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DAILY SUN Thursday, November 8, 2012

BUSINESS NEWS NIMASA donates N21 mrelief materials

to Anambra lommunities By fOISItR 001

Nigerians in diaspora contribute $1 Obn annually to economy CIM. avallabk ra:c:wtb &om the (attn.! EUnk of NLJCOa (CON), Cbtcf Monc MId Ihb UlJOUIU Incllllk tn\CilInollS trom Nigenam: IIVUII wlhe llndcd SbId uf Amma, Ewupe. Asa and In IIIDlI: J*b ul fo,fucan conu

AnJcks, Cahforma to. the the developmental pmccss of Untted Swcs bccwcca Ihr: counvy." Mozx Il*d November 29 and December " We an: tI)'Jl1C 10 mop ~ 1. 20 12., be saaJ _ _ abouI IUfIIJOf1 for ~ In the natJOO<IIICCWllY. fRc and r.ur dwpora 10 come home: Ifld ~ expkJnna


In\$ In the pDWCf tcaIX CWTaIlly IIIIdcrJuaII Rforu:a. by the: Fcch.aI aovemmatt. btu the tt.UIl orlbe ddiber· mVCil In kkcoms and 1&J1tulnnllCC1ln... While spalJOj on the ~w!'r;lgttWb hvtn. In the conft'fC:ACC of Ile.oJcd thaI.. ~ ANNID bol.hn, In Ub dwp.n ha\"C: bcaa part uf fonan ¥olll be acaecd Ib1na lhe t,;UfIfaou ..here IO\l~OD \!\-ill be able ..,


menl opportUlU!les UI hI.........1 " , udxn will


Medview Airlines begins domestic operations today """""'Onhne booUna u.o

arloJn: areas ul


c:aa rn..&.e


Accordma kJ Mr MOZIe. Ua.II.cd SWtI President. Jimmy Caner. fOf· IJICI ArnbasIad&w of lbe Unrled SUlCI 10 N,gc:na. ~ Saodt:n.. DlrectorGc:nenl of I'oialkXl&l 0nenw1Ol1 A&frtI:Y. amona others bI~ been pc:nallo.l &,r.-o 10 tpeak ac the l.'OOfa-

....... LabIe, "''e'n:: ad 10 lullhe


So, come Thun..by N.n<cmbcr 20 12 by pat'CufGud., we'D oon_,w:ncc ow a:hcdubJ dmlC:ib,; JoI.'O'~


Inlm::l;llhcy 11I\'estmoIb 111


ICC. y,'C'Uw~Abup""

~Pun HarIxJw1 IJ.I&hI • ab.u !he s-ne tmIt. ~ln faa. you an . . fares as kw. • NI6.WI One Ihq CUiIOnlCl'J m NIF"" po

=On the 201~ amcnI dec-

a:aUy aa t.lk un II Jak. c:omkln.obIc Jnd rdYbIc .:rrIDe: We' n: ShC:bw I&nlo&iy on ow~ -.:IxwIc: o.y. ui fbgh ddIy. In! oYa'"'. be:

Mr MOLle SI.Jd ANNID ""II be KlI\dy myolv-ed In the ongDLnI tun-




by the:

Nacronal Aac:mbIy so that





",UtJ .."111 be abk 10


and otba-


N l¥tnanI aU

BanLok: added IiDI ocbcr lile ~ KIno ~ will 0Dme 011 Jtrr:an In ttOIIh:I


Group calls for implementation of Ribadu's commiHee report

Raumplus debuts in Nigeria rrunds bci::on¥ rcahty tbrouP

"" """"' .......

lie ..., 5Ud Ihe ~ bas made a pcrfca chotcr III k:rmI o(1oaoon oftbt .....room 10 mabie CUstomeR

ba\C •

bcacI' apc:ncncc::


thelt tnlc:nllctKNl ..... uh the


AdcyaoJU aJJcd tbaa ~Raumphas .. ~ 10 dellvcr work! tba ICfVK:C:I III ....~ Jaf1J~ ck»d ~ -t ocher mtc:nor ~p JCfVICCS USIlll tbt same cechnolosY UKd ID lkvdopcdCllMlUlCL Wcl!.\'C

pa dus In pI-=c III order 1M ow NItC'=NIl c:ustoma'I !be ackw~ acn-a: they


Fran FlED fIlIA. ~

Spcalrnc 10 ncwsmc:D .. AbuJ&, the NatroaaJ of the body, Comrade Momob Pnnce saed. "Ir Pn.srJcnt GcxxIud. Jaaad:Im rdUa 10 unpbnmt rhe nx:urmrcnbbOOI of ~ Nubu ~ C~


........ -



we IInll Sknn the NNPC bmd-

O,lrnrll.na: 10 III

IiIrty bowu • !bib np; .. the COUID)'T' the pwp Mcd T'IM: ~ advucd Ihe Pra.dm; to


mort OQ

dcabng ... enal'llell ",ltIun ... c:aba:c ndI« IbID t»:q dx:~""101&Me detalbUli the drvcnioaary

(IOVUDDIS. rno~ as

"Rccmlly, Mt ~ mformcd NiFr- and the .. bole wor1d • '-F .. bes 1lrc: ptq)~the~ 1oIllI-<.OIllIpbOn c:ruude II MII-axTUpUOn VfV of "'"Uchma JOVCfDOf'J of the IWeS ..iudJ II • wdcome IAnWOIl, - . . brm IOND. de. L 2 bailor .... !he 0IlllBF hi ~ !he "Out It. II dr~ If - . s "When ""ouId Mr Mr ~ doeIa.', muIIde PR:wdcnt IlIImlDD 00WJriF 10 coougb 00WJriF 10 un. dE b'!fh I<vd and """"""1UdI:s." ... k:np or .rnnnpk) mml, MIDWtn





!!CIa!U)' lad t.d nlMk fIOI»=

c.mno. ..............

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