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Monday 12 March 201 2


Nigeria's rice consumption to jump to 35m metric tons by 2050 KClo r trallsfonnation stral,egy which Is h oped wou ld


IBerll" rice conlumplion Is expected to lump 10 35

million met· tic (DIU by 2050. some 30 million metric Ions over the five million m"tric toos consumed presently In the country, Aldnwuml Adel'oa. minister of Agrlcuilure. has said. In I chat with llusiness-

Day.Adeslna said the shuadon cal1edfor an Immediate strategic apprOll1 h which

ent ails raising flee yield now, without which the country will nOI be able to meet the future rice needs in the next thlny· flve yea rs. As pan of 115 18 !culture

drive divenlftcatlon of the economy from oU and particularly ensure thenatlon', food security, government has planned to ensure that Nigeria becomes seU-suf· ficlent In rice production by 2iJ 15. GO\'emmenl aiM) hopes to c reale abou t 3 .5 mil -

lion Jobs Inlhe nen 3 years with thill agrlcu1mral sector I c tlon plln, the mlnlSler disclosed. lie nOled funher plaus to replace Impo rted brown rice and finished parboiled rice with locall y produced u rown rice by 20 13 and iAT"r ban rlee 1mponation IniO the coun try by 2015. The minister Informed

thAI III ord erto meet thb lar· get. govenllnenl has already Initia te d Ihe progrl mme of producing hyb ri d rice. Following this, It sough I pannershlp with China 10 sec up 100 rice mills across the country, a project which WIS lUI week endoned by Ihe Federal Exec ull ve Council (FEe). An agreemen t was reached wit h China a n d Ihelr InveJltors on accessing low Inlerest. high ly concessionary long term financing to acquire the mills which wo uld also be prlvalesectordriven. lhe mills areexpect~ 10 mill 2. 1 million metric 10 111 of rice l h al grade quaJiry. · Wh y thaI Is Im l,onanl for us Is this. now we are consuming 5 million met·


• uaos ·





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lie Ions, by Ihe year 2050, we will be consumi ng 35 million metric Io ns of rice, so unless w e are able 10 raise the yield of rice right now, we will nOI be able to meet our (ulure rice needs In 2050. 11 Is like you I\Jt! In a ship and you know that there Is an iceberg ahead. yo u have to lake sleps to mitigate the Iml)DCI. ·50, we have 10 plan fo r It and I think thai the pannenhlp wll h China o n having hybrid ri ce will be able 10 allow 10 have al least 810ns per h ectare and if you double the crop we w ill get 1610ns per hectare which will a llow us to be able to meet our fu(Ure rice needs; Ihe minister told BU5inessDay.

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AbuJa· K;uw; Kano- Los,:

Governor Jonah J3ng (1) of Plateau congratulating Justice Julie Kyentu, the newly appcinted acting president. Plateau


Customary Court of Appeal, during he' swearing in in J08.

uao"Uyo: Abuja·U yo:

'Non-oil export contributio n to GDP will increase to 20% in 3 years'


busines6asusuaL We~'elo "arent and efficient upon promo lion structure such as the EEG In 0Jdef to boost our non·oiI expO" ~ and signifiClUlu)' Incmue the con· trlbution of the sectOr 10 GO P. "(U- WlP is 10 IncmIse dwe corlbhldoncidwenon-oleqnt to oor GI)fl to about :ill pcro!f1 \Oo;thlh !he nca dtree ~ Pan

le Feden.. ~l ' merullM<onduded planl 10 Inclease the oonlrlbudon o f '10n--oil export Itllhe COUll· ..ris Gross Domestfc Product (GO P) from the current 4.5 perceru to 20 jlelt:l."fIl Yoilhin

the nexI ~)'NB. OIuo;qun Ap.Il<9L m1nIs--

Ie" ulTrade' and Inw:stmem, SUIted lhisduriJ'8 a !nkchoId-

eR lneeQngvoithkll'exponers of non-on prOOlJClS In Abuja. TIle ob;Kth,. 0( Ihe meetIng ",,-as lD Identiiy proU&ems ~ against the e&aM.>

mel'll was ready 10 worit \'lith all exponm lOen.sore cranspar-

implementaoon of the EJ:port atddwldle\'o'3'jtn.'3l'db"its




oIlhe NIgerian e,;pon Promo. . tion Council (NEI"C); Manu·

1118 the itnplemenlatlon of Ihe nation 's eoonOlllk di\~ ­ lioll IOIdts ilnd projpIlUllC5 by ~ the aJllIJiJudon cI 11011-01 e:qnt 10 GOP. I-Ie said. ~e development o f the nori-oil export sedor Is one of the key lIftS of l"re:sidenl GoodI udc EbeIe lo n illha n ', transform ation ~a aimed at diren;lfying OuteconOnly. And to be abM! 10 .cI11eve this, It will IlOl be


(MAN}.NlgmarIAwxiationol Smaland Medun F:nIerprbes (NASM~ _ _ of Small Scale IndusuialiSlS (NASSI); exporterS In textile, agribusiness and processing. learner and tanllery sectors. IlI00I18 othen. However; Ag;:lnga said lhe lofutiuyolTrade and Imelt·

put in place a


I1.OS; 18.00 (SatlSun) 09:27. 15:OJ (Mon--~tISun) 12:15, 15;10 (Mou-FrilSatJ5g,) 08:10 (Moft-frilSatJ5g,) 10:08 (Mon-~IISun) 11 :25 (Mon-FrUSallSun) 11:25 (Hon.~IISun) 10:35 (Hon (Mon-frilSallSun) I ] :30 (Mon.~IISun) 15:)0 (Mon-fri&lISun) 12:15 (Mon-frilSatJ5g,) FIRSTNATION

erK)' and IKDllII1l3biIiry in the . . JJII)'tTlml 0( export incauM:I. ~Implemenl:_n In attendance _ dle meet- addlnt!; thaI the ministry ....115




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(Mon-FrilSaVSun) 01.20.09.-4S.11.2S.14.40. laoo~fn)

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