g OM_ P BUStNESSDAY; www.businessdayonline.com
Tuesday 01 May 2012
Emel increases market share with expansion in product portfolios
Bakers call for waivers on enzymes critical for cassava bread production Akinyanju, bakers of UTe Bread and lJuuedicld Bread
O""" bak'0'·
have commenced production of eR. W' IO
cassava bread.
on the feder.ll guwmment 10 gh'e them impun duty waiver on enZ)'1'lle! (magic solutions) in hiSh qu.llhycas-
say.! flourredlJeSo. wi tich they claim are bnpol1« al high costs, brought abou by high frelglltlngmsu. BusfnessOay
em """"Without dlese e Izymes, C8$S3\"3 bread manU' acturing Yll11 rail sI~ highqu .t!itycasSlI\'lI flour does not contain glUten. a vital aJl npl ·lIl'llt for bfeadbakUlft. '[Ik!'Z' '11zymes a~ nOI avaltabll! in r flgeria. ·n,t' CEO!! or tTl C Nigeria Ille. roills hu r'lanl yan 111111 rood Concel Ls, Deil
of the commerdilcialised high quality cassava-based bread held al the Presidential VUla. Ahuja on SatWllay. According 10 Olaniyan: ·Our magic solutions (en. 'Z}'TIles) In the high quality cassava flour recipes. have oome to us 31 relatively high COSls due 10 high freighting msts lheynreanec:z:ssltyfor
success bCC:tU5e of the absenCf' of gluten in high quality cassava flour. We solidt for the Federnl Govemmem's
support In getting wah'erlli on the impon duty for bakery equipment lind enxymes pending the time enzymes can br locally manufal::nRd. W(' also appeal to the ~ernl GCM!'nlment to support us with a marketing campaign which we, the stakeholders,
will 3,-tivt:lypartidpatein formul,l1Illg In order 10 achiC\'C
maximum results." Aldnyan/u Solid, "We require a waiver on duty for both the equipment and enzymes that we need tobn· portfromabroad With minimalwantstofundadditional equlpmem we will be able to automate our processes which wiU Increase our ef· fidendesandcapacitytodeliver 10 reeding prog:rammes
M<lon """'Poluso Olanlyan gave n progreS!l report of her company's drive 10 make cas5a\'ll bn!ad: "At IJTC, we envisaged dtls I11O'Ie would be successful. and as sum painled a dearpkrun!ol our goal in our minds.. We were passionate about our goal. despite the raCl dial we were UllSlIJeolhow·ocwhenlhese goals would be achieved .. We encountered!iCWral set· bacb.lnll wen: able 10 rmd a pmh around and over these ohstacIes. We tookrlsband
It paid off: ~AtiC'J92 trials and almost
three monthsfrom Uledateof our Initial trial. \W: wen: able 10 cradcthe nut, and In r-ebru~ ary 2012 we ach~ a.sustainable commerdal recipe for White Bread and Wheal Grain Bread wilh 20 per cent high quality cassava Dour Indusion. We also standard· Ized and commercialized our c.'Ikes and Otopsy Bed Roll recipe wilh JO per celli high quality cassava nour Inclusion.. With our monthly consumption or high quaUty cnssava flour cunenliySlBnding al 65 lonnes. we can be regarded as dlf~ single high. fS COIlSUIneI" 01 high quality cassava nour In the baking industry,tJTC Intends 10 Sta)'lIhead of the competition, and as such has moved Oil (Iulcldy to introduc e the vegetarian mHge or SHacks made from high quality cassava flour.
nel Building Materi· a leading name In
FiE ~
's ronstruction
nd building materi· industry has apanded ilS
EmelBuiIding M:ceriaIs ts a merriJerdlheThe&nelGroup
YlhichtsonedNigr:ria's~ tJusineg UM Wo.Ibate5 with a
m<Ijor presence across diYerse sectors. includin8 consumer products, co'1X1mte services and inlhlstructure.. TIle company 10> a 0IlIHiItlJHh0p buikI-
B wKIe may or competitively priced products for
UerioBand~1nduding a:iIingl. partition ~ Ylacr
proofing,. doors, roofing tiles.
,;..."""''''''' """""...,..". new tiles range from
hs roo( lllax; New Zealand. security doors £rum r'onnel Thrla:yand processed glass produas from FG Glass. India WM wweilcd al.lhejustcoocluded 4th NIgerla
BUSINESSDAY ," • .,o ,c. 01' • • • • ,. • • •
Logistics as an Economic growth driver: SpKliII Report on logistics SoIutIonsICOUMr ComPlinin In Nigeria
Modem logIstic::6 and haulage Is !he process of managing goods, SlQ)iies, resoun:es, Information, peopte and even energy from sooo::e Ie end user WhE oourier seMce pn:!YIdefs deIrvet messages. packages and mais they have also been known tit have UfWque features 'lllttich iOcIude speed at delivenng services, !he security of the commodi6es which are enl1Usted to them, tracking signatures, specialization of services and swft delivery as may be required by their clients.
Logistics and OOUlier compantes are related and make up an Importanl sedor 0( the economy as thet move goods from place to place. In particular In Nigeria. !he haulage and logistics sector In Nigeria has Dperienc:ed tremendous transformation In the last lew decades This is Ihe result of e c:ombinaticrt of factors including the growth of Nigena popuiatitn. gradual ntustnallsalioo, globalisalion and devetopmenL BUsInessOav 'Wflf publish a report on the leading logistics solutions and Courief Companies In NIgeria, Tl1e report will showcase !he nic:he, expertise, technologies as well as roteign technical partnefSlalftliation or the company below and otheB.
'" """""'"
a new range of roofing tiles, """'"""..,.,..
lnfrasttucnueandConstn.loDt EDWiIion. WestAfrict'sleading Infntsuuctur1: & Construction ew:nl organised by the C\VC Group. --rhe launch of these new products ts pal1 dour driYe to ~ourmarizt position in the sector and 8M! a laundl
pad for the produas of OUf kmnadonaI associates: scaled Vikram Mansukhani, Ilead or fl.tarb:ting. EmeI Buikling Materials. ''We ~ • pItM!n tr.dreaxd in ~buikf.. inglt"laU!rial sollDonsto\w1ous CUSlomen and our prodUCl5 are Il10fe in demand dWl e\'Cf th~therounuy:'
Mansukhanl explained that 11k:or has deYeIoped an emiaI* n:p..u:ndoIl \nU:n1arimIaIIy
quality manufacturing and competitiveness. The compants mol dies r8f18e cers 10 aD types or UMl5UUCtion needs I'mm residernialto iight--oxn· merciaI and public worb.. TIle ~olthn!edistina
br.lnd!l: Shake", Tudor" and Ray,lrandareavallablekla \'Ide rangedlXlic:llm,M!ligI:n....~ ... ~and easylobl!ilaIL