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200 Borno youths for trainning at Shonghal Farms ;;'~~~l.~

the ~lityor~_ iIS 0fficials to a11hc ~e:n in ,!!ipP"'rt of (aDDing by c:onsiscmlly IIdvocatina for it and

impIemcolin& policies and progmnmes that will ~ qricuJttn. "He .... ~ ItJII: aU the dtffercnz kinds of food CIIIClI by vMin& team, including nee. fISh. chicken, eggs. )'1m tubcn.. mi&.. vegetable oil, sugar mel other items like bathing soap wen: cultivated, produced.

pruc:essed .net pKbged in Sanghai farms Wlth nochlng brought in Dum 0Ubide. The farms isKlr...mdmt and henr;:ehisfbin: li:.I partDmhip ~un the slale BOYUnmeS'lt and the rums with the .nn of achieving rood

.security in the ItBIe 15 \\'dI1:5 cra.ling wealth for indivickalI and govcmmcnl .~ ddegarian comprised the Secmary 10 the Saale G:noanment (SSG). Oucf of SraJf and rommisIionen whose minisIries ~ relfi-

,..... ...

cd 10 qricu.lhR and water ~ amongst

odas. The J'OYO'M'C'II visited the fann, even production of milk product&. ~ milli:na and after VlSiq otbcn in Thaiiand and Egypt 10 otber speciati:l:ed aspects of ~ availas 10 expkR dilflnnt opticus and areas of able in the fllfTnl. ~ 10 combine Akican. Asian and The goVttnOl", spokesman, Isah Umar Afiica in 8Ction. ~ tcchnoJogy 10 suile divenc farming Gusau, said Shdtima also disclo8cd !he g0v- farms hat mffirmed my boss' belief m agri- indMduals and JlUIlIOSI:5... ernment's plans to cablish • 20,000 hcdara culture as the centnII point of his .tministnl-


Gov Ahmed's wife donates to widows addiq that the (tnt family bas shown thai indeed. their family is ordained by God to lead K"'"af1l and thai God will truly contin-

From lAYl OlANREWAJU. 1torin


wife or 1M Kwan State Governor, Mrs C>molewa Ahmed, bas extended I hand of fellowsJup 10 the Help from Above MtMtry, • widowhood auistance noort-gO\"~meotal organization (NGO). Ahmed durin i her InUprisc visit to tM meetm.!l of the orpn.iution consoled wjd.. OWl and chalJC~ them to remain tbc pride of wOlIYllbood and DOt be their intqrity bec.ausc of the IO!IS of thor breadwinners. She said ttnt though this situalion of life is not desintllle, when il happens. focus on God must DOl change beaUK lie alone can rcnain an eY(.r present comparuoo. She was represcnl<!d by Deaconess Batisen Mary. Sbe Ilid in all situations, God must take the .!IkJry, thcrefOl'l' utKed widows 10 take good care of their children 10 thai the blessed 1M five-year marriage with are ~ of therr late bust.ndr would be now gJ1Iduates with fim class qualiftcaraJizm lions, which r.:'lves thai God knows. underMary cI.iJcII»~ thai she: loll her hust.d stands and WIll always provide for widows. JUS! five Y9t'1 into her manilJC but ever In her remasb. the founder orlM organsince her" encounter with this bitter pills of iulion, EYangelisl Eliubeth Bosede life, she ~_oot been len aJone by God. Arowosafe, said though she $W1ed !be She added the tbr= dJiklren thai God


ue to support those who caJ'C for the less pnvileged in the society. Mn Ahmed presented !be organizalKHI "nth food iletDS. provisions and other maten.ls for distribution to widows, Bltisen said !he sesbJre of Ahmed was to ensure thai !he widows have. share of governmenlS feel for them and their families and for lhem 10 Jmow thai God bas not forxotlen them in the predicament. One of the widows. Dc.coneu Bola Kehinde. said: "I am nol swprued aboul !he first Iady's geslure, when you see pe0ple that are sent by God. 10 deliver I pe0ple; you will easily see God's bands upon their activities. IS Ion:hinglivcs. Though I have never met her, testimonies about ~ are good. A11 her programmes show she away, must have pnyed for this opportunity to are for people like her. deliyer the poor and her vision and prayer She thanked the governor·s wife for her was crowned by God bec:ause il is acc0rdcootioucd show ofloYe for lhe,!load people ing to Hill will. God will conltnue to of the state. Arowosafe prayed for the sue- 5trengthcn her goyernment and that of her CCII of Governor Ahmed Abdulf.tah, hwbond.-

Cordial Muslim- Christian ties, vital to peace -Y"kowa From NNlSATBEllO, Kadvno

G~ and


Patrick T1nhim YakOWI of State has called on Mwllinu hristians to establish I eocd.W .., a way of eosuring peaceful cot only in the stale but the

co-ub couutry at 1",-1:. He stated th.s al the 36th Ansaf-ud--Decn




anjyersary/l nttil award 10 Kaduna on SundAy_ Rerresenled by his Special

Adviser ~ Reli&ionJ AfT.lrs (IslamiC Mallen), 1\oi.tllam H.liru Danmalllya. Ya1-.~.. Ofiln~ that mutual ndalionshlp among NipalU regardless of their ~Ii­ gKJUS would go a long way in tddreMlDR IhI: 'turon RCU'l1! challmm


in the country. He said at a time like this, Muslimf in the country must strive 10 liye up 10 the tCllChiogs of the Qur' IJl that obli~ them to ensure they liye in mutual relationship and kJye between them and their coonlerpar15 in other ~Iis.ions: "I believe thai the founders of ADsar-ooDeen did .11 that in accordJnce with the examples laid down by Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is on It!COrd Ihal the PTOphet in his lifetime ICalmmOdaled the non-Muslims without any dtsparity." He, ho~vcr, promised to panocr With the Ansar-ud·[)een Society in li vi ng up to the expetlltiolU of bemS their brothe",' keepen, adding thai, despite being a Chri5ttan, be is the governor of all ciliztnS

and teS!dcnts of Kaduna Slale. Fonner Kaduna Stale governor, Senator Ahmad Makufi. who was the clIainnan al the

reliance on government for everything IS what makes the youth to SO angry." In his welcome addR:u. the chainnan of

OCC:ISion. Ufged III 10 eschew blu~ and embrace peace as contained ID Ihe HolyQwan. National MisslODCr of Ansat-ud-Dem, Sheikh Abduhahman 0 Ahmad. who Wll.!l the JUesl speaker, said youths should not expect government 10 solye all their problems, bul sbould rely on Allah (SWA) and engage themselves in meaningful and kgllimate work thai would cam them I liYina; -self relill/lCC IS Whal Islam teaches Wi, and we muslall work hard 10 Sland by thaI. Even when we depend on God to help Wi, "'e should try 10 help oW$CIYU. Over

Ihe Ansar-ud-Deen Youlh5 Associalion (AnYA), Sheriff Olutwlin. said the award WI.! designed ~to remind ourselves of our rolC!l in the sodety 15 youlhs and 10 hooour Muslims who have distinJUisbed themselves through vanous conm'butlorut to the development oflslam and 5IXiety in gener-



Seven persons, including Ihe SeOlor Spectal Assistant to VICe Prestdent Nunadi Sambo. 011 Medii aod Publicity, Umar San! and Imam Adeyemi Fuad. Director. AIlI.bibiyyah Academy. AbuJa. were bon-


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