Ahmed tasks citizens on religious harmony
r... NJ-tnno ...... 0-..... r'OVERNQRnx-.hlm<..t:dam \.1M ~ SQtr h..u direned coundls. commumun .. nd govmlmenl ..genoes 10 Uaist WIth thr ~ of tllr llexi of Snw::e (1 KlS} to r«rUk~. dlplofN.1oo NC£ holder.lmo
r... MieMlF.......... I/WARA Stoite g~rnor, I\.t\bdulf.ildh Ahmed, !w urgm rdigkJus [althful in tht: st.1te to nnbr.tce commuru.1 rdauonship for.1 pe.1Cd'u1 ~nd hannonkJus SOCitty IlRSpK' ~ of thOr uiili. . For Ahmtd. no IndividU.l.1 could sutvtw on t.1nh to tht exclusion of others. nOllng th.11 God wilnted the conttpt of depmdtncy 10 mgmdtr peau. IO\~ .100 unil)t 1ht . who assurftl thr of rquitable In'atmt':nt, n this rtllUrk at tht Wttk· mel in Bonn whilr r«t'ivlllg the year 20tl ll.1jjl report. Ahn1nt oIt:d2td!hilt ltv: po emment \wukl 00l mml In its commlunent to DflJ'IItdlng quality sm'icrs (0 all pilgrims rrom the SGlte. . lie SUted: ·Rdl~1OO Is not only oiIbot.lI pe.aa with our CreatOf. bol abo about tunnony With
Gddam Issued the dirt'ClM.l1 the ",mrnd during an inler-· active session with communi· ty 1e0idm md ddmi from the council neoU .II Governmenl Houst. [);lIlUIUru. . n)(' goyemor ai.stl dlsckJsc:od thill t94 hoIdton of diploma. Na and degre-e ct'nHkates v.otft r«rUllro into thr .5I!fVK· t5 of thr SUtt' gDYft'TlJ1YnI iI few ~ks ago. Hr opI.Iintd WI CUI mll effon .1t sanltl5ing thr loul c01l11<11 p:I)!OlI through ongoing Yt'nftc.ltlon t'xt'rcist walda hdp fm: up funds for the recruitmenl of mort youths Into gotmnrnml 5ftVkes .nd pR)I,ision of mort socloill M'MCrs .1t l~ grusrOOIs. GekLlTn also disclo5cd dwt • rw=w CTilft.11ld skill acqUISition cmt~ 'AUU1d soon he Xl up in the SUlr 10 tRin youths 'AOO hiM no bm.11 school quabflations.
Amosunlaments rot in education sector rv=;tJN SUite Co\ernor. U bikunle Amosun , h.s Lunrntrd tht' sute of eduation 10 the country. dC'Sl..Tibing II as "jnloirral:He~ . Theg~morstiJlrd thIs Jur' Ing a mit: by Ihr .1ulhor IlH of Ihr B.llXock UnIVe rsity. IIIsh.n·Remo, to Ihe (".,oyr:mor's Office. OicN\osan. Abeokul.1. . AmQsundeplorftl 01 SitUol 1011 wherr: pupill Sll 011 th r r oor 10 m:::eM Id50ns .md Y1th· out instruaion.Ji mAten.ll s. lie r!'gI't':tted 11)(' poor c::nnmunlcatlons skills o f stu· dents .uxi called for cOflCrn M effom to rrdress tht'situ.a· tlon . The gowmor descllbed l-d", alion as .I lool fOf d~ !op. mmt. ~hn& thoill hls oiIdmlnistr.ationwoulddoe\l't'f}'t.I iog IJOSslble w 1't':510rr: the gory of the sector in <J,.:un Stilte. lie discloKd thai fils .Idnin· ~Slralion
schools .Ind provided re-e extrd,st bcoks for pupils in all publIC pri· mary .nd s«ond.lry 5('h,ioIs 10 the St.Jle.
Jigawa moves to tad<h malnutrition f ' - ..... MJM. Out..
"J1-1E IIgaWiI Sutt': gOYm'nlC'f1l .l twsmterm Imop;uuwr hIp with a non-g~mlm lui orpmSiluon, Wodung 10 ImprOYeNulnuonmNold em Nigma (\'r1NNNl ""Ih tht' tim of oYt'I"Comlng lhe nUlntk..".1 ch.lllt':nges in the st,lle. T«1101C.l1 CoordlfW tcw. ",'NNN. Mrs. ~l.lult':C'n G.lll.1ghr:c, who Stoiltt'(\ his when lhe 8'"OOP poIld.m .. tvo. CXYQllont!)('stillt':Mlnl-.(.ryof He"!th. said the NGO LnI: , ~.. r initidltd a communllY ~ S«I ma~nt of ilCU(C' nwn", lOtion in Blml\a. Gun ,lI1d GWlwa lou! COOncl ~ tVt Kh would Lut fOf SIX r't'an. G.llloiIgher Silid Ihe lutlgramme was JOim spoosc·rM by the SLur .0<1 001 goy ommeflts alongside tht': COlll-numIles with the ob,ectiW of redUCIng chtld mort.lbtv .. Ie IIllig<llwa. Pftnwnent li«relill); 1:g.lwa Stille Mmisoyof I ~h.h.lnllwil T.lhlr. comll'lmded WlNNN for Its work In the Slillt ,md t*dgfti the P!fTllT1ftlt's nx.nnoed support thr group.
.......... 2012: ..... NaI..u
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o.c-. 0.. St.,. d\lipl. . .
Benue seals filling stations over fuel price hike D ENUE Statr: Toilsk Force on JJprlcr En forctment dnd Petroleum Product f Monitonng hu 5eoilled ~n filling ~t.ltions In M.lJrurdl for allegnlly seiling pelrol for more tlun N97 per litre. The filling sytions 5toilled off .ue Imovic Nig Limittd. Adon.. ! ~Irol. Bolek. Reco. Rdln on. A.A. IYno .nd Duchess. .III of which ue Independtnt markrters. Ap.1rt (rom A. A bno. which \as .lIegedly c.. ught Kiting tilt' prodUCI at NIIO per IItrr:. the Othtr SUI ~re .lIeg;edly M'lIing .11120 per oil litre.
AI. 8«0 Filling St.1tion... lanker 1000dtd with 40.000 IItres of pt':uol was allegedly about to diYt'rt (1) Sult'ita but was ordend to De loiIun to the NNPC depot by Ekpt wk fon:t .nd SptClal Adviser to G<Mmor~bneISuS\\amon
Publk utillry. Apiln from sealing off t~ Sl.1lions. s«urity "gents on the (ram arrested their man· .gen 0100 pump oiI(tend.tnts for funhr:r quntlonlOg .nd s,anClions. At most of tht nloJjor mal' keltn visiled by the ledln In Iht cit)\ mocortSl'li .100 O(ht'r use:n:Ofprtrol~re~nbu:t
Agbekoya asks govt to tackle graft in agric sector r.. M,I .... "" ... D'RM I:RS In Ondo St.lle, C under lh~ ..tgls of Agbtkoyd fdrmru' As.scXi.Jtion (AM). haYt' called 011 oiIn~ft agendes to pros«Ult oiIny gOYt'mmenl offi· ci.. 1 found diYt'ning funds Ill('oiInl for ..grkultural dtvelopmenl-to pUI an end to thf> mrss In theagrkulturr: sector of our ndtio~l economYLeoKlt't of Iht' group. Alandt ~i. justified tht' all In Odt-frr:It':, Ireit': lociI.l Council ofOndoSt.ltt "I thtwe-ekrnd. saying -tht:re Is .1 big rot In finandng In this country .nd some ofnclals saddltd with dlsburstment of ~lloc.lted funds .I~ culP"" bkIn thlSxt. 1boiIt IS why dt'SI)I{\": tht: bil· lions tlwl .. re being voted for dgriCUltural deve!()Jllllt':nt by tht: govt'fTl ment. ~11 tht thrr:etienof govrmnlt'fll h.J\~ very liltle impact on our food production COIIpilclty .Ind until thIS 15 Itcufied .. nd fingered offlcub brought 10 book. Nigtrlilru will conl inue 10 rr:/)' on forrl&n~ countries for our ..gro-needs Adtymli also urged all stakr:holders In the agricultural SKlor to constilute .I body tlwl ","ould monitor budget· .. '}. .. !locations for lilt S«(or And I am SUI'e by Ihe linlt': thiS is done. \Nt would discO¥er tlwl there IS ~ hugr dr.ain Ihrough which the .grlc VOles .re br:ing d~td to the dttriment the nation~. h~st;Itrd
rooKht .1g;ainst lhe ~UI.horilk'S in tllt 60s to msure Ihe wei [art of fannrrs pamcuLutv in tht South-West. h~r. b.d Idnd words fOf' lhe Ondo Stale gow:mment. whkh he said. ~ deliw:rtd on most of his promises In dtw:loplllt':nt -
IIIg t.he produci at the ilPPIlJ\'ft! N97pua litre. In an Intervltw wilh Thl" Guardian. Ogbu.wid lhe exer· CISt': was arrird out 10 tnsure thOllt thr: pubhc got l~ prod· tlCl .1 the price fLUd by goyernlllt':nt .. oo C.1litd on mi· dents (0 aVilillM l.1sk force with n««':S.wry Infomulion to enable It sen~ the thrm beller. In.. remuk. Gadaffl Asr:m.lnya. senior sptCial dsslsunt to tht gow:mor 011 publk ullilty member of the task force. Solid tht r:xercist hdS cie.. rly shown tlul the task for« was nOt cOllllivlllg wilh petroleum
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PUBLIC NOTICE This is to inform the general public that the certificate of occupancy no CA/3155 / 87 issued to Netherlands Harbour Works (Nigeria) Ltd by the Cross River State Government is miSSing . If seen kindly notify Daddo Property Development Company, Ltd . 13A Eletu Ogabi Street, Victoria Island, Lagos.
LAND FOR SALE U .S acres of flat and dried Land by Olod Village. Ofada. Owodo Local Goyernment
@ Mainspring Estate. Isherl. lagos. e MI" On". from a-ger BfSrap 10 ......
0.1". frur n
.'!:d':!!.'S; • layout
did... __ ••
A" -'t~1e
• H iu NeIghbourhood rcKMNfU ' f U : _ O"C , I..~ I..OHUI
• No Dklurt..ance from
~ Onlle~
. ~,~~
·l-.t.., In lagoI SIa"IIC~. LG)
· Ear and C-...roOent "'"". • Plot Sizes; ~MIfft. SOhqlOl. .....qIOI
Alto AVlilaWe: Men & Lacli., ftawt'S , Curtis l For N21 ,000
Dnip., Shots from NtO,ooo 121, ALLEN AYENUE. IKEJA . IKEJA-l,AGOS
who claimed tlwt the AIA was a n offshoot of thr !amous ~~ group tlloiIt
ofthtsL1luswubeingspK' uldledlnsomequilners. When .Islted why tht')' did nO( abide by the N97 price approved t)y thr govtrn· menl. Aliyu Shu.liliu .Ind lbr.thimYUnu.w.managersof AA JUno and bin Oil. lold Thr Guardian th.u they sourced tht'lr petrol from~. vate depots ill Lagos 011 a II h cost and thilt on ..dding t cost of 1000ding and tr.ans· pon.. uon.ll shot up to abool Nin ptrlltre. Thty stressed thaI If com· pel led toselipetrol"tgow:m· nlC'nl fIXed pnct'. tilt')' would
gious k~nlngs. for iI grNltr ~nd betttrNIgm..WC'oiIll must itdm 10 be dgtnlS of ~ as no migktn prt.xhes vioknct'~. 1ht gaomnor InlOnned tht oo.rd members tfwt ~fTons Wt"rt': at.c:tvatlCt': SQgIe 10 tRnsform the IxYrd imooilcommlS s\on in lillt': With tI)(' dlrtCll\l'e!li of lht Niltion.ll Halll Commission. In orrlrr 10 tfli"wnct bmtr smn dehvel); ~mg to Ahmed. whiJr ~dJons ....,11 be Inlensmed 10 provide more conduOW' working environ· nlt'nt. the gO\~mm~nt slldll also ImprtJ'l<'e 011 the wdfitfe pKbgr ror Iht ~ while' In thr'holy Land"'. In his relTlclrk. Qwlrm"lO. K",,'iI~ Statt Muslim PilKnms' Welfdre brd. IlTIclm IJsrn.dn SulailTlcln Olasun. disclosed that a maJr: pilgrim dltd duro Ing the 2011 out of tilt': 2.704 pilgrims f!'om thr 5t.11e.
Tel: 08023229168. 08030504505