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Calendar of Events




June 5 - Autumn Ceilidh hosted by the Toowoomba Caledonian Society Pipe Band. Tickets $10 each. https://www.facebook.com/ ToowoombaCaledonianSocietyPipeBand/

J une 11 to 13 - Tow nsville Tartan Weekend including Heavy Games competition, music workshops, Clansmen Ceilidh and Tartan Day parade. Contact mlg7@optusnet.com.au.

J une 1 2 and 13 - C lydesdale Spec tac ular at B oonah. www.ticketbo.com.au/clydiespectacular

June 26 - Tennents Tartan Tattoo at the Fox and Hound Country Inn, Wongawallan. three-course meal and Brisbane City Pipe Band. $59pp. Advance bookings only to 5665 7582.

July 1 0 - Mackay S cottish Bluewater Fling - a celebration of Scottish music, song and dance

Small Pipe learning and playing held at Milton on the first Tuesday of each month from 7pm. Contact Malcolm on 3820 2902 or Ken on 3279 4093.

Ga e lic c la sse s are h eld each month in Brisbane. Visit www.facebook.com/BrisbaneGaelic for details.

To wn sville a nd Th uring owa h Pip e Ban d rehearse at the Thuringowah Sound Shell on Wednesday nights from 6.30pm. New members welcome.

August 19 - 22 - Scots in the Bush at Boondooma Homestead www.boondoomahomestead.org.au

A ugust - Toow oomba C aledonian S oc iety and P ipe B and 150th anniversary celebrations

October 9 - Celtic Spectacular presented by Queensland Pops Orchestra at QPAC Concert Hall, Brisbane. www.qpac.com.au

Oc tober 1 5 - S c otland T he Br ave P ipe Celebr ation Dinner at Fox and Hounds Country Inn at Wongawallan. 5665 7582

Oc tober 2 3 - S t A ndr ew of Sc otland ( Q ld) Dar ling Dow ns Br anc h 30 th bir thday c elebrations. 0412 987 771

Are you heading to THE CLYDESDALE SPECTACTULAR in Boonah on June 12 and 13? Are you interested in horses in QUEENSLAND and SCOTLAND?

Get a signed copy of MURDER IN THE BUSH the true story of a young man who left the Highlands of Scotland to drove horses across pioneer country.

This book is based on real people, places and events . Email scotsnews@iinet.net.au BEAT THE PRICE RISE!


Join Ron Tannock every Thursday night from 7pm to 9.30pm and every second Saturday from 9am to noon for the Sounds of Ireland (and Scotland), on Burnett River Radio 91.5FM broadcasting to Gayndah and Central Burnett region.

Colin Nightingale hosts Acoustic Harvest every second Thursday night at 8pm on bayFM100.3.

Enjoy ‘A wee bit o’ Scotland on Thursday’ on 4EBFM98.1 from 2.15pm to 4.30pm.

Scottish Program on Global Digital Radio (4EB) each Sunday from 2pm to 3pm.

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