unfolded through three rounds, eliminating and short-listing teams in each. The topics selected for the all the rounds were contemporary and related to the most important issues concerning our society as a whole. The debating society of IILM, Lodhi Road had invited distinguished judges from different industries such as Electronic Media, Journalism, Hospitality, IT Services and Marketing. The topics for the preliminary round were: “Demonetization has not brought any tangible benefit to Indian Economy”; or “We now have less face-to face interaction due to Social Media”, and there were teams from 17 different colleges in Delhi NCR. All the teams spoke well and argued fittingly for and against the topic, thereby bringing creative insights to the debate. The judges,


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though, had to limit themselves to shortlisting eight only for the semi-finals. Ms. Sonali Chhabra, Founder &CEO at GreyEquation and Ms. Sangeeta Ratra, Director HR &Training at Le Meridien were the judges for the preliminary round. The eight semi-finalist teams spoke for and against the topic: Economic development has ruined Planet Earth! The competition was tough and the judges Mr. Mahesh Rathore, Head - HR at The Leela Palace, Mr. Vineet Malhotra, Executive Editor at News World India, Mr. Pulkit Rastogi, Human Resources business partner at Hitachi India, and Mr. Rohit Ranjan, program host with NDTV on environmental issues had a difficult decision to select he four teams that that would go on to the final round. The four qualifying teams for the finals were - Gargi College, IILM-GSM, Noida, FMS and IILM, Lodhi Road. These teams debated on whether Donald Trump reflects the concerns of an average American or not. The judges for the final round were: Mr. Abhishek Tiwary, Executive Director, Human Resource at KPMG, Gurgaon; Mr. Rajesh Grover, an expert in a number of areas of Brand Management and Advertising; Mr. Gaurav Sadana, a Management Consultant. The final round was invigorating with each of the eight speakers inciting the audience first for and then against the topic. It was a pleasure to witness the exchange and especially the interlocution by the participants that followed each debate. It was a close competition.


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The winning team represented by Mr. Kartik and Mr. Kunal from Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi won the VMD Trophy for 2017. Mr. Kartik also won the prize forthe Best Debater in 16 th VMD. Ms. Firdaus from IILMGSM, Noida won the Best Interjector award. The first runners up were the team from IILM-GSM, Noida and second runners up were the team from IILM, Lodhi Road. The event was a great success and saw enthusiastic participation from all the contestants. The audience enjoyed the arguments, interjections and passion with which they were put forth and the event ended on a high note.


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I-fest 2017 I-Fest is an annual students’ festival celebrated at the IILM, Lodhi road Campus. The event is organised by students and engages students across all the Undergraduate programs in various events like dance, singing, business quiz, sports, so and so forth. The annual fest took place this year on 17 th and 18 th of February. A variety of events formed a part of the fest, which attracted enthusiastic participation of not only IILM students, but also various colleges across Delhi.


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Biz Quiz Five teams from different colleges competed with each other on their general knowledge about different aspects of the business arena. There were four rounds in the quiz. In the first round the participants of each team had to identify the logos of 3 different organizations. The second round revolved around recognizing the tag lines of different brands. The rapid fire round with maximum of ten questions to each team to be answered within 2 minutes was the next round. The final round was a visual round wherein participants had to answer questions based on the projected visuals. Students from FDDI Business School, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce and IILM UG and PG students participated in the event. Sayan Roy,

Market Mayhem Two teams, one each from FDDI and IILM participated in this event. They were given some recyclable products which they used to create another usable and marketable product. Winners of the event were decided based on creativity, quality of the marketing strategy used and presentation of their product. First Prize went to the IILM Team represented by Manvi Jain and Riya Jain from the UG program and, Manvendra Singh and Nikita Saxena from the PG batch. FDDI team represented by Sanchit Kulshrestha, Saurabh Basu bagged the second prize.


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FIFA FIFA on play station is a popular game and just like in 2016, it drew a lot of enthusiasm among the students. They participated with full zeal during the match which was spread over six hours. Param Khurana and Aaiyush Manchanda, SBS Stage 1 students of IILM, LR Campus won first and second prizes respectively.

Cricket Cricket is an all-time favourite. There was an overwhelming response from participating teams. The number of final teams participating in the match was limited to four. FDDI, Trinity and Venkateshwara college students took part in the match, apart from IILM, LR. The team from Venkateshwara College was the winner, and IILM took the runner up position. Runner-up scorers from IILM were Utsav Mehla, Laksh Bhambry and Sarthak Aggarwal from UG program, and Harshit Sachdeva, Prateek Mishra, Shubham Goel, Shubham Jain and Vineet Vats from PG program.



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Group Dance Students from various colleges participated in the group dance competition. Audience and judges of the competition acknowledged and appreciated the talent and energy levels showcased. It was in fact a difficult moment for the judges to decipher the winning teams, as is seemed like all the teams were outperforming each other. Sri Guru Gobind Singh and Mata Sundari colleges from Delhi University were awarded first and second positions respectively.



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Solo-Singing Live performance is something which excites everyone. This was once again proven during the singing competition. Shivani and Rahul, both from PGDAV College, enthralled the audience with their voice and won first and second positions respectively.

Nukkad Natak One of the TRPs of IILM fest is Nukkad Natak. During this street play, students are required to present their views and opinions on various social issues. This event too amazed the audience and the performance of each group tended to outshine the other groups. Finally Lady Shri Ram and Atma Ram Colleges were awarded first and second positions respectively.



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Corporate Walk A famous saying by Zig Ziglar says “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in the costume of failure.� Stemming from the belief that it is important to be well dressed at the work place, Corporate Walk was organised for and by students of IILM. It gave them a platform to showcase their professional attire and demeanour. Carried out with great enthusiasm, Kunal Chugh from UG program and Nivedita Khandelwal from the PG program won the best dressed professionals award. I-fest 2017 was a resounding success with several colleges from around Delhi NCR participating in the events. The memories will continue to remain in the minds of the participants and the audience for times to come.



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Learning from the One of the Best Education System in the World- Finland Prof. Nidhi Piplani representing IILM and Ms. Shibani Ghosh representing Banyan Tree School New Delhi visited our partner Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland. The purpose of the visit was to understand the education system in Finland from the kindergarten to University education. Visits were made to local neighbourhood schools. The school visits entailed class observations, meeting the Rector and teachers. Banyan Tree School also signed the MoU for cooperation in teacher training programs. In addition, the visit to the university entailed understanding of the Business Academy model and functioning of the Inno Barents lab. Free, personalised and collaborative learning is indeed the mantra that makes the Finnish Education system the best!


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Vishal Dhawaan – 1998 batch

Supplier Relationship Manager – Asia Pacific at DuPont Vishal is part of the Leadership for Asia Pacific countries for Logistics Supplier Management. He is responsible for establishing Performance Management Practices, Logistics Category Management and value creation by driving synergies, cost and network optimization opportunities in Asia Pacific Region. Logistics Strategist & Operations Leader with experience of Supply Chain, Projects, Global/Regional SAP Implementations as BPO, Customer Services and Sales across Fortune 500 Companies - DuPont, BASF, Monsanto. Vishal has showcased strong people management skills across geographies.


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