Ecobank partners Oyo on agric, infrastructural dev. REMI fEYISIPO, IgADAN oobanl PIc has expressed its readi-
ness to partner d:e Oyo !RaUl
In ... ~~alldinhB_
Managins db'tCtOf or d1e bank, "-'hril Aku. who srated dli!! during the !lnandal instilution's ~:ement visit to Governor '\blcia Ajimobi in his office In .badan. re o markeds that his bank was weU positioned 0 ~ the IIlleresl or the. leople and govertUllI'!IIt r:LO~ Slate. AJw said thl.! his bank had just acquir!d Oceanic Bank and th;:lt die bank Md over 600 brancho'S aaoss the country, 15 of w"lich he saki \'l'I!I'e located in tI Ie Slate. in his oddre..s.GOW!mor AJlmobi caDed '10 financial Instiwtions opeuling in the stale 10 come up wlth de\-elopmenl ideru that would b:~ the economk: aansDon of the -;tale. The goyemor stressed the
:i1 1 ~~
need fOI finandallnstitutioll5 to partner with his admlnistrntkm In its resotve at traJlS.lormirl81he soue. He said that banks should not limit their services 10 mere search ror depositOB
butshould~~~ bitMeprinl for L lie ,aid: -I believe thai your bank can do enviable mell ofthlsstate. So" mychal"""'" 10"..".. " '_
lenge to your bank is thaI you should T1O( ~ be looking for dcposilOB I II)' and collle upwithyourtMnbhJepriJltor dt-IIeIopml!llI that is peculiar to our He abo chargIxI the bank. to assist his adminisuatlon Ir. the area 01 agriculture and the exploration ollhe ~ ~ that abound in Ihe Slate for the overall de\Idopnlt'flloftheale. " We ltave overZ8 sq. Jcm. or amble land in Oyo State.
many mineral re.sources. ~ marble!l and others. whl can be fully explored to change the fortunes or the snue,0 the goy50
0803 676 8888, 0807 109 2833, 0807229 3211 Ikoyl: 0805 535 9999, 080 1229 3212 Lekkl (Germa ine): 0702 932 2461. Anordable Carl. (lkeJa ): 0817 460 0563. Surulere: 0807 399 1878, Apapa : 0803 330 9172, Victo ria Is la nd:
Arit of Africa achi eves Identity Services Engine designation BEN UZORJR
N-""'ice< oiAfra.aand nehl.-uB.
ty solutions
says It has ad~ Identity ...".", _ (ISE) """"'rlzed TechnoJogy Provider
(AJ1') ~""" Iium """
Sygerns. ~ spociaIimlion reccgni:res t\rit d Africa's knowledge and apertise in
designing. deploying. and supporting comprehensive Qsco ISE produru and seTvices. Wllh this ach~nent. Alit 01 Ab1ca becoInes the fir5I
• . i;Jr ISE in Eng\i';tI speaking \\'esI Africa. With the Cisco ATP for
nadon.ArilofAfrical5qua1i&ed to suppa" the requirement!! thai fI"dd-sized 10 enterprise-
MllIe~rmlions~"'ilcn depl ng a wide-range of network technolo· and ap' dons. Earning Ol!dential validates thai Aril of Afrl~ the
"""""""' . """ engineerirJgsIdJIsaswdl asthe R'5)lU'Cl'S necessary 10 buBd <DlqJlellellSil'e,
tlooldcntityandaa:'lS'laJl'lll'tll soimioll5 thai enable enler· pri';cs 10 erOOrce rornpllanre wt1lleavWldnginfrastructure security and merunlining5ef-
"""--"""' Ck:o ISE b;
policy com-
h1tt'gJllle5widt Cisco Net\wdt
AdmIssion Control (HAC), and can be ~ as an apptiaJ.:e Of machine IOeniJn:J!socuritypoHcyonaD
devla:5dw=:' ""''''Ooyo 8eIIo, - tedmIcaI. Alii or J\frlca said.
"WlIh the continu=.r=
in Iclemrnnwtlng enter· prises now adod)ljng 'bring yourov.ndevk:e B\UOYpoIides, managing access aJI'1l'ItII and devices to UJUt1SakabIy know who w.I5 on your network. where Ihey went. and whaI: they accessed is growing
''''''''"(baIning the Osco Iden-
Ilty Services Engine AuthorI:z.ed Technol~rovtder bolsters designation fu Arit or Arrlca's expenise in designing and s upporting enterprise-da'l8 security soiudons thai ~ the intelH-
lnframuaure ..... .......
Cheliarams supports Ymedia go green initiative
",mp't fo< • greener an deancr em.1rorunenlln Nigeria and dEwodd lJYe';
Is gradually aIlentionofboththe and prMIles«tOfSofthe N"tgerian economy. 1his "'as evidcnl
al the recently ~os Sl!minac, . by ~a. In pwmershfp with itspublkandpriwlcpartncts. indudingOlellararns PIc. The~whidl tookpiace onPriday,AprilI3,20 12inLagus. wttnessed the presentalion orinlerestingand educa~ pape!S by speakers from both gtM:f1UTlCll1 and prh-ate sectors, namely p. Omnjl, ,""",~=LopMlnis~ enll. Resoun;es. pt • smior5pedalAdYiser on Transportation, Lagos Smle Ministry ofTmnsporta. tion. Onimisi Adaba. bead of Slalion. Staem Bruadcasting Communication. Thiwu AdewoIc,envirorunt..'I1ta1ronsu1tnnt.ITlI.U~-.J~OI;1hiv.'O
t\s5odales, u SangosaI1)"a. Social Entrepreneur, ltunu Ogundepo. environmental ~ Thlra Pack west AIrica and Abbisoia Awodnde.
mcdkal direcrlX MayOink:s. One or lIle speaqkers, J-Iarbhajan Balth, the group chler infonnation officer of Olellanuns PIc. who spoke on pannt"ring with a green initiative. In In, presentation, Barth aaced the hlslory of bicycles (0 the early days when It was amatormeansol~lion beforetheadvelll automobUc, due 10 lechnoIogIcaI advancelnenL This he said affected the N"lgerian bicycle ind~, reducing the numberolbicyderidcls in NIgeria from 2ruilHon 10 O.2miUion. 110'We\Ie, he betieves that !he trend. _ d>anging,wtthmanypeopeaDOYeI" dle wortd now remming to ~becauseofitsnumer.
ous benefits, whk:h include the n!ductlon of poUution 0.reduttion In the amount or carbon monoxide emltted ir'lloiheenvirocunenLHeaJso Slated the health bmefTlS or ~IOindude:car-
r fitness, balance andf1exlbl!:rofthebody,endwanoe a Slamina,. sttes5 rdieYe and burning or e:u:ess
08056199116 0803 392 2646 0805 225 7225 08056199455 0702 932 8536 0617 460 0567 0605 776 5555 08072293212
Aba: 0803571 7804, 0702 9656788 Aba kalikl: 0806 835 5717, 0807 9031913 Ab uja : 0807709 3404, 0802 7761111 0807729 1233 080 7229 3214 Ado Ekfti: 0805 674 3542, 0703 514 6056 0705209 3305, 0705 611 1334 Ak u re: Asaba: 0803738 5553, 0805 969 9190 Benin (1): 0805 531 5145. 0106 070 3753 Benin (2): 0703 071 3334. 0705 563 6183 Calaba r. 0603363 1210. 0805 81 4 0271
Enu9u: Ibadan: !lorin : Kaduna: Kano: Kats lna: Oshogbo: PIH Uyo: Warn:
For S e rvi c e Appointme n ts cali: Abuja:0805 676 9999 Apapa-Oshodi: 01-8179595.01-8179596, 01-8947489 Ikeja: 0709 085 9065 lIupeJu: 01 -7736764.01 -734990-2 Kano: 08058697569 lekkl : 01-7748000, 01-7749585, 017742080 PM: 08-4896127. 08 - 4169900
08036354641 ,0807513 1813 0705209 3310, 0807 979 5335 0803 534 9999, 0807399 1901 0803 680 5245. 0805 320 2667 0805 676 2222. 064 897 753 0805 616 2222, 0805 J26 2004 0705 209 3303, 0802 505 9236 08036763333,0805 869 7510 0803644 2483. 0802 304 1192 0806 568 7771 . 0706 090 2004 For Finance & Trade In Call: 08057756633
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