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LotE project: Mitigating effects of climate change in Sahel region OAYO AYEYEMI
ew effort to combat desertifica· tion by ret:lalmlng degraded land, combating soU loss and restoring vegetation In on ler to curb greenhouse gas emlsslons, slrengthen the resUJenCf: of affected communities and build their capacity to adaJ't to climate change Is currently galnln~ grounds In some stat· ed In Sahel area of northern Nigeria.. The effort. b) the Nigerian Conser· vatlon FoundaU'lD (NCF) is called Liv· Ing on the Edge (LotE) on the Hadejia Nguru Wetlands (HNWs) In Yobe State, Is focused on lulbltal restoration using IndJgenous knO\\ ledge and participatory approach. The project involves conservation llirough tree planting, clearance of grasses obstructJ.ng flow of water for the growth of food crops, transportation and fishing. and monitoring of migratory birds to know thf! extent of damage done to the environm( nt by climate change. There Is no dllubt that desert is moving into the Sahel region. The region has always been dry area with less rain than the southern part but now, the rain Is ac· tually reducing (Jue to climate change. The project h being carried out at Hadejla Nguru Wetlands and is located In the Sahel zone of north-eastern Nigl!-> ria. being a floodplaln wetland comprising permanent water bodies and season· ally Dooded are81 The initiative is being funded by the NationaJe Postcode Lottery based in the Netherlands and managed by BirdLife International (AIiica Secretariat). The project is planned for four years based on collaboration among BirdLife International Mrica Partnership Secretariat, Nigerian Conservation Founda· Uon, NaUonal~ Postcode Lottery and Vogelbescberming. The project is presenUy going on In four countries In West Africa namely: NIgeria, Senegal, Mauritania and 8urk1naFaso. In Nigeria. it is being implemented In Baluriya Wetlands, Nguru·Marma channel. Rima river basin, Adiani Forest Reserve, Machina arId site and Komaga· nam Kaska arid site. These sites are in Yobe, Jigawa and Sakoto states in the northern part of Ute country; Speak:lng on the project and what It Intends to achieve, NCPs Prlnci· pal ConservatJon Om.cer, Mr. Damola Ogunsesa.n, explained that in the last two years, food ucurlty has been a chal· lenge for the people in the Sabel region of AfrIca which is also leading to uprls·
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• ' THE PROJECf INVOLVES CONSERVATION THROUGH TREE PLANTING, CLEARANCE OF GRASSES OBSTRUCTING FLOW OF WATER FOR THE GROWTH OF FOOD CROPS, TRANSPORTATION AND F1SHING' inp among the people.. He said, "The essence Is to monitor what is going on in the region to redUCf: the effect of food Insecurity in the whole region. If you look at It crlticaUy also, 60 percent of what people conswne from tomatoes, pepper, onions and legumes and the greens come from Sahel region and if there is challenge of water, then, the people in the south will also feel the im· pacts of the crisis in the Sahel region." He stated that the project aimed at restoring the habitat through tree planting
and clearing of river channel of Typha in Garbi area.. Typhas are long grasses obstructing the flow of water on Hadejla Nguru Wet·
Ian'" He said, "Typha are cow tail grasses, they are very long and of various spe. cies.. they obstruct Dow of water on the Hadejla Nguru Wetlands. This has led to flooding and conflict between FulanJ cattle rearers and farmers. wAfter flooding, the grasses have redured the land available both for graz.
ing and fannIng: also, they have reduced the volume of fish catch as the fish hide under the grasses. They also reduced the socio-economic activities of the commu· nities because as a result of the environ· mental problem, they are unable to cash fIShes. So we are clearing the grasses." Besides, Ogunsesan hinted that his organisation is also working on Adeini forest reserve, stating that a management plan is being drafted for the forest reserve so that people can manage the resources and know locations to plant trees and areas where the comnlllllities are supposed to barvest economic prod· ucts to term of non limber products. He revealed that the organisation is planning to plant about 30 hectares' forest wIthin the four years based on to hectare each In Machina, Kaska and CONTINUED ON PAGE 26»
LotE project: Mitigating effects of climate change in Sahel region {( CONTINUED FROM 25 Kumagaruun 8l'eaS'"of-Yobe states. He said, "But in northern part where we have sand dunes, we haWl identl!1ed some u those places; we need to plant trees to redua: desertificatlon and also to demonstratE to the people what they can do. The bel.uty of It Is that the proj. ect Is belng managed together by the communities. "So in each t'Ommuni~ there is a site support group that manage th.e project with us. We bi].e people alOD& to do this so that after falIT years, the people can be lmIOlved on their own by seeking fund to dolt." To make the project enduring. be sald teaching of communities' people about conservation has commenced for them to know how to ll!duce tthe impact of cU-
mate change.. He said, "We are teaching the communities' WOOlen how to make fuel efOclent stove bocause this use less wood for fueIllng. We are trainlng the tralnenI. We are lellch1ng t:hn!e women &om each cpmmuruty lind they are expected
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Besides, the conservation officer said Ute orgaulsatlonis studying the rate the desert is moving into the Sahel region. saying, "It has always been there as dry to teach Othen:. The essence is to reduce area with less rain than the southern the nubben of trees that we are cut for part, but now the rain is actually reduc· Ing due to cllmate change effect.... He added tb~t the organisation is also The scientific aspect of the project he tra.iniJ)g the people on how to rear chlck- said involved birds monItorlng by using ens ~ turkel'S in their bomes in order birds as indicator of the environment., to ~ce hWlting of mIgrating blrds noting that in an environment where that came aU L'le Wa:/ from Europe. birds cannot survive., it would be dlfD· "If you lUIV"! chickens and turkeys In cult for human being to 1M! there. In the process, he said the organlsa· your oompourd., there is no IJOint gOing to killinigrato "y blrds that can serve use- tion has Identifled three sites: Machl· ful p~ Sl ell as pollinating, spread· na, Kumaganam and Kaska for birds ing of wide ft' .111. l1tat is the essence of monitoring and that in the next four years. movement of the btrds tn those the poultry co nponent." he said. Besides. he mentioned bee farming as &IUS wou1d be monitored. "The essence is to see. whether the another sklllihe organisation Is looking to boost soclt>econom]c activities of the birds' popu1atlon Is increasing or depeople in ord'1r to reduce deforestation creasing. If ills reducing, 11 means that human being will be affected probably in in the region. He said, "'Iltis part of the project is to the next 10 years because birds is living add human f.ce to the projects because the locations," Ogunsesan said, adding if you are p"-aching conservatlon, pe0- that "Implications are that there Is no ple wID ask )\lU where you expect them air, there Is no water and that means the to get their ltVe1lhood withoul goin8 1oto plants in those places are also reducing because insects like wUl the
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briefing to second term
~G~b~~~I~d"~Mbm~ Special
Mvt.er to
Housing, MI: Jimoh Also. disclosed thtrt oo.'Cr 1&44 bousing units under the "t.agos state :Home Owner· ship Schemt" lrUUat:lve ~ HOMS) are u.nde!- cqnstrucUon iIi various housing schemeS attoss the state.. Governot
not survive without plants and wale!:" JustJfytna why the project Is being done in Sahel area, be explained that the area supports about 1.5 mUllon fanners. herders and fishermen, who also gather wild products. adding that flood rice, lr· rigated onions and pepper from the wet· lands are sold in national markets. Besides. he said that over 300.000 cat· tles spend the peak of the dry season in the area and that about 6 per cent of Nigeria's lnland fresh water fish catch came f'rom bere. He said. NThe rationale of the project is to protect key areas that serve as stop over for migrants birds coming from Eo· rope and also to improve the alternative Uvelihood of people in these areas in order to protect the environment for the birds and people." He stated that the exerdse Is about conducting site-based projects in four countries to restore and conserve natu· raJ dry land and wetland habitats and Improve peoples' Uvellhoods. These site-based projects hD.~ three alms: To make a difference for birds and their habitat on the ground; empov.-er fOT sustainable use or natural
The schemes mclude the 16 blocks of erty and Development Agcnc]t 192 units u 1,2,3 bedroom apartments To further boost bouslng provision. with Infrastructure in 19bogbo housing Ajao staied that the Ministry of HousJng scheme; 6 blocks of n units In Gbagada Is currently talking to some private dephase ll; 72 units of 1,2,3 bedroom apart- velopers to wholly or in partnership with ments in lkeja scheme; 41 blocks of 492 government, handle several schemes in unitsof 1,2,3 bedroom apar1:n:tent in tgan. the hinterlands. do; 180 units 0[,1,2,3 bedroom apartment He assured that the polley of the state at Ornole Schemel and U; 3 blocks of 36 government ls to provide opportunities units aillupeju 1; 10 blocks of 120 hous- for the construction of houses at affoni· ing units at nuPEtiuu: 5 blocks of 00 units able prices and initiate programmes to or 1.2.8 bedroom apartment at Mushln; address the demand and promote su~ and 45 blocks or 540 housing units of ply o( housing through the Lagos State 1,2,3 bedroom apartments at SangOledo ; lJarne Ownersbip and Mortgage Scheme 3 blocks of 36 units of 1,2,3 bedrooms at "Lagos ROMS" """""'" The commlssloner said, NAslde from Shita Surulere and .12 blocks of 144 units of 1.2.3, bedrooms at Sbogunro Ogba providing the housing units, g0vernment has also provided equity funding communities. The implementing agencies Include on (he platform of mortgage Onanclng: the Mlnlstry of Housing. NewTown De- for the purchase of the homes. whereby velopment Authority, Lagos Stale Prop- applicants will beoome proud owners of
resources and improve Uvellhoods; to act as 'field experiments', La. to learn from successes and fallures and extract best Practices for combined resource management and conservation In the Sahel; to delh-er the material for the communication. advocacy and capacity programmes. The communication, advocacy and capacity programmes, according to him. aim to achleve multiplier effects by: in· spiring implementation of simllar projects and lessons learned/best practice at other sites; underpinning and ensuring improvement of national and interna· tiona! policies: ralsing awareness aD( support for sustainable, nature-inclusive development; strengthening partners in capacity for conservation, communication and advocaC)' He said, -rhe focus of the NCF in Nigeria Is the restoration of the \\'Ctlands by engaging the communities in clearing the invasive Typha from the channels. This Is will enable free follow of water which Is essential for agrtcultW'e, fish· ing and animal busban~ It will also reduce conflict between F\Llanl herdsmen and reduce their own homes upon the payment of an equity contribution not exceeding 30 per cent of the price of the housing unit with the balance payahleover a perlodu 10-3:1 years." The eommlsioner described Lagos HOMS as a polley lnitlaUve of the pres-ent government's .mortgage financing and assisted home equity designed to make affordable housing an attainable goal '"The scheme is a first t:itne home 0wnership pollex a "Rtmt·To-Own"PO~ which affords tile residents of Lagos State the oPPOrtunity to access mortgagt! flnanclng to purchase homes of their own," he said. In order to ensure homogeneity In the deltvery of low and medium income houses. under the Lagos HOMS schClI:le, the commissioner said a prototype building has been designed to be replicated all aver the state and ensure provlsJon of more houses to sustaIn II