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17 Business Event


World Bank boosts African Agriculture with $1.3b n raponse to 11", iiIinS lood prk:el worldwide, !.he World Bank dIsbuBed $ l.3 mDlkm dollars to atppOrt 1IgricuIrural propammslll Africa In lOll, I ~ reI'!Med I'


Abb. p~ 1.3 b Uilon dol.lara In lOll, the ItltemenI MId. -n,e bank'i work 11 clolely aJJaned with the a>..._ AIrlan ..... rkuhure deYdor,mesu proanmme, In A rica -owed and Africa led lnitildYe, for Inaeulnl'productlvhy In

USA .........

The repo" further dlldMed thai the World 81nk


Inle.ntlonaJ Mone.wry fund (lMF) In Wuhfnstnn D,C-.

Ibe riIins food prien wor ~ Ide, the bank «lied up Itf developme.m financil", lor Agriculture prop1lntlDl' KroN ~1~1ftPOI* II)


U P hsdfor1lltcomIUV/AIDS and malaria

Si in

1n2OIt Accordlnl 10 the lIatemen!. the 8ank committed

about $2 btnJon to the fight .plml HlV/AlDS while II abo financed hid Ilnanced the pnMsIon 0173.1 miWon moIqulto nell throush tbe M.Ilaril8oolter JI"ropmme. 10 dlle, the blnk hu commit&ed 77U rnlDkm dollars to Z2 pro;ecu 8CfOA 20 countries In lub-Saharan A&ica,. the statrmml rHda. ~The boolle.r prop mme bDCDC'Itribut&d IO~

J"tIIVft' in BenIn, the Democflltlc Republic or Congo, EthIopI' N _ and Zam· bl.:


Etisalat sees strong GOP contribution from wireless broadband BEN UIOil III

ofDcrr of EdIaIat. by Ibmtim Dillo, director, rf!8Ulatory afJainI of the company It the NO:: StakehoIden' Forum _

}ected that wln!;~ broadband wmcu lei alOlTbute up to 122. pmBIl (NIiIS.! Idon) 10 NJ&eria'. Gross [IOmestk: Product (GOP) byJear 2015 1l the rflbt policies come In

pan of the c:ompany'llnput to the Cornrn'-Ion'I IM)'Nt 3)13-2017 StnIeP= ManI8e-

-, . . . . pg ---


ThiI was conlabed In I pn!ImUldon IJlIIde l10 IJehaIf oISt~&ant,d1idl"Jll!Clltlye



L-R F"'AMd.e.-~ .... ...,...,ow- Ngwia.;'"'-'tI~, Wd .... chcb, Guntn. NIgIaN end Edmond CbIrof, ~ -.:D, EDOINHO Ng Ltd . AtqI. III'" eDI ••• _ .... ut ... ~ Nigeria 'WcIIw ut u.' Ptqed inlcrcwM ~...,... SlaiIc

who Idrndfied spectrum for 4G. pDWft .... ppI)',

....e...IDti.~and backbone lnfrulructtue as the mljor fn(IUfa!S aitk:al to Iddreuing the avallabUhyof_upood ....

GTB asset management upgrades its online access facili ties o Allet Mln Igemellt IJmlled GTBAM) l.aid in I


IftfWft would e.n-

She added that GTBAM

""'..",....._ ........ G.......... ........ "'.-.. ...... """""""..-...

,......,.., ed

III onlinr IUns reatwel which wOI provide aJwomm 'h~ nKeUlliry orm 10 makepil)'miml,.Ini·ntWttch en.~ ArM to l'nSU~ thai QIIIOmftSdIo!rMeptl'!" . . . .

IIction from lIIirC ItsraclJldes. A IIllement Ilaned by !he Group I ftd oIT"U'lI and ~ SerrioeI, JIImboU

fJoIabI·""", _ " " ....




o.u.rommJuedlo~ III amo~ ~mlum Ift-

to chedt a.Dnft" ItalftnenI. CMh MXlOWl1 baiaoceI. obWn CSCS report Ind ponfolio holdlnp as _U u UJe the 1nt~lch platform 10 rnakr payment online using ATM cards (Maste...cant. Verve It

.tee. founded on 1nno\'300n





SM abo stated thaI with the IatN innDvaIion. GTBAM II )XlIIdoned to ftIIlIft! that ks a..tofnen enjoy ontine tran5-

She urged customers 10

kls on and ~ GTlJ,MI onIlM

and ATM IKibtiellOl'nJoy d-.e opportunities of conducting their buslnHS tnlnsaclionl al Iebure.(Cullomen lojtin ~ w\I be via email and ~ with further ~ an cm&att GTBAM OIl Ib hdpIines).


Lovonus Microfinance Bank woos small businesses ""a..-xnm' amunlS.lllete

II .. irnrnIldiMealenJ)'SlOOlIO




CftdIlpnxb:;tl. ~"'Io~ _ . rUche ... IIDIII tnde.-.d ~and to ~


WI extmt Invtte c:us.~


ordm (LPO'I) to knoc*. ow 'lhe fUIW on S)'5lrD1tand~dwftl!lUl"e m.~~nerkwws(b prmll5ft and bet~


..... he or .he w-. bebe the


L-R \t1c:a EcMgbe ~ chcDICeO. LTC.Nff~. Chris..., &lit cr.-. ~ oIIcIf Nff AIcica, . . AfoIIbi, . . . . , . lhdor. BuIiness DIwIopnenI LTC ~ ctwtu Abn.twn, group ~ lhc:iOr ~ n-- & CoIMgc.s dIIcw*'II dumg IJQn SeIt. vaIiI .., u.,.c. -.tty


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