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IHS opens Africars largest solar powered cell site ... For mobile phone operato rs 810DUN WIER


HS Afrl'-a , Ii major lelecommunicatioDs lnfrasuu.:ture provid+ er with readquarters In Nlgeril and opera-

tionsacrosssub.sabanmAf+ rica, has success.fully opened lhe largest solar-powered cell site ("cell site") in AfrIca dedicated to the telecommunications industry_ Commenting on the on the company's recent feal,

William Saad, group chief technology Officer, fH5. said: -We are proud 10 be one of

the first lOwer InfrastruclUre companies 10 deploy solar technology in Africa. Through len years offield experiencewe ha~d~loped

a broad range o f lechnlques In diesel reductlon and sileo p timisation. We are also p leased to see operato rs Increasingly adop ting the use of small, single-opera tor solar powered cell sites, a longside much larger in-

stallation$, such as ours, 10 meet their power demands and red u ce costs. African cou ntries provide reliable levels of IDlense sunlight and operators everywhere have similar needs to reduce OPEX. Improve uptime and besoda1ly and enviroDmen· lally SUSlainable.. "Furthermore, this cell site fonns part of our inveslmen! programme 10 reduce d iesel con5Umption by an average of 40 to 50 per cent over the ned two years for our4,OOOgeoeratorpowered cell w ar communications towers in Wesl Africa:" Rural communities offer a new pOlential soun;e of revenue for mobile o perators. as they con tin ue to exp and the roll Out of mobile da ta services. Site access is often d ifficuh In rural areas

and connection 10 an eloc+ oidtygrid is seldom possible or prohibitive In price, so a stand-alone power system is often required. /Uthe imporlance of wireless technologies grows. more towers will be needed, placing greale.r demand on solar power. Saad adds: "We are committed to reducing carbon emls.slons and continue to invest In R&D, aided by a grant from the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USIUA), to assess alternative energy solutions aimed at reducing use of diesel genera tors.IHS currently has 4000 towers Wlder management,. owns900 towers forcollocation wirn each towa baving guaranteed 99.9 percenl uptime for electricity.

RANGE 1·50tonnes


World BanI< to put in N139.5bn into Nigeria's agric sector HONSO NOUMAHYA



milling N139.5bn (about 'i9OO million)

to help In ensuring food security in Nigeria.. minIsterof Agrlculn re.Aldnwuml Adesina. bas saJ l The minister disclosed this while givh' g account of achievenentJ attained in the :wiwJrural sector during Ihe ministerial plmform for Ihe 2012 National Democracy


Alitsina saki the mlnlsUy has successfuLy conduded a Nigeria busin ess forum in the United Stat<!S of America which anraclEd the World

Bank to make the offet. An+ other malar achievement of the. fonun being that one.ofthe largest u-actor companies in the US has agreed to establish trnctor assembly plant In ruv.. eB and Kaduna States. lhemilllsletwOIsoptimistk: that the various value chall1.5 under the agriculture transfonnation agl!nda would rum the fortunes of the country around, sayfng II is already yielding positive resuilli and receiving ma.ssive support fium smkehoklersin thesector. ihetnl.llsfomlation agen· da Is focused on key aspects of the value chain such as Ihe reduction of post harvest loses, improving linkages wtlhindustrie5 wilh respect to

backwartllntegr.ltion as well as access to financial services and markets." he saki. DisclosingtbatNtgeria has now been Induded as one of rne beneOtlng countries In US President Obruna's I'et..>d the Funtn: lniqatM-, Adesina stated that Nigeria needs 0\'Cf 300,000 ltaClOrs for mecha+ nil.ed f.uming. with on1y about 20,000 QlI'W1tly avaibble. Elqllalning that the pl'esent day formers are ageing. Ihe minister affinned that the OOl15wasonulemlnisuytoencourage teeming unemployed )OOths 10 be intl!reSled In agricuhure, noting Ihat yuulfts wouJd !lOt want to !arm with cutlass and hoe, "that is why we are getting modem day

equipment readily available for them," he said. -Agriculture accow\ls for obout 44 pen::ent ohhe countty's Gross Domestk Product and is responsible fot CMlt 70 percertlemploymenL lhetime has come for every NigeI1an to contribule his own quota in enslUing rnal the seclor

• Warehousing


• Electric Fortlifts

-Nobody drinks all. butwe aU eat.. Thus aU bands must be 011 dccIr.ln ensuring that agri~ culture moves from peasant farming 10 mechanized one. The state and local govem+ mcntsshouldensurethatthere is abundance of incentives for the business to thrive in their

• LPG Fortlift


\b t ~

Diesel Forklift Reach Slackers Container handlers

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