20 OMP Monday 21 May 201
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Diageo to commit $3.5million into agriculture development in Africa AlEXANDER r HI(IIIJA
to d~lop and knplemetlt sca.lablebarleyfimningprojSebela. Ethiopia and a ..calable sorghum value chain project in Magaru, Tanzania. The projects, ",hen fultyreaUsed, will rq>-r~senl a lotal of Sl.5M of iJWtsmlem and will begin lObe Implemented In 2012. Thlsnew invesonefll was 8111l0Wlced 81 the Sympo~lIm on Global AgrirultUJe find Food Security hosled by 1l1e Olkago CotmdJ on ed In
IagIq oneoflhe world's lead in!! premium drinks com pallY recently a.rtIlOI.Inadthat thassigned lenenofimembl{nsCes-pannerships and Jlr0jeas dial will aid in Lle Jgricullural ~I of:thiopiaand Thnzanla. Dia~eo j. al l 0 expected
Global Affairs. In coUabon-
tion wflh the \\rarld Eco-
nomic Forum. On the eve of thls wftOkf'nd's GB SWlUniL Ihis high-level symposium brlngswgetherUSPresidefl[ BnmdcObnma. \\oith GS and African leader.;, husi~ Intemadonal organisations and dvil society 10 dlsaw new acti"ities IfI advance global agricultur.:!l development.andloodandnunidon RCUrityinAfrica Paul Walsh. CEO Diageo
and signatory or the letters or inl('nl revealed that the complex global d1allenSe5 currently been elpCrienced from cUmate chnnge to resource scarcity will require even greater cooperation lind collaboration of the public seaor. private sector and dYlI!lOdery. According to Walsh -At Dlageo we know that 10 achieve our bustness alros Wf!haveloensa~ourStake-. holders across the whole
value dUlin 10 acme SlJOog
soda-economic developmen! prognunmes. II is my firm belief thai the most genuinely strntegic and rorward looking businesses treat susulinabllity as a core component of business deUw:ry: lnAfrica.DiagcocunenlIy sources about 50 perrent ollIS raw materials locally. and alfll' 10 Increase the sowdngorJocaJrawmateriIlls loi1l pen:el1l. which !san
inacaseofmorethan30percent from II 2J.XT1 baseline. The new prpjecI5 in Eth iopia and 1'am:.ania is
expeaed to provide Oiageo withaIOllg-1enn.~and
sustainable source of raw materials, which reduces exposure to increasingly unprediclable changes in availnbility of miuerial, and potentially volatile global oommodity m<Uiret5.
Nigeria PE nsion Ex[elien[l' Awards postpone j to June 2012
e first edition of ExcdIroce Awanis has beer\ pi' s iponed to " new' liale thai wlU be anNi~ ~wion
IX)UlliCIld'W!IVso IfL
The award
,.,fum Is pUI
1Of;ed'U by I'.fiit a Brand DevelopmenLSodetyiocol1aboration wilb I:ISB.!: GkJbaI is de-
siWJed 10 pmmo:e ea:eDeno!
aOOIOaUJlIriI8fJAiLliliu:IEiS In die pt'IL'lioo indusuy lO put In theirbestin iii ~the &eCb)(.ad.eD'letimell'lle In a~~elfoOlminnel1l among pBCtiti' mer5 in the petBm tndusa] in Nigeria.
Meanwhile organisers hriYe said. ",iilll' tbey b(8I11' stoon OIl an~"tlpIiau! dare.
dle ewn. wbich b scheduled to cake place in l..ago&. wuukI now mXe pbce in June can aUlhoritatiYdy ::onfum that ihr:Awarddirmfl-wIInDW1i!kr place:io June. The award vill start by 4pm. Pannec:.JnidaIIy and Ilbaiml:d lUueIe':Jtaiioge:a:d· 05 _ ",_ .. lenoe_ among PI'::nsion Fund
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award dinner will be aueoded by' tt1P~· ment functiooruies and a ll repwable I!f'~ and_ eFC& In Nlgeda.SegemI U!bour lead· ers In"dlfl"m!ru I>eClI:n ollbe Nlgedan economy wru also
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