"I think our JOftmmenlJ will retnaln
vutuous for manycenturles; as long
as t:hey are chlefly Igria.t1tunl: - Thomas leffrROn
T~ . : 0803
114 om
Wednesday , 6 ~une 2012
BUSINESSDAY wwwbuslnessdayonllnecom
e La,ol Siale ovunment h .. reunlt)' leI up a
Rum """" """" where farmen wW be prriodlcaIly trained to irnpnJve:!her k:nowted£e and sl:iI. ",t- they wi! tKMr Ihdr thaJIcngeIand oonmaintl ror rxpen adW:e and whm: they will srI lmp,Oftd Iftdhnll and adler ~ Inpur. ~c:oa. 'helWm~Cenue_
rec:eldyr:ommillior"wd by the p:t'IIII!mCX.s.t.under.tda. ()ko.()ba.AfI#.1heJOWlDOf has PfOmiKd 10 IqIIkaIe the radliryUldtrodterfourdMlionl 01 the iULt 1W1w/y, ~, ~ I1Drodu and lAFIlslaod..
Lagos state's plan to feed citizenry dell.nrd 10 complement he AI' Icull u re You Ih Empuwermem Pro.... mme (A,ric,YES) al AIa,e, Epe. ~'*' )'Oun. sr-duatH and mmmkted IChooI irM'en ace bdnc trained 10 become eIile fanners who cao effectiftl), handle commen:lIt fannlnl for mulmum producdon. TheApic·VfShaitbuupport of the ISIM'lJ aovemmenltO m.abte the tralnru become hllh.tech fannerl who can ~
me IIradI. ~
~in t...aeoL rayNiFiL 1he~'I"""""1O
one.aplhoplOheipalewWe Wmers' c:tWlrngea prumplly and. ~co... Theprwnvnml aIIO..ect
~lIlOaIowdtr~ ~or 10 drive a.ricultural
drvdopnwnl wtille pnMdlnl che faclilty for mlnpo",l" tnlimnIataub*lized alii and aeadna !he environmmt that .~for them 1Oenau1!
11 theame dmt: produce one
miIIioo mnrlc lOI\Iol&h..
AI the commiuJonlnl of thecenue.GoYemorFuhola ..Id the cmlrl' II pari of l,ralqlH limed I' tadllnl food lnsecurll)' In the I'lte
500,000 jobI.",dun M yean in
The ualnln, facllil), II Ihe Farm Selvjce Cenne II, according 10 Gbot.han lawai, the oommillioner fOI
·Ow food security 1.1 beln, d--tbyriangfoodprkel. which • a ~ sip ol hod atlisinNlgrril." heAicbdditlJ d\II"&!no.-een '1tI.11 and 2010. prtca 01 map IGIpIeI rule by O\'tr sew.. The pnce 01 nee In panicularroloebyCMl" 100'II0~ SpedfiaaIIy,hrsUdunll.lbAr and nsma food prices couJd rauh in .Iobal food crl~ whlchcculdaflraloodl«llrlr)' and ouuilkln, addinI thai In a bid 10 Ichleve food M!aUlly In the ltall', the JO"'!'l'mf"nt t.. boutht Mnd in some odlft lWeIoftheiedenlionwhrn! - ilinleoo.lo pl;anl food and cuh crop •. To funher drive home hh point. !he.-rour qooted lhe World e.N. wtudt
producti •. n -b, helpln, all ~
chemlcat c·lmplnln. Inpul suppIy.,lIalJOliq·mal.:cn, NGOt. WIII,,,,,.utd th.f.o food conlUmlll( P" putace to find toiU11O 15 III prodlK1loo
consuau.Thl' 10' eillOI a uurl'd Lalollanl Ih .. 1 II)l'n all Ihe progllmmr. bellli lI1lpLmla-llt'l b-, .-mmmi IntbellWliI WOUkUJrJlOllib'e
10 f«d bctw-.en 25-JO~ oI~" ,,21125 aDd more !han 60 ~"D nl Ly 2050. LI"'II 111(.1 Ihl Firm SeniceCrnl'l!~ba.. OCft~
in the quettlor food teCUtlty
OUI of th, I t~ .In. need 10 HJ*nd d.t o&.Oflf' ul support 5rITlcn 10 f;al nen 10 line with IllYI:mnw 11'1 Sl:t1IlqiC Prop"amme fOI Acccltt1l1ed ApiculIUI.! ~1l' .oIth ISPMG) which Id. nllfieJ Iht lad of ICalJall'. reJliIb . anJ umeIy InrOllDa,1l n to ' .. rminl communial'; I~ some of the faaon mUIIUIn.apllUC the
and IUJlllnahle aJricuhuni
m. Nt&ma ill one 01
the countries wuh the hiflhnt domestJC food pnce Increase lUOOflI58 coumnes IW"Vt'\'ni by 1M Food Ind Apiculture ~lfAO).A«omutc
~~~----~~~~~~~~~~ MAY 25 - 31 2012 Nigeria Commodity Index
Ogun state disburses N100m agric loans to farmers
Domesdc Produtt (GOP).
Oluborl. who Illd thll The <>tun selle pernmenl has .0 fir dlsburHd o.,el NIOO million 10 farmen under the aqiI of AlIIVmftJ AtIodadonolNlgma(AFAN), Opm Stale Olapln.
Thls over NIOO million dlsOOrKd 10 flrmen io Ihe swr.ac.c:ordin&IOAyoOlubori. Ihe 1IIIe comml..loner for qrlcuhure, wal part of the Nlblllon 10lnl whleh Ihe CenttaJ knkol N".,ma (ON) elrmlrled fn, I.rlcultural deveIopmenlln the Swe SpealJnI In Illro durlnl lOUt of Yewl South Local Council. Ayo Oluhori Illd Ihll the disbursement wu done bwlnaappUed ~ modlUtlel 10 enlure thlt artousandaxnpe&mlfatmtn were alVftI CIppOnunif)' II1d empowerment Ihlt would bool! Ihe a.rlcuhunl produc:tMf)' which in mum would COfIDibule 10 the Grou
kM.ru were dlsbunrd in balCbcl 10 cnsurt sanity and
aenuineBl'l&, ..ated thai the loan. wl're onl)' dllbuned 10 lenulne and Inlerelted fannen in the ..ate 10 pnwIde employmenl opportunities for the youth.. eapedaDy in the nuW areu. lie added that IOftIDmem wu not in hWT)' 10 diIbwM the klan anyhow. 10 IS 10 eJUiUJe the dfec:dve ut1llwloa ollhe loans. While conuneruina on the fedenal~...taance
10 help farme:rs In the "lIe, Olubori laid., "Apln we Ife tootln, It what the federal loyernml'n l " doln, In recophioo of the pCIIl'ntials of wesl In apicult1ft. there are qrlow Irrtption S)'IWIlI at Ol.:e OdIn. f.auI II1d the one thai we wID IW1 ver)' lOon al lIobl, Erlnll wlrds In Imelo Afon locil
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