I 22 Business
Friday, April 6. 2012
WB presidency: Sanusi c·anvasses for Okonjo-Iweala frombyolie Elcundayo, ~
GOVERNOR of Centnl Bank of N"Jgl"ria Sanusi 4mido Sanusi has .said thai Minis-tt:r of Finance and Coordinating MinislcJ of Ec:ooomy. Dr:. Ngazi Okoojo-Tweala. i5 the best andidate for the World Bank PRsidc:oL He $lid this late Wednesday in l..agoI at a send offparty for the International Fmanc:e Corporation (IFC)'s Va President, SubSahar.m Africa. Latin America and Caribbean and western Europe. Mr. Thierry
He said:. -BdOre I $aid It, The &onomut hassaid it, 77~Finandalrrmeshassaid il and I don' think there isanybody that doubts that
Ngoziisacandida!etobcatlhere. We~Wk iog about somebody who is competing nol
beowsesheisa Nigerian. black or a woman, but bcauseofher curriculum virae. hereducabon and her e:q>mence. illCft' is limply no canclidale out there 00 merit thai can com~ with her. So, we do hope as they ha~ said that it v.uuld be: a merit-baled contesL We- do hope thai the Americans and Europems would practice what they pn"aCh to us and actually alI0Y0' merit to reign." Sanusi commended the IFC for sta.nding with Nigeria during the banking crisis. He said: "When you ruwc a banking cisis, your biggest problem u not how 10 raise liqUidity, not how to nise capital, but to
make.sure that confidena d~ not disappear because ona there is no confidm<:e. nothing will work.
-"len. when we needed credible instilulions thaI would come up and say what we dKl was right and:u that time. the IFC ",-as one or the Jim that came 10 mm us, and issued II public: stat.emenl in support of the actions lha! we had ukt:n and dfeaMIy Aid what we dKI v.-as wbal cmtr.aI banks every-
not happen without the basic inftaS1tUaurc.
...... nd these 1m the: kind of Ihlngs thai the IFC is (ocused on. We ha\'e triM 10 use the CBN balance sheet 10 suppon pGWl'f. agricul. luteand MlITlCbody has hem trying todw me up to go inlO real esute, but I won't go thcn.~
He said the lFC had worked JikC' a dI:Ydop-
menJ bank with an ~on ~s.. "So. and I think what it shOll>'S and
-And thal v.-as aD we oeeded. 11w was one moment thai asan iostitution,asacnunlJ')". v.<e rt'ffiJlnM gralduilO the IFC.He caDed for introduction of structural adjustment poIicyoo manufDCtunng. agriculfW'r: and agro-businc:ss and pov."CI'"_ ~ banb in Nigeria will not growin the mg-tcrm until we haw the: struaural adjustment into mmufxturing. inlllagricu1rure and
thai is one of the fCISOIlS I ~ Ngozi Is the bo! pnsidmt ror the World Bank. that you can do development in a manner thai is consisttru with economics. nw is, you can mm good IllOIlC')'whilecootribullnglogrowthanddevdopmml," the goyanor said.
wea11h and aDC\iate poYCft)'.
_ l:ksaid investrnml. m powtt would emile
Institute trains 609 youths on skills acquisition in Jos from Mahmud Lalo, JO$
THE Institute or Govemana and Social Research (IGSR) yesterday said thai it has 50 far trained 609 youths on different sItiIls acqUISition 1fl Pi;ucau Stale. SpcaIdngal a training workshop organiud by tM IGSR In collaboration with the United KIngdom Department of Internallonal Deveiopmenl (DFID), Ihe Coordinator, Peace In Jos Projtd. Mr. Ceiesline Unlu said the youth were trained In VOOI lional sIdIls such as barbing. hair dressing. GSM rep;ursand caterIng ;unong othcn..
- From base liJli! $Urvq' conuuaed by the inStilute, it was :l bsen~
that about 70 perr''111 or young people in Jos a~ LIther unemployed or under employed. Ukatu said. He said unemployment and undc.r-employment have made the youth NreadUy available for recruitmenl into armies of destruction during conOle,,saymg. -the youth sdf-ernployment training is included in this proJCCt to reduce tlus burden of unanploymenL AGCOrding to tum, the skUll acquisition objectives were to de\~op skills of partJd~1S in their vocations or dlOice and management of small busin6SCS, provide modest working capllalto nart busmess as wdl as; encounge inlenction among partlC1~lS. among others. W
Interbank rates fall on matured treasury bill NIGERIA'S inlcrbank lending rates fdI duswcck toan ~ of 14...4.1 pen:mt. ckrwn from 1533 pen:mt last week. as matUTed treasury biD funds boosted liquidityand hdped ease ~on the C05l ofborrowing. traden: said.
T"""" ..xl though "" marl«< """'" with a negaliw: baI:lflO1!ofNt2.60 billion )'CSIerdaybut
the repayment of about N98 blIHon in matUTed open market operation (OMO) bUls 1Jooged UquklitJo Rates 00 short-term borrov.ing on the intttbank had. riSen 10 around J5.5 pacent for
~ighl III the do6e of mackt:t on Wednesday lxauseoflargefundwithdrawalsbySlale-owned energy company NNPC. -rbe injection of about 98 billion na.in! inlO the system from malUrM OMObilh brought down cost of bomw.ing among banks coday; one dC'ahsaid. NNPC usually sclls dollars 10 banks on a monthly basis and noca.lls a pornon of the !lain! prooeeds to its account with the centr.tl bank. The SC'CUred Open Buy Bad fell to 14.25
from 14_75 ~tlas! week. 225 basis
3,000 to m ato f a rm e rs re gi st er in Ad a m aw a NO fewer than 3.000 tonuto farmer5in Yob h3\"C I"C'gisknd in the ongoing Federo Gov-
farmers had already Rlbrnincd their registra-
ge:slure, adding thoil it would enable them
access 10 fertUistts and othe:.- Inputs.
C'rtlI1lCI1I &nner data baseexm:ise.according to the: tomato f.trmm' leader.
" TheAd:unaw:aStateAgricuhuralDcYdopmenl Programme (ADP) distributed the fomls to the farmers to enable us benefit from the programme; Danwazam said. He
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) repons that tI~ exm:ise "'-as initiatC'd by the 1Ukr.U Minislry of Agricultute and Kuml
Malam Adamu DanWiWlm. lhecbairman ofthc Amalgamated PmshabIC'-Food Crop ProdUGer5 ~ion said yotcrday that dK
commended thr: r-cdcral Govanment for the
Developmenl to rq:i.slt'f farmers as wdl as IQ fadlilate access to inputs and supportstrVices.
pomtsaboYe the centnJ bankS.J2 pen:mt benchmark rate, and 425 percentage poU1l$ above the
SUndmg o.poo. """"r ""Overnight placement and call money ased
10 J4.SO percent each £rom 15..50 percml J5.75
pm:enl ~ivcly last week. !he flW'i«ot will &till open at this level no:t \\'edt until weSlan funding romgn exchange purchases. treaSury bills auction and other uansac· tion. which would drnin bquidily in the l}'5Iem and push up rate laterin theweck: anocherdealer
Meanwhile. farmers ID Vola who dnl in perishable produce, h.1ve called for modem pre5C':TVation technologies 10 reduce wast -
lsa Munkaila, a tomalo dealer, said the Gill was impen1llYe to boost tM nation~ food S<CUri<y. (NAN)