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The first farmer was the first man. and all histone nobllrty rests on possession and use of land. -l\oJph WoJdo Emerson


E-mail: Tel.: 0803 724 0411 BUSINESSDAY

WINW bu~me55dayonllne


BAHI sets up farmers

acquisition centre ... As Oyo ('armarks NI bn as agric loan REMI FEYMO. ~ldan


he Bri!kh American



BATh. hu WI up an 1,(lwhul" skill'

.cquiolti!ln (f'n r~ ",lIh Ihe a1mofll'llmtn« 1I'd ~uJppins nrw f.armert "';th nKetSllry sldllsIn IpkvlcuHI' 1ht oo;eca-•. ofd.e Cft1ln!. ~NPIJ10y0'-ta eiltomablr '.rmen 10 be ~ r employed .nd Iw ifM.fyrlln IafIC'"

comrnrraa.. far "Illng. ThlJ I. IS 'h.' 0)'0 Slalr II hu nlTTlAfled N 11.11 ~I\ Iltis)"t'iU IS (ommercl .. ' ngricultur.l lo.n schemr hI 'afmell to Iceen. 11 1'8' Norm'n, dem.nd ch :rll'1 gener.1 m.n'll'r, BArU ••• Id Ihe &etl1ns up Itf 1M acquisition ('e n"!! w.~ 10 Cllmplemenl ,o~r.rn ," rnl 11!11'.b


GO'lel'II",enl" crrons

In .!levl.HIII!: JlO\i I!rI,. by redu cl n! uneolploymenl through)ob a"I'on. Spealdns a l Ihe BATNI 8A.TIKybIAlr n n"my\ BATlAJ 2012 fumen- produr!l"hy awards c~nm"f'y In IJeyln, In which 128 rlrmrn werr ~ roftJdJ ouw.ndlni perrormance. Norman noted dUI IhI' a_piny was .upportlnl ~O\ ernmenfs Inlllilive on Isr*uhure In order In ~ pOlhlon Ihe RClOf rOI lnoe.led,evenue ~ft'ltlon. 10 him. ills our hope Ihll this plnnr"hlp will leep pll)'lng 11-, pan in lIimuJlllnlinll"rHI and rocourasiOSlpusntVl!:lldlOOe towards agrlcuhure Ind we will continul" 10 support thl" armers 10 pow and IUCX:ced In their ~n occu,,.,kJn. Norman. who described .tgrlcullure 1$ an hollOW'abie OCCU~lJOn. MId lhccompany orllnifed Ihe rumen' ploo uctivlry awud 10 a,uact more people Inlo farmlnllo boos! produclion "The partnership with fll men over Ihe yelrs: he po lnled out "has yielded commendable progress wilh 10bl'cCO volume increlllSlng from IUllle abM", 1.000 tons 10 aver 2.800 Ions ove-lhc ~5t yt:;tn, and farmer's sa~ \1lIue al.o IncrelllSed hom IboUI N224 million 10 N526 mWlon, wilhin 1lM! Slme period." This. Ihl" BATN genen" mlnlger Slid. enabled the farmen: 10 NlT1 more money lhrough lobaM::c:o cuttivaDon_ Thoml s Omoroye . held. Leaf BATIA . Hid Ihe fume" IWlld $Cherne wa. an Inltlilive directed II rewlrdinlloblcCO fumen for altainlng the Jet criteria by Ihe company lowlrds Improved volume dri~ and yield. 10 faciitlle a 5UftainabIe and productive mutually bcne6dal rdltOonshlp.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Teragro to produce 26,500 metric tons fruit concentrates annually HOHSO NOUM.\HYA equel 10 Its Ilrge population base. I n !!lIpanding mlddledass and I shift 10 enhanced dietary Intaies. ~ hu become Ihe slnsle mo I Importanl mar"el (or Julc~ Ind Juice COnalllnlesln sub-Saharan AIrlcL Teragro hIS ~lI1ergw In this I1ghll~ fir;1 ·o( Its-kind jukecollCelllraleprodUCIion racilil Y In Nigeria, with Inmlled capacity to produce orange, mango Ind olher fruit concentrales lit up 10 2.6.500 met ric Ions per annum. lidtl Adcdejl. CEO,


...As Nigeria spends $lbn on concenrrates yearly Teragro Umitcd. revealed In I press conference.. According 10 him. tht: factory Is capable of proceSlllng orange juice concenlrat~ and mango puree In I.uge commercia.l quanll1ict. ·We mUSI IndustrialiSt:. In line with our 2.0:2.02.0 dream. and the private .eclor has I key roie 10 play; staled President Goodluck Jonathan, durin! the commissioning or the Illant In Makurdl. thl" Benue Sllle callital The Idea Is 10 encou rage Ihe privale sector. soon all the

March 02 - 08 2012

slates of the federation will hive something 10 upon beyond local consumpLion. a«ordinglo the pre5ldenL He believed Ihl1 such lIIitiallY\!: should he e.xtended 10 all the 5Kl0rs. especially Ihe agrlbuslnelll beyond 011 "We hive resources Ind we should be able 10 gener-llte income to suppon OUI economy; he a~rled, 51alinS Ihal sovl"rnmenl will conlinue 10 encouJlIge private 5KlorlnltlauYH Ihll I"JlCOUllige the growth or Ihe economy Go\"mlOfGabridSuswrun ofBcmteSCale5ll1d: "We have

a 101 of oranges and mangoes h~, and this in boost to Ih~ naLion·, economy· "Nlaerll spends $1 billkln on juice coocrnlnll(".J annuilly. and Ihis planl hl.s Ihe capacity 10 fulfill Ihll demand.· slaled Tony Elumelu. chairman Transnalional CorpoT1ltion o f Nigeria pk (Transcotp). In an address. By not imponing. N'~ will COhllft"Ve foreign exchange and npon to West Ahlean countries, whll~ providing employment fot about 95 percenl of Ihe Indigenes or the Slale, Eluml"lu noted

NI ena Commodlt Index

Rural farmers' innovation appetite rises



,men ill lural cpmmullhlel are bet"omln& mOIl" allilfr.c alive or


....n_""" .., ... Inntr"tldons"1uch increase (heir 0'111'111, mOil timft by IS '''Btl Itt 100 percent. AcrorobI8IQ tot,.. ricf: fatmet1 In he, lbej!1-Ldjj J..ocaICoundi DeveJopment -\Jea (lCDA),

-"-......... -"""",,,

equipment ...... IS lheoutboaru

IJIIW, and so on provided II rales by the LagOl "I'le CommerdaJ AgriaIllure DeYelopmenl ProJect (CADI» office It subsidlsed files WI subskH~

Conlirluas on page 25

SotKoe Esoko Nigeria


-, thlnlour govemmenls will remam


vmuous for many umuries; as long as they are chiefly agricuhural.· · lhoma5 Jrfftrson

!-moil: .g@Ousinessdayon6n......


O8Ol 124 0471

BUSINESSDAY WWWbU5lnessdayonimecom

llglln Ihe Imporl.lnce of Is"cuhure 10 Ihe nilion'. Industnal Ilowlh clme to me rare \Ooilm !he I...aplI ~Ie Gownu &lbMmder.holaa the IIId "the r.-on., KnfIOIl\K pro'pmty dtpends on I scronc acnrunUl1ll t-e." WhIle Uflilll every Del' 01


Wednesday 14


it has been Ible 10 develop in 1,.lcullu.e through technololtCal Innovations mal many fanncn

~ IOIIMSJJl&I8'.'dy

mdu~ WlU thrive and the effetu on tht economy \00111 be

pronde incefln\-cs !hal would


mab brrnm&. III prot't:SIAOIl, Iitractive 10 Ihe )loulhl SpeWnc from lbe II.ICCeI.WI irnpIerntnlauoIt oi iMOVIDons In tuaown country, headrlsed Ihe inclusion of modern agricultuJallechn~OIIC1 in Ihe curricolum of Nigeriln IChooll in Ihe IJrimlry Ind lecond.,y Ichooll, 10 tht )'OUIIII!' ~Jtllalioo can bqpn 10 appuoate IgJlCIlllure II III


The Food and Agncutllual

ClrpnIsaDon (FAO)1Il I recmI "udy IllIG emphl1iJtd the Impon.lnce of IlIlIcuhure 10 Indull"ll de\lelopmenl



by the office of the director

,..,..... -n.o .... ~.,..,..... hu beal dewled from a sector deIcined 10 pr<n'ide resourceI to rOller lndUliuiaUsanon. 10 I CI\JNI.aor for increasins uport eamUlI'- senenuns employment Ind Impnmnl

negltlve e[(ecll on overlll economic p1IWIh of 0100111A vtry

arona case was made

for lovemmentl, Clpt:Clllly In developlnl cauntriu. 10 intenent: in agriCutnue \OoiWe "III IIvlnlmlllet forcel I chlnce tiuough the privale

""oc The

reporl 1IIIn • empirical evidence showed thai rrcu min tibtnI trade rtpnCi and a growtnC IS.lcohora' lector were mndUCM! 10 0Yen.II eoonomk: growth. It WlII demonscnled ,hi' expo" peulmlsm Wli llrstly unfounded. and lhat IK.lcuhulIl ploduction Ind exports did relpond 10 lncer.Itves(and disincawveI~"

CoI*Md from page 24 ~Ilq.-on have increased their GUlpot. 8m with every

IUfJPY 01 ~ IheIr desire to have nlOre InaeueL They c1llm thlt they Cln


ullli5e. Him, Iherdore u'Ked Ihe Nigerlln llovrrnlllf'nI 10 see through III Igrlcollurai trantfOimllioll pohon. and

d;.u1et.. ~ and 0Ihtrt.1hese

rdlerwed the fact thai 01 the .ecl0J hal had


he drew auenl-.JII to Ihe laa dw this ind IlIy ...... IlO( u SUiWnabIe ... -,",::ulture. lnduAty 'r..ICta.n belitve lhal lithe «WIll)' romlnues 10 drl\'e lit ,glhullural IrIPlformlt 0 I plolramme 10 ensuring 11.,.1\ .he seClor nOI only pruv .Iei lood but leeds Indui u lrs. II would bl"lllllhc do II d r.sulls. The FAD In it5 repeN t no ed further thai; beanie It. allPfOllch 10 apicUltural k.dupmenl In many develuptnl counuiu wu driven bf Ihe ILIJl:OC)' 10 Increatoe fDOC production I i I reMUl 01 grow.n~ po;Jtdlllon,1I Will narrow IS It lelUh. It Ih er,fllre Idv lsed countr1e:l 10 l..rht ykuhural developmen I ullI.tically for lhe P'OVlllt'" of rood and lupply of IIW Illueriall 10 Indolulu I II brlnl Ihe much deli . ed economic devdopmenl

InUt: forrn.t educlliion can illlI

"If we can produce abundandy. the JaW naleriall 10 feH OUI !ndllllllel luth IS tmiles.



Strengthening agriculture to drive industrial development

IrI dUll ley I«lOl; FuhoIa Aid,



""' ....

lie, however. Cl\ulioned NICerl1 on In over dependence on 011 even IJ

It IlO!Ci thiU evaa ~t fumen In developlnl counrrieIltipOOd lOeconomk:

lncenli\lel, If Ihe relOurcel are iUocateG dftdendy under cxlilinltechnolollel, and

.... """ ................... """"""'"'

"'" """

ue noc too "....... ri51:y. M a raW!., II was advised th,u polidCi should primarily mdeall'Oul 10 tnbance the opporrunitiel; for mis J1IOOnaI behmour 01 rlImCf1 to mlnffest, 10 IS to lead 10 lncRucd production and bn~ IKOducbvity. IInel II one nil ion Nlle.11 can leun from In lenni 01 deployina resources for ,,"culluJ1lI Innovations. AccordlnllO M05he Rim. durin, I leclUre o"lnlled

by Ctnlre for Inu~mllio" ' EducaOOn, Univer5lry 01 r the7 mWion tsr.tistiw'l' counuy depend on IOOuI h •• OOOollhtm who are wmen.

lie poUlled 001 dlal dlls was pcw.ible beaUie of Ihe $l.llI. IlId Itdudociat know·how 0( Iheie farmen.. Nying "_ ue lbIe 10 IUppIy Ihe necdti

quanliry 01 01

food fOf' Ihe consumption

other peop&eOUbide IsneL Our ..,tcuhun: Is I\lOl JeUOOIl. we have mlde It IItnICtiYe 10 me )'OUch. modemile It Ind make II I proreHlon for would be

o;;~ii~;·;';............... ;n ~ and ciw ~

II Ihould be nOled Ihl! IIntl " .hulled mllnly on eben lind buc In .pte 01 this,


m 8Ch!eYe IftrYaIed IftJduce tn AgncuII&n


UWIg hi powIfI"

of nlOdoot

IIIghlighlS 01 exhibition a nd lour: 2daJ'11)111lD1111J

run __

Rural farmers' innovation appetite rises prodoc:e more If!hey haYe more Inncwaove inpJu/eqwpments II their cBtposaI;. UnIib fumcn In the atitl and oulSkku. land Is no! a limiting facux In Ihrir


wID ow popubdon IOd MlU export IUbslantW

CD! P'~ on pilllaiUa~ k,JO!rdart -141 COlI U'tOI't ~

"-. .~,' . '-


~- .-, '-:Jr




Nftpialk ~ 1l,tqE, ltd _


~,...,.... SoIlwa ItId hIJdwIft ~ . . . WI linn ...


~1nCI hn 1IIIIIId . . .


IJ!!!~D"'l*hculllle 1·'fWI~""'ofl{5 .PeiJlimilloes)"lid rudIng 50:1 IOIl$I*I1Iaiwe -

-AlnJaiml.)'IIIkI,*c:ow~ 12.tollihs

-25%of sewage wal.n.cycled and ,oused inAgoculw,.

I rtfj\JIliH! 4 Distribulors, Admm istrators, researchers, waler in mid·2OI and Dder of IOI1lC lechnologists, Praclls'"!l & AS(>nng Fa"""", R.II' .... )'CUb f.mrn In be~ IIld recendy "We need a I :~::~:::~=~ Cooperatives Sooelies, Universities etc 101 01 udstance In lrulOYAlive II _ Gel a royallreal to Isra el ...... tedmoIogy and nwi.ain&- To


~SakI ~ I ria! firmer


triance nwlo:culCo welOWld be


~cllherioewe ptd.n

nt otte newlrMr*n.·

Oillunil Iji$ClUl, the lya (Mota. lie Local Rice In leUI UDA laid -We Ire ready to rxpIon:~metnllO~

our productivlIY because we

""'" "...• a.: --Register ><'haperwa __ U."tetl loddY tipact.S a'~ lable ...""" ...


~ I It ,~ . 8g 5 a Ion., clo:slng

.,,, - - "J -- ~~~;J~;;r:=~.:"~-~-"~'--~~~~

I..,............. """'" ::


have e:qM'rlenced the beneflUi oIlDinc Innovative equipnml such as die oolt-ni engines

House , Sokon _1, Owu InYesinenI _

and chain A\W made avaIlabAe


IDUibythegJMllVlCl1l ttvuugh CAJ)p We know !hefe II iliIIlD

nu:tt ilVlfMIdon ...'aIIabIe.oo _wooIdn.dlyM:C:qll.uythal lIriII impnM!he won: we do."


so*Y .. 31" March J.



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